846 research outputs found

    Quantifizierung von kapillarem Fluss, Filmfluss und Dampffluss durch inverse Simulation transienter Verdunstungsexperimente

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    Die Evaporation aus dem unbewachsenen Boden ist eine wichtige Komponente im Wasserhaushalt und der Energiebilanz der ErdoberflĂ€che, insbesondere in ariden und semiariden Gebieten mit geringer Vegetationsdichte. Die Modellierung des Wasserflusses in trockenen Böden und die Vorhersage von realer Evaporation und Grundwasserneubildung stellen eine stĂ€ndige Herausforderung fĂŒr die Bodenhydrologie dar und erfordern angemessene Modellkonzepte und Parametrisierungen der bodenhydraulischen Funktionen. WĂ€hrend die BerĂŒcksichtigung des Wasserdampftransports in trockenen porösen Medien inzwischen hĂ€ufig erfolgt, steckt die Parametrisierung der hydraulischen LeitfĂ€higkeitsfunktion im mittleren Wasserspannungsbereich noch immer in den Kinderschuhen und basiert in den meisten FĂ€llen weiterhin auf der Anwendung von KapillarbĂŒndelmodellen und wenigen DatensĂ€tzen aus der Literatur mit teilweise eingeschrĂ€nkter QualitĂ€t. Prozesse wie Film- und Eckenfluss wurden zwar an Hand einiger weniger DatensĂ€tze untersucht, werden jedoch in der Modellierung von Wasser- und EnergieflĂŒssen kaum berĂŒcksichtigt. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir Daten aus transienten Verdunstungsversuchen an großen gepackten BodensĂ€ulen mit erweiterter Instrumentierung in den trockenen Bereich, die mit der Methode der inversen Modellierung prozessbasiert ausgewertet wurden. Es wird untersucht, welche Parametrisierung der hydraulischen LeitfĂ€higkeit zu einer korrekten Beschreibung der Zeitreihen der Wasserspannung fĂŒhrt. Die Analyse wird durch gekoppelte Simulationen des Wasser-, Dampf- und WĂ€rmetransports erweitert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig das Scheitern klassischer Parametrisierungen der bodenhydraulischen Funktionen im mittleren und trockenen Bereich. Eine korrekte Beschreibung der Messdaten war nur durch Hinzunahme einer weiteren Komponente in der hydraulischen LeitfĂ€higkeitsfunktion möglich, deren physikalische Ursache wahrscheinlich der Film- und Eckenfluss ist

    Feasibility of tumour-focused adaptive radiotherapy for bladder cancer on the MR-linac.

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    Bladder tumour-focused magnetic resonance image-guided adaptive radiotherapy using a 1.5 Tesla MR-linac is feasible. A full online workflow adapting to anatomy at each fraction is achievable in approximately 30 min. Intra-fraction bladder filling did not compromise target coverage with the class solution employed

    Seismic response assessment and protection of statues and busts

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    Recent post-earthquake surveys carried out in Europe have shown that earthquake actions pose an immense threat to museums and their contents. For example, during the earthquake on 21 July 2017 in the island of Kos (Greece), severe and widespread damage on the city’s archaeological museum was reported (Figure 1). The earthquake extensively damaged the sculpture exhibition, where many pieces were dislocated, leaned against the walls, or overturned. Fortunately, the earthquake occurred when human visitors were not in the museum, since the damage to the exhibits varied from very light (minor fracturing) to severe (complete overturning and fracture of artefacts). In the case of heavy and slender sculptures, the overturning mechanism, apart from damaging the sculptures themselves, is a serious threat to other standing exhibits in the gallery and the visitors. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to have at our disposal methods and tools for characterising the seismic risk of museum artefacts and, where necessary, proposing cost-efficient protective measures. The study of the seismic vulnerability of museum artefacts, especially of slender, human-formed statues, is related to the research on the dynamic response of rocking rigid blocks. The dynamic characteristics of the hosting structures are also important. This is evident from the fact that, on many occasions, damage to the structure was reported leaving the exhibits intact and vice-versa. Although the problem is coupled, it can be studied looking separately at the structure and its contents, provided that the contents are not attached to the building. The seismic response of building contents is a topic of growing interest, since it is directly related to seismic loss assessment and earthquake community resilience. Building contents can be either attached to the structure, or may consist of objects that are simply standing. Museum exhibits belong to the latter category, while free-standing components are often studied as rocking objects and hence their response is sensitive to acceleration and velocity-based quantities and also to their geometry. Today, there is lack of standards, while the existing approaches are general in concept and do not sufficiently address the variety of rocking objects. The problem becomes more complicated when it comes to priceless objects such as museum artefacts where more refined and targeted studies are required for understanding their seismic response and also for proposing rapid tools for assessing their seismic risk. The paper presents an extensive experimental campaign on the seismic response of artefacts, with emphasis on statues and busts. The tests took place in the framework of SEREME project (Seismic Resilience of Museum Contents) at the AZALEE seismic simulator of CEA in Saclay, Paris under the auspices of the SERA project. The aim is to understand the seismic response of statues and busts and then develop novel and cost-effective risk mitigation schemes for improving the seismic resilience of museum valuable contents. The study is focused on the investigation of the seismic response of two real-scale marble roman statues and three busts of three roman emperors standing on pedestals of different types and size. Both isolated and non-isolated artefacts are considered, while two new and highly efficient base isolation systems, tailored to art objects, will be tested. The first isolator is a pendulum-based system, while the second utilizes Shape Memory Alloy wires. Furthermore, the paper examines the importance of the hosting building, i.e. building type and story. Specifically tailored, numerical models of varying complexity, for single and two-block rocking systems, were developed for the needs of this study and are also assessed against the experimental results

    Modeling Denitrification : Can We Report What We Don't Know?

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    Funding Information: This study is the products of a workshop funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the research unit DFG‐FOR 2337: Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM), and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the “Make our Planet Great Again—German Research Initiative”, Grant 306060, implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme project VERIFY (grant agreement no. 776810). We would like to thank the contribution of all workshop participants of the II. DASIM Modeler Workshop. Publisher Copyright: © 2023. The Authors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Early variation of ultrasound halo sign with treatment and relation with clinical features in patients with giant cell arteritis

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    Objectives To compare the ultrasound characteristics with clinical features, final diagnosis and outcome; and to evaluate the halo size following glucocorticoid treatment in patients with newly diagnosed GCA. Methods Patients with suspected GCA, recruited from an international cohort, had an ultrasound of temporal (TA) and axillary (AX) arteries performed within 7 days of commencing glucocorticoids. We compared differences in clinical features at disease presentation, after 2 weeks and after 6 months, according to the presence or absence of halo sign. We undertook a cross-sectional analysis of the differences in halo thickness using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results A total of 345 patients with 6 months follow-up data were included; 226 (65.5%) had a diagnosis of GCA. Jaw claudication and visual symptoms were more frequent in patients with halo sign (P =0.018 and P =0.003, respectively). Physical examination abnormalities were significantly associated with the presence of ipsilateral halo (P 0.05). However, the presence of halo at baseline failed to predict future ischaemic events occurring during follow-up. Conclusion In newly diagnosed GCA, TA halo is associated with the presence of ischaemic features and its size decreases following glucocorticoid treatment, supporting its early use as a marker of disease activity, in addition to its diagnostic role

    Bevacizumab dose adjustment to improve clinical outcomes of glioblastoma.

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    Background Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most aggressive and vascularized brain tumors in adults, with a median survival of 20.9 months. In newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM, bevacizumab demonstrated an increase in progression-free survival, but not in overall survival. Methods We conducted an in silico analysis of VEGF expression, in a cohort of 1082 glioma patients. Then, to determine whether appropriate bevacizumab dose adjustment could increase the anti-angiogenic response, we used in vitro and in vivo GBM models. Additionally, we analyzed VEGFA expression in tissue, serum, and plasma in a cohort of GBM patients before and during bevacizumab treatment. Results We identified that 20% of primary GBM did not express VEGFA suggesting that these patients would probably not respond to bevacizumab therapy as we proved in vitro and in vivo. We found that a specific dose of bevacizumab calculated based on VEGFA expression levels increases the response to treatment in cell culture and serum samples from mice bearing GBM tumors. Additionally, in a cohort of GBM patients, we observed a correlation of VEGFA levels in serum, but not in plasma, with bevacizumab treatment performance. Conclusions Our data suggest that bevacizumab dose adjustment could improve clinical outcomes in Glioblastoma treatment.post-print1360 K
