69 research outputs found

    Groundwater resources assessment using integrated geophysical techniques in the southwestern region of Peninsular Malaysia.

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    Combined geophysical techniques such as multi-electrode resistivity, induced polarization, and borehole geophysical techniques were carried out on volcano-sedimentary rocks in the north of Gemas as part of the groundwater resource’s investigations. The result identifies four resistivity units: the tuffaceous mudstone, tuffaceous sandstone, the tuff bed, and the shale layer. Two types of aquifer systems in terms of storage were identified within the area: one within a fracture system (tuff), which is the leaky area through which vertical flow of groundwater occurs, and an intergranular property of the sandy material of the aquifer which includes sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone. The result also reveals that the aquifer occupies a surface area of about 3,250,555 m2 with a mean depth of 43.71 m and a net volume of 9.798 × 107 m3. From the approximate volume of the porous zone (28 %) and the total aquifer volume, a usable capacity of (274.339 ± 30.177) × 107 m3 of water in the study area can be deduced. This study provides useful information that can be used to develop a much broader understanding of the nature of groundwater potential in the area and their relationship with the local geology

    Cell Free DNA of Tumor Origin Induces a 'Metastatic' Expression Profile in HT-29 Cancer Cell Line

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    BACKGROUND: Epithelial cells in malignant conditions release DNA into the extracellular compartment. Cell free DNA of tumor origin may act as a ligand of DNA sensing mechanisms and mediate changes in epithelial-stromal interactions. AIMS: To evaluate and compare the potential autocrine and paracrine regulatory effect of normal and malignant epithelial cell-related DNA on TLR9 and STING mediated pathways in HT-29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells and normal fibroblasts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA isolated from normal and tumorous colonic epithelia of fresh frozen surgically removed tissue samples was used for 24 and 6 hour treatment of HT-29 colon carcinoma and HDF-alpha fibroblast cells. Whole genome mRNA expression analysis and qRT-PCR was performed for the elements/members of TLR9 signaling pathway. Immunocytochemistry was performed for epithelial markers (i.e. CK20 and E-cadherin), DNA methyltransferase 3a (DNMT3a) and NFkappaB (for treated HDFalpha cells). RESULTS: Administration of tumor derived DNA on HT29 cells resulted in significant (p/=1, p/=1, p</=0.05), including increased expression of key adaptor molecules of TLR9 pathway (e.g. MYD88, IRAK2, NFkappaB, IL8, IL-1beta), STING pathway (ADAR, IRF7, CXCL10, CASP1) and the FGF2 gene. CONCLUSIONS: DNA from tumorous colon epithelium, but not from the normal epithelial cells acts as a pro-metastatic factor to HT-29 cells through the overexpression of pro-metastatic genes through TLR9/MYD88 independent pathway. In contrast, DNA derived from healthy colonic epithelium induced TLR9 and STING signaling pathway in normal fibroblasts

    A random six-phase switch regulates pneumococcal virulence via global epigenetic changes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is the world's foremost bacterial pathogen in both morbidity and mortality. Switching between phenotypic forms (or 'phases') that favour asymptomatic carriage or invasive disease was first reported in 1933. Here, we show that the underlying mechanism for such phase variation consists of genetic rearrangements in a Type I restriction-modification system (SpnD39III). The rearrangements generate six alternative specificities with distinct methylation patterns, as defined by single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) methylomics. The SpnD39III variants have distinct gene expression profiles. We demonstrate distinct virulence in experimental infection and in vivo selection for switching between SpnD39III variants. SpnD39III is ubiquitous in pneumococci, indicating an essential role in its biology. Future studies must recognize the potential for switching between these heretofore undetectable, differentiated pneumococcal subpopulations in vitro and in vivo. Similar systems exist in other bacterial genera, indicating the potential for broad exploitation of epigenetic gene regulation.Ana Sousa Manso, Melissa H. Chai, John M. Atack, Leonardo Furi, Megan De Ste Croix, Richard Haigh, Claudia Trappetti, Abiodun D. Ogunniyi, Lucy K. Shewell, Matthew Boitano, Tyson A. Clark, Jonas Korlach, Matthew Blades, Evgeny Mirkes, Alexander N. Gorban, James C. Paton, Michael P. Jennings, Marco R. Oggion

