2,996 research outputs found

    Rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensates and vortex clusters in quantum droplets

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    Quantum droplets may form out of a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate, stabilized by quantum fluctuations beyond mean field. We show that multiple singly-quantized vortices may form in these droplets at moderate angular momenta in two dimensions. Droplets carrying these precursors of an Abrikosov lattice remain self-bound for certain timescales after switching off an initial harmonic confinement. Furthermore, we examine how these vortex-carrying droplets can be formed in a more pertubation-resistant setting, by starting from a rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensate and inducing a metastable persistent current via a non-monotonic trapping potential.Comment: 5 page, 4 figure

    Phase diagram of a rapidly-rotating two-component Bose gas

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    We derive analytically the phase diagram of a two-component Bose gas confined in an anharmonic potential, which becomes exact and universal in the limit of weak interactions and small anharmonicity of the trapping potential. The transitions between the different phases, which consist of vortex states of single and multiple quantization, are all continuous because of the addition of the second component.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Rotational properties of non-dipolar and dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates confined in annular potentials

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    We investigate the rotational response of both non-dipolar and dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates confined in an annular potential. For the non-dipolar case we identify certain critical rotational frequencies associated with the formation of vortices. For the dipolar case, assuming that the dipoles are aligned along some arbitrary and tunable direction, we study the same problem as a function of the orientation angle of the dipole moment of the atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Finite-size effects in the dynamics of few bosons in a ring potential

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    We study the temporal evolution of a small number NN of ultra-cold bosonic atoms confined in a ring potential. Assuming that initially the system is in a solitary-wave solution of the corresponding mean-field problem, we identify significant differences in the time evolution of the density distribution of the atoms when it instead is evaluated with the many-body Schr\"odinger equation. Three characteristic timescales are derived: the first is the period of rotation of the wave around the ring, the second is associated with a "decay" of the density variation, and the third is associated with periodic "collapses" and "revivals" of the density variations, with a factor of N\sqrt N separating each of them. The last two timescales tend to infinity in the appropriate limit of large NN, in agreement with the mean-field approximation. These findings are based on the assumption of the initial state being a mean-field state. We confirm this behavior by comparison to the exact solutions for a few-body system stirred by an external potential. We find that the exact solutions of the driven system exhibit similar dynamical features.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics

    Spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms confined in annular potentials

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    A spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein-condensed cloud of atoms confined in an annular trapping potential shows a variety of phases that we investigate in the present study. Starting with the non-interacting problem, the homogeneous phase that is present in an untrapped system is replaced by a sinusoidal density variation in the limit of a very narrow annulus. In the case of an untrapped system there is another phase with a striped-like density distribution, and its counterpart is also found in the limit of a very narrow annulus. As the width of the annulus increases, this picture persists qualitatively. Depending on the relative strength between the inter- and the intra-components, interactions either favor the striped phase, or suppress it, in which case either a homogeneous, or a sinusoidal-like phase appears. Interactions also give rise to novel solutions with a nonzero circulation.Comment: Final, slightly revised versio

    Superfluidity in a gas of strongly-interacting bosons

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    We consider small systems of bosonic atoms rotating in a toroidal trap. Using the method of exact numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian, we examine the transition from the Bose-Einstein condensed state to the Tonks-Girardeau state. The system supports persistent currents in a wide range between the two limits, even in the absence of Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, revised version, to appear in Europh. Let

    Slice Stretching at the Event Horizon when Geodesically Slicing the Schwarzschild Spacetime with Excision

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    Slice-stretching effects are discussed as they arise at the event horizon when geodesically slicing the extended Schwarzschild black-hole spacetime while using singularity excision. In particular, for Novikov and isotropic spatial coordinates the outward movement of the event horizon (``slice sucking'') and the unbounded growth there of the radial metric component (``slice wrapping'') are analyzed. For the overall slice stretching, very similar late time behavior is found when comparing with maximal slicing. Thus, the intuitive argument that attributes slice stretching to singularity avoidance is incorrect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published version including minor amendments suggested by the refere

    Rotating Bose-Einstein condensates: Closing the gap between exact and mean-field solutions

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    When a Bose-Einstein condensed cloud of atoms is given some angular momentum, it forms vortices arranged in structures with a discrete rotational symmetry. For these vortex states, the Hilbert space of the exact solution separates into a "primary" space related to the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii solution and a "complementary" space including the corrections beyond mean-field. Considering a weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate of harmonically-trapped atoms, we demonstrate how this separation can be used to close the conceptual gap between exact solutions for systems with only a few atoms and the thermodynamic limit for which the mean-field is the correct leading-order approximation. Although we illustrate this approach for the case of weak interactions, it is expected to be more generally valid.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal ratchet effects in ferrofluids

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    Rotational Brownian motion of colloidal magnetic particles in ferrofluids under the influence of an oscillating external magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that for a suitable time dependence of the magnetic field, a noise induced rotation of the ferromagnetic particles due to rectification of thermal fluctuations takes place. Via viscous coupling, the associated angular momentum is transferred from the magnetic nano-particles to the carrier liquid and can then be measured as macroscopic torque on the fluid sample. A thorough theoretical analysis of the effect in terms of symmetry considerations, analytical approximations, and numerical solutions is given which is in accordance with recent experimental findings.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    The role of gut endocrine cells in control of metabolism and appetite.

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    After food is ingested, nutrients pass through the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the release of a range of peptide hormones. Among their many local, central and peripheral actions, these hormones act to mediate glucose metabolism and satiety. Indeed, it is the modification of gut hormone secretion that is considered partly responsible for the normalization of glycaemic control and the reduction in appetite seen in many patients after certain forms of bariatric surgery. This review describes recent developments in our understanding of the secretion and action of anorexigenic gut hormones, primarily concentrating on glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).This is the final version. It was first published by Wiley in Experimental Physiology here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/expphysiol.2014.079764/abstract
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