350 research outputs found

    Evaluation of condylar structures on panoramic radiographs in adolescent patients with coeliac disease

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    Background: Coeliac disease (CD) is a common disorder that usually originates from calcium malabsorption. Thus, it is accepted that patients with CD have lo- wer bone mineral density than that of healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to assess condylar height, width, area, and perimeter on digital panoramic radiographs in patients with CD.  Materials and methods: Panoramic radiographs obtained from 44 patients with CD were age- and sex-matched with 44 Class 1 (ANB: 2 ± 2°) patients, and out- comes were analysed. Radiographs were digitised using Image J software, and condylar height, width, area, and perimeter were compared.  Results: Condylar area (3.66 ± 1.02 cm2), perimeter (9.29 ± 1.38 cm), and height (2.69 ± 0.46 cm) values were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the control group than those in the patient group (area: 2.52 ± 0.63 cm2, perimeter: 8.47 ± 1.42 cm, height: 2.51 ± 0.37 cm), whereas width (coeliac: 2.83 ± 0.63 cm, control: 3.00 ± 0.59 cm) did not differ between the groups (p > 0.05).  Conclusions: These outcomes may be due to the low bone density of patients with CD. A controlled trial conducted using a larger sample is needed to support and extend these data.

    Uji Efektivitas Pemberian Paclobutrazol Terhadap Keseimbangan Pertumbuhan Tiga Varietas Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

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    Paclobutrazol Application Study on Balance the Growth of Three Varieties of Peanuts(Arachis hypogaea L.). This study aimed to learn effect of paclobutrazol application ongrowth of three varieties of peanuts. The research was conducted at Tanjung Sari, Medan (±25 m above sea level) from June – October 2012 used randomized block design. The firstfactor was the paclobutrazol concentration with 4 level were 0, 100, 200 and 300 ppm and thesecond factor was three varieties were Gajah, Bima and Domba with 3 replication. Parameterwere plant length, number of productive branch, flowering time, harvest time, ginofornumber formed per sample, number of pod contains, seed weight per sample and weight of100 seeds. The results showed that paclobutrazol significant of plant length 7-9 week afterplant. Variety significant of plant length 2-9 weeks after plant, number of productive branchat 5-9 weeks after plant, flowering time, harvest time, ginofor number formed per sample,weight of 100 seeds, but not significant to number of pod contain and seed weight persample. Whereas, interaction between paclobutrazol and varieties only significant to reducenumber of empty pods

    Induksi Mutasi Radiasi Sinar Gammapada Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill)

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    This study aimed to get the genetic diversity some varieties of black soybeans due to the influence of gamma rays. Research was conducted at Balai Benih Induk Tanaman Palawija, Deli Serdang (+ 25 m above sea level) from April - August 2012 used randomized block design. The first factor is the radiation doses with 4 level are 0, 10, 15, and 20 krad and the second factor is three varieties are Detam-1, Detam-2, and Cikuray. The treatment was repeated three times. The results showed that radiation significant of percentage of germination, plant height at 4-5 week after plant and harvest time. Varieties significant of plant height at 2-5 week after plant, flowering time, harvest time, number of empty pods, seed weight per sample, weight of 100 seeds, but not significant of the number of productive branch and number of pod contain. Whereas, interaction between radiation and varieties only significant of plant height at 4 week after plant. Coefficient variability genotipe values ranged between 0,39 – 17,85 and coefficient variability fenotipe values ranged between 1,21 – 18,76. Heritability values ​​ranged between 0,10 - 0,96. Research should be continued so know production of varieties which are higher

    Kearifan Lokal Tentang Mitigasi Bencana Pada Masyarakat Baduy

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    This study examines the indigenous Baduy society in preventing disaster. This study used a qualitative approach. Data collected by observation and depth interview methods, and analysis conducted by descriptive-analytical. This study aims to gain knowledge and traditional ways of Baduy society that has passed down from generation to generation. The results showed that (a) cut-and-burn systems in Baduy forests to open field for dry rice cultivation (huma) did not cause forest fires, (b) Baduy settlements adjacent to the river is not flooding, (c) houses and buildings made of materials combustible (wood, bamboo, thatch, and palm fiber) infrequent fires, and (d) Baduy territory included in the earthquake-prone areas of West Java, there is no damage to buildings due to the earthquake disaster. This is because the pikukuh (customary rules) that serve as guidelines and direction for Baduy think and act. Pikukuh are the basis of traditional knowledge that wise and prudent, so avoid the disaster. &nbsp


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    Beach slope and sediment granulometry  is one of the importat aspect in coastal management.  Beach offers a variety of functions and potential to be utilized. In the interests of phisical use in the beach, coastal structure in the form of groynes has been built. Actually, the groin has been used as a dock. This research was conducted with the aim of revealing the slope and granulometry sediment in Tanjung Merah beach. The results obtained, the beach slope is considered sloping and very sloping, the composition of the sediment consists mainly  of medium sand, fine sand and very fine sand. Sediment distribution analysis obtained results, the main grain size was mainly in the form of medium sand, sorting was mainly classified as poor, skewness was mostly asymmetrie strong to large size, most curtosis was mesokurtic. The results of the study indicate the occurrence of the process of erosion and deposition ia certain spaces on the beach studied.Keywords: Tanjung Merah, beach slope, sediment granulometryKemiringan lereng dan granulometri sedimen gisik merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pengelolaan pantai. Gisik menawarkan beragam fungsi dan potensi untuk dimanfaatkan. Dalam kepentingan pemanfaatan lahan gisik, berbagai modifikasi dilakukan oleh manusia. Pada gisik di Tanjung Merah, telah dibangun struktur pantai berupa groin. Secara aktual, groin tersebut telah difunsikan sebagai dermaga. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkapkan kemiringan dan granulometri sedimen di gisik Tanjung Merah. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, lereng gisik terkriteria miring dan sangat miring, komposisi sedimen terutama terdiri dari pasir sedang, pasir halus, dan pasir sangat halus. Analisis distribusi memperoleh hasil, rataan empirik terutama berupa pasir sedang, penyortiran terutama terklasifikasi buruk, kemencengan terbanyak berupa asimetris kuat ke ukuran besar, peruncingan terbanyak berupa mesokurtik. Hasil studi mengindikasikan terjadi proses erosi dan deposisi pada ruang-ruang tertentu di gisik yang ditelaah.Kata kunci : Tanjung Merah, kemiringan lereng, granulometri sedime

    第774回 千葉医学会例会・第二内科例会 64.

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    The apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is the most highly associated susceptibility locus for late onset Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and augmenting the beneficial physiological functions of apoE is a proposed therapeutic strategy. In a high throughput phenotypic screen for small molecules that enhance apoE secretion from human CCF-STTG1 astrocytoma cells, we show the chrysanthemic ester 82879 robustly increases expressed apoE up to 9.4-fold and secreted apoE up to 6-fold and is associated with increased total cholesterol in conditioned media. Compound 82879 is unique as structural analogues, including pyrethroid esters, show no effect on apoE expression or secretion. 82879 also stimulates liver x receptor (LXR) target genes including ATP binding cassette A1 (ABCA1), LXRα and inducible degrader of low density lipoprotein receptor (IDOL) at both mRNA and protein levels. In particular, the lipid transporter ABCA1 was increased by up to 10.6-fold upon 82879 treatment. The findings from CCF-STTG1 cells were confirmed in primary human astrocytes from three donors, where increased apoE and ABCA1 was observed along with elevated secretion of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-like apoE particles. Nuclear receptor transactivation assays revealed modest direct LXR agonism by compound 82879, yet 10 μM of 82879 significantly upregulated apoE mRNA in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) depleted of both LXRα and LXRβ, demonstrating that 82879 can also induce apoE expression independent of LXR transactivation. By contrast, deletion of LXRs in MEFs completely blocked mRNA changes in ABCA1 even at 10 μM of 82879, indicating the ability of 82879 to stimulate ABCA1 expression is entirely dependent on LXR transactivation. Taken together, compound 82879 is a novel chrysanthemic ester capable of modulating apoE secretion as well as apoE-associated lipid metabolic pathways in astrocytes, which is structurally and mechanistically distinct from known LXR agonists

    Liquidation of Corporation

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    Import 22/07/2015Diplomová práce se zabývá procesem likvidace obchodních společností v České republice. Cílem této práce je popsat postup likvidace obchodních společností a upozornit na některé problémy, které proces likvidace s sebou přináší, poukázat na řešení základních organizačních a ekonomických otázek související s likvidací a propojit právní a daňový pohled na likvidaci. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. V první kapitole jsou definovány jednotlivé právní formy obchodních společností a možné způsoby jejich zrušení. Druhá kapitola se zabývá popisem likvidačního procesu, kdy jsou popsány jednotlivé kroky likvidátora v průběhu likvidace. Třetí kapitola je věnována osobě likvidátora, podmínky nutné k výkonu likvidátora, povolání likvidátora do funkce. Čtvrtá kapitola je věnována praktickým problémům spojenými s procesem likvidace.Thesis deals with the process of liquidation of corporations in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to describe the procedure of liquidation and to point out some possible problems that could occur during liquidation. The legal and tax point view of the topic will also be included. Thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. Different legal forms of the corporations and the ways of dissolution of companies are defined in the first chapter. The second chapter pursues the process of liquidation. One part of this chapter is devoted to activities of the liquidator. The person of the liquidator, including his competences and required skills, is described in the third chapter. The last chapter is focused on practical problems concerning the process of liquidation.119 - Katedra právavelmi dobř