352 research outputs found

    Haemostatic agents in apical surgery : a systematic review

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    Blood presence in apical surgery can prevent the correct vision of the surgical field, change the physical properties of filling materials and reduce their sealing ability. To describe which are the most effective and safest haemostatic agents to control bleeding in patients undergoing apical surgery. TWe carried out a systematic review, using Medline and Cochrane Library databases, of human clinical studies published in the last 10 years. The agents that proved more effective in bleeding control were calcium sulphate (100%) and collagen plus epinephrine (92.9%) followed by ferric sulphate (60%), gauze packing (30%) and collagen (16.7%). When using aluminium chloride (Expasyl®), over 90% of the apical lesions improved, but this agent seemed to increase swelling. Epinephrine with collagen did not significantly raise either blood pressure or heart rate. Despite the use of several haemostatic materials in apical surgery, there is little evidence on their effectiveness and safety. The most effective haemostatic agents were calcium sulphate and epinephrine plus collagen. Epinephrine plus collagen did not seem to significantly raise blood pressure or heart rate during surgery. Aluminium chloride did not increase postoperative pain but could slightly increase postoperative swelling. Randomized clinical trials are needed to assess the haemostatic effectiveness and adverse effects of haemostatic materials in apical surgery

    Quality of life after upper third molar removal : a prospective longitudinal study

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    Third molar extraction is a very common procedure in Dentistry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life (QoL) and satisfaction of patients undergoing extraction of an upper third molar under local anesthesia. A second objective was to describe the evolution of self-reported pain measured in a visual analogue scale (VAS) in the 7 days after surgery and its relationship with pre- and intraoperative factors. A prospective longitudinal cohort study was made. Fifty-five patients received a questionnaire assessing social and working isolation, eating and speaking ability, diet modifications, sleep impairment, physical appearance, discomfort at suture removal and overall satisfaction. Pain was registered daily on a VAS scale. A descriptive and bivariate analysis of the data was performed. Forty-seven patients were included. Pain decreased lineally across the 7 days, and relief was significant between days 2 and 3. Intraoperative complications were significantly associated with pain. The complication that showed the highest pain score was the tuberosity fracture. Upper third molar removal significantly affects the patient?s quality of life, particularly during the first 2 days after extraction

    Immediate implants placed in fresh sockets associated to periapical infectious processes: a systematic review

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    Objetives: The development of treated implant surfaces, added to the increase of the aesthetic requirements by the patients has led to a change in the treatment protocols as well as the development of techniques such as the onefase implants and the immediate prosthetic loading. One of the usual contraindications of the implant treatment is the presence of periapical disease associated to the tooth to be replaced. The aim of this paper is to review the published literature on immediate implant placement in extraction sockets of teeth with periapical pathology, considering the level of scientific evidence, and following the principles of medicine and evidence-based Dentistry. Material and Methods: A search of articles published between 1982 and 2012 was conducted. The search terms immediate, dental implant, extraction, infected, periapical pathology were used. Search was limited to studies in animals and humans, published in english language. Results: 16 articles were selected from a total of 438, which were stratified according to their level of scientific evidence using the SORT criteria (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy). Studies in both animals and humans presented high rates of implant survival, but human studies are limited to a small number of cases. Discussion and Conclusions: There is a limited evidence regarding implant placement immediately to the extraction of teeth affected by chronic periapical pathology. Following analysis of the articles, and in function of their scientific quality, a type B recommendation is given in favor of the immediate implant placement in fresh sockets associated to periapical infectious processes

    Bimaxillary simultaneous immediate loading of full-arch restorations : a case series

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    To describe a bimaxillary simultaneous immediate loading protocol with full-arch implant-supported fixed prostheses. A prospective case series of 8 patients who required full-arch rehabilitation was conducted. The main inclusion criteria were patients with teeth that required extraction. At least 1 molar per arch was temporarily employed to stabilize the surgical template and the provisional prosthesis during intraoral relining. Two upper implants failed in 1 patient. Structural fracture was registered in 3 patients, around 3 months after loading. All of them had bruxism. Three esthetic complications were registered: midline deviation, canting of the oclusal plane and color mismatch. Although this protocol achieves optimal results, some mechanical complications were encountered. The fracture of the provisional prosthesis is a relatively common mechanical complication but does not seem to jeopardize the final treatment result

