52 research outputs found

    Mice carrying a hypomorphic Evi1 allele are embryonic viable but exhibit severe congenital heart defects

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    The ecotropic viral integration site 1 (Evi1) oncogenic transcription factor is one of a number of alternative transcripts encoded by the Mds1 and Evi1 complex locus (Mecom). Overexpression of Evi1 has been observed in a number of myeloid disorders and is associated with poor patient survival. It is also amplified and/or overexpressed in many epithelial cancers including nasopharyngeal carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, ependymomas, and lung and colorectal cancers. Two murine knockout models have also demonstrated Evi1's critical role in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell renewal with its absence resulting in the death of mutant embryos due to hematopoietic failure. Here we characterize a novel mouse model (designated Evi1(fl3)) in which Evi1 exon 3, which carries the ATG start, is flanked by loxP sites. Unexpectedly, we found that germline deletion of exon3 produces a hypomorphic allele due to the use of an alternative ATG start site located in exon 4, resulting in a minor Evi1 N-terminal truncation and a block in expression of the Mds1-Evi1 fusion transcript. Evi1(deltaex3/deltaex3) mutant embryos showed only a mild non-lethal hematopoietic phenotype and bone marrow failure was only