2,881 research outputs found

    Liquid compressibility effects during the collapse of a single cavitating bubble

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    The effect of liquid compressibility on the dynamics of a single, spherical cavitating bubble is studied. While it is known that compressibility damps the amplitude of bubble rebounds, the extent to which this effect is accurately captured by weakly compressible versions of the Rayleigh–Plesset equation is unclear. To clarify this issue, partial differential equations governing conservation of mass, momentum, and energy are numerically solved both inside the bubble and in the surrounding compressible liquid. Radiated pressure waves originating at the unsteady bubble interface are directly captured. Results obtained with Rayleigh–Plesset type equations accounting for compressibility effects, proposed by Keller and Miksis [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68, 628–633 (1980)], Gilmore, and Tomita and Shima [Bull. JSME 20, 1453–1460 (1977)], are compared with those resulting from the full model. For strong collapses, the solution of the latter reveals that an important part of the energy concentrated during the collapse is used to generate an outgoing pressure wave. For the examples considered in this research, peak pressures are larger than those predicted by Rayleigh–Plesset type equations, whereas the amplitudes of the rebounds are smaller

    Lattice Models of Quantum Gravity

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    Standard Regge Calculus provides an interesting method to explore quantum gravity in a non-perturbative fashion but turns out to be a CPU-time demanding enterprise. One therefore seeks for suitable approximations which retain most of its universal features. The Z2Z_2-Regge model could be such a desired simplification. Here the quadratic edge lengths qq of the simplicial complexes are restricted to only two possible values q=1+ϔσq=1+\epsilon\sigma, with σ=±1\sigma=\pm 1, in close analogy to the ancestor of all lattice theories, the Ising model. To test whether this simpler model still contains the essential qualities of the standard Regge Calculus, we study both models in two dimensions and determine several observables on the same lattice size. In order to compare expectation values, e.g. of the average curvature or the Liouville field susceptibility, we employ in both models the same functional integration measure. The phase structure is under current investigation using mean field theory and numerical simulation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    The Clustering Of Galaxies Around Radio-Loud AGNs

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    We examine the hypothesis that mergers and close encounters between galaxies can fuel AGNs by increasing the rate at which gas accretes towards the central black hole. We compare the clustering of galaxies around radio-loud AGNs with the clustering around a population of radio-quiet galaxies with similar masses, colors and luminosities. Our catalog contains 2178 elliptical radio galaxies with flux densities greater than 2.8 mJy at 1.4 GHz from the 6dFGS survey. We find that radio AGNs with more than 200 times the median radio power have, on average, more close (r<160 kpc) companions than their radio-quiet counterparts, suggestive that mergers play a role in forming the most powerful radio galaxies. For ellipticals of fixed stellar mass, the radio power is not a function of large-scale environment nor halo mass, consistent with the radio powers of ellipticals varying by orders of magnitude over billions of years.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Ganglioside-dependent cell attachment and endocytosis of murine polyomavirus-like particles

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    AbstractFor murine polyomavirus (Py), previous studies suggest the cellular target is a terminal α2,3-linked sialic acid. Here, we investigate the binding and uptake of mouse polyomavirus-like particles (PyVLP) derived from bacterially expressed VP1. We find that in fibroblast 3T6 cells, binding of PyVLP was substantially reduced by sialidase treatment, but only moderately affected by protease treatment, suggesting glycolipids such as the sialic acid-containing gangliosides mediate cell attachment. We further tested the entry requirement of PyVLP using the ganglioside-deficient GM95 murine cell line, and find PyVLP binding and entry were reduced in these cells. Finally, we find that addition of gangliosides GM1, GD1a, and GT1b to GM95 cells restored cellular PyVLP binding and uptake. Taken together, results indicate that gangliosides function in PyVLP cell attachment and endocytosis

    Human Aging Magnifies Genetic Effects on Executive Functioning and Working Memory

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    We demonstrate that common genetic polymorphisms contribute to the increasing heterogeneity of cognitive functioning in old age. We assess two common Val/Met polymorphisms, one affecting the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) enzyme, which degrades dopamine (DA) in prefrontal cortex (PFC), and the other influencing the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein. In two tasks (Wisconsin Card Sorting and spatial working memory), we find that effects of COMT genotype on cognitive performance are magnified in old age and modulated by BDNF genotype. Older COMT Val homozygotes showed particularly low levels of performance if they were also BDNF Met carriers. The age-associated magnification of COMT gene effects provides novel information on the inverted U-shaped relation linking dopaminergic neuromodulation in PFC to cognitive performance. The modulation of COMT effects by BDNF extends recent evidence of close interactions between frontal and medial-temporal circuitries in executive functioning and working memory

