5,541 research outputs found

    Evolution of adaptation mechanisms: adaptation energy, stress, and oscillating death

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    In 1938, H. Selye proposed the notion of adaptation energy and published "Experimental evidence supporting the conception of adaptation energy". Adaptation of an animal to different factors appears as the spending of one resource. Adaptation energy is a hypothetical extensive quantity spent for adaptation. This term causes much debate when one takes it literally, as a physical quantity, i.e. a sort of energy. The controversial points of view impede the systematic use of the notion of adaptation energy despite experimental evidence. Nevertheless, the response to many harmful factors often has general non-specific form and we suggest that the mechanisms of physiological adaptation admit a very general and nonspecific description. We aim to demonstrate that Selye's adaptation energy is the cornerstone of the top-down approach to modelling of non-specific adaptation processes. We analyse Selye's axioms of adaptation energy together with Goldstone's modifications and propose a series of models for interpretation of these axioms. {\em Adaptation energy is considered as an internal coordinate on the `dominant path' in the model of adaptation}. The phenomena of `oscillating death' and `oscillating remission' are predicted on the base of the dynamical models of adaptation. Natural selection plays a key role in the evolution of mechanisms of physiological adaptation. We use the fitness optimization approach to study of the distribution of resources for neutralization of harmful factors, during adaptation to a multifactor environment, and analyse the optimal strategies for different systems of factors

    Relationship of agro soil humus content and their structure state

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    The non-standard relationship aspects of agrochernozem humus content and agro dark gray soil are considered with the indicators of their structural-aggregate composition - the content of boulders, dust, agronomically valuable fractions, the sizes of the aggregate average diamete

    Dynamic and Thermodynamic Models of Adaptation

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    The concept of biological adaptation was closely connected to some mathematical, engineering and physical ideas from the very beginning. Cannon in his "The wisdom of the body" (1932) used the engineering vision of regulation. In 1938, Selye enriched this approach by the notion of adaptation energy. This term causes much debate when one takes it literally, i.e. as a sort of energy. Selye did not use the language of mathematics, but the formalization of his phenomenological theory in the spirit of thermodynamics was simple and led to verifiable predictions. In 1980s, the dynamics of correlation and variance in systems under adaptation to a load of environmental factors were studied and the universal effect in ensembles of systems under a load of similar factors was discovered: in a crisis, as a rule, even before the onset of obvious symptoms of stress, the correlation increases together with variance (and volatility). During 30 years, this effect has been supported by many observations of groups of humans, mice, trees, grassy plants, and on financial time series. In the last ten years, these results were supplemented by many new experiments, from gene networks in cardiology and oncology to dynamics of depression and clinical psychotherapy. Several systems of models were developed: the thermodynamic-like theory of adaptation of ensembles and several families of models of individual adaptation. Historically, the first group of models was based on Selye's concept of adaptation energy and used fitness estimates. Two other groups of models are based on the idea of hidden attractor bifurcation and on the advection--diffusion model for distribution of population in the space of physiological attributes. We explore this world of models and experiments, starting with classic works, with particular attention to the results of the last ten years and open questions.Comment: Review paper, 48 pages, 29 figures, 183 bibliography, the final version accepted in Phys Life Re


