16 research outputs found

    Kajian Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Teh Rakyat

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    Peluang kelompok tani teh menjadi kelompok bisnis agroindustriteh cukup besar, ini karena tingginya dukungan pemerintah melalui program GPATN serta semakin tingginyapermintaan pasar luar negeri dan dalam negeri dalam bentuk“instant tea” (makanan, minuman, farmasi, kosmetik).Namun, kondisi tersebut belum dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh petani teh. Hal ini terlihat dari, sebagian besar petani the masih menjual produknya dalam bentuk pucuk basah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji kendala yang dihadapi oleh petani teh rakyat dalam pengembangan agro-industri teh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi deskriptif survey. Tempat penelitian yang dipilih adalah Kabupaten: Garut (KecamataCisurupan), Cianjur (Kecamatan Sukanagara) dan Bandung (Kecamatan Pasirjambu), yang merupakan sentra teh di Provinsi Jawa Barat.Data dikumpulkan dengan cara: studi kepustakaan, dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait, yaitu pejabat pada instansi pemerintah, koperasi, pabrikan, asosiasi petani teh, kelompok tani, serta petani teh yang diambil secara acak sederhana dari setiap Kecamatan yang dijadikan sampel. Secara proposional sampel diambil berdasarkan luas wilayah sentra teh, dan setiap kecamatandiambil 30 orang petani teh. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif, dengan pendekatan system thinking. Salah satu alat pendekatan system thinking yang digunakan yaitu dengan causal loop modelling, agar mudah mendeskripsikannya maka digunakan Causal Loop Diagram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mengembangkan agroindustri teh rakyat, yaitu: 1) kurangnya ketersediaan pucuk the sebagai bahan baku agroindustri, 2) kurangnya pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah pucuk teh, 3) kurangnya kemampuan dalam penyediaan modal dan peralatan dalam mengolah pucuk teh, dan 4) masih kurangnya dukungan pemerintah dalam mempromosikan teh olahan rakyat (misal: dalam rapat-rapat atau kegiatan-kegiatan yang berlangsung di pemerintahan sebaiknya memanfaatkan produk olahan the dari petani).Katakunci: agroindustri, kendala, nilai tambah, peluang, teh rakyat


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    Sidamulya Village is a center for producing shallots in Jalaksana District, Kuningan Regency. In the village there is a Mekarjaya 1 farmer group that has marketed its products, namely sumenep fried onions to the fried onion industry. The demand for sumenep shallots is continuous every day, so the supply of shallots must be continuous as well. There were several actors involved in the shallot supply chain that have a business process and bear certain risks. Therefore this study was conducted to analyze the risks that arise from each supply chain actor, as well as mitigation to minimize losses caused by using the House of Risk (HOR) method. The results showed that there were 17 priority risks consisting of 4 risks to farmers, 4 risks to dealers, 4 risks to PO Mekar Wangi and 5 risks to POSedap Wangi. The risk mitigation that can be done by the Mekarjaya Farmers Group 1 is the use of pesticides, the risk mitigation that can be carried out by the dealer is to inform farmers about setting cropping patterns, risk mitigation that can be done by PO Mekar Wangi is to increase product variation, and mitigate risks that can done by PO Sedap Wangi is expanding marketing. Keywords :  Shalot Supply Chain, House of Risk (HOR), Mitigation Actio

    Computer Center Newsletter / November 28, 1984

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    This publication is published as required and is written by members of the staff, W. R. Church Computer Cente

    KOMPARASI RISIKO PRODUKSI DAN PENDAPATAN USAHATANI KOPI ORGANIK DAN AN ORGANIK: (Suatu Kasus di Desa Margamulya, Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung)

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    Changes in consumer lifestyle have led to an increasing demand of organic products. The government supports the growth of the organic-product trend by establishing 1000 organic-farming village program. The transformation of farming method from the conventional (inorganic) one to the organic one certainly imposes risks that need to be considered.  This study aims to analyze the differences of production risks and income risk between organic and inorganic coffee farmers. The research was conducted in Margamulya Village, Pangalengan District, West Java, which was purposively chosen because Margamulya Village is the center of coffee production in West Java and is one of the villages selected in the 1000 organic-farming-village program. The samples used in this study amounted to 56 respondents, which consisted of 28 organic farmers and 28 conventional farmers that were obtained through Slovin’s formula and selected by simple random method. The method used in this research was comparative quantitative research method. The data were analyzed using comparative analysis by coefficient comparison analysis of production risks and income risks.  The results show that the production risks and income risks of inorganic coffee farmers are higher than those of organic farmers.   Keywords: Organic Coffee, Production Risks, Income RisksPerubahan gaya hidup konsumen mendorong terjadinya perubahan pada permintaan produk organik yang semakin meningkat. Pemerintah mendukung adanya  tren produk organik dengan membentuk program 1000 desa pertanian organik. Perubahan cara bertani dari an organik (an organik) ke pertanian organik tentunya ada risiko yang perlu diperhitungkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan risiko produksi dan risiko pendapatan usahatani kopi organik dan an organik. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Margamulya, Pangalengan, Jawa Barat yang dipilih dengan pertimbangan Desa Margamulya sebagai sentra produksi kopi Jawa Barat dan salah satu desa yang terpilih menjadi salah desa organik dalam program 1000 desa pertanian organik. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 56 responden yang terdiri dari 28 petani organik dan 28 petani an organik  yang diperoleh melalui rumus slovin dan diambil dengan metode acak sederhana. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif komparatif. Data dianalisis dengan analisis perbandingan menggunakan koefisien risiko produksi dan risiko pendapatan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa risiko produksi dan risiko pendapatan petani kopi an organik  lebih tinggi dari petani organik.   Kata Kunci: Kopi Organik, Risiko Produksi, Risiko Pendapatan &nbsp