    Marine area governance and management in the Gulf of Maine : a case study

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    This case study provides a description and evaluation of marine area governance and management in the Gulf of Maine. On the advice of the Oversight Committee, we began the study at a broad level by identifying marine resources, uses of the resources, existing management regimes, and conflicts among users of the resources. The results of these initial reviews are collected in the tables in Appendix A. The Oversight Committee also suggested that we develop a chronology of important events relating to marine area governance and management in the Gulf of Maine, which is included as Appendix B. As is clear from even a quick scan of the material in Appendix A, almost every conceivable use of the marine environment occurs in the Gulf of Maine at some scale. However, some of these uses are more problematic than others in terms of the governance and management problems they engender. Rather than take a broadbrush approach that might not have done justice to any of the region's many ocean resources and uses, we decided to focus the case study on one or more of its most difficult and consequential governance and management issues. The initial survey enabled us to focus in on a subset of resources, use conflicts, and governance issues, namely those associated mainly with marine fisheries governance and management. Several considerations support the argument for a focus on fisheries governance and management. The marine fisheries are a regional-scale resource and industry, due to the mobility of the fish stocks, the geographic distribution of the users of the resource, and the fact that governance institutions have been designed to have regionwide authority. Thus fisheries mismanagement has the potential to inflict widespread social detriment and significant economic losses. Indeed, the net cost of depleted groundfish stocks under the current management structure, relative to the condition of stocks in an optimally managed fishery, has been estimated at about $139 million annually, or just under one-fifth the landed value of the entire Gulf of Maine commercial catch. Other ocean resources with potentially regional impacts, such as offshore energy, are not being pursued in the Gulf of Maine region at levels that pose significant concerns. Consequently, non-fishery resource management problems in the Gulf of Maine are, for the most part, local in scale, of comparatively minor economic significance, and not unique to the region. There is no evidence, for example, of "system-wide degradation of marine environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine. . . . The Gulf as a whole remains relatively clean, although the deep central basins appear to be accumulating several pollutants, including PAHs and PCBs" (GOMCME 1994; see also Dow and Braasch 1996 and Gould, Clark, and Thurberg 1994). Given that most pollutants of concern are concentrated in inshore waters near urban areas and in the mouths of industrialized rivers, it is not at all clear that they could be dealt with more effectively or efficiently at the regional level. In sum, our focus on fisheries reflects our judgment that the greatest net benefits might be obtained from improvements in the governance and management of these marine resources within the Gulf of Maine region.This case study was produced for the purposes of the Committee on Marine Area Governance and Management of the National Research Council (NRC), Agreement No. DOT -3830-96-002

    The role of relatives in decisions concerning life-prolonging treatment in patients with end-stage malignant disorders: informants, advocates or surrogate decision-makers?

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    Background: This study examines the extent to which relatives of severely ill cancer patients are involved in the decision to limit treatment (DLT), their role in communicating patient wishes and the incidence of and reasons for disagreement with relatives. Patients and methods: This cohort study followed 70 patients with terminal cancer, for whom a limitation of life-prolonging treatment was being considered. ‘Embedded researchers' recorded patients' wishes and the relatives' roles and disagreements with DLT. Results: Although 63 out of 70 patients had relatives present during their care, only 32% of relatives were involved in DLT. Physicians were more likely to know the end-of-life (EOL) preferences for those patients who had visiting relatives than those without them (78% versus 29%, P = 0.014). Most relatives supported patients in voicing their preferences (68%), but one-third acted against the known or presumed wishes of patients (32%). Disagreements with patients' relatives occurred in 21% of cases, and predominantly when relatives held views that contradicted known patient preferences (71% versus 7%, P = 0.001). Conclusion: If relatives are to play an important part in EOL decision making, we must devise strategies to recognise their potential as patients' advocates as well as their own need

    Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer

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    Gauge theories are fundamental to our understanding of interactions between the elementary constituents of matter as mediated by gauge bosons. However, computing the real-time dynamics in gauge theories is a notorious challenge for classical computational methods. In the spirit of Feynman's vision of a quantum simulator, this has recently stimulated theoretical effort to devise schemes for simulating such theories on engineered quantum-mechanical devices, with the difficulty that gauge invariance and the associated local conservation laws (Gauss laws) need to be implemented. Here we report the first experimental demonstration of a digital quantum simulation of a lattice gauge theory, by realising 1+1-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (Schwinger model) on a few-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer. We are interested in the real-time evolution of the Schwinger mechanism, describing the instability of the bare vacuum due to quantum fluctuations, which manifests itself in the spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs. To make efficient use of our quantum resources, we map the original problem to a spin model by eliminating the gauge fields in favour of exotic long-range interactions, which have a direct and efficient implementation on an ion trap architecture. We explore the Schwinger mechanism of particle-antiparticle generation by monitoring the mass production and the vacuum persistence amplitude. Moreover, we track the real-time evolution of entanglement in the system, which illustrates how particle creation and entanglement generation are directly related. Our work represents a first step towards quantum simulating high-energy theories with atomic physics experiments, the long-term vision being the extension to real-time quantum simulations of non-Abelian lattice gauge theories

    Age-Related Decline in Brain Resources Modulates Genetic Effects on Cognitive Functioning

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    Individual differences in cognitive performance increase from early to late adulthood, likely reflecting influences of a multitude of factors. We hypothesize that losses in neurochemical and anatomical brain resources in normal aging modulate the effects of common genetic variations on cognitive functioning. Our hypothesis is based on the assumption that the function relating brain resources to cognition is nonlinear, so that genetic differences exert increasingly large effects on cognition as resources recede from high to medium levels in the course of aging. Direct empirical support for this hypothesis comes from a study by Nagel et al. (2008), who reported that the effects of the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) gene on cognitive performance are magnified in old age and interacted with the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) gene. We conclude that common genetic polymorphisms contribute to the increasing heterogeneity of cognitive functioning in old age. Extensions of the hypothesis to other polymorphisms are discussed. (150 of 150 words