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    Pneumonia is one of the most common infections with high mortality rates. The gene polymorphism of Toll-like receptors that belong to the first line of defense of the immune system can make a considerable contribution to individual variability due to the risk of pneumonia. Today this issue has not been adequately explored and the data available in the literature are conflicting.Objective: to carry out a meta-analysis of the association between Toll-like receptor gene polymorphic variants and the risk of pneumonias and its coinfections.Methods. A meta-analysis was carried out to detect a possible association of the risk of pneumonia and coinfections with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the TLR2 (rs5743708 (2258 G>A; Arg753Gln) and TLR4 (rs4986790 (896A>G; Asp299Gly) genes. The investigation enrolled 2312 (682 patients/1630 control individuals) and 3075 (910/2165) Caucasians for each SNP, respectively. As the rate of minor alleles of both polymorphic variants was less than 5%; the analysis was made only for a dominant genetic model.Results. Analysis of the study group showed that the A allele of TLR2 rs5743708 was associated with the risk of pneumonia (OR = 1.90; 95% CI: 1.02—3.54; P=0.042) while TLR4 rs4986790 was not associated with pneumonia. Analysis of subgroups (children/adults and community-acquired/nosocomial pneumonia) revealed no significant effects.Conclusion. The A allele of TLR2 rs5743708 may be a risk factor for susceptibility to pneumonia. These results have promises for their clinical application; however, due to the high heterogeneity and insufficient sizes of samples, these results need to be confirmed by further investigations.Пневмония является одной из наиболее распространенных инфекций с высоким уровнем смертности. Полиморфизм генов толл-подобных рецепторов, относящихся к первой линии защиты иммунной системы, может вносить существенный вклад в индивидуальную вариабельность в связи с риском развития пневмонии. На сегодняшний день этот вопрос недостаточно изучен, а имеющиеся литературные данные противоречивы. Цель исследования. Мета-анализ ассоциации полиморфных вариантов генов толл-подобных рецепторов и риска развития пневмонии и сопутствующих ей инфекций. Методы. Для обнаружения возможной ассоциации риска развития пневмонии и сопутствующих инфекций с однонуклеотидными полиморфизмами (SNP) в генах TLR2 rs5743708 (2258 G>A; Arg753Gln) и TLR4 rs4986790 (896A>G; Asp299Gly) был выполнен мета-анализ. В исследование было включено 2312 (682 пациента / 1630 индивидуумов контрольной группы) и 3075 (910/2165) представителей европеоидной расы для каждого SNP соответственно. Так как частота минорных аллелей обоих полиморфных вариантов составляет менее 5%, анализ выполнен только для доминантной генетической модели. Результаты. При анализе общей группы аллель А гена TLR2 (rs5743708) показал ассоциацию с риском развития пневмонии (OR=1,90, 95% ДИ: 1,02—3,54, p=0,042), в то время как для гена TLR4 (rs4986790) ассоциации с пневмонией выявлено не было. При анализе подгрупп (дети/взрослые и внебольничная пневмония/нозокомиальная пневмония) значимые эффекты отсутствовали. Выводы. Аллель А гена TLR2 (rs5743708) может быть фактором риска восприимчивости к пневмонии. Данные результаты имеют перспективы для их использования в клинической практике, однако, в связи с высокой гетерогенностью и недостаточными размерами выборок, требуется подтверждение этих результатов в дальнейших исследованиях

    Supply Chain Management Application in Functional Food Industry

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    Abstract— As follows from the analysis, the producers of functional food production do not increase their production and its supply in the domestic market intensively enough and have a quite low export capacity. During production of functional foods, producers do not pay sufficient attention to patenting of the developed intellectual property objects. It was revealed that Russia, that shows a considerable potential of agricultural land and positive experience of agricultural sector development, needs to ensure the development of domestic supply chain management in businesses and industries to provide promising new-generation functional foods competitive in the internal and external markets. Competitiveness of such products can be improved by development of supply chain management – specialized functional foods. This paper explores ways of improving supply chain management within the food processing industry looking into characteristics on justification and development of advanced functional food, its formulations and production technologies. This work presents a supply chai nstrategy in terms of food industry subsectors and producers, food effects obtained from functional foods, and in terms of consumers of functional food products depending on product purpose


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    The article presents individual features of metabolism of connective tissue in patients with, different terms of formation of vibration disease. The assessment of metabolic disorders in connective tissue of patients with vibration disease for prediction of its course in post-contact period was carried out

    The evolution of the 'comment' genre: Theoretical aspect

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    The article deals with the problem of transforming the genre of comment due to the peculiarities of the Internet communication. The comparative analysis of the traditional interpretation and the new one is initiated based on the modern demands of the virtual discourse. Not only the journalists and the experts, but the readers as well are considered to be the subjects of communication. The research on two forms of comments show the similarities and differences in communicative intention of addressers and the ways of their realization. The analysis shows the isomorphism of the on-line comments and some genres of the Internet communication, defines the role of the language person in the type of discourse under study, justifies the possibility of reconstructing the national worldview based on numerous on-line comments to the articles (often related to news), which attract the greatest attention and feedback of the readers. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    Acesso das pequenas empresas russas aos mercados de contratos públicos: análise de dados

