80 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Effect of Prenatal Zinc Supplementation on Birthweight: Meta-analysis of 17 Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The effect of prenatal zinc supplementation on birthweight is controversial as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) report conflicting conclusions. A systematic review which includes meta-analysis was done on 17 RCTs conducted worldwide since 1984 to assess the effect of prenatal zinc supplementation on birthweight. The studies were identified through web-based search. Heterogeneity among studies was assessed using Cochrane Q test statistic. Effect-size was measured based on standardized mean difference. Pooled effect-size was computed using a variant of random effect model. Thirteen of the 17 RCTs found no association, three reported positive association, and one reported negative association. Based on fixed and random effect models, the pooled effect-sizes were 0.0268 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.0764, −0.0229) and 0.0712 (95% CI 0.1619, −0.0194) respectively. The effect-size estimate remains insignificant after stratification was made based on the dose of supplementation (optimal vs high dose), type of study (community vs institution-based), and type of source country (developed vs developing). The meta-analysis did not witness any association between birthweight and prenatal zinc supplementation

    A Systematic Review of Effect of Prenatal Zinc Supplementation on Birthweight: Meta-analysis of 17 Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The effect of prenatal zinc supplementation on birthweight is controversial as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) report conflicting conclusions. A systematic review which includes meta-analysis was done on 17 RCTs conducted worldwide since 1984 to assess the effect of prenatal zinc supplementation on birthweight. The studies were identified through web-based search. Heterogeneity among studies was assessed using Cochrane Q test statistic. Effect-size was measured based on standardized mean difference. Pooled effect-size was computed using a variant of random effect model. Thirteen of the 17 RCTs found no association, three reported positive association, and one reported negative association. Based on fixed and random effect models, the pooled effect-sizes were 0.0268 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.0764, -0.0229) and 0.0712 (95% CI 0.1619, -0.0194) respectively. The effect-size estimate remains insignificant after stratification was made based on the dose of supplementation (optimal vs high dose), type of study (community vs institution-based), and type of source country (developed vs developing). The meta-analysis did not witness any association between birthweight and prenatal zinc supplementation

    Physicochemical Properties and Effect of Processing Methods on Mineral Composition and Antinutritional Factors of Improved Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Grown in Ethiopia

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important pulse crop grown and consumed all over the world because it is a good source of carbohydrates and protein. However, presence of antinutritional components restricts its use by interfering with digestion of macronutrients during consumption. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate physicochemical properties and effect of processing methods on antinutritional factors and mineral composition of improved chickpea varieties (Natoli of Desi and Arerti of Kabuli) grown in Ethiopia. The experiment was factorial with complete randomized design. The result indicated that physicochemical properties such as seed mass, seed density, hydration capacity, swelling capacity, unhydrated seeds, and cooking time of Arerti and Natoli chickpeas had 260.69 and 280.65 g/1000 seeds, 3.48 and 3.61g/ml, 1.07 and 1.03 g/g, 2.12 and 1.94ml/g, 1.64 and 14.75%, and 21.00 and 246.33 min, respectively. After processing, Zn, Fe, and Ca contents of improved chickpea varieties had 4.48 to 5.85mg/kg, 8.52 to 10.17mg/kg, and 536.56 to 1035mg/kg, respectively. The antinutritional factors, tannin and phytic acid, in the raw chickpeas were reduced to 25 to 82.25% and 5.89 to 57.35%, respectively. The results of the current study showed that Arerti of Kabuli variety showed low antinutritional factors and better physicochemical properties, specifically low cooking time, than Natoli of Desi variety. All processing methods were effective in reduction of antinutritional factors; however, boiling was found to be the best for reduction of antinutritional factors

    Analyzing Pathways of Nurturing Informal Seed Production into Formal Private Ventures for Sustainable Seed Delivery and Crop Productivity: Experiences from Ethiopia

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    Sustaining crop production and productivity in sub-Saharan Africa requires the availability and use of quality seed of improved varieties by smallholder farmers. The private sector has been considered as the best way to sustain seed supply and crop productivity. Unfortunately, the private sector’s share in the seed production and delivery in sub-Saharan Africa countries has not been very substantial for decades. As a consequence, farmer access to quality seed of recently released varieties remains very low. This manuscript analyzes the experiences of informal seed producers who graduated to formal private seed enterprises to understand the effectiveness of the support they receive to become viable seed ventures. We used comparative research methods to analyze the qualitative and quantitative data collected to understand the underlying mechanisms. The findings showed that the analyzed seed enterprises started with as little as about USD 300 and have already multiplied over tenfold their initial capital. They benefited from a wide variety of supports, e.g., quality seed production, marketing, partnerships, and value chain development trainings and infrastructures, from extension workers, research centers, national and international NGOs, and the other private seed enterprise operators like large public seed enterprises and agro-dealers. The seed enterprises are producing pre-basic, basic, and certified seed of cereals and self-pollinated legume crops delivered directly to farmers, institutional markets, and agro-dealers. The seed production data have been increasing for the past three years with an area expanding from about 30 ha to over 150 ha per year for chickpea. The seed production and delivery practices being employed are smallholder farmer-based practices that are environmentally friendly. For sustainable and reliable seed production and delivery systems in sub-Saharan Africa, a bold step is needed whereby the informal seed production entities are nurtured and upgraded into formal certified seed production ventures that deliver social and economic benefits to the promotors and the communities

    Assessment of Handling Practices, Utilization and Concentration of Iodine in Iodized Salt at Wondo Genet town, Southern Ethiopia: A Crossectional Study

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    Iodine deficiency is severe public health problem in Ethiopia. One out of every 1000 population is mentally handicapped due to a congenital thyroid deficiency, and about 50,000 prenatal deaths are occurring annually due to iodine deficiency disorders.nbsp Even though the problem is serious, there were no adequate researches conducted. Therefore, this study focuses on assessment of handling practices of iodized salt and the amount of iodine concentration retained in iodized salts at households and retailers level in Wondo Genet town. The objective of this study was to assess handling practices and concentration of iodine across iodized salt consumption in retailers and households level. Two hundred ninety four households and seventh six retailers were selected by systematic random sampling method for survey using questionnaire and rapid test kit method was used to measure iodine concentration of salt used by the households. The result of this study indicated that iodized salt coverage was found to be 100 % at households and retailers level. Iodine level in the salt examined by iodometric titration, in this study was 4.4 to 70.9 ppm. This indicates the need for further improvement of handling practices of iodized salt. Iodine level in the salt examined by iodometric titration in this study was 60.54% of households and 65.79% retailers salt samples had 15 ndash 40 ppm iodine concentration. This shows that in the iodized salt there is no adequate iodine content in accordance with the nbsprecommendation. Majority of the households 37.4% add iodized salt half way during boiling of the food/coffee. Although the coverage of iodized salt in the study area was high but availability of adequate iodized salt at household level was low as compared to the WHO recommendation.There for this shows that handling practice of iodized salt at the household and retailer level and utilization practice at the household level is poor

    Assessment of Handling Practices, Utilization and Concentration of Iodine in Iodized Salt at Wondo Genet town, Southern Ethiopia: A Crossectional Study

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    Iodine deficiency is severe public health problem in Ethiopia. One out of every 1000 population is mentally handicapped due to a congenital thyroid deficiency, and about 50,000 prenatal deaths are occurring annually due to iodine deficiency disorders.nbsp Even though the problem is serious, there were no adequate researches conducted. Therefore, this study focuses on assessment of handling practices of iodized salt and the amount of iodine concentration retained in iodized salts at households and retailers level in Wondo Genet town. The objective of this study was to assess handling practices and concentration of iodine across iodized salt consumption in retailers and households level. Two hundred ninety four households and seventh six retailers were selected by systematic random sampling method for survey using questionnaire and rapid test kit method was used to measure iodine concentration of salt used by the households. The result of this study indicated that iodized salt coverage was found to be 100 % at households and retailers level. Iodine level in the salt examined by iodometric titration, in this study was 4.4 to 70.9 ppm. This indicates the need for further improvement of handling practices of iodized salt. Iodine level in the salt examined by iodometric titration in this study was 60.54% of households and 65.79% retailers salt samples had 15 ndash 40 ppm iodine concentration. This shows that in the iodized salt there is no adequate iodine content in accordance with the nbsprecommendation. Majority of the households 37.4% add iodized salt half way during boiling of the food/coffee. Although the coverage of iodized salt in the study area was high but availability of adequate iodized salt at household level was low as compared to the WHO recommendation.There for this shows that handling practice of iodized salt at the household and retailer level and utilization practice at the household level is poor

    The Role of Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Nonsyndromic Orofacial Clefts

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    Background: Nonsyndromic orofacial clefts (NSOFCs) represent the most common congenital anomalies in the head and neck region. Multiple factors contribute to the occurrence of this anomaly. The etiology of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian population has not been investigated prior to this study.Aims of the Study: To assess the role of maternal environmental factors in the occurrence of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian Population.Methods: The authors used unmatched case control study design and evaluated the role of environmental factors to the occurrence of NSOFCs in the Ethiopian population. The participants were recruited from the same institution (Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College). The authors studied 760 mothers (359 mothers of children born with NSOFCs and 401 mothers of children born without any congenital anomalies). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate relative risk by odds ratio and 95% confidence interval.Results: Mothers who gave history of bronchial asthma and mothers who were admitted for threatened abortion had a higher risk of delivering a child with NSOFCS P value=0.013; AOR=0.194, 95% CI [0.053-0.712], P value &lt;0.001; AOR= 0.179, 95% CI [0.091-0.352] respectively. Higher number of children with NSOFCs were born to mothers who were exposed to diagnostic X-ray investigation during early pregnancy than those who were not exposed P value 0.048; AOR=0.375, 95% CI [0.142-0.990].Conclusion: Maternal exposure to diagnostic x-ray, maternal chronic illness like bronchial asthma and threatened abortion were found to be associated with the occurrence of NSOFCS in the studied population.</p

    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) growing in Ethiopia are nodulated by diverse rhizobia

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    A total of eighty one (81) rhizobial isolates were recovered from root nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in soils collected from eight different sites (Hawassa, Wondogenet, Chofa, Badawacho, Bodity, Gofa, Ziway, and Alemtena) in Ethiopia with no known history of inoculation. The test isolates together with seven reference strains belonging to five genera including Rhizobium, Ensifer, Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Azorhizobium were characterized using ninety phenotypic traits. Thirty one isolates (38%) were found to be fast growers while fifty isolates (62%) were slow growers. The majority of the isolates showed an intrinsic resistance to antibiotics (μg/ml), Chloramphenicol (5 and 15), Lincomycin (100), Novobiocin (0.5 and 1.5), and Erythromycin (10 and 20) and to heavy metals manganese sulphate (500) and copper chloride (100). Most isolates did not tolerate NaCl concentration >3% (w/v) and high temperature (45°C). Dendrogram was constructed by applying the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) using NTSYSpc Version 2.1. They were grouped into seven clusters and eight unclustered positions, when 82% relative similarity was used as a cut point. Fifty eight percent of the test isolates were grouped with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bradyrhizobium elkanii superclades, thus indicating that rhizobia nodulating cowpea and groundnut are delineated within a branch that defines Bradyrhizobium genus. To elucidate the precise taxonomic positions of the isolates, further genetic studies are required using modern molecular biological methods

    Phenotypic Characteristics and Preliminary Symbiotic Effectiveness of Rhizobia Associated with Haricot Bean Growing in Diverse Locations of Southern Ethiopia

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    Phenotypic characteristics of one hundred thirteen rhizobia nodulating haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growing on soils of nine different locations from southern Ethiopia were studied. Their tolerance to varying temperature, salinity, soil pH, heavy metals, antibiotics, their symbiotic effectiveness and cultural characteristics were determined. Eight reference species belonging to four different genera were also included in the analyses. The analyses allowed the description of a wide physiological diversity among tested isolates. Numerical analysis, based on numerical taxonomic approach, of the phenotypic characteristics, using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Average algorithm as implemented in NTSYspc21 software package, showed that, the tested isolates fell into five major diversity groups (designated as group I-V), when 82% level of relative similarity were used as cut-off point. Four strains were found to occupy a separate branch, thus designated as U (unclustered) group. While strains belonging to groups 1-IV were found to associate with recognized species belonging to Rhizobium, Ensifer and Mesorhizobium genus, the remaining test strains in cluster V and U were found to occupy distinct branches of their own on the dendrogram. Under laboratory condition, they were able to grow at pH ranging from 4 to 10.5; majority tolerated salt concentration (0.5-1%) and grew at a maximum temperature between 35 and 40 °C. The isolates were able to utilize a wide range of carbon and amino acid source and tolerated range of antibiotics and heavy metals. Based on the symbiotic effectiveness test, a number of potential isolates have been identified for inoculation trials

    Morphophysiological diversity of rhizobia nodulating pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) growing in Ethiopia

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    Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is an important protein source grown in several tropical and subtropical countries, and is considered a multi-purpose plant that is resistant to the conditions where drought and salinity is a common phenomenon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of rhizobial isolates obtained from root nodules of pigeon pea plants grown in central and southern Ethiopia. A total of 116 nitrogen-fixing rhizobial strains were isolated. The bacterial isolates were characterized by 91 phenotypic traits including cultural characteristics, intrinsic antibiotic and heavy metal resistance, salt, pH and incubation temperature tolerance, and carbon and nitrogen sources utilization ability. Preliminary symbiotic properties of the isolates were also evaluated. The isolates were compared with seven reference strains of rhizobia by application of the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) using NTSYSpc Version 2.1 software program. The dendrogram constructed from cluster analysis of 91 phenotypic traits, grouped them into six clusters and eight un-clustered positions at 80% relative similarity. Cluster I contained 83% of the test isolates that were grouped together with the reference strains Bradyrhizobium japonicum (HAMBI 2314T) and Bradyrhizobium elkanii (LMG 6164), suggesting that pigeon pea is commonly nodulated by bradyrhizobia. Results from symbiotic effectiveness test revealed that majority of the isolates were found to be effective. Generally, this investigation demonstrated that rhizobial population nodulating C. cajan on the study area were phenotypically diverse and symbiotically effective. Furthermore, the result indicates the existence of strains in the collection, which can tolerate environmental stresses, thus can be developed into inoculant for pigeon pea inoculation and production in Ethiopia and beyond
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