366 research outputs found

    Low field magnetotransport in strained Si/SiGe cavities

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    Low field magnetotransport revealing signatures of ballistic transport effects in strained Si/SiGe cavities is investigated. We fabricated strained Si/SiGe cavities by confining a high mobility Si/SiGe 2DEG in a bended nanowire geometry defined by electron-beam lithography and reactive ion etching. The main features observed in the low temperature magnetoresistance curves are the presence of a zero-field magnetoresistance peak and of an oscillatory structure at low fields. By adopting a simple geometrical model we explain the oscillatory structure in terms of electron magnetic focusing. A detailed examination of the zero-field peak lineshape clearly shows deviations from the predictions of ballistic weak localization theory.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B, 25 pages, 7 figure

    Conductance quantization in etched Si/SiGe quantum point contacts

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    We fabricated strongly confined Schottky-gated quantum point contacts by etching Si/SiGe heterostructures and observed intriguing conductance quantization in units of approximately 1e2/h. Non-linear conductance measurements were performed depleting the quantum point contacts at fixed mode-energy separation. We report evidences of the formation of a half 1e2/h plateau, supporting the speculation that adiabatic transmission occurs through 1D modes with complete removal of valley and spin degeneracies.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Study of the Fabrication Process for a Dual Mass Tuning Fork Gyro

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    AbstractThe fabrication process of a dual mass tuning for gyroscope presents many different challenges: the aspect ratio of the sidewalls, the Aspect Ratio Dependent Etch (ARDE) which causes different gaps to be etched in different etching time [1], the stiction during the release of the free structures, the notching effect that occurs with a dielectric etch stop layer [2], the thermal contact during the etch process. In this paper are presented different processes and studies of the etching characteristics in order to avoid or minimize these problems

    Gate-source distance scaling effects in H-terminated diamond MESFETs

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    In this paper, an analysis of gate-source and gate-drain scaling effects in MESFETs fabricated on hydrogen-terminated single-crystal diamond films is reported. The experimental results show that a decrease in gate-source spacing can improve the device performance by increasing the device output current density and its transconductance. On the contrary, the gate--drain distance produces less pronounced effects on device performance. Breakdown voltage, knee voltage, and threshold voltage variations due to changes in gate-source and drain-source distances have also been investigated. The obtained results can be used as a design guideline for the layout optimization of H-terminated diamond-based MESFETs

    Controlling the Cassie-to-Wenzel Transition: an Easy Route towards the Realization of Tridimensional Arrays of Biological Objects

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    In this paper we provide evidence that the Cassie-to-Wenzel transition, despite its detrimental effects on the wetting properties of superhydrophobic surfaces, can be exploited as an effective micro-fabrication strategy to obtain highly ordered arrays of biological objects. To this purpose we fabricated a patterned surface wetted in the Cassie state, where we deposited a droplet containing genomic DNA. We observed that, when the droplet wets the surface in the Cassie state, an array of DNA filaments pinned on the top edges between pillars is formed. Conversely, when the Cassie-to-Wenzel transition occurs, DNA can be pinned at different height between pillars. These results open the way to the realization of tridimensional arrays of biological objects

    On the Dependency of the Electromechanical Response of Rotary MEMS/NEMS on Their Embedded Flexure Hinges’ Geometry

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    This paper investigates how the electromechanical response of MEMS/NEMS devices changes when the geometrical characteristics of their embedded flexural hinges are modified. The research is dedicated particularly to MEMS/NEMS devices which are actuated by means of rotary comb-drives. The electromechanical behavior of a chosen rotary device is assessed by studying the rotation of the end effector, the motion of the comb-drive mobile fingers, the actuator’s maximum operating voltage, and the stress sustained by the flexure when the flexure’s shape, length, and width change. The results are compared with the behavior of a standard revolute joint. Outcomes demonstrate that a linear flexible beam cannot perfectly replace the revolute joint as it induces a translation that strongly facilitates the pull-in phenomenon and significantly increases the risk of ruptures of the comb-drives. On the other hand, results show how curved beams provide a motion that better resembles the revolute motion, preserving the structural integrity of the device and avoiding the pull-in phenomenon. Finally, results also show that the end effector motion approaches most precisely the revolute motion when a fine tuning of the beam’s length and width is performed

    imaging the coupling of terahertz radiation to a high electron mobility transistor in the near field

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    We used AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors as room-temperature direct detectors of radiation at 0.15 THz from a free electron laser, hence 5 times higher than their cutoff frequency of 30 GHz. By near-field active mapping we investigated the antenna-like coupling of the radiation to the transistor channel. We formulate a model for the detection based on self-mixing in the transistor channel. The noise equivalent power is found in the range of 10^{-7} W/Hz^{0.5} without any optimization of the device responsivity. Present day AlGaN/GaN fabrication technology may provide operation at higher frequency, integration of amplifiers for improved responsivity and fast switches for multiplexing, which make the detector here described the basic element of a monolithic terahertz focal plane array

    A pilot study of IL-1 inhibition by anakinra in acute gout

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    Monosodium urate crystals stimulate monocytes and macrophages to release IL-1β through the NALP3 component of the inflammasome. The effectiveness of IL-1 inhibition in hereditary autoinflammatory syndromes with mutations in the NALP3 protein suggested that IL-1 inhibition might also be effective in relieving the inflammatory manifestations of acute gout. The effectiveness of IL-1 inhibition was first evaluated in a mouse model of monosodium urate crystal-induced inflammation. IL-1 inhibition prevented peritoneal neutrophil accumulation but TNF blockade had no effect. Based on these findings, we performed a pilot, open-labeled study (trial registration number ISRCTN10862635) in 10 patients with gout who could not tolerate or had failed standard antiinflammatory therapies. All patients received 100 mg anakinra daily for 3 days. All 10 patients with acute gout responded rapidly to anakinra. No adverse effects were observed. IL-1 blockade appears to be an effective therapy for acute gouty arthritis. The clinical findings need to be confirmed in a controlled study

    Clinical utility of dual energy computed tomography in gout: Current concepts and applications

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    Summary. Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis and is increasing in prevalence and incidence in many countries worldwide. Dual Energy Computed Tomography (DECT) has a high diagnostic accuracy in established gout, but its diagnostic sensitivity is low in subjects with recent-onset gout. A meta-analysis of 17 studies showed a pooled sensitivity and specificity of 0.85 and 0.88, respectively. DECT is a useful diagnostic tool for patients with contraindications for joint aspiration or for those who refuse joint aspiration. This article aims to give an up to date review and summary of existing literature on the role and accuracy of DECT in the imaging of gout. (www.actabiomedica.it)