314 research outputs found

    Microrna isoforms contribution to melanoma pathogenesis

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    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the most lethal tumor among skin cancers, and its incidence is constantly increasing. A deeper understanding of the molecular processes guiding melanoma pathogenesis could improve diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. MicroRNAs play a key role in melanoma biology. Recently, next generation sequencing (NGS) experiments, designed to assess small‐RNA expression, revealed the existence of microRNA variants with different length and sequence. These microRNA isoforms are known as isomiRs and provide an additional layer to the complex non‐coding RNA world. Here, we collected data from NGS experiments to provide a comprehensive characterization of miRNA and isomiR dysregulation in benign nevi (BN) and early-stage melanomas. We observed that melanoma and BN express different and specific isomiRs and have a different isomiR abundance distribution. Moreover, isomiRs from the same microRNA can have opposite expression trends between groups. Using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset of skin cancers, we analyzed isomiR expression in primary melanoma and melanoma metastasis and tested their association with NF1, BRAF and NRAS mutations. IsomiRs differentially expressed were identified and catalogued with reference to the canonical form. The reported non‐random dysregulation of specific isomiRs contributes to the understanding of the complex melanoma pathogenesis and serves as the basis for further functional studies

    Perencanaan Embung Gunung Rancak 2, Kecamatan Robatal, Kabupaten Sampang

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    Embung Gunung Rancak 2 terletak di Sungai Umbaran Desa Gunung Rancak Kecamatan Robatal Kabupaten Sampang. Pembangunan Embung Gunung Rancak 2 dengan daerah aliran sungai (DAS) seluas 0,3871 km2 ini diharapkan mampu menyediakan air baku untuk penduduk Desa Gunung Rancak. Dalam suatu perencanaan embung diperlukan pertimbangan dan perhitungan – perhitungan sehingga didapatkan suatu hasil yang efisien dan paling ekonomis. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kebutuhan air baku yang sesuai dengan proyeksi pertumbuhan masyarakat, volume curah hujan yang dapat memenuhi embung, dan kondisi topografi pada lokasi. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan diperoleh bangunan embung yang efisien untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat sesuai kondisi di lapangan. Hasil perencanaan pada tugas akhir ini adalah debit banjir rencana yang digunakan dengan periode ulang 100 tahun adalah sebesar 9,55 m3/dt dan tinggi muka air di atas pelimpah saat kondisi banjir adalah 0,681 m. Elevasi puncak spillway yang digunakan +106,18 m. Spillway direncanakan dengan tipe Ogee lengkap dengan bangunan pelengkapnya. Bangunan spillway beserta bangunan pelengkapnya sudah dianalisa stabilitasnya meliputi : kontrol guling, kontrol geser, kontrol daya dukung tanah, dan kontrol daya dukung bangunan peredam energi. Dengan hasil bangunan yang direncanakan masih tergolong aman

    Analisis Komputasi Penyerapan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Oleh Titik Hujan Dengan Menggunakan Methods of Moment

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    Redaman hujan menjadi permasalahan yang cukuppenting dalam propagasi elektromagnetik. Hal ini dikarenakanperkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi berkembang dengansangat cepat yang ditandai dengan penggunaan frekuensi tinggisampai dalam orde GHz, akibatnya adalah panjang gelombangmenjadi semakin pendek dan dalam perjalanannya akan mudahterganggu, termasuk oleh hujan yang akan menimbulkanpenghamburan dan penyerapan gelombang elektromagnetik.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi sebuah titik hujanberbentuk spherical dengan permitivivitas imajiner yang didapatdari penelitian sebelumnya dengan menggunakan metode momenyang hasilnya akan dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitiansebelumnya. Pada langkah awal penelitian akan dibentuk sebuahcubic sphere berbentuk spherical lalu menentukan koordinatpusat tiap cell dan menggunakan metode momen untukmenyelesaikannya.Berdasarkan analisa hasil komputasi didapatkan hasil bahwapada frekuensi 30 GHz,untuk titik hujan berukuran 1mm & 2mmdengan cubic sphere berukuran 0.25 mm, rata – rata daya yangterserap secara berurutan adalah 2.77 dBm dan 6.87 dBm.Pengukuran lain dilakukan dengan cubic sphere berukuran0.5mm dan diperoleh rata – rata daya yang terserap secaraberurutan adalah 3.40 dBm dan 6.13 dBm. Pada frekuensi300GHz, titik hujan berukuran 1mm & 2mm dengan cubic sphereberukuran 0.25mm, rata – rata daya yang terserap secaraberurutan adalah 2.38 dBm dan 0.68 dBm. Pengukuran laindilakukan dengan cubic sphere berukuran 0.5mm dan diperolehrata – rata daya yang terserap secara berurutan adalah 15.58dBm dan 5.51 dBm

    Uji Kandungan Protein Dan Lemak Pada Ikan Bada (Pisces:rasbora Spp.) Di Sungai Kumu Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the protein and fat content of bada fish (Pisces: Rasbora spp.) In Kumu River, District Rambah Hilir, Rokan Hulu. This study was conducted from December 2016 to January 2017. This type of research is quantitative research with the Kjeldahl method and Soxhlet methods. The result is Rasbora caudimaculata protein content of 1.89 %, R. argyrotaenia 6.67 %, R. trilineata 2,64 %,R. elegans 2,32 %,R. rutteni 3.44%. Fat content is obtained Rasbora caudimaculata 17%, R. argyrotaenia 1.5 %,R. trilineata 3%, R. elegans 1%, R. rutteni 1.5%

    Advantages of manual and automatic computer-aided compared to traditional histopathological diagnosis of melanoma: A pilot study

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    Background: Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) accounts for the highest mortality rate among all skin cancers. Traditional histopathologic diagnosis may be limited by the pathologists’ subjectivity. Second-opinion strategies and multidisciplinary consultations are usually performed to overcome this issue. An available solution in the future could be the use of automated solutions based on a computational algorithm that could help the pathologist in everyday practice. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the potential diagnostic aid of a machine-based algorithm in the histopathologic diagnosis of CMM. Methods: We retrospectively examined excisional biopsies of 50 CMM and 20 benign congenital compound nevi. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained WSI were reviewed independently by two expert dermatopathologists. A fully automated pipeline for WSI processing to support the estimation and prioritization of the melanoma areas was developed. Results: The spatial distribution of the nuclei in the sample provided a multi-scale overview of the tumor. A global overview of the lesion's silhouette was achieved and, by increasing the magnification, the topological distribution of the nuclei and the most informative areas of interest for the CMM diagnosis were identified and highlighted. These silhouettes allow the histopathologist to discriminate between nevus and CMM with an accuracy of 96% without any extra information. Conclusion: In this study we proposed an easy-to-use model that produces segmentations of CMM silhouettes at fine detail level

    Basal cell carcinoma: A comprehensive review

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of carcinoma worldwide. BCC development is the result of a complex interaction between environmental, phenotypic and genetic factors. However, despite the progress in the field, BCC biology and mechanisms of resistance against systemic treatments have been poorly investigated. The aim of the present review is to provide a revision of BCC histological and molecular features, including microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation, with a specific focus on the molecular basis of BCC systemic therapies. Papers from the last ten years regarding BCC genetic and phenotypic alterations, as well as the mechanism of resistance against hedgehog pathway inhibitors vismodegib and sonidegib were included. The involvement of miRNAs in BCC resistance to systemic therapies is emerging as a new field of knowledge
