372 research outputs found

    A dialética no pensamento antigo.

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    Cooperative activity and efficiency in agricultural research

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    Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Timothy Populations

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    The objective of this study was to determine the variability in N use efficiency among field-grown timothy (Phelum pratense L.) populations. Shoot biomass and N uptake were measured at the end of the spring growth cycle on six timothy populations fertilized with three N rates at two sites in Eastern Canada. The variability in shoot biomass among populations was similar under limiting and nonlimiting N conditions. The ranking of the populations, however, differed under limiting and non-limiting N conditions, and also between the two sites under limiting N conditions. The differences in shoot biomass among populations under highly N deficient conditions were more related to N conversion efficiency than N uptake efficiency. These preliminary results indicate significant interactions between the N nutrition status and timothy populations, and the importance of N conversion efficiency under highly N deficient conditions

    The Mare as a Model for Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome: Intrafollicular Endocrine Milieu.

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    Luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome is a recurrent anovulatory dysfunction that affects up to 23% of women with normal menstrual cycles and up to 73% with endometriosis. Mechanisms underlying the development of LUF syndrome in mares were studied to provide a potential model for human anovulation. The effect of extended increase in circulating LH achieved by administration of recombinant equine LH (reLH) or a short surge of LH and decrease in progesterone induced by prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) on LUF formation (Experiment 1), identification of an optimal dose of COX-2 inhibitor (flunixin meglumine, FM; to block the effect of prostaglandins) for inducing LUFs (Experiment 2), and evaluation of intrafollicular endocrine milieu in LUFs (Experiment 3) were investigated. In Experiment 1, mares were treated with reLH from Day 7 to Day 15 (Day 0=ovulation), PGF2α on Day 7, or in combination. In Experiment 2, FM at doses of 2.0 or 3.0 mg/kg every 12 h and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (1500 IU) were administered after a follicle ≥32 mm was detected. In Experiment 3, FM at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg every 12 h plus hCG was used to induce LUFs and investigate the intrafollicular endocrine milieu. No LUFs were induced by reLH or PGF2α treatment; however, LUFs were induced in 100% of mares using FM. Intrafollicular PGF2α metabolite, PGF2α, and PGE2 were lower and the ratio of PGE2:PGF2α was higher in the induced LUF group. Higher levels of intrafollicular E2 and total primary sex steroids were observed in the induced LUF group along with a tendency for higher levels of GH, cortisol, and T; however, LH, PRL, VEGF-A, and NO did not differ between groups. In conclusion, this study reveals part of the intrafollicular endocrine milieu and the association of prostaglandins in LUF formation, and indicates that the mare might be an appropriate model for studying the poorly understood LUF syndrome

    The Mare as a Model for Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome: Intrafollicular Endocrine Milieu.

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    Luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome is a recurrent anovulatory dysfunction that affects up to 23% of women with normal menstrual cycles and up to 73% with endometriosis. Mechanisms underlying the development of LUF syndrome in mares were studied to provide a potential model for human anovulation. The effect of extended increase in circulating LH achieved by administration of recombinant equine LH (reLH) or a short surge of LH and decrease in progesterone induced by prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) on LUF formation (Experiment 1), identification of an optimal dose of COX-2 inhibitor (flunixin meglumine, FM; to block the effect of prostaglandins) for inducing LUFs (Experiment 2), and evaluation of intrafollicular endocrine milieu in LUFs (Experiment 3) were investigated. In Experiment 1, mares were treated with reLH from Day 7 to Day 15 (Day 0=ovulation), PGF2α on Day 7, or in combination. In Experiment 2, FM at doses of 2.0 or 3.0 mg/kg every 12 h and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (1500 IU) were administered after a follicle ≥32 mm was detected. In Experiment 3, FM at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg every 12 h plus hCG was used to induce LUFs and investigate the intrafollicular endocrine milieu. No LUFs were induced by reLH or PGF2α treatment; however, LUFs were induced in 100% of mares using FM. Intrafollicular PGF2α metabolite, PGF2α, and PGE2 were lower and the ratio of PGE2:PGF2α was higher in the induced LUF group. Higher levels of intrafollicular E2 and total primary sex steroids were observed in the induced LUF group along with a tendency for higher levels of GH, cortisol, and T; however, LH, PRL, VEGF-A, and NO did not differ between groups. In conclusion, this study reveals part of the intrafollicular endocrine milieu and the association of prostaglandins in LUF formation, and indicates that the mare might be an appropriate model for studying the poorly understood LUF syndrome


