47 research outputs found


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    The Cauchy problem for differential equations with Caputo fractional derivatives is given. New methods for studying the regions of existence of solutions of these equations are presented. Analysis of changes in these areas was done by changing the settings right and left sides of the equation.Дана задача Коши для дифференциальных уравнений дробных порядков с производной Капуто. Приведены новые методы исследования областей существования решений таких уравнений. На примерах проведен анализ изменения этих областей при изменении параметров правой и левой частей уравнения


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    The non-commodity exports development issues from the Russian Federation to foreign countries have been considered. The main barriers, constraining the development of non-commodity exports have been analyzed. Also the classification of such “barriers of ignorance” has been developed and the measures, allowing to reduce the impact of these barriers have been proposed: creation of an electronic commercial site; creation of multifunctional centers, in which certification and licensing procedures would be carried out, customs and tax сonsultancy to potential exporters, advice and assistance in obtaining the necessary permission documentation in foreign countries; сounselling on the correct execution of foreign economic contracts to avoid double taxation and transfer pricing and other measures

    Relationship between Management Potential and Cognitive Characteristics of Managers of Different Government Levels

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    The article deals with leading role of managers in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of management in all spheres of social life. At the same time, the relevance is dictated by the need, in this regard, to study more deeply the factors of the formation and development of managerial potential, and, consequently, increase the efficiency of managerial activity and the success of a managerial career. The material for the analysis was the data obtained at the Faculty of Evaluation and Development of Managerial Human Resources of the Graduate School of Public Administration of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in the course of personal and professional diagnostics of managers of different government levels working in the state and non-state spheres. The questionnaire “Assessment of management potential”, developed at the Faculty, as well as the method for assessing the cognitive characteristics of management personnel were used by us as diagnostic tools. Cognitive characteristics have been identified that provide the greatest opportunities for the formation of cognitive characteristics (expert competence, persistence and dedication and strategic leadership). The dynamics of the relationship between cognitive characteristics and managerial leaders, depending on their position in the structure of the hierarchy, is shown in this article. It was found that cognitive characteristics make the greatest contribution to the formation of managerial potential among managers at the initial level of management, having a decisive influence on meta-competence, ensuring the performance of leadership functions and continuous self-improvement of the manager. At the same time, it was shown that the managers of the highest group have the influence of cognitive characteristics on managerial analytical potential, an increase in the ability for self-development and expert competence, an increase in the ability to compare, the ability to quality, and the total indicator for the identified cognitive characteristics. Increased creativity and flexibility of thinking leads to a decrease in the level of strategic leadership, willingness to work together, as well as competencies and self-management


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    In this article, the theorems of existence of solutions of nonlocal Cauchy problems for differential equations of fractional order in weighted spaces with Caputo derivatives are proved. Sufficient conditions for compactness of integral operators operating in the space of real-valued continuous functions on a segment are also obtained.В работе исследованы дифференциальные уравнения дробных порядков в весовых пространствах с производными Капуто, доказана нелокальная теорема о единственной разрешимости задачи Коши, получены достаточные условия компактности интегральных операторов, действующих в пространстве вещественных непрерывных функций.


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    Сurrent temperature monitoring, humidity, physical condition and real-time data transmission are extremely important in the pharmaceutical supply chains. The intelligent logistics system for monitoring the state of objects, implemented on the basis of the Internet of things, which can be used for the pharmaceutical industry, has been considered in this article. The two-level network architecture of the IOT platform has been reviewed. The first level is radio frequency object identification, and the second level is organization of wireless sensor network. By adapting the proposed system, the pharmaceutical company can easily monitor and control the quality of the goods during transportation

    Structural Features and Antimicrobial Activity of Silicon-Zinc-Boron-Containing Glycerohydrogel

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    This work was carried out within the framework of the project of UB RAS Integrated Program (theme № АААА-А18-118020290163-9)

    Unmanned aerial vehicles: potential for use in the storage systems of industrial companies

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    In the article, the authors investigate the problem of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in company warehouses and consider their use as one of the ways to optimize the logistics business processes of companies. Technologies are considered, on the basis of which modern unmanned aerial vehicles, drone models of various companies, the main functionality of drone’s work. The authors high-light the strengths and weaknesses of unmanned aerial vehicles, key factors determining the success of the use of drones, and favorable conditions for their use in warehouses. The authors are considering the possibility of sharing drones and RFID technology. Barriers to the active introduction of drones into the logistics business processes of warehousing systems and requirements for warehouse complexes planning the use of unmanned aerial objects have been identified. Promising areas of application of technology in warehouse logistics are also considered: creation of anti-theft and fire protection systems, using drones to read CIS marks. The authors used data from analytical reports and data collected by the authors themselves, as well as empirical research methods