    Is measurement of the gingival biotype reliable? Agreement among different assessment methods

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    To determine agreement among the most commonly used methods for assessing the gingival biotype. An electronic survey was sent to a sample of dentists practicing in Spain. The questionnaire was based on the evaluation of 5 cases involving different gingival biotype assessment methods. Dentists were required to classify the cases as having a ?thin?, ?thick? or ?not able to classify? biotype. Each case was assessed using a frontal intraoral photo of the anterior teeth; an enlarged photo of the buccal aspect of the tooth with a periodontal probe inserted inside the sulcus; and the real thickness measured in mm with a calibrated needle. Agreement among the classifications was assessed using Cohen?s kappa coefficient. A total of 104 surveys were analyzed. The most commonly used assessment method was visual evaluation of the morphology of the gingiva and the teeth (62.5%). Concordance among the three different methods was weak (kappa = 0.278). Agreement among the classification methods was greater in extreme cases (thinner and thicker gingival thickness). The most commonly used methods for assessing gingival biotype are not reliable. The three tested methods show poor to weak agreement, which leads to non-reliable estimation of the gingival biotype

    Estudio retrospectivo de 145 dientes supernumerarios

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    Objetivo: El presente estudio retrospectivo pretende describir la distribución de los dientes supernumerarios en una población de pacientes que acuden a una Unidad ambulatoria de Cirugía Bucal. Introducción: Los dientes supernumerarios y la hiperodoncia múltiple se asocian normalmente con diferentes síndromes como el de Gardner o con fisuras faciales; sin embargo, pueden aparecer en pacientes sin ningún tipo de patología. Su prevalencia oscila entre el 0,5 y el 3,8% en la dentición permanente y entre el 0,35 y el 0,6% en la decidua. Pacientes y método: Para ello, se revisaron 36.057 historias clínicas de pacientes que acudieron a nuestro Servicio entre septiembre de 1991 y marzo de 2003. Se recogieron los siguientes datos: edad, sexo, número de dientes supernumerarios extraídos, localización, morfología y tipo de diente supernumerario. El número de pacientes incluidos en el estudio fue de 102. Resultados: De los 147 dientes supernumerarios descubiertos en la cavidad bucal, se extrajeron un total de 145. El grupo más frecuente fue el de los mesiodens (46,9%), seguido por los premolares supernumerarios (24,1%) y los cuartos molares supernumerarios o distomolares (18%). El 74,5% de los dientes supernumerarios se localizaban en el maxilar superior y un 46,9% de los dientes supernumerarios se localizaban en palatino/lingual. La morfología heteromórfica aparecía en dos tercios de los dientes supernumerarios, siendo la más frecuente la conoide. El 29,7% de los dientes supernumerarios producían la inclusión de los dientes permanentes, siendo el mesiodens el que la producía con mayor frecuencia. Conclusiones: Los mesiodens producen con elevada frecuencia la retención de los incisivos permanentes, que erupcionan espontáneamente después de la extracción de los dientes supernumerarios, si tienen espacio suficiente en la arcada y conservan la fuerza eruptiva. Los premolares supernumerarios tienen normalmente morfología eumórfica y son un hallazgo radiológico casual, al no producir ningún tipo de sintomatología.Objective: The goal of the present retrospective study is to describe the distribution of the supernumerary teeth in a population of patients that have been attended at the Public Clinic of the Department of Oral Surgery. Background: Supernumerary teeth and multiple hyperdontia are usually associated with different syndromes, such as Gardner syndrome, or with facial fissures; however, they can appear in patients without any pathology. Their prevalence oscillates to 0.5-3.8% in patients with permanent teeth and to 0.35-0.6% in patients with primary teeth. Patients and Methods: A total of 36,057 clinical histories of patients that were admitted at the clinic between September of 1991 and March of 2003 were revised. The following data were extrapolated: age, sex, number of extracted supernumerary teeth, localization, morphology and type of supernumerary teeth. Consequently, 102 patients were included into the present study. Results: Of the 147 supernumerary teeth identified in the oral cavities of patients 145 were extracted. The most frequent supernumerary teeth identified were mesiodens (46.9%), followed by premolars (24.1%) and fourth molars or distal molars (18%). As for location, 74.5% of the supernumerary teeth were found in the superior maxillary bone and 46.9% of the supernumerary teeth were present in the palatine/lingual area. Heteromorphology was found in two thirds of the supernumerary teeth, with conical shape being the most frequent. Finally, 29.7% of the supernumerary teeth had occlusion with permanent teeth, and mesiodens were the predominating type of supernumerary teeth that showed this feature. Conclusions: Mesiodens very frequently cause retention of permanent incisors, which erupt spontaneously after the extraction of supernumerary teeth, if there is sufficient space in the dental arch and if they conserve the eruptive force. Generally, supernumerary premolars are eumorphic and are casually discovered during radiological exam, if not producing any symptomology

