4,310 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the one dimensional Hubbard-Holstein Model at 1/2 and 1/4 filling

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    The Hubbard-Holstein model is one of the simplest to incorporate both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. In one dimension at half filling the Holstein electron-phonon coupling promotes onsite pairs of electrons and a Peierls charge density wave while the Hubbard onsite Coulomb repulsion U promotes antiferromagnetic correlations and a Mott insulating state. Recent numerical studies have found a possible third intermediate phase between Peierls and Mott states. From direct calculations of charge and spin susceptibilities, we show that (i) As the electron-phonon coupling is increased, first a spin gap opens, followed by the Peierls transition. Between these two transitions the metallic intermediate phase has a spin gap, no charge gap, and properties similar to the negative-U Hubbard model. (ii) The transitions between Mott/intermediate and intermediate/Peierls states are of the Kosterlitz-Thouless form. (iii) For larger U the two transitions merge at a tritical point into a single first order Mott/Peierls transition. In addition we show that an intermediate phase also occurs in the quarter-filled model.Comment: 10 pages, 10 eps figure

    Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Canada Thistle (Cirsium Arvense) in Notill Soybean (Glycine Max)

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    The nonuniform spatial distribution of weeds across a field landscape complicates sampling and modeling, but allows site specific rather than broadcast management of weed populations. Where weeds are aggregated, densities measured at random locations are not independent, but rather spatially related or autocorrelated. Geostatistical methods were used to describe and map nonrandom distribution and variation of shoot density across ten well established patches of Canada thistle, a perennial weed, in a 65 hectare notillage soybean field in Moody county, South Dakota in 1996. Canada thistle densities were determined by counting the number of shoots present in a 20 by 50 cm (0.1m2 ) rectangle. Shoot densities were recorded at 3.04 m increments in 8 .directions from the center of each patch using adaptive sampling. The boundary of the thistle patch on each axis was arbitrarily defined as having 2 consecutive measurements of 0 shoots per 0.1 m2 . Contour maps of weed densities were generated and overlaid on field topography maps. A contour map was generated to estimate the size and density of each thistle patch. Generally, the highest densities of Canada thistle appear in the center of the patches. Shoot density within the patches declined as the distance from the center of the patch increased. Near infrared images were generated with a digital camera and compared to weed maps produced with ground scouting

    Broaching the brook : daylighting, community and the ‘stickiness’ of water

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    Over the last century, under the modern hydraulic model, waterways across the world have been heavily canalized and culverted, driven into underground pipes, drains and sewers. This hydraulic approach has hardwired an isolated water network into the urban fabric, fragmenting erstwhile patterns and dynamics of life, both human and nonhuman. Ecologically, it has been hugely damaging, reducing water quality and biotic diversity, but also socially, disconnecting citizens from the waterways that service and characterize the city. Consequently, since the 1990s, waterway restoration has become widespread as a design solution to degraded rivers and streams, reinstating compromised hydrological, geomorphological and ecological processes. Deculverting or ‘daylighting’, the focus of this paper, is a radical form of restoration, opening up subterranean, culverted waterways often forgotten by communities above ground. Yet, as this paper emphasizes, waterway restoration has tended to privilege ecological over social objectives, while public engagement in project conceptualization has been limited, conducted ‘downstream’ subsequent to planning and design stages. Restoration schemes have therefore tended to reflect the concerns of professionals rather than communities, overlooking their potential for social renewal and change. Drawing on workshop data collected through participatory mapping exercises, this paper explores the case for daylighting a culverted brook in Urmston, Greater Manchester, focusing in particular on the preferences, concerns and knowledge of local residents. The paper compares professional and community perspectives on the preferred scheme design and potential benefits of daylighting, drawing out differences and tensions between them, temporarily ‘unblackboxing’ the brook. It is ventured that daylighting can unleash the social ‘stickiness’ of water, its proclivity to draw and bind together, to revitalize the park, enhancing connection to wildness, attachment to place and sense of community. This is particularly crucial in the face of decreased local authority funding and related crises in park management

