11,550 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of AdS/QCD

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    We study finite temperature properties of four dimensional QCD-like gauge theories in the gauge theory/gravity duality picture. The gravity dual contains two deformed 5d AdS metrics, with and without a black hole, and a dilaton. We study the thermodynamics of the 4d boundary theory and constrain the two metrics so that they correspond to a high and a low temperature phase separated by a first order phase transition. The equation of state has the standard form for the pressure of a strongly coupled fluid modified by a vacuum energy, a bag constant. We determine the parameters of the deformation by using QCD results for TcT_c and the hadron spectrum. With these parameters, we show that the phase transition in the 4d boundary theory and the 5d bulk Hawking-Page transition agree. We probe the dynamics of the two phases by computing the quark-antiquark free energy in them and confirm that the transition corresponds to confinement-deconfinement transition.Comment: 1+19 pages, 6 figures, references added, section 3 improve

    Levantamento participativo da produção de hortaliças no Assentamento 72, município de Ladário-MS, colhidas e vendidas pelo Grupo Bem Estar no ano de 2015.

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    O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de fazer um levantamento participativo da produção de um grupo de agricultores em transição agroecológica a fim de subsidiá-los para o acesso a compras governamentais e institucionais. Foi utilizada uma adaptação do Calendário Sazonal, utilizado no Diagnóstico Rápido Participativo Agroecossistemas ? DRPA com a finalidade de obter as vendas mensais dos agricultores e os recebidos pelos produtos. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo de agricultores produz e vende em torno de 33 produtos, porém apenas quatro (laticínios, mandioca, alface e abobora) representam 61% do valor da produção anual. A renda bruta mensal média por família foi de R$ 1.484,00, representando cerca de 1,88 salários mínimos, sem contar o autoconsumo.Agroecol 2016. 1 CD-ROM. Publicado também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 11, n. 2, 2016

    Extra dimensions in CERN LHC via mini-black holes: effective Kerr-Newman brane-world effects

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    We solve Einstein equations on the brane to derive the exact form of the braneworld-corrected perturbations in Kerr-Newman singularities, using Randall-Sundrum and Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali (ADD) models. It is a consequence of such models the possibility that Kerr-Newman mini-black holes can be produced in LHC. We use this approach to derive a normalized correction for the Schwarzschild Myers-Perry radius of a static (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional mini-black hole, using more realistic approaches arising from Kerr-Newman mini-black hole analysis. Besides, we prove that there are four Kerr-Newman black hole horizons in braneworld scenario we use, although only the outer horizon is relevant in the physical measurable processes. Parton cross sections in LHC and Hawking temperature are also investigated as functions of Planck mass (in the LHC range 1-10 TeV), mini-black hole mass and the number of large extra dimensions in braneworld large extra-dimensional scenarios. In this case a more realistic brane effect-corrected formalism can achieve more precisely the effective extra-dimensional Planck mass and the number of large extra dimensions -- in Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali model -- or the size of the warped extra dimension -- in Randall-Sundrum formalism.Comment: 11 pages, 23 figures, citations update

    Electromagnetic performances and main parameter sensitivity effect on unbalance magnetic flux in a New Single‑Phase FEFSM with segmental rotor

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    Three-phase field excitation flux switching motor (FEFSM) with salient rotor structure has been introduced with their advantages of rotor easy temperature elimination and controllable FEC magnetic flux. Yet, the salient rotor structure is found to lead a longer magnetic flux path between stator and rotor parts, producing a weak flux linkage along with low torque performances. Hence, a new structure of single-phase FEFSM using segmental rotor with non-overlap windings is proposed with advantages of shorter magnetic flux path, light weight and robust rotor structure. Analysis on fundamental magnetic flux characteristics, armature and FEC magnetic flux linkages, cogging torque, back-Emf, various torque capabilities, refinement of unbalance magnetic flux, and torque-power versus speed characteristics are conducted using 2D FEA through JMAG Designer version 15. The results show that magnetic flux amplitude ratio has been improved by 41.2% while the highest torque and power achieved are 1.45 Nm and 343.8 W, respectively

    The maize (Zea mays L.) roothairless3 gene encodes a putative GPI-anchored, monocot-specific, COBRA-like protein that significantly affects grain yield

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    The rth3 (roothairless 3) mutant is specifically affected in root hair elongation. We report here the cloning of the rth3 gene via a PCR-based strategy (amplification of insertion mutagenized sites) and demonstrate that it encodes a COBRA-like protein that displays all the structural features of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Genes of the COBRA family are involved in various types of cell expansion and cell wall biosynthesis. The rth3 gene belongs to a monocot-specific clade of the COBRA gene family comprising two maize and two rice genes. While the rice (Oryza sativa) gene OsBC1L1 appears to be orthologous to rth3 based on sequence similarity (86% identity at the protein level) and maize/rice synteny, the maize (Zea mays L.) rth3-like gene does not appear to be a functional homolog of rth3based on their distinct expression profiles. Massively parallel signature sequencing analysis detected rth3 expression in all analyzed tissues, but at relatively low levels, with the most abundant expression in primary roots where the root hair phenotype is manifested.In situ hybridization experiments confine rth3 expression to root hair-forming epidermal cells and lateral root primordia. Remarkably, in replicated field trials involving near-isogenic lines, the rth3 mutant conferred significant losses in grain yield