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    The aim of this study was to assess the current extent of participation by Russian small enterprises in regional public procurement. We discussed how legislation affects the volume of contracts awarded to small enterprises. We calculated the number of contracts per 100 small enterprises, how much the number and value of such contracts account for in the total number and value of contracts concluded with all suppliers per region, as well as what is the average value of contracts per small enterprise and the average value of one such contract. In order to ensure benchmarking for enterprises located in different regions, such enterprises were assessed on the basis of relative indicators. This study used official statistics accumulated with regard to all public procurement in the regions. The data on the number of contracts and their value for the period from 2010 to 2014 were used. For the purposes of empirical data analysis, the normal distribution probability density functions set for all the indicators in question were used. The findings of this study and the tools used for assessing the extent of participation by small enterprises in public procurement can be used when researching entrepreneurship, as well as to justify the contract system development programs in Russia. Such information is important for entrepreneurs, as it enables them to assess the feasibility and consequences of participation in public procurement.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado actual de participación de las pequeñas empresas rusas en la contratación pública regional. Discutimos cómo la legislación afecta el volumen de contratos adjudicados a pequeñas empresas. Calculamos el número de contratos por cada 100 pequeñas empresas, cuánto representan el número y el valor de dichos contratos en el número y el valor total de los contratos celebrados con todos los proveedores por región, así como también cuál es el valor promedio de los contratos por cada pequeña empresa y el valor promedio de uno de esos contratos. Con el fin de garantizar la evaluación comparativa para las empresas ubicadas en diferentes regiones, dichas empresas se evaluaron sobre la base de indicadores relativos. Este estudio utilizó estadísticas oficiales acumuladas con respecto a todas las contrataciones públicas en las regiones. Se utilizaron los datos sobre el número de contratos y su valor para el período de 2010 a 2014. A los efectos del análisis de datos empíricos, se utilizaron las funciones de densidad de probabilidad de distribución normal establecidas para todos los indicadores en cuestión. Las conclusiones de este estudio y las herramientas utilizadas para evaluar el grado de participación de las pequeñas empresas en la contratación pública se pueden utilizar al investigar el espíritu empresarial, así como para justificar los programas de desarrollo de sistemas contractuales en Rusia. Dicha información es importante para los empresarios, ya que les permite evaluar la viabilidad y las consecuencias de la participación en la contratación pública.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o atual grau de participação das pequenas empresas russas nas compras públicas regionais. Discutimos como a legislação afeta o volume de contratos concedidos a pequenas empresas. Nós calculamos o número de contratos por 100 pequenas empresas, que representam o número eo valor desses contratos no número total eo valor total dos contratos com todos os fornecedores por região, bem como o que o valor médio de contratos para cada empresa de pequeno porte e o valor médio de um desses contratos. Para garantir benchmarking para empresas localizadas em diferentes regiões, essas empresas foram avaliadas com base em indicadores relativos. Este estudo utilizou estatísticas oficiais acumuladas em relação a todas as compras públicas nas regiões. Foram utilizados os dados sobre o número de contratos e seu valor para o período de 2010 a 2014. Para fins de análise empírica dos dados, foram utilizadas as funções de densidade de probabilidade de distribuição normal estabelecidas para todos os indicadores em questão. As conclusões deste estudo e os instrumentos utilizados para avaliar o grau de participação das pequenas empresas nos contratos públicos podem ser utilizados na investigação do empreendedorismo, bem como para justificar os programas de desenvolvimento de sistemas contratuais na Rússia. Esta informação é importante para os empresários, pois permite avaliar a viabilidade e as consequências da participação em contratos públicos

    Institutional analysis of the regulatory and legal framework for financial reporting control in Russia

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    The study contains the main approaches to the determination of various institutions affecting Russian accounting from the standpoint of their formal and informal types. In modern conditions, the economic actions of a subject must be matched to external factors that determine the correctness of economic decision-making, as well as consistency and the development of correct patterns and behavior algorithms that are most effective for each specific situation. Through the institutional analysis, the authors have identified several inconsistencies in the regulatory framework of related institutions and suggested ways to eliminate these disparities. Inter-institutional discrepancies have been found between law and accounting institutions, indicating non-compliance in the accounting practice of the substance over form principle, between recognition in the bookkeeping and tax accounting of the transfer of assets and liabilities ownership, as well as differences in the recording of investment real estate in the financial statements according to IFRS institutions and Russian national standards.peer-reviewe