2,606 research outputs found

    La "main invisible" dans les langues et la confection de dictionnaires locaux

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    Loin d'ĂȘtre leurs intentions, il nous semble que c'est comme mus par une main invisible, semblable Ă  celle qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e en Ă©conomie par Adam Smith, que les locuteurs, dans la recherche de la performance individuelle, soient conduits Ă  contribuer Ă  l'enrichissement de leurs langues sans que cela soit leur intention. Pour Adam Smith, c'est en recherchant l'enrichissement personnel que les individus enrichissent aussi la nation. Pour lui, c'est une main invisible qui les conduit Ă  atteindre un objectif qui n'Ă©tait pas dans leurs intentions, d'autant plus que c'est dans ce cas qu'ils sont bien plus rentables Ă  la sociĂ©tĂ© que s'ils avaient l'intention d'y contribuer. C'est fort des ces similaritĂ©s entre les faits de la main invisible en Ă©conomie, et ce qui semble ĂȘtre les manifestations des mĂȘmes faits dans les langues, que nous tentons d'y suggĂ©rer l'Ă©nonciation de la mĂȘme thĂ©orie. Utiliser une thĂ©orie Ă©conomique pour expliquer certains faits de langues n'est pas nouvelle. Le sociolinguiste français Louis-Jean Calvet a trouvĂ© une similaritĂ© entre la loi du marchĂ©, qui dĂ©termine la valeur d'Ă©change d'une monnaie, et les valeurs respectives des diffĂ©rentes langues du monde qui sont soumises Ă  leur degrĂ© de diffusion. En nous appuyant sur la thĂ©orie de la main invisible en Ă©conomie, nous discuterons d'abord de l'Ă©nonciation de cette mĂȘme thĂ©orie dans les langues, avant d'examiner ses implications dans la confection de dictionnaires au Gabon. Pour mener Ă  bien ce travail, nous nous rĂ©fĂ©rons exceptionnellement au dialecte fang ntoumou de Bitam, pour ce qui est naturellement applicable aux autres langues du Gabon.Mots clĂ©s: Dictionnaires, experts, langues, lexicographie, locuteurs, main invisibleThe "Invisible Hand" in Languages and the Compilation of Local DictionariesAlthough it is not their intention, it seems that dictionary users are often guided by an invisible hand similar to the one developed in economy by Adam Smith. By seeking individual performance, they end up contributing to the development of their languages without being their intention. To Adam Smith, it is by seeking personnel development that people develop the nation as well. According to him, it is an invisible hand that leads them to reach that purpose which was not their intention, and as a result they turn out to be more profitable to society than if it had been their intention to make that sort of contribution. Regarding these similarities between the manifestations of the invisible hand in economy and in languages, this paper is an attempt to enunciate the same theory in languages. Using a theory from the field of economy to explain facts in languages is not a new approach. The French sociolinguist Louis-Jean Calvet founded a similarity between the law market which determines the exchange value of a currency, and the respective values of the differ ent languages in the world which correspond to their degree of diffusion. Referring to the invisible hand in economy, we discuss first the enunciation of the same theory in languages, before analyzing the implications for the compilation of dictionaries in Gabon. This paper refers specifically to Bitam fang ntoumou dialect, for an analysis which is obviously also relevant to other Gabonese languages.Keywords: Dictionaries, experts, invisible hand, languages, lexicography, speaker

    Birational Mappings and Matrix Sub-algebra from the Chiral Potts Model

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    We study birational transformations of the projective space originating from lattice statistical mechanics, specifically from various chiral Potts models. Associating these models to \emph{stable patterns} and \emph{signed-patterns}, we give general results which allow us to find \emph{all} chiral qq-state spin-edge Potts models when the number of states qq is a prime or the square of a prime, as well as several qq-dependent family of models. We also prove the absence of monocolor stable signed-pattern with more than four states. This demonstrates a conjecture about cyclic Hadamard matrices in a particular case. The birational transformations associated to these lattice spin-edge models show complexity reduction. In particular we recover a one-parameter family of integrable transformations, for which we give a matrix representationComment: 22 pages 0 figure The paper has been reorganized, splitting the results into two sections : results pertaining to Physics and results pertaining to Mathematic

