35 research outputs found

    Biochemical profile of the proteolytic processes in blood serum and in the prostatic lodge fluid at the patients with transvesical adenomectomy with the usage of endourethral drainage

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    IP USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu", IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal "Sf. Treime", Secţia Urologie, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Studiului constă în evaluarea proceselor proteolitice în serul sanguin în perioada pre - şi postoperatorie la pacienţii cu AP şi în eliminările din loja după adenomectomie întru determinarea rolului lorpredictiv în evoluţia proceselor lezionare concomitente şi monitorizării hemostazeiîn loja prostatică utilizând drenarea endouretrală a lo je i. Cercetările actualului studiu sunt de tip prospectiv fiind bazate pe un eşantion de 65 bărbaţi, conlocuitori ai R. Moldova, cu vârsta între 50-75 ani. Eşantionul general de studiu a fost divizat în două loturi specifice Lf - lotul de cercetare cu AP (n=45)şi LM - lotul m artor(n=20). în lotul de cercetare, sa inclus pacienţi cu AP rezolvat chirurgical prin metoda transvezicală în modificarea elaborată şi propusă de noi, [3] (fig.1). Sa constatat că în cadrul evoluţiei AP are loc creşterea pronunţată a funcţionalităţii majorităţii enzimelor proteolitice atât în serul sanguin cât şi în eliminările din lojă. Sa stabilit unii parametrii aşa ca SN şi MMM în serul sanguin şi la nivel de lojă, servind drept marcheri ale prezenţei intoxicaţiei endogene şi toxicităţii din serul sanguin ca rezultat a proceselor proteolitice derulate în cadrul AP şi postoperatoriu. Este relevantă importanţa rezultatelor obţinute privind sensibilitatea diferită a proteazelor acide în AP, fapt ce confirmă că utilizarea drenării lojei deschide noi posibilităţi a unei tactici medico-chirurgicale şi terapeutice alternative în optimizarea unei hemostaze la nivel de lojă.Summary The aim of study is to appreciate proteolytic processes both in blood serum and the lodge drainage fluid in the pre-and post-operative period in patients with BPH after adenomectomy in order to identify their predictive role in the development of concomitant injurious processes and monitoring of the hemostasis in the prostatic lodge using endourethral drainage. Current research is a prospective study based on a sample of 65 men from the Republic of Moldova, aged 50-75 years. General study sample was divided into two specific lots: Rg - research group with PA, (n = 45) and Cg - control group (n = 20). The research group included patients with PA surgically solved by the changed transvesical method developed and proposed by us. It was found that in the evolution of PA most proteolytic enzymes functionality is increasing both in the blood serum and in the fluid drained from the lodge. Were determined some parameters such as SN and MMM in blood serum and in the lodge, serving as markers of endogenous intoxication presence and toxicity of blood serum as a result of proteolytic processes developed within BPH and postoperatively. The results revealed the importance of the different sensitivity of the acidic proteases in BPH, which confirms that the use of lodge drainage opens new possibilities of alternative surgical and therapeutic tactics to optimize the hemostasis in the prostatic lodge

    Changes of free radical oxidation and of antioxidant defense system in peripheral blood and fluid discharged from prostate draining lodge in large transbladder adenomectomy

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    Department of Urology, Holy Trinity Municipal Hospital, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology, Department of Pathomorphology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: This study is dedicated to determination of the peculiarities of the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system processes in the patients with prostate adenoma (PA), and the correlation between blood serum and fluid draining from lodge after adenomectomy with the aim of highlighting the risk factors of this pathology. Material and methods: There were studied 79 men aged 50-75 years, divided into two specific groups: group 1 – 49 men with PA treated surgically by transvezical method, modified by us and group 2 – 30 healthy men. Results: The results showed that in PA the processes of lipid oxidation with production of reactive oxygen species increased, confirmed by marked increasing of hydroperoxides of lipids, keto-diene conjugates and carbonyl compounds. There had been an impressive increase of the malondialdehyde level in both blood serum at pre- and postoperative stages and in the drained fluids from the lodge in patients of group 1. A deficiency of antioxidants was demonstrated by total antioxidant reduced activity and decreased functionality of the main antioxidant enzymes – superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase in pre- and post-operative periods, as well as in fluids from the drained lodge in group 2. Conclusions: It was found that oxygen species manifested an imbalance between reactive oxygen species generation and antioxidant protective system and they are an important pathogenic cause in self-maintenance and exacerbation of inflammatory response that can influence the pre- and postoperative evolution of PA, a predictive factor in developing treatment strategies, postoperative management