    Theoretical Derivation of Stable and Nonisotopic Approaches for Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Turnover

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    Techniques for measuring soil organic C (SOC) turnover in production fields are needed. The objectives of this study were to propose and test nonisotopic and 13 C stable isotopic techniques for assessing SOC turnover. Based on SOC equilibrium and mass balance relationships, an equation was derived: NHC/SOC initial=[1/(SOC× k NHC)](dSOC/dt)+ k SOC/k NHC, where dSOC/dt is the annual change in SOC, NHC is nonharvested C returned to soil, k SOC is the annual mineralization rate of SOC, and k NHC is the annual mineralization rate of NHC. This equation was used to calculate maintenance rates. An isotopic approach based on simultaneously solving the equations was developed to determine C budgets:(i) SOC retained=[SOC final (Δ soil final− Δ PCR)/(Δ SOCretained− Δ PCR)];(ii) Δ SOC retained= Δ soc initial−[Δ ln (SOC retained/SOC initial)],(iii) Δ PCR= Δ NHC−[Δ ln (PCR/NHC)]; and (iv) SOC fina

    Spring Clipping, Fire, and Simulated Increased Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Tallgrass Prairie Vegetation

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    Defoliation aimed at introduced cool-season grasses, which uses similar resources of native grasses, could substantially reduce their competitiveness and improve the quality of the northern tallgrass prairie. The objective was to evaluate the use of early season clipping and fire in conjunction with simulated increased levels of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on foliar canopy cover of tallgrass prairie vegetation. This study was conducted from 2009 to 2012 at two locations in eastern South Dakota. Small plots arranged in a split-plot treatment design were randomized in four complete blocks on a warm-season grass interseeded and a native prairie site in east-central South Dakota. The whole plot consisted of seven treatments: annual clip, biennial clip, triennial clip, annual fire, biennial fire, triennial fire, and undefoliated control. The clip plots consisted of weekly clipping in May to simulate heavy grazing. Fire was applied in late April or early May. The subplot consisted of nitrogen applied at 0 or 15 kg N · ha−1 in early June. All treatments were initially applied in 2009. Biennial and triennial treatments were reapplied in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Canopy cover of species/major plant functional groups was estimated in late August/early September. Annual clipping was just as effective as annual fire in increasing native warm-season grass and decreasing introduced cool-season grass cover. Annual defoliation resulted in greater native warm-season grass cover, less introduced cool-season grass cover, and less native cool-season grass cover than biennial or triennial defoliation applications. Low levels of nitrogen did not affect native warm-season grass or introduced cool-season cover for any of the defoliation treatments, but it increased introduced cool-season grass cover in the undefoliated control at the native prairie site. This study supports the hypothesis that appropriately applied management results in consistent desired outcomes regardless of increased simulated atmospheric nitrogen depositions

    Persistence Wins: Long-Term Agricultural Conservation Outreach Pays Off

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    This article discusses the lesson learned from an Extension, state, and federal agency coordinated water quality project that was formally started in 1995. In the project, educational programing was provided, high risk areas were identified, and BMPs were implemented on these areas. The net result of BMP implementation was a 38% improvement in South Dakota Bad River water quality. This improvement was attributed to Extension and others providing leadership on: 1) the development of local learning communities and 2) identification and implementing BMP\u27s in high risk areas. This work demonstrates that Extension can make a difference

    Field Scale Variability of Nitrogen and ÎŽ15N in Soil and Plants

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    Understanding the factors that influence soil and plant nitrogen (N) spatial variability may improve our ability to develop management systems that maximize productivity and minimize environmental hazards. The objective of this study was to determine the field (65 ha) scale spatial variability of N and ή15N in soil and corn (Zea mays). Soil, grain, and stover samples were collected from grids that ranged in size from 30 by 30 m to 60 by 60 m. Plant samples, collected following physiological maturity in 1995, were analyzed for total N and ή15N. Soil samples, collected prior to planting in the spring of 1995 and 1996, were analyzed for inorganic‐N, total N, and ή15N. All parameters showed strong spatial relationships. In an undrained portion of the field containing somewhat poorly and poorly drained soils there was a net loss of 95 kg N ha‐1, while in an adjacent area that was tile drained there was a net gain of 98 kg N ha‐1. Denitrification and N mineralization most likely were responsible for losses and gains, respectively. Differences between the N balances of these areas (193 kg N ha‐1) provide a relative measure of the impact of tile drainage on plant N availability and greenhouse gas production in a wet year

