151 research outputs found

    Espa?os rituais de ingest?o da Ayahuasca no oeste catarinense: estudo de caso do Espa?o C?u Caminhos do Amor

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    The present work aims to make notations about the expansion of the Ayahuasqueiras lines to the interior of Brazil, specifically to the west of Santa Catarina, using as object of study the Institute Espritual Shamanic Caminhos do Amor, to understand the permanence of Neoxamanic institutes in urban environments. He traces some of the vegetal veins that culminate in different ayahuasqueiras networks, from the expansion and the popularization of the drink in the Amazon seringais, and points axes that connect one to the other. It addresses the historical specificities that determine the emergence of neoxamical spaces in urban centers, and beyond, presents a series of rituals that represent a range of experiences where it encompasses different processes of cultural formation. Using as primary sources interviews and official documents of the institute, it was possible to project the profile of the participants, and to understand the links between them and the use of Ayahuasca. This monograph aims to discuss the morphology of these ceremonies, and especially their cosmology that involves not only the use of the drink, but also the cultural approaches that merge with the ideologies of the participants.O presente trabalho t?m por objetivo, fazer apontamentos acerca da expans?o das linhas Ayahusqueiras para o interior do Brasil, mais especificamente o oeste catarinense, utilizando como objeto de estudo o espa?o xamanico C?u Caminhos do Amor, para compreender a perman?ncia de institutos Neox?nicos em meios urbanos. Ele tra?a algumas das veias vegetalistas que culminam em diferentes redes ayahuasqueiras, a partir da expans?o e da populariza??o da bebida nos seringais amaz?nicos, e aponta eixos que conectam uma a outra. Aborda as especificidades hist?ricas que determinam no surgimento de espa?os neox?manicos nos centros urbanos, e para al?m, apresenta uma s?rie de ritual?sticas que representam um leque de experiencias onde abrange diferentes processos de forma??o cultural. Utilizando como fontes prim?rias entrevistas e documentos oficiais do instituto, foi poss?vel projetar o perfil dos participantes, e entender os la?os entre os mesmos e a utiliza??o da Ayahuasca. Esta monografia se prop?e a discorrer acerca morfologia destas cerimonias e principalmente sua cosmologia que envolve n?o somente a utiliza??o da bebida, como as abordagens culturais que se mesclam a partir das ideologias dos participantes

    Evaluation of sixty-eight cases of fracture stabilisation by external hybrid fixation and a proposal for hybrid construct classification

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    Background: Hybrid external fixation (HEF) is an emerging technique for fracture stabilization in veterinary orthopedics, but its use has been reported in few papers in the veterinary literature. The linear and circular elements that form hybrid fixators can be connected in a very high number of combinations, and for this reason just referring to HEF without any classification is often misleading about the actual frame structure. The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate fracture stabilization by HEF in 58 client-owned dogs and 8 cats, and to extend the already existing classification for hybrid constructs to include all frame configurations used in this study and potentially applicable in clinical settings. Animal signalment, fracture classification, surgical procedure and frame configuration were recorded. Complications, radiographic, functional and cosmetic results were evaluated at the time of fixator removal.Results: Sixty-eight fractures in 58 dogs and eight cats were evaluated. Two dogs had bilateral fractures. Fifty-one percent were radio-ulna, 34% tibial, 9% humeral, 3% femoral and 3% scapular fractures. One ring combined with one or two linear elements was the most widely employed configuration in this case series. Radiographic results at the time of frame removal were excellent in 59% of the cases, good in 38% and fair in 3%, while functional and cosmetic results were excellent in 69% of the cases, good in 27% and fair in 4%.Conclusions: HEF is a useful option for fracture treatment in dogs and cats, particularly for peri and juxta-articular fractures. It can be applied with a minimally invasive approach, allows adjustments during the postoperative period and is a versatile system because of the large variety of combinations that can fit with the specific fracture features. The classification used enables to determine the number of linear and circular elements used in the frame

    Understanding photothermal interactions will help expand production range and increase genetic diversity of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)

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    Lentil is a staple in many diets around the world and growing in popularity as a quick-cooking, nutritious, plant-based source of protein in the human diet. Lentil varieties are usually grown close to where they were bred. Future climate change scenarios will result in increased temperatures and shifts in lentil crop production areas, necessitating expanded breeding efforts. We show how we can use a daylength and temperature model to identify varieties most likely to succeed in these new environments, expand genetic diversity, and give plant breeders additional knowledge and tools to help mitigate these changes for lentil producers.This research was conducted as part of the ‘Application of Genomics to Innovation in the Lentil Economy (AGILE)' project funded by Genome Canada and managed by Genome Prairie. We are grateful for the matching financial support from the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Western Grains Research Foundation, the Government of Saskatchewan, and the University of Saskatchewan. We acknowledge the support from our international partners: University of Basilicata (UNIBAS) in Italy; Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAS) in Spain; Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in Morocco, India and Bangladesh; Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) in Nepal; and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA CRIS Project 5348-21000-017-00D) in the USA, for conducting field experiments in their respective countries