    Perilaku Petani Muda dalam Agribisnis Hortikultura di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Horticultural commodities are considered to have promising business opportunities. This has attracted the interest of young people to try in agriculture, both in the on farm and off farm sectors. This study aimed to describe the behavior of young farmers in doing horticultural agribusiness in Bandung Barat Regency. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach. Respondents in this study were 120 people and were farmers under the age of 40 with randomly selected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed in general the behavior of young farmers in running horticultural agribusiness was not different from the previous generation. But the prominent character of young farmers in running horticultural agribusiness is the ability of farmers to find information and be responsive to change by taking innovative steps. To run a business, farmers are required not only to be experts in the production process, but also to have managerial skills in a results-oriented business

    Persepsi Pengunjung terhadap Desa Wisata Lebakmuncang (suatu Kasus Desa Wisata Lebakmuncang, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung)

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    Lebakmuncang Tourism Village is a village that has natural potential, cultural potential, and human resources potential to be developed into tourist attractions. However, in the development of this tourist village has a fluctuating number of visitors. The research to analyzes visitor's perceptions of the attractiveness of Lebakmuncang Tourism Village. Visitors' perceptions are viewed from the concept of 4A tourism namely Attractiveness, Amenity, Accessibility, and Ancilliary. This research was conducted in the Lebakmuncang Tourism Village, Ciwidey District, Bandung Regency, West Java. The research design used a descriptive quantitative design with survey methods. Data collection uses interviews, questionnaires, observations, and literature study. The sample selection of visitors uses purposive sampling with the Slovin formula and produces 50 respondents. The results showed that the visitor's perception of the attractiveness of the Lebakmuncang Tourism Village was considered very good on Attraction and Ancillary and good on Amenity and Accessibility

    Dampak Pola Tanam Kopi terhadap Pendapatan Petani (suatu Kasus di Desa Pulosari, Kecamatan Pangalengan, Bandung)

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    Coffee is a plantation commodity that is favored by farmers in Pulosari Village who were initially used to farming vegetables. However, along with the intensification of socialization and the existence of Perhutani's policy through the PHBM concept, public awareness has increased that growing vegetables in a certain slope can damage the soil structure and be counter-productive with environmental conservation. This awareness can be seen from farmers who have dared to switch to monoculture coffee farming, although in fact there are farmers who still farm coffee with polyculture cropping patterns. The research method used was a survey, using different test analysis techniques and descriptive analysis. Thus the purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of monoculture and polyculture cropping patterns on farmers' income and the factors affecting the selection of cropping patterns by coffee farmers. The results of this study show that monoculture coffee farm income is higher than polyculture coffee farming, but when calculated with vegetable crops as intercropping, overall farm income is higher with coffee with intercropping plants even though the costs and risks are also high. The factors that influence the selection of monoculture coffee planting patterns are because the price of coffee is stable, easier to maintain and complies with Perhutani regulations. As for farmers who choose polyculture cropping patterns with vegetables because farmers are already skilled at farming vegetables and the harvest time is Faster than coffee

    Keterkaitan Antar Subsistem Agribisnis Jagung Hibrida di Kecamatan Maja

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    Corn is one of the crops that can be developed as an agro-industrial product because the competitiveness of corn is quite good and the selling value of corn is sufficient to increase the economic value of corn. Majalengka Regency is one of the largest maize production centers in Indonesia. Maja District is the largest producer of maize in Majalengka Regency. This research was conducted in Cihaur Village and Nunuk Baru Village, Maja District, Majalengka Regency. From the hybrid corn agribusiness sub-system, there are still problems that cause weaknesses and threats to the hybrid corn agribusiness subsystem, but it has the strength and opportunity for the development of hybrid corn agribusiness. For that, it is necessary to conduct a study to see the relationship between the hybrid corn agribusiness subsystem in Maja District. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the research of the hybrid corn agribusiness subsystem, the five agribusiness subsystems are not related and their existence is still partial. For that we need a party that manages from upstream to downstream subsystems so that the subsystems are interrelated

    Perbedaan Karakteristik Petani dan Usahatani Mangga di Kecamatan Panyingkiran, Kabupaten Majalengka dan Kecamatan Japara, Kabupaten Kuningan

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    West Java Province is a productive area and has the potential for developing mango agribusiness. Majalengka and Kuningan districts are mango production centers which differ in the amount of mango production produced. The objectives of this study were: to analyzing the differences about characteristics of farmers and mango farming in Panyingkiran and Japara Districts. This research is a quantitative study using secondary data. The research method used is the method of survey results. Sampling was 130 mango farmers in Panyingkiran District and 130 mango farmers in Japara District. This research uses descriptive analysis, Independent sample T-test and Mann Whitney U-test. The results of this study indicate the characteristics of farmers and mango farming between Panyingkiran and Japara Districts have significant differences in term of the age of the farmer, the gender of the farmer, the education level of the farmer, the main job or the farmer's side job, the experience of farming mango farmers, the farmer's income from farming or other than farming. mango and mango farmer land tenure consisting of the total area of land and the number of mango trees