    Performance of Production and Egg Quality In Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Fed Low Dietary Protein Suplemented By Commercial Enzyme

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    The experiment were conducted to determine the effect of low dietary protein level suplemented by commercial enzyme on egg production performance and egg quality. The experiment used 200 Japanese female quails with the average body weight 119,39 ± 0,01 g. They kept in wire battery cage. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments of ration, each consisted of 5 replications of 10 quails. The treatments consisted of four different rations for quail production period: standard ration (20 % crude protein), low protein level (18 % crude protein) and low protein level suplemented by 0,05 % commer-cial enzyme respectively. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and tested by Duncan Multiple’s range Test. The result of experiment showed that these production was significantly affected, while egg quality was not significantly influenced by commercial enzyme suplement in the ration. The experiment concluded that during production period the use of standard ration may be replaced by the use of low protein level suplement by 0.05% commercial enzyme. Keywords : Japanese Quail, Commercial Enzyme, Performance, Egg Quality

    Consumer insight via etnography: Mengungkap yang tidak pernah terungkap

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    Perubahan perilaku konsumen, berkembangnya teknologi, membuat strategi pemasaran baik produk dan jasa mau tak mau harus terus berubah. Riset dan survey konvensional yang dulu biasanya kita sering temui berupa lembaran kuisioner tentang sebuah produk atau layanan jasa, sepertinya sudah tidak relevan lagi untuk diterapkan saat-saat ini. Karena menurut Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D, saat ini yang kita perlukan adalah riset Consumer Insight via Ethnography.Dalam buku ini, Amalia sudah mengungkapkan jika sebenarnya riset ethnography sendiri sudah dilakukan sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu. Bila menengok pada sejarah, kita bisa temui seperti perdagangan Jalur Sutra (The Great Silk Road) yang bisa menembus batas-batas Negara,tentu hal tersebut tidak akan lepas dari peranan riset ethnography, tapi implementasinya mungkin lebih menitik beratkan pada pendekatan sosial budaya kala itu. Ethnography juga telah lama dilakukan oleh produsen Intel dan perusahaan-perusahaan besar lainnya termasuk Unilever.Riset yang memerlukan pengamatan secara langsung di habitat konsumen tersebut, tentu memiliki kendala tersendiri yaitu dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk memperoleh hasil riset yang maksimal . Sedangkan roda operasional perusahaan tentu juga harus terus berjalan. Saat ini dengan adanya internet dan teknologi video juga dimungkinkan melakukan riset melalui keduanya, yang disebut netnography (seperti diskusi-diskusi di mailing list,online chatting) dan videography. Sehingga nantinya bisa diperoleh pencapaian untuk mengkomunikasikan secara benar tentang sebuah produk kepada konsumennya dan tentunya akan berimbas pada peningkatan penjualan.Teknik-teknik riset Etnography bisa seperti story telling,netnography,creative focus discussion dll. Dan selain bisa diterapkan untuk produsen kepada customer, juga bisa diterapkan untuk kebutuhan Business to business (B2B).Meskipun secara teori, riset seperti ini sepertinya ‘sangat menjanjikan’ akan tetapi dalam dunia yang serba cepat berubah seperti ini, tentu diperlukan riset yang terus-menerus ataupun berkala untuk memantau pasar. Reaksi pasar yang tidak bisa diprediksi adalah tantangan terbesar bagi semua perusahaan. Riset ethnography merupakan salah satu solusi selain juga di internal perusahaan dibutuhkan personel yang kapabel dan memiliki rasa ‘belong to’ terhadap perusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Terkadang sebuah perusahaan karena terlalu ‘customer oriented’ melupakan merawat apa yang di dalam. Sehingga sering kali terjadi, karyawan akhirnya loncat ke perusahaan lain bahkan competitor. Dalam hal ini, customer oriented dengan riset etnoghaphy dan menumbuhkan rasa memiliki karyawan pada perusahaan tentu akan berimbas pada kemajuan perusahaan itu sendiri.Buku yang dicetak dengan kertas eksklusif ini, juga mengetengahkan contoh perusahaan yang sedang eksis saat ini, juga beberapa perusahaan yang digadang-gadang akan menjadi usaha masa depan