    Random Matrix Theory and Classical Statistical Mechanics. I. Vertex Models

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    A connection between integrability properties and general statistical properties of the spectra of symmetric transfer matrices of the asymmetric eight-vertex model is studied using random matrix theory (eigenvalue spacing distribution and spectral rigidity). For Yang-Baxter integrable cases, including free-fermion solutions, we have found a Poissonian behavior, whereas level repulsion close to the Wigner distribution is found for non-integrable models. For the asymmetric eight-vertex model, however, the level repulsion can also disappearand the Poisson distribution be recovered on (non Yang--Baxter integrable) algebraic varieties, the so-called disorder varieties. We also present an infinite set of algebraic varieties which are stable under the action of an infinite discrete symmetry group of the parameter space. These varieties are possible loci for free parafermions. Using our numerical criterion we have tested the generic calculability of the model on these algebraic varieties.Comment: 25 pages, 7 PostScript Figure

    A Fast and Efficient Incremental Approach toward Dynamic Community Detection

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    Community detection is a discovery tool used by network scientists to analyze the structure of real-world networks. It seeks to identify natural divisions that may exist in the input networks that partition the vertices into coherent modules (or communities). While this problem space is rich with efficient algorithms and software, most of this literature caters to the static use-case where the underlying network does not change. However, many emerging real-world use-cases give rise to a need to incorporate dynamic graphs as inputs. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient incremental approach toward dynamic community detection. The key contribution is a generic technique called Δ−screening\Delta-screening, which examines the most recent batch of changes made to an input graph and selects a subset of vertices to reevaluate for potential community (re)assignment. This technique can be incorporated into any of the community detection methods that use modularity as its objective function for clustering. For demonstration purposes, we incorporated the technique into two well-known community detection tools. Our experiments demonstrate that our new incremental approach is able to generate performance speedups without compromising on the output quality (despite its heuristic nature). For instance, on a real-world network with 63M temporal edges (over 12 time steps), our approach was able to complete in 1056 seconds, yielding a 3x speedup over a baseline implementation. In addition to demonstrating the performance benefits, we also show how to use our approach to delineate appropriate intervals of temporal resolutions at which to analyze an input network

    Holonomic functions of several complex variables and singularities of anisotropic Ising n-fold integrals

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    Lattice statistical mechanics, often provides a natural (holonomic) framework to perform singularity analysis with several complex variables that would, in a general mathematical framework, be too complex, or could not be defined. Considering several Picard-Fuchs systems of two-variables "above" Calabi-Yau ODEs, associated with double hypergeometric series, we show that holonomic functions are actually a good framework for actually finding the singular manifolds. We, then, analyse the singular algebraic varieties of the n-fold integrals χ(n) \chi^{(n)}, corresponding to the decomposition of the magnetic susceptibility of the anisotropic square Ising model. We revisit a set of Nickelian singularities that turns out to be a two-parameter family of elliptic curves. We then find a first set of non-Nickelian singularities for χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)}, that also turns out to be rational or ellipic curves. We underline the fact that these singular curves depend on the anisotropy of the Ising model. We address, from a birational viewpoint, the emergence of families of elliptic curves, and of Calabi-Yau manifolds on such problems. We discuss the accumulation of these singular curves for the non-holonomic anisotropic full susceptibility.Comment: 36 page

    Résistance globulaire des hématies bovines

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    Une analyse de la résistance globulaire a été menée en exposant des globules rouges de zébus, taurins Baoulé et métis taurins x zébus à diverses concentrations salines. Les résultats statistiques n'ont montré aucune influence du sexe pour toutes les races. Chez les zébus, il y a une différence selon le type d'hémoglobine concerné. Ces derniers différent aussi des taurins et des métis. Le traitement des données a été réalisé en calculant la moyenne du pourcentage d'hémolyse pour tous les échantillons, ainsi qu'avec la concentration de NaCl correspondant à une hémolyse 50 p. 100. Ces différences peuvent donner une explication partielle de l'anémie dans les trypanosomoses bovines à Trypanosoma vivax ou T. congolense, moins prononcée chez les taurins Baoulé que chez les zébu
