74 research outputs found

    Lightfastness assessment of Levantine rock art by means of microfading spectrometry

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: del Hoyo-Meléndez JM, Carrión-Ruiz B, Riutort-Mayol G, Lerma JL. Lightfastness assessment of Levantine rock art by means of microfading spectrometry. Color Res Appl. 2019;44:547 555, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/col.22372. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] The documentation of archeological sites requires the adoption of non-destructive techniques to safeguard the unique legacy coming from prehistoric periods. This article tackles the assessment of lightfastness properties on a rock art site to deter- mine the behavior of motif's color deterioration over time in Remi¿gia Cave, Castello¿n (Spain), which is considered part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The measurements were performed using a microfade testing device to analyze the spectral characteristics and the aging properties of the colorant system and various substrates on site. Two scenarios have been identified depending on whether the lightness (L*) parameter of the rocky substrate changes or not in relation with the painted motifs. If the substrate remains stable without any change, red motifs con- taining iron oxide pigments will become more visible. If the substrate becomes lighter, the pigments will experience similar changes. Therefore, the contrast between paintings and support will be considerably enhanced.The authors also would like to thank the Generalitat Valenciana for providing access to the site during the measurement campaigns. Fruitful comments from the Spanish archeologists Prof. Valentín Villaverde and Dra. Esther López-Montalvo are also gratefully acknowledged. The authors acknowledge the research project HAR2014-59873-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for providing financial support.Del Hoyo-Meléndez, JM.; Carrión-Ruiz, B.; Riutort-Mayol, G.; Lerma, JL. (2019). Lightfastness assessment of Levantine rock art by means of microfading spectrometry. Color Research & Application. 44(4):547-555. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.22372S547555444Vileikis, O., Cesaro, G., Santana Quintero, M., van Balen, K., Paolini, A., & Vafadari, A. (2012). Documentation in World Heritage conservation. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2(2), 130-152. doi:10.1108/20441261211273635Management Planning for Archaelogical Sites 2002 The Getty Conservation Institute Los Angeles G Palumbo Threats and challenges to the archaeological heritage in the Mediterranean 3 12ICOMOS. ICOMOS World Report 2000 on Monuments and Sites in Danger; 2000.https://www.icomos.org/risk/world_report/2000/risk2000.htm. 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    The inflated valuation problem in Valencia, Spain, and Implications for Firm Size

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    [EN] Home purchase-sale prices have been widely modeled by several authors. Nonetheless, other values exist, such as home mortgage appraisal values, used by financial institutions, which have played a key role in the recent financial crisis. This article attempts to model the appraisal price of one m(2) of residential properties obtained by 31 appraisal companies in Valencia (Spain). Mortgage appraisal values of 17 007 residential properties were used for this purpose. Spatial autocorrelation was detected in both the data and residuals of the ordinary regression model, which justified using spatial regression models. Of the four employed models, the error model offered the best results. Significant differences were found among appraisal companies, which varied as much as 83% for some. Generally speaking, small appraisal companies obtained higher over-valuation percentages, which confirms their situation of weakness. The fact that over-valuations exist in mortgage securities is a high risk for a stable financial system.Guadalajara Olmeda, MN.; Lopez-Gomez, MA. (2018). The inflated valuation problem in Valencia, Spain, and Implications for Firm Size. International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 22(4):300-313. https://doi.org/10.3846/ijspm.2018.4348S30031322

    Empty Urbanism: the bursting of the Spanish housing bubble

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    The depth of the Spanish housing crisis manifests itself in the collapse of construction activity and in the amount of housing and land stocks. The geography of the crisis shows its widespread nature, and the intensity of the previous bubble explains spatial differences. Resulting from this collapse are some problematic areas of 'empty urbanism'. An enormous land bubble, emerging from the peculiar Spanish urban development model, was a key factor in the impacts - caused by the crisis - on the territory and land-use plans. The crisis has demonstrated the unsustainability of this and the urgency of change in the existing land-use plans

    A Ground Control Station for Collaborative Unmanned Surface Vehicles

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    [ES] El Centro de Control de Tierra (CCT) es uno de los elementos imprescindibles para la supervisión y control de vehículos autónomos que realizan misiones complejas. En la actualidad cada vez hay más aplicaciones donde se utilizan múltiples vehículos autónomos y el tradicional Centro de Control está evolucionando para ser capaz de gestionar diversos vehículos y operadores. Este artículo presenta las características más relevantes de un CCT adaptable y versátil, especialmente diseñado para que un equipo heterogéneo de operadores puedan monitorizar y supervisar el funcionamiento colaborativo de un conjunto heterogéneo de vehículos autónomos. Entre estas características destacan la posibilidad de, según las necesidades de los operadores y de la misión, 1) reconfigurar cuál (y cómo) es la información que se muestra de cada vehículo a cada operador, 2) definir alarmas que atraigan la atención de los operadores ante determinados eventos (y liberen su carga de trabajo mientras estos no se den) y 3) re-asignar en tiempo real la gestión de los vehículos a los diferentes operadores. Para alcanzarlas, se ha realizado un cuidadoso diseño de la arquitectura software del CCT, que se detalla en el artículo y que se encuentra formada por: un módulo de comunicaciones; un módulo planificador de alto nivel; un módulo (replicable en tantos equipos como se desee) de monitorización y supervisión de vehículos; y tantos módulos comandadores como vehículos diferentes existan en la misión. Este CCT ha sido desarrollado dentro del proyecto de investigación SALACOM (Sistema Autónomo de Localización y Actuación ante Contaminantes en el Mar), en el que dos barcos autónomos maniobran de forma colaborativa para desplegar una barrera para la contención de un vertido contaminante en el mar ydonde la incorporación del operador en la supervisión y control de las maniobras de los vehículos es un requisito imprescindible para dar seguridad y confianza a la operación realizada. Finalmente, se presenta un caso de uso del Centro de Control de Tierra donde se realiza una maniobra de seguimiento entre dos vehículos autónomos de superficie.[EN] The Ground Control Station (GCS) is one of the essential elements to supervise and control autonomous vehicles performing complex missions. The increasing number of systems that involve multiple autonomous vehicles is making traditional GCSs evolve to let them handle dierent vehicles and operators. In this article, we present the more relevant properties of a versatile adaptable GCS that has been especially designed to let multiple operators, each using a dierent computer equipment, be in charge of controlling a heterogeneous team of autonomous vehicles. Its main properties are the possibility of 1) reconfiguring which information is displayed to each operator, 2) defining alarms to draw the operators attention when required, and 3) re-assigning, in real-time, the vehicles to dierent operators. These properties are supported by a distributed design of the GCS software architecture, presented in the paper and consistent of: a communication module, a high level planner, replicable monitoring and supervising units, and as many commanders as vehicles within each mission. This GCS has been developed within SALACOM (an autonomous system for locating and acting against sea spills), where two Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) cooperate to collect a sea spill under the supervision of several operators that are responsible of the security of the mission. Finally, this paper also presents a case of use of the GCS within a real-world experiment involving two USVs performing leader-follower formation maneouvres.Los autores del art´ıculo quieren agradecer al Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad español su apoyo a través del proyecto SALACOM (DPI2013-46665-C2-1-R).Bonache Seco, J.; Dormido Canto, J.; Montalvo Martinez, M.; López-Orozco, J.; Besada Portas, E.; De La Cruz Garcia, J. (2017). Centro de Control de Tierra para Colaboración de Vehículos Autónomos Marinos. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 15(1):1-11. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2017.8737OJS111151ASTM, 2017. Committee F41 on unmanned maritime vehicle systems (umvs). 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