    Особенности активности лизосомальных энзимов в сыворотке крови при аденоме простаты и их уровень в ложе после черезпузырной аденомэктомии при трансуретральном дренировании ложе

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, IMSP SCM Sfânta Treime, Conferinţa consacrată aniversării celor 40 de ani de la fondarea SCM Sfânta Treime 17 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaThe mechanisms by which lysosomal disorders affecting prostate functions in prostate adenoma News. The mechanisms by which lysosomal disorders affecting prostate functions in prostate adenoma bulky (APV), including the Lodge of adenomectomy are poorly understood, and the effectiveness of current therapeutic measures are limited and uncertain. The research is based on two study groups: Lb – patients with a mean age of 68.6±1.05 and bulky AP definite diagnosis (≥ 80 cm3) repair surgery using drainage endouretralnye and Lm – 20 men of the same age, basically healthy. Lysosomal enzyme activity determination (Cat G rnd CatD; FA; NAG; β -gal, β-gul, and β-glucuronidase, arylsulfatase A and B, total protein was performed by standard techniques, adapted for application to multi-modal hybrid rider microplate Synergy H1 (Reader Hydride). As a result it was determined that AP ≥ 80 m3 bulky significantly induce the growth of all lysosomal enzymes studied, reaching values of 2-3 times higher compared with controls, with the prevalence of high values of 4-6 times, β –gal, ß-gluc and CatG fact catgut as coexistent inflammatory process caused by the presence of biological membranes and destabilization celulare. Sa direct interdependencies found the presence of liposomal enzymes in their blood serum and deletions to the lodge postoperative which can serve as a biomarker of evolution postoperative period, with predictive role in assessing the effectiveness of the treatment strategy and local general medical and surgical, monitoring and optimization of rehabilitation of patients with AP and adenomectomy.Механизмы расстройств лизосомальных энзимов, влияющие на функции простаты при аденоме предстательной железы (АПЖ), в том числе в ложе после аденомэктомии недостаточно изучены, а эффективность лечебных мероприятий ограничены и неопределенны. Исследование проводилось в двух группах: основная группа – 49 пациентов возрастом в среднем 68,6±1,05, оперированные по поводу АП с дренированием ложе [3], и контрольная – 20 мужчин того же возраста, в основном здоровые. Определение активности лизосомальных энзим (Cat G rnd CatD; FA; NAG; β -gal, β-gul, и β-glucuronidase, arylsulfatase A и B), общего белка проводили с помощью стандартных методов используя микропланшеты Synergy H1 (гидрид Reader). В результате было установлено, что при АПЖ происходит значительный рост всех лизосомальных энзимов, включенных в исследование, достигая цифры в 2-3 раза выше по сравнению с контрольной группой и в 4-6 раз значений β-галактозидазы (β-gal), бетаглюкозидазы (β-glu) и катепсина (Cat) G, обусловленные воспалительными существующими процессами приводящие к дестабилизации биологических клеточных мембран. Установлено наличие прямой зависимости между активностью лизосомных энзимов в сыворотке и послеоперационной ложе, что может служить биомаркером эволюции послеоперационного периода, с предсказательной ролью в оценке эффективности медицинской и хирургической тактики лечения, общего и локального мониторинга и оптимизации реабилитации больных с АПЖ до и после аденомэктомии

    The estimation of the peculiarities and the activity degree of the consisting inflammatory processes in the benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    Secţia Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal “ Sf. Treime”, Catedra Morfopatologie, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Ştiinţifică Morfopatologie, IMSP Institutul de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în Domeniul Ocrotirii Sănătăţii Mamei şi Copilului, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. The conducted study has the aim to estimate the histopathological peculiarities of the inflammatory processes, evaluated in prostatic nodular hyperplasia, the character and the activity of these processes in the area of nodular hyperplasia structures, and the border limit in the adenectomy. The results of the morphopathological study allowed detailed diagnosis of the prostatic hyperplasia. Severe modifications of inflammatory origin and considerable implications of the structural-architectonical components indicate concomitant persisting or coexisting of chronic or acute prostatitis. The establishment of the lesion character, activity degree of the inflammatory process, saving border limit in the surgical management regarding the residual cavity of cleavage and postoperative prognosis was the second aim of the study. It facilitates the choice of the best therapeutic and surgical approach. The character of the inflammatory processes coexisting with prostatic benign hyperplasia was evaluated. A clinical-morphological concept of inflammatory associations in prostate benign hyperplasia was formulated