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    Esta pesquisa está focada na análise dos itinerários de políticos profissionalizados em cargos eletivos, que escrevem livros e têm a profissão de jornalista como ocupação prévia e/ou paralela aos mandatos eletivos ocupados. Recorreu-se ao exame dos trajetos de 19 agentes que foram selecionados dentro de um estudo mais amplo, desenvolvido por Igor Gastal Grill e Eliana Tavares dos Reis, que resul-tou no artigo “O que escrever quer dizer na política? Carreiras políticas e gêneros de produção escrita” (GRILL; REIS, 2012). Foram realizadas revisão bibliográfica sobre as intersecções entre jornalismo, lite-ratura e política ao longo da história brasileira e análise prosopográfica da população para apreender os perfis sociais, culturais e políticos dos parlamentares. Os processos de disputa em relação ao jornalismo acontecem marcados por instabilidades, aproximações e distanciamentos, onde as fronteiras são fluidas, os agentes transitam de forma frequente entre os universos (intelectual, político e jornalístico) e as obras escritas funcionam como um critério de diferenciação entre profissionais da política e instrumentos toma-das de posição no espaço político.Palavras-chave: Política. Intelectuais. Jornalismo. Elites. Prosopografia.POLICY AND WRITTEN PRODUCTION PRACTICE OF JOURNALISTS IN THE BRAZILIAN PARLIAMENTABSTRACT: This research is focused on the analysis of the routes taken by professionalized politicians in elected office, who write books and also work as journalism as a prerequisite and / or parallel to their man-date. We resorted to examining the paths of 19 agents who were selected within a broader study, develo-ped by Igor Gastal Grill and Eliana Tavares dos Reis, which resulted in the article “What to write means in politics? Political careers and genres of written production “(GRILL; REIS, 2012). Literature reviews on the intersections between journalism, literature and politics throughout Brazilian history and prosopographical population analysis were performed to grasp the social, cultural and political profiles of parliamentarians. The processes of dispute regarding journalism happen marked by instability, similarities and differences, where boundaries are fluid, the agents move frequently between universes (intellectual, political and jour-nalistic) and writings serve as a criterion for differentiation between politics profissionals and an instrument of statements of position in the politic space.KEYWORDS: Politicy. Intellectual. Journalism. Elites. Prosopography.ACTUACIÓN POLÍTICA Y PRODUCCIÓN ESCRITA DE PERIODISTAS EN EL PARLAMENTO BRASILEÑORESUMEN: Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de las rutas de los políticos profesionalizados en cargos electivos, que escriben libros y tienen la profesión de periodista como ocupación previa y/o para-lela a los cargos electivos ocupados. Hemos recurrido al examen de las rutas de 19 agentes que fueron seleccionados en un estudio más amplio, desarrollado por Igor Gastal Grill y Eliana Tavares dos Reis, que resultó en el artículo “O que escrever quer dizer na política? Carreiras políticas e gêneros de produção escrita” (GRILL; REIS, 2012). Fueron realizados revisión bibliográfica sobre las intersecciones entre el periodismo, la literatura y la política a lo largo de la historia brasileña y el análisis prosopográfica de la población para captar los perfiles sociales, culturales y políticos de los parlamentarios. Los procesos de disputa en relación con el periodismo se suceden marcados por la inestabilidad, las similitudes y diferen-cias, donde las fronteras son fluidas, los agentes se mueven de forma frecuente entre universos (intelec-tual, político y periodístico) y las obras escritas sirven como criterio para la diferenciación entre políticos profesionalizados y como instrumento de tomas de posición de espacio político.PALABRAS CLAVE: Política. Intelectuales. Periodismo. Élites. Prosopografia

