969 research outputs found

    Study of attosecond delays using perturbation diagrams and exterior complex scaling

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    We describe in detail how attosecond delays in laser-assisted photoionization can be computed using perturbation theory based on two-photon matrix elements. Special emphasis is laid on above-threshold ionization, where the electron interacts with an infrared field after photoionization by an extreme ultraviolet field. Correlation effects are introduced using diagrammatic many-body theory to the level of the random-phase approximation with exchange (RPAE). Our aim is to provide an ab initio route to correlated multi-photon processes that are required for an accurate description of experiments on the attosecond time scale. Here, our results are focused on photoionization of the M -shell of argon atoms, where experiments have been carried out using the so-called RABITT technique. An influence of autoionizing resonances in attosecond delay measurements is observed. Further, it is shown that the delay depends on both detection angle of the photoelectron and energy of the probe photon.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of Aspen Phenolic Glycosides on Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Susceptibility to \u3ci\u3eBacillus Thuringiensis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Performance of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, on quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, is strongly affected by foliar concentrations of phenolic glycosides. Because the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis is widely used against gypsy moths and has a mode of action similar to that of phenolic glycosIdes, we investigated the combined effects of the two toxins on gypsy moth larvae. The experimental design was a 2 x 2 factorial: two levels (0, +) of phenolicglycosides for each of two levels (0, +) of B. thuringiensis. The toxins were incorporated into artificial diets and bioassayed against first and fourth instars. Bacillus thuringiensis and phenolic glycosides ne~atively and addi· tively affected larval survival, growth and development tImes. Both agents slightly reduced consumption rates. In addition, B. thuringiensis reduced diet digestibility whereas phenolic glycosides decreased the efficiency with which food was converted to biomass. These results suggest that the efficacy of B. thuringiensis applications in aspen forests is likely to be affected by the allelo· chemical composition of foliage

    The Multi-Configurational Hartree-Fock close-coupling ansatz: application to Argon photoionization cross section and delays

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    We present a robust, ab initio method for addressing atom-light interactions and apply it to photoionization of argon. We use a close-coupling ansatz constructed on a multi-configurational Hartree-Fock description of localized states and B-spline expansions of the electron radial wave functions. In this implementation, the general many-electron problem can be tackled thanks to the use of the ATSP2K libraries [CPC 176 (2007) 559]. In the present contribution, we combine this method with exterior complex scaling, thereby allowing for the computation of the complex partial amplitudes that encode the whole dynamics of the photoionization process. The method is validated on the 3s3p6np series of resonances converging to the 3s extraction. Then, it is used for computing the energy dependent differential atomic delay between 3p and 3s photoemission, and agreement is found with the measurements of Gu\'enot et al. [PRA 85 (2012) 053424]. The effect of the presence of resonances in the one-photon spectrum on photoionization delay measurements is studied.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Fundamental Gates for a Strongly Correlated Two-Electron Quantum Ring

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    We demonstrate that conditional as well as unconditional basic operations which are prerequisite for universal quantum gates can be performed with almost 100% fidelity within a strongly interacting two-electron quantum ring. Both sets of operations are based on a quantum control algorithm that optimizes a driving electromagnetic pulse for a given quantum gate. The demonstrated transitions occur on a time scale much shorter than typical decoherence times of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, copyright 2010 The American Physical Societ

    The nonrelativistic limit of Dirac-Fock codes: the role of Brillouin configurations

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    We solve a long standing problem with relativistic calculations done with the widely used Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock Method (MCDF). We show, using Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory (RMBPT), how even for relatively high-ZZ, relaxation or correlation causes the non-relativistic limit of states of different total angular momentum but identical orbital angular momentum to have different energies. We show that only large scale calculations that include all single excitations, even those obeying the Brillouin's theorem have the correct limit. We reproduce very accurately recent high-precision measurements in F-like Ar, and turn then into precise test of QED. We obtain the correct non-relativistic limit not only for fine structure but also for level energies and show that RMBPT calculations are not immune to this problem.Comment: AUgust 9th, 2004 Second version Nov. 18th, 200

    Performance of the coupled cluster singles and doubles method on two-dimensional quantum dots

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    An implementation of the coupled-cluster single- and double excitations (CCSD) method on two-dimensional quantum dots is presented. Advantages and limitations are studied through comparison with other high accuracy approaches for two to eight confined electrons. The possibility to effectively use a very large basis set is found to be an important advantage compared to full configuration interaction implementations. For the two to eight electron ground states, with a confinement strength close to what is used in experiments, the error in the energy introduced by truncating triple excitations and beyond is shown to be on the same level or less than the differences in energy given by two different Quantum Monte Carlo methods. Convergence of the iterative solution of the coupled cluster equations is, for some cases, found for surprisingly weak confinement strengths even when starting from a non-interacting basis. The limit where the missing triple and higher excitations become relevant is investigated through comparison with full Configuration Interaction results.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 5 table