    Not fitting in and getting out : psychological type and congregational satisfaction among Anglican churchgoers in England

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    Listening to the motivations reported by individuals for ceasing church attendance and becoming church leavers, Francis and Richter identified high on the list the sense of "not fitting in". Drawing on psychological type theory, several recent studies have documented the way in which some psychological types are over-represented in church congregations and other psychological types are under-represented. Bringing these two observations together, the present study tested the hypothesis that church congregations have created type-alike communities within which individuals displaying the opposite type preferences are more likely to feel marginalised and to display lower levels of satisfaction with the congregations they attend. Data were provided by 1867 churchgoers who completed a measure of psychological type, together with measures of frequency of attendance and congregational satisfaction. These data confirmed that congregations were weighted towards preferences for introversion, sensing, feeling and judging, and that individuals displaying the opposite preferences (especially intuition, thinking and perceiving) recorded lower levels of congregational satisfaction. The implications of these findings are discussed for promoting congregational retention by enhancing awareness of psychological type preferences among those who attend

    Spin and valley quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene

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    In a graphene Landau level (LL), strong Coulomb interactions and the fourfold spin/valley degeneracy lead to an approximate SU(4) isospin symmetry. At partial filling, exchange interactions can spontaneously break this symmetry, manifesting as additional integer quantum Hall plateaus outside the normal sequence. Here we report the observation of a large number of these quantum Hall isospin ferromagnetic (QHIFM) states, which we classify according to their real spin structure using temperature-dependent tilted field magnetotransport. The large measured activation gaps confirm the Coulomb origin of the broken symmetry states, but the order is strongly dependent on LL index. In the high energy LLs, the Zeeman effect is the dominant aligning field, leading to real spin ferromagnets with Skyrmionic excitations at half filling, whereas in the `relativistic' zero energy LL, lattice scale anisotropies drive the system to a spin unpolarized state, likely a charge- or spin-density wave.Comment: Supplementary information available at http://pico.phys.columbia.ed

    How are falls and fear of falling associated with objectively measured physical activity in a cohort of community-dwelling older men?

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    BACKGROUND: Falls affect approximately one third of community-dwelling older adults each year and have serious health and social consequences. Fear of falling (FOF) (lack of confidence in maintaining balance during normal activities) affects many older adults, irrespective of whether they have actually experienced falls. Both falls and fear of falls may result in restrictions of physical activity, which in turn have health consequences. To date the relation between (i) falls and (ii) fear of falling with physical activity have not been investigated using objectively measured activity data which permits examination of different intensities of activity and sedentary behaviour. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 1680 men aged 71-92 years recruited from primary care practices who were part of an on-going population-based cohort. Men reported falls history in previous 12 months, FOF, health status and demographic characteristics. Men wore a GT3x accelerometer over the hip for 7 days. RESULTS: Among the 12% of men who had recurrent falls, daily activity levels were lower than among non-fallers; 942 (95% CI 503, 1381) fewer steps/day, 12(95% CI 2, 22) minutes less in light activity, 10(95% CI 5, 15) minutes less in moderate to vigorous PA [MVPA] and 22(95% CI 9, 35) minutes more in sedentary behaviour. 16% (n = 254) of men reported FOF, of whom 52% (n = 133) had fallen in the past year. Physical activity deficits were even greater in the men who reported that they were fearful of falling than in men who had fallen. Men who were fearful of falling took 1766(95% CI 1391, 2142) fewer steps/day than men who were not fearful, and spent 27(95% CI 18, 36) minutes less in light PA, 18(95% CI 13, 22) minutes less in MVPA, and 45(95% CI 34, 56) minutes more in sedentary behaviour. The significant differences in activity levels between (i) fallers and non-fallers and (ii) men who were fearful of falling or not fearful, were mediated by similar variables; lower exercise self-efficacy, fewer excursions from home and more mobility difficulties. CONCLUSIONS: Falls and in particular fear of falling are important barriers to older people gaining health benefits of walking and MVPA. Future studies should assess the longitudinal associations between falls and physical activity

    On theories of enhanced CP violation in B_s,d meson mixing

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    The DO collaboration has measured a deviation from the standard model (SM) prediction in the like sign dimuon asymmetry in semileptonic b decay with a significance of 3.2 sigma. We discuss how minimal flavour violating (MFV) models with multiple scalar representations can lead to this deviation through tree level exchanges of new MFV scalars. We review how the two scalar doublet model can accommodate this result and discuss some of its phenomenology. Limits on electric dipole moments suggest that in this model the coupling of the charged scalar to the right handed u-type quarks is suppressed while its coupling to the d-type right handed quarks must be enhanced. We construct an extension of the MFV two scalar doublet model where this occurs naturally.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, v3 final JHEP versio