    Incidence of natural control agents of the velvetbean caterpillar and response of its predators to insecticide treatments in Brazilian soybean fields

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    Lagartas de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner foram coletadas em soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) para determinar os níveis populacionais e a porcentagem de infecção pelo fungo-Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson. Os níveis populacionais de larvas e adultos do predador Colosoma argentatus granulatum (Perty) foram determinados utilizando armadilhas de solo. Foi estudada a relação entre a ressurgência de A. gemmatalis e os níveis populacionais dos predadores C. argentatus granulatum, Geocoris spp. e Nabis spp. sob influência de inseticidas. A infestação pelo fungo N. rileyi começou em fevereiro, durante o estágio de desenvolvimento dos legumes quando a terceira geração de lagartas alcançou o seu pico. Três semanas mais tarde 100% das lagartas observadas sobre as folhas estavam infectadas pelo fungo. A atividade de C argentatus granulatum coincidiu com o pico da terceira geração de A. gemmatalis. As populações de Geocoris spp. e Nabis spp. foram severamente afetadas com as aplicações de monocrotofos e metilparation, mas a aplicação diflubenzuron, um inibidor da formação de quitina, aparentemente não provocou efeito deletério.Larvae of the velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner were collected from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to determine their population levels and percentage of infection by the fungus, Normuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson. Seasonal population levels of larvae and adults of the carabid predator, Calosoma argentatus granulatum (Perty) were determined by pitfall trap collections. The relationship between resurgence of Anticarsia and populations of Calosoma, geocorids, and nabids as influenced by insecticides was studied. Fungus attack began in February during the pod development stage when the third generation of Anticarsia larvae were reaching a peak and 100% of larvae observed on foliage were infected three weeks later. Activity of Colosoma coincided closely with population levels of the third generation of Anticarsia. Geocorid and nabid populations were severely affected by monocrotophos and methyl parathion treatments whereas diflubenzuron, a chitin inhibitor, had no apparent deleterious effect

    Contribuição de 10 (dez) assentamentos na economia do município de Unaí – MG.

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    Esse trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a discussão sobre a contribuição que 10 assentamentos de reforma agrária exercem sobre a economia do município de Unaí. Para isso utilizou-se os dados coletados no Diagnóstico Rápido Dialogado (DRD) de 390 sistemas de produção que correspondem a 75% do total dos lotes dos 10 assentamentos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a importância dos assentamentos para o desenvolvimento do município tanto pela oferta de produtos produzidos pelos no mercado local como pela contribuição das famílias como consumidores no comércio local. O que, em última instância, favorece a maior circulação de recursos e dinamiza a economia impactando positivamente o desenvolvimento do município. Abstract: This project´s goal is to contribute to the discussion on the contribution that 10 agrarian reform settlements have on the economy of the city of Unai. For this we used the data collected in Rapid Diagnostics Dialogued (DRD) of 390 systems of production which correspond to 75% of the total batch of 10 settlements. The results showed the importance of the settlements for the development of the city by both the supply of products produced by the local market as the contribution on households as consumers of the local market. What, ultimately, promotes increased circulation of resources and stimulates the economy positively by impacting the development of the municipality

    Uso de normas em organizacoes de produtores rurais de base familiar.

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    Different embryo collection methods and superovulation protocols in crioula lanada ewes.

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    Publicado: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Gramado, RS, Brazil, August 20th to 23rd, 2015, and 31st Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE); Ghent, Belgium, September 11th and 12th, 2015. Abstracts