    Review of the techniques used in motor‐cognitive human‐robot skill transfer

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    Abstract A conventional robot programming method extensively limits the reusability of skills in the developmental aspect. Engineers programme a robot in a targeted manner for the realisation of predefined skills. The low reusability of general‐purpose robot skills is mainly reflected in inability in novel and complex scenarios. Skill transfer aims to transfer human skills to general‐purpose manipulators or mobile robots to replicate human‐like behaviours. Skill transfer methods that are commonly used at present, such as learning from demonstrated (LfD) or imitation learning, endow the robot with the expert's low‐level motor and high‐level decision‐making ability, so that skills can be reproduced and generalised according to perceived context. The improvement of robot cognition usually relates to an improvement in the autonomous high‐level decision‐making ability. Based on the idea of establishing a generic or specialised robot skill library, robots are expected to autonomously reason about the needs for using skills and plan compound movements according to sensory input. In recent years, in this area, many successful studies have demonstrated their effectiveness. Herein, a detailed review is provided on the transferring techniques of skills, applications, advancements, and limitations, especially in the LfD. Future research directions are also suggested

    Chitosan as cationic polyelectrolyte in wet-end papermaking systems

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    cited By 20International audienceThis paper provides the experimental results evidencing the potential of chitosan utilisation as a wet-end additive in papermaking. The research analyzes the colloidal behaviour of chitosan, investigated in terms of its interactions with the anionic polymers (carboxymethylcellulose - CMC, and anionic Polyacrylamide PAA), as well as with the colloidal and dissolved material (CDM) of papermaking process water. The shape of colloidal titration curves and particle size distribution of process water, measured by laser diffraction, have indicated that chitosan has a higher ability to form polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC), comparatively with other cationic additives frequently used in wet-end systems, such as PDADMAC and polyethylenimine (PEI). Lab tests simulating short circuit of paper machine have shown that chitosan and PDADMAC have similar effectiveness in reducing the accumulation rate of CDM, even if the effects on paper stock drainage and paper strength are much higher in the case of chitosan

    Synthesis and characterization of n-alkyl chitosan for papermaking applications

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    cited By 9International audienceChitosan is a natural cationic polymer whose reactive amino groups and primary and secondary hydroxyl groups confer to it interesting properties for papermaking applications, such as cationic polyelectrolyte behavior and high affinity for the cellulose fiber surface. However, the main barrier to these applications of chitosan is the lack of water solubility under neutral pH of the wet-end papermaking system. This paper is aimed at obtaining and characterizing a water-soluble chitosan derivative by introducing alkyl groups along the chitosan chain, to confer to it hydrophobic nature, without affecting significantly its cationic character. The N-alkyl chitosan derivative was obtained by reductive amination, and was investigated by spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and MS), solubility in water and ionic charge density. The analysis demonstrated the obtaining of alkylated chitosan with a 0.03 substitution degree, completely soluble in water at room temperature, and with a cationic character in a neutral pH medium. These characteristics of N-alkyl chitosan, beside its amphiphilic nature induced by hydrophobic/hydrophilic sequences, make this polymer a very promising additive for papermaking applications

    Eightfold increased membrane flux of NF 270 by O3 oxidation of natural humic acids without deteriorated permeate quality

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    BACKGROUND: Membrane fouling by humic acids limits the water recovery of nanofiltration in drinking water production. This article investigates if membrane fouling can be reduced by decomposition of humic acids in the concentrate stream by O3 oxidation. RESULTS: At a specific O3 dose of 2.11 g O3 per g COD (17.0 g m-3 O3 (g) for 20 minutes), a COD reduction of 38% and a hydrophobic COD reduction of 69% is achieved. The membrane permeability of the ozonated solution by NF 270 membranes is higher (20.6 . 10-9 L s-1 m-2 Pa-1) than the permeability if the untreated solution is filtered (2.4 . 10-9 L s-1 m-2 Pa-1). The COD retention of the ozonated solution was similar to the retention of the untreated samples. The addition of H2O2 allows to obtain a better mineralization degree, i.e., UVA removal increased from 53% to 66% if H2O2 was added as from 10 minutes oxidation at the same molar flow rate as O3. CONCLUSION: O3 oxidation can substantially alleviate membrane fouling by humic acids in nanofiltration systems and the addition of H2O2 can slightly improve its decomposition.status: publishe