    Approaches, Strategies and Theoretical and Practice-Based Research Methods to investigate and archive video art:Some reflections from the REWIND projects

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    This paper will discuss methodologies, approaches and issues, emerging out of three major research projects that have investigated early histories of video art in Europe: REWIND (2004 ongoing), REWINDItalia (2011-2014) and EWVA (2015-2018). The paper will discuss how the projects have engaged with the history of the apparatus, the identity and status of the artworks, preservation methods, and the legacy of these video artworks today. A particular focus will be on semi-structured questionnaires for interviews structured to capture oral histories, memories and recollections, that in some cases would have been otherwise lost to future knowledge and the uncovering of lost artworks and their available documentation. The speakers directly involved in the projects - will discuss solutions, risks and experiences encountered in the projects and future research perspectives for re-covering, collecting, archiving and narrating the histories of early video art in Europe. The paper will discuss also different practice-based research methods, platforms and engagement strategies, including re-installation and re-enactment

    Surface and Adhesion Characteristics of Current and Next Generation Steel Packaging Materials

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    Steel packaging remains an important mean by which foodstuffs and other products can be stored safely for a prolonged period of time. The industry is being challenged by the dual legislative pressures which require the elimination of Chrome (VI) from the manufacturing process and the elimination of bisphenol A as a component from the lacquer system. Initial indications suggest lower adhesive performance, and it has been postulated that thermal treatment may be a mean of improv- ing adhesion. Three substrates (two current and one future) were physically and chemically characterized prior and post treatment and the resultant impact of adhesion was quantified. The net impact of the thermal treatment is that it increases the adhesion of the lacquer on the surface. As there is minimal change in the physical characteristics of the surface, the authors propose that this is a result of changes in the chemical surface species, particularly the increase in the oxidic nature of each of the substrates which provides additional bonding sites for the organic species in the lacquer. These trends are observed for current substrate materials as well as next generation Chrome VI free substrate. Next generation replacement substrate materials perform better than current materials for dry adhesion while next generation bisphenol A non-intent lacquer mate- rials perform poorer than the current epoxy phenolic materials

    mTOR Controls Ovarian Follicle Growth by Regulating Granulosa Cell Proliferation

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    We have shown that inhibition of mTOR in granulosa cells and ovarian follicles results in compromised granulosa proliferation and reduced follicle growth. Further analysis here using spontaneously immortalized rat granulosa cells has revealed that mTOR pathway activity is enhanced during M-phase of the cell cycle. mTOR specific phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase and 4E-BP, and expression of Raptor are all enhanced during M-phase. The predominant effect of mTOR inhibition by the specific inhibitor Rapamycin (RAP) was a dose-responsive arrest in the G1 cell cycle stage. The fraction of granulosa cells that continued to divide in the presence of RAP exhibited a dose-dependent increase in aberrant mitotic figures known as anaphase bridges. Strikingly, estradiol consistently decreased the incidence of aberrant mitotic figures. In mice treated with RAP, the mitotic index was reduced compared to controls, and a similar increase in aberrant mitotic events was noted. RAP injected during a superovulation regime resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in the numbers of eggs ovulated. Implications for the real-time regulation of follicle growth and dominance, including the consequences of increased numbers of aneuploid granulosa cells, are discussed

    Glutamine depletion by crisantaspase hinders the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts

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    Background: A subset of human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) exhibit mutations of β-catenin gene CTNNB1 and overexpress Glutamine synthetase (GS). The CTNNB1-mutated HCC cell line HepG2 is sensitive to glutamine starvation induced in vitro with the antileukemic drug Crisantaspase and the GS inhibitor methionine-L-sulfoximine (MSO). Methods: Immunodeficient mice with subcutaneous xenografts of the CTNNB1-mutated HCC cell lines HepG2 and HC-AFW1 were treated with Crisantaspase and/or MSO, and tumour growth was monitored. At the end of treatment, tumour weight and histology were assessed. Serum and tissue amino acids were determined by HPLC. Gene and protein expression were estimated with RT-PCR and western blot and GS activity with a colorimetric method. mTOR activity was evaluated from the phosphorylation of p70S6K1. Results: Crisantaspase and MSO depleted serum glutamine, lowered glutamine in liver and tumour tissue, and inhibited liver GS activity. HepG2 tumour growth was significantly reduced by either Crisantaspase or MSO, and completely suppressed by the combined treatment. The combined treatment was also effective against xenografts of the HC-AFW1 cell line, which is Crisantaspase resistant in vitro. Conclusions: The combination of Crisantaspase and MSO reduces glutamine supply to CTNNB1-mutated HCC xenografts and hinders their growth
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