    Factors Influencing Spatial Variability of Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity

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    Soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) can be used as a precision farming diagnostic tool more efficiently if the factors influencing ECa spatial variability are understood. The objective of this study was to ascertain the causes of ECa spatial variability in soils developed in an environment with between 50 and 65 cm of annual rainfall. Soils at the research sites were formed on calcareous glacial till parent materials deposited approximately 10,000 years ago. Soil samples (0–15 cm) collected from at least a 60 by 60 m grid in four fields were analyzed for Olsen phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Elevation was measured by a carrier phase single frequency DGPS and ECa was measured with an EM 38 (Geonics Ltd., ON, Canada) multiple times between 1995 and 1999. Apparent electrical conductivity contained spatial structure in all fields. Generally, the well drained soils in the summit areas and the poorly drained soil in the toeslope areas had low and high ECa values, respectively. The landscape differences in ECa were attributed to: (i) water leaching salts out of summit areas and capillary flow combined with seepage transporting water and salts from subsurface to surface soils in toeslope areas; (ii) lower water contents in summit than toeslope soils; and (iii) water erosion which transported surface soil from summit/shoulder areas to lower backslope/footslope areas. A conceptual model based on these findings was developed. In this model, topography followed a sine curve and ECa followed a cosine curve. Field areas that did not fit the conceptual model were: (i) areas containing old animal confinement areas; (ii) areas where high manure rates had been applied; and (iii) areas where soils were outside the boundary conditions of the model, i.e., soils not developed under relatively low rainfall conditions in calcareous glacial till with temperatures ranging between mesic and frigid. This research showed that the soil forming processes as well as agricultural management influenced ECa and that by understanding how landscape position influences salt loss and accumulation, water redistributions following precipitation, and erosion areas that do not fit the conceptual model can be identified. This information can be used to improve soil sampling strategies

    Effects of Grade Control Structures on Fish Passage, Biological Assemblages and Hydraulic Environments in Western Iowa Streams: A Multidisciplinary Review

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    Land use changes and channelization of streams in the deep loess region of western Iowa have led to stream channel incision, altered flow regimes, increased sediment inputs, decreased habitat diversity and reduced lateral connectivity of streams and floodplains. Grade control structures (GCSs) are built in streams to prevent further erosion, protect infrastructure and reduce sediment loads. However, GCS can have a detrimental impact on fisheries and biological communities. We review three complementary biological and hydraulic studies on the effects of GCS in these streams. GCS with steep (≄1:4 rise : run) downstream slopes severely limited fish passage, but GCS with gentle slopes (≀1:15) allowed greater passage. Fish assemblages were dominated by species tolerant of degradation, and Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores were indicative of fair or poor biotic integrity. More than 50% of fish species had truncated distributions. After modification of GCS to reduce slopes and permit increased passage, IBI scores increased and several species were detected further upstream than before modification. Total macroinvertebrate density, biomass and taxonomic diversity and abundance of ecologically sensitive taxa were greater at GCS than in reaches immediately upstream, downstream or ≄1 km from GCS. A hydraulic study confirmed results from fish passage studies; minimum depths and maximum current velocities at GCS with gentle slopes (≀1:15) were more likely to meet minimum criteria for catfish passage than GCS with steeper slopes. Multidisciplinary approaches such as ours will increase understanding of GCS-associated factors influencing fish passage, biological assemblage structure and other ecological relationships in streams

    PND38 International Comparison of Huntington Disease (HD) Burden

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