    Aesthetic perception of single implants placed in the anterior zone. : a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Several aesthetic indexes have been described to assess implant aesthetics. The aim of this study was to compare the aesthetic assessment made by dental professionals and students of single-tooth implants placed in the upper incisors. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey study using a subjective questionnaire to assess the aesthetics in 3 implant supported single-tooth cases in the anterior maxilla was performed. The interviewed subjects were divided into 4 groups: dentists with experience in implant treatment, dentists without experience in implants and 3rd and 5th year dental students. The questionnaire consisted of 2 visual analogue scales (VAS) to evaluate aesthetics, the pink esthetic score (PES), the white esthetic score (WES) and the simplified papilla index (PI). Results: One-hundred dentists and one-hundred dental students filled the aesthetic assessment questionnaire. The results showed that the subjects were more critical than reference values, specially concerning prosthetic issues. The differences between groups were more obvious in the case with the best result. On the other hand, few differences were detected in the remaining cases. Regarding soft tissue and crown features, experienced dentists in implant dentistry were the most demanding. Cronbach’s Alpha showed values ≥ 0,8 in the questionnaire in every case, which indicates an adequate reliability. Conclusions: Dentists and dental students have different opinions when assessing aesthetics of single tooth implant supported cases. Experience and area of expertise seem to influence the evaluation of aesthetics in the anterior region

    Cavidad de Stafne: estudio retrospectivo de 11 casos

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    Objectivo: Describir las características clínicas y radiológicas de pacientes con cavidad de Stafne. Diseño del estudio: Estudio retrospectivo observacional de 11 casos de cavidad de Stafne. Tras hallar en la ortopantomografía de 11 pacientes una imagen compatible con cavidad de Stafne, se solicitaron sialografía de la glándula submaxilar en 3 casos, tomografía computadorizada (TC) en 6 pacientes y se realizó una intervención quirúrgica en 4 casos para obtener un diagnóstico de certeza. Resultados: La edad media fue de 51.5 años y el sexo masculino fue predominante. Esta entidad fue diagnosticada siempre de forma casual tras una exploración radiológica de rutina. Las sialografías permitieron observar tejido glandular dentro del defecto y con la TC se visualizó la conservación de la cortical lingual y el origen periférico de la lesión. Dos pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente tenían tejido glandular en el interior de la lesión y 2 tenían la cavidad vacía. No se observaron cambios evolutivos en ninguno de los 11 casos. Conclusiones: La cavidad de Stafne fue un hallazgo radiológico casual que no presentó cambios evolutivos estando así indicada una opción terapéutica conservadora basada en controles periódicos. Actualmente, las pruebas complementarias como la TC son suficientes para establecer un diagnóstico de certeza.Objective: to describe the clinical and radiological characteristics of patients with Stafne bone cavity. Study design: a retrospective, observational study of 11 cases of Stafne bone cavity. After finding an imagine compatible with Stafne bone cavity in the Orthopantomograph® of 11 patients, a sialography of the mandibular gland was made in 3 cases, computerized tomography (CT) in 6 cases, and in 4 cases surgical intervention to confirm the diagnosis. Results: the average age was 51.5 years, predominantly males. The entity was diagnosed incidentally during a routine radiology in all cases. The sialography revealed glandular tissue within the defect, and the CT demonstrated the conservation of the lingual cortical and the peripheral origin of the lesion. Glandular tissue was found within the lesions of two of the patients who underwent surgery, and in the other two the cavity was empty. No progressive changes were found in any of the 11 cases. Conclusions: Stafne bone cavity was an incidental finding, presenting no evolutionary changes, and as such conservatory therapy based on periodic controls was indicated. Currently, complementary techniques such as CT are sufficient to establish a certain diagnosis