177 research outputs found


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    Исследование посвящено культуре диалога современного телевидения. Эмпирический анализ показал значительное снижение уровня культуры языка современных ведущих по сравнению с советским периодом, социологический опрос свидетельствует о том, что большинство зрителей регулярно замечают ошибки ведущих и воспринимают их негативно, как и агрессивную манеру ведения диалога, что значительно снижает восприятие и воздействие информации.The research is devoted to the culture of dialogue of modern television. Empirical analysis has shown a significant decrease in the level of culture of the language of modern presenters compared to the Soviet period, a sociological survey indicates that most viewers regularly notice the mistakes of the presenters and perceive them negatively, as well as the aggressive manner of conducting a dialogue, which significantly reduces the perception and impact of information

    Манипуляции сознанием в процессе реформирования образования и науки в России

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    The technique and methods of manipulating with the mass consciousness started to attract the attention of researches at the latter half of the XXth century, although the practice of such forms of influence on the mass audience existed almost at the earliest stages of human development. Paralogisms as a way of rhetorical influence on the listener were specified by Aristotle, who dedicated his students into the sacraments of exposing false arguments and other manipulative techniques with which the speaker is working with the audience. The modern manipulators are actively using both ancient and modern methods of influencing the mass consciousness. Researches of various specialties were describing and exposing them: among them sociologists, psychologists, political scientists, and journalists. In the present work the author demonstrates how through the usage of the ancient archetypes of the collective unconscious, as well as new manipulative practices (that were invented for the unhindered sale of goods and services that can guarantee getting of surplus profits) large capital holders are seeking for changing the value orientations of society, that leads to the reformation of the various social institutions. These reforms are causing the irreparable damage to the majority of the country's population, are infringing rights and social privileges, but allow to the financial and industrial syndicates to establish the full control not only over wallets, but also over people's minds. Manipulations of consciousness, conducted through the media, are making large social groups of people to vote against their own interests. The result of the reforms is not only the impoverishment of the citizens, but also the huge change in the appearance of the cultural elite. A significant help to manipulators in achieving their goals becomes the digitalization of all aspects of social and cultural life.Техника и приемы манипуляций массовым сознанием привлекли пристальное внимание ученых во второй половине прошлого века, хотя практика подобных форм воздействия на массовую аудиторию восходит едва ли не к самым ранним этапам развития человечества. Паралогизмы как способ риторического воздействия на слушателя в деталях описал Аристотель, посвящавший своих учеников в таинства разоблачения ложной аргументации и прочих манипулятивных приемов работы оратора с аудиторией. Современные манипуляторы активно используют и древние, и более новые приемы воздействия на массовое сознание. Их описывали и разоблачали ученые разных специальностей: социологи, психологи, политологи, журналисты. В предлагаемой работе автор демонстрирует, как с помощью использования древних архетипов коллективного бессознательного, а также новых манипулятивных практик, изобретенных для беспрепятственной реализации товаров и услуг, гарантирующих поучение сверх прибылей, крупный капитал добивается изменения ценностных ориентиров в обществе, после чего проводится реформирование различных общественных институтов. Реформы отвечают интересам финансово-промышленного капитала, позволяя контролировать не только кошельки, но и умы большинства населения страны, сокращая права и социальные привилегии наемных работников. СМ К, основные манипуляторы сознанием, убеждают большие социальные группы людей голосовать против собственных интересов. Результатом проведенных реформ становится изменение облика культурной элиты и разделение общества на несколько социальных групп, интересы которых противоречат друг другу. Серьезным подспорьем манипуляторов в достижении их целей становится цифровизация всех сторон общественной и культурной жизни


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    The relevance of the study of eye contact as a form of nonverbal communication is steadily increasing due to the research interest in the search and development of new resources for influencing people in various spheres of life.The goal of this research is the theoretical analysis of the learned sources on the stated problematics to substantiate the concept, distinctive features, function and meaning of eye contact.The research methodology is based on a theoretical review of the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the problem of eye contact as a form of nonverbal communication. Methods of theoretical analysis, comparative analysis and generalization were used during in the course of the research.Results. The article presents a theoretical overview of the main scientific approaches to the problem of studying the phenomenon of eye contact in the process of non-verbal communication, which has recently gained popularity in the Russian psychological community.Conclusions. The palm of victory in the study of eye contact as a type of non-verbal communication belongs to the foreign researchers, whose works helped to comprehend the concepts, features, functions and meaning of eye contact.Актуальность исследования зрительного контакта как формы невербальной коммуникации неуклонно возрастает в связи с исследовательским интересом поиска и разработки новых ресурсов воздействия на человека в разных сферах жизнедеятельности.Цель – проведение теоретического анализа литературы по заявленной проблематике для обоснования понятия, особенностей, функции и значения зрительного контакта.Методика исследования базируется на теоретическом обзоре работ отечественных и зарубежных ученых по проблеме зрительного контакта как формы невербальной коммуникации. В процессе исследования применялись методы теоретического анализа, сравнительного анализа, обобщения.Результаты. В статье представлен теоретический обзор основных научных подходов к проблеме изучения феномена зрительного контакта в процессе невербальной коммуникации, набирающего в последнее время популярность в отечественном психологическом сообществе.Выводы. «Пальма первенства» в исследовании зрительного контакта, как вида невербальной коммуникации, принадлежит зарубежным исследователям, работы которых помогли осмыслить понятия, особенности, функции и значение зрительного контакта

    Educational Migration of Applicants Among Regions of the Russian Federation as a Data Source for Planning the Higher Education System Development

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    The scientific problem of the study is related to the identification of educational migration for university admission against the background of youth migration. The practical problems of the study are focused on the creation of analytical conditions for decision-making and planning for the education system development: the distribution of enrollment targets, financing and resource supporting the infrastructure development, and the development of the human resources potential of Russian universities. The object of the study is interregional youth educational migration for university admission. Federal universities data is described as the object of present study. Sources: official state statistics data of 2017-2021, “big data” is the results of passing the Unified State Examinations (USE) and the choice of university and direction of study by students for 2020. The research methodology is connected with the analysis of official statistics, the Russian regions typology according to the characteristics of youth migration: recipient regions, donor regions, regions of a mixed or “transit” type (leaving graduates are replaced by newcomers), closed (low intensity of migration processes). Educational migration was identified by analyzing and comparing databases on the results of the USE and the results of university admission. Stable patterns of migration processes, migration trends and directions have been identified as a result of the study

    Space Flight and Manual Control: Implications for Sensorimotor Function on Future Missions

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    Control of vehicles, and other complex mechanical motion systems, is a high-level integrative function of the central nervous system (CNS) that requires good visual acuity, eye-hand coordination, spatial (and, in some cases, geographic) orientation perception, and cognitive function. Existing evidence from space flight research (Paloski et.al., 2008, Clement and Reschke 2008, Reschke et al., 2007) demonstrates that the function of each of these systems is altered by removing (and subsequently by reintroducing) a gravitational field that can be sensed by vestibular, proprioceptive, and haptic receptors and used by the CNS for spatial orientation, navigation, and coordination of movements. Furthermore, much of the operational performance data collected as a function of space flight has not been available for independent analysis, and those data that have been reviewed are equivocal owing to uncontrolled environmental and/or engineering factors. Thus, our current understanding, when it comes to manual control, is limited primarily to a review of those situations where manual control has been a factor. One of the simplest approaches to the manual control problem is to review shuttle landing data. See the Figure below for those landing for which we have Shuttle velocities over the runway threshold

    Current hydroecological situation of the Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining region on the example of the Oskolets River

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    The results of the hydroecological study of the small Oskolets river in the area of influence of mining enterprises are presented. It is shown that the residential industrial flow of Gubkin city has a leading influence on the hydrochemical situation. Discharges of drainage waters made by the Lebedinsky mining and processing plant have a definite impact on the hydro-ecological situation with respect to the content of fluorine and lead compounds, and occasionally with respect to nitrogen compound

    Collection accessions and source material as a determining factor for producing new melon cultivars

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    Background. The main trend in melon breeding is the development of cultivars with good taste, high yield, and disease resistance. The task may be solved through a scientific search for new source material meeting these requirements.Materials and methods. The research was performed at Bykovsky Cucurbit Breeding Experiment Station. Melon accessions of various origin and F1 hybrids from the nursery of source material served as the research material. In total, during the period of 2015–2017, over 100 melon accessions were studied: 45 accessions from the VIR collection, 61 from various companies, and 12 developed at various research institutions. In the nursery of source material, the accessions were hybridized and the resulting hybrid combinations were tested, including tests against infections. All of them were evaluated for their economically useful traits, yield, taste qualities, and resistance to bio- and abiostressors. During the trials they were compared with the best released cultivars approved for dryland conditions according to the developed guidelines.Results. The purpose of this work was to study the genetic collections of melons and obtain new source forms for further breeding. As a result of the study of the collection material, 12 accessions were identified with the following economically useful traits: high yield (exceeding the reference by more than 20%), high dry matter content (from 14 to 19%), large fruit size (fruit weight higher than 4.0 kg), and other features. After hybridization and testing in F1, the following 5 hybrid combinations were distinguished: Ekler × Osen; Dyuna × Mayskaya, Sheker and No 323; Katyusha × Mestny (k-7459, Georgia); Harmony × Mestny (k7461, Georgia), characterized by a set of features important for breeding.Conclusion. Thus, for further improvement by breeding and release of new melon cultivars, source accessions were selected with a yield exceeding 15.0 t/ha, dry matter content of 13.0%, bright fruit color, and resistance to diseases

    Problems of comorbidity in patient with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases

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    The aim of the study - to study the features of the mutual influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its severity on the development of cardiovascular pathology.Цель исследования – изучение особенностей взаимного влияния сахарного диабета 2 типа и сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ

    Microfossils of the late proterozoic debengdinskaya formation of the olenekskiy uplift

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    Microfossils from the Middle Riphean Debengdinskaya formation of the Olenekskiy uplift have been studied. Various stenoorganic forms of acritarchs and cyanobacteries are described. Morphological groups which are preliminary compared with large flora taxons are allocated among acritarchs : brown and green seaweed, mushrooms, seaweed located in symbiotic relations (?) with cyanobionts. The prematurity of radical conclusions about age of the deposit based on majority of Proterozoic microfossils is underline