1,152 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Ikan Koi (Kasus di Desa Babakan, Kecamatan Ciseeng, Kabupaten Bogor)

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    Koi is a prospective fishery commodity that make a positive contribution to Indonesia National GDP. Subdistrict Ciseeng especially in Babakan Village became one of the areas that make a positive contribution because there is a koi farmers, but has a different price level koi farmers with the consumer level. The purpose of this research is to analyze the institution, functioning, marketing channels and efficiency of marketing channels koi. Methods of data collection using purposive sampling to farmers and marketing agencies using snowball sampling. The results showed marketing agencies involved include farmers, village merchants, merchant shops and suppliers with functions exchange, physical and facility in nine koi marketing channels in Babakan Village. The efficiency of marketing channels occurs in channels VII because it has a lower marketing margins, the farmer's share is higher and the ratio of benefits to costs relatively with sales volume 210 tail

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Mesin Penyiang Mekanis pada Lahan dengan System Of Rice Intensification

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    Penelitian tentang rancang bangun prototipe mesin penyiang mekanis pada budidaya tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) system of rice intensification (SRI) dilaksanakan pada bulan Febuari sampai dengan April 2009. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menciptakan sebuah prototipe mesin penyiang gulma padi sawah mekanis yang efisien dan berkapasitas tinggi, sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani sehingga dapat mengatasi masalah keterbatasan tenaga kerja untuk melakukan penyiangan gulma. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode rancang bangun yang menggunakan pendekatan hubungan sebab akibat, diagram alir proses,  pembuatan model matematis. Perancangan konsep produk, dimulai dengan analisis kebutuhan, blok diagram dan analisis validasi. Analisis validasi  mesin melihat kinerja mesin keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kapasitas efektif penyiangan 0,0547 ha/jam,  efisiensi lapang 49,37 %, kehilangan waktu belok  32,03 %, tingkat kerusakan tanaman 7,7 %,  gulma tidak tersiangi 3,12 %. Daya motor terpakai 2,52 Hp, tingkat kebisingan dalam batas diizinkan. Penyiangan dengan mesin tergolong kerja sedang. Hasil analisis ekenomi menunjukan biaya pokok penyiangan per hektar Rp. 463.322,67 dengan BEP penyiangan 29,03 ha per tahun,  NPV  Rp. 7.139.779,01 dan B/C Ratio 1,093 pada tingkat suku bunga 10 %, yang berarti mesin layak digunakan. Agar mesin dapat diterima di masyarakat, perlu sosialisasi, penyempurnaan sistem transmisi, penggunaan material lebih ringan serta perlu pengaturan jarak dan kelurusan  barisan tanam agar tercapai kinerja mesin yang optimal

    Constitutional Law--1959 Tennessee Survey

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    A smaller number of cases have been selected for inclusion in this year\u27s survey. Seven cases are included, including one federal court decision dealing with a municipal ordinance. In addition, two specific acts of the General Assembly are noted although there has as yet been no opportunity for the courts to rule upon them

    Atp-Dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complexes In Xenopus Development

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010A central question in the study of vertebrate development is how to account for the exquisite interplay of genes within differentiating cells and of groups of cells as they create the organs of the vertebrate embryo. Recently it has become clear that gene regulation by epigenetic processes adds a formerly unappreciated level of complexity to the regulatory network of development. One form of epigenetic gene regulation is embodied in ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, which use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to alter the interactions of DNA and histones. Chromatin remodeling complexes can both promote and repress expression of a gene at the appropriate time and place in vertebrate development. The list of their known roles in development is long and growing. Here I have studied the developmental role of CHRAC17, a subunit of the CHRAC and ATAC complexes, by visualizing its expression and by ablating CHRAC17 function in Xenopus laevis embryos. Whole mount in situ hybridization localized CHRAC17 expression to the neural tube, cranial placodes, and myotomes. Loss of CHRAC17 function following injection of embryos with CHRAC17-specific morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in abnormal development in the neural tube, eyes, notochord, and pharyngeal pouches, underlining the critical importance of CHRAC17 function in Xenopus development. Similarly, ablating the function of CHD4, the ATPase motor of the NuRD chromatin remodeling complex, resulted in severe developmental abnormalities in early Xenopus development

    Forest land use classification from ERTS-1 imagery

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    The preparation of thematic maps and tabular summaries defining the maps is basic to forest land use decision making. Because objectives differ according to the decision being made, raw input data should be used to prepare the maps and tables. The Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) collects data over large areas and the data are available to any prospective user. Minimum collection of ground truth and handling of both ERTS-1 and ground data with a readily available set of com-puter programs permits classification of land use, forest types and volume classes. Orientation with the ground can be maintained in order to prepare the maps. Frequencies of classifications can be used to prepare tabular summaries. The classification system used consisted of a computer mapping program, a discriminant analysis classification program and chi-square testing of results. The system was complemented by a forest inventory program. In the dis-criminant analysis procedure, an option was used which per-mits user participation by assigning prior probabilities. A test of the system in Polk County, Tennessee, using ERTS-1 multispectral scanner channels 6 and 7 data acquired on October 15, 1972, showed acceptable results in classifying land use and forest type. Results of classifying volume were less acceptable because volume is a continuous function and discriminant analysis is applicable to discrete functions. The use of aircraft imagery as ground truth for land use classification was acceptable. Aircraft imagery for forest type classification was also acceptable, but forest type classification from ground truth was better when both sets of results were analyzed by the chi-square test of a contingency table. An important conclusion drawn was that ERTS-1 digital tapes should have been used instead of using photographic reproductions in a microdensitometer. Each generation of data results in some degradation. The most important con-clusion drawn was that prospective users of ERTS-1 imagery can construct a system from available computer programs and prepare thematic maps and tables. It is also possible to exert a degree of user control into the syste

    Pyretotherapy in neurosyphilis

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