66 research outputs found

    Bridging topological and functional information in protein interaction networks by short loops profiling

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    Protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs) have been employed to identify potential novel interconnections between proteins as well as crucial cellular functions. In this study we identify fundamental principles of PPIN topologies by analysing network motifs of short loops, which are small cyclic interactions of between 3 and 6 proteins. We compared 30 PPINs with corresponding randomised null models and examined the occurrence of common biological functions in loops extracted from a cross-validated high-confidence dataset of 622 human protein complexes. We demonstrate that loops are an intrinsic feature of PPINs and that specific cell functions are predominantly performed by loops of different lengths. Topologically, we find that loops are strongly related to the accuracy of PPINs and define a core of interactions with high resilience. The identification of this core and the analysis of loop composition are promising tools to assess PPIN quality and to uncover possible biases from experimental detection methods. More than 96% of loops share at least one biological function, with enrichment of cellular functions related to mRNA metabolic processing and the cell cycle. Our analyses suggest that these motifs can be used in the design of targeted experiments for functional phenotype detection.This research was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/H018409/1 to AP, ACCC and FF, and BB/J016284/1 to NSBT) and by the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research (to NSBT and FF). SSC is funded by a Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Gordon Piller PhD Studentship

    Nano Random Forests to mine protein complexes and their relationships in quantitative proteomics data

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    Ever-increasing numbers of quantitative proteomics data sets constitute an underexploited resource for investigating protein function. Multiprotein complexes often follow consistent trends in these experiments, which could provide insights about their biology. Yet, as more experiments are considered, a complex’s signature may become conditional and less identifiable. Previously we successfully distinguished the general proteomic signature of genuine chromosomal proteins from hitchhikers using the Random Forests (RF) machine learning algorithm. Here we test whether small protein complexes can define distinguishable signatures of their own, despite the assumption that machine learning needs large training sets. We show, with simulated and real proteomics data, that RF can detect small protein complexes and relationships between them. We identify several complexes in quantitative proteomics results of wild-type and knockout mitotic chromosomes. Other proteins covary strongly with these complexes, suggesting novel functional links for later study. Integrating the RF analysis for several complexes reveals known interdependences among kinetochore subunits and a novel dependence between the inner kinetochore and condensin. Ribosomal proteins, although identified, remained independent of kinetochore subcomplexes. Together these results show that this complex-oriented RF (NanoRF) approach can integrate proteomics data to uncover subtle protein relationships. Our NanoRF pipeline is available online

    Identification of DHX9 as a cell cycle regulated nucleolar recruitment factor for CIZ1

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    CIP1-interacting zinc finger protein 1 (CIZ1) is a nuclear matrix associated protein that facilitates a number of nuclear functions including initiation of DNA replication, epigenetic maintenance and associates with the inactive X-chromosome. Here, to gain more insight into the protein networks that underpin this diverse functionality, molecular panning and mass spectrometry are used to identify protein interaction partners of CIZ1, and CIZ1 replication domain (CIZ1-RD). STRING analysis of CIZ1 interaction partners identified 2 functional clusters: ribosomal subunits and nucleolar proteins including the DEAD box helicases, DHX9, DDX5 and DDX17. DHX9 shares common functions with CIZ1, including interaction with XIST long-non-coding RNA, epigenetic maintenance and regulation of DNA replication. Functional characterisation of the CIZ1-DHX9 complex showed that CIZ1-DHX9 interact in vitro and dynamically colocalise within the nucleolus from early to mid S-phase. CIZ1-DHX9 nucleolar colocalisation is dependent upon RNA polymerase I activity and is abolished by depletion of DHX9. In addition, depletion of DHX9 reduced cell cycle progression from G1 to S-phase in mouse fibroblasts. The data suggest that DHX9-CIZ1 are required for efficient cell cycle progression at the G1/S transition and that nucleolar recruitment is integral to their mechanism of action

    Co-regulation map of the human proteome enables identification of protein functions

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: All mass spectrometry raw files generated in-house have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange Consortium (http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org) via the PRIDE partner repository36 with the dataset identifier PXD008888. The co-regulation map is hosted on our website at www.proteomeHD.net, and pair-wise co-regulation scores are available through STRING (https://string-db.org). A network of the top 0.5% co-regulated protein pairs can be explored interactively on NDEx (https://doi.org/10.18119/N9N30Q).Code availability: Data analysis was performed in R 3.5.1. R scripts and input files required to reproduce the results of this manuscript are available in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/ProteomeHD. R scripts related specifically to the benchmarking of the treeClust algorithm using synthetic data are available in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/Rappsilber-Laboratory/treeClust-benchmarking. The R package data.table was used for fast data processing. Figures were prepared using ggplot2, gridExtra, cowplot and viridis.Note that the title of the AAM is different from the published versionThe annotation of protein function is a longstanding challenge of cell biology that suffers from the sheer magnitude of the task. Here we present ProteomeHD, which documents the response of 10,323 human proteins to 294 biological perturbations, measured by isotope-labelling mass spectrometry. We reveal functional associations between human proteins using the treeClust machine learning algorithm, which we show to improve protein co-regulation analysis due to robust selectivity for close linear relationships. Our co-regulation map identifies a functional context for many uncharacterized proteins, including microproteins that are difficult to study with traditional methods. Co-regulation also captures relationships between proteins which do not physically interact or co-localize. For example, co-regulation of the peroxisomal membrane protein PEX11β with mitochondrial respiration factors led us to discover a novel organelle interface between peroxisomes and mitochondria in mammalian cells. The co-regulation map can be explored at www.proteomeHD.net .Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)European Commissio

    Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Encodes Presence of Risk and Subjective Risk Preference During Decision-Making

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    Adaptive decision-making requires consideration of objective risks and rewards associated with each option, as well as subjective preference for risky/safe alternatives. Inaccurate risk/reward estimations can engender excessive risk-taking, a central trait in many psychiatric disorders. The lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC) has been linked to many disorders associated with excessively risky behavior and is ideally situated to mediate risky decision-making. Here, we used single-unit electrophysiology to measure neuronal activity from lOFC of freely moving rats performing in a punishment-based risky decision-making task. Subjects chose between a small, safe reward and a large reward associated with either 0% or 50% risk of concurrent punishment. lOFC activity repeatedly encoded current risk in the environment throughout the decision-making sequence, signaling risk before, during, and after a choice. In addition, lOFC encoded reward magnitude, although this information was only evident during action selection. A Random Forest classifier successfully used neural data accurately to predict the risk of punishment in any given trial, and the ability to predict choice via lOFC activity differentiated between and risk-preferring and risk-averse rats. Finally, risk preferring subjects demonstrated reduced lOFC encoding of risk and increased encoding of reward magnitude. These findings suggest lOFC may serve as a central decision-making hub in which external, environmental information converges with internal, subjective information to guide decision-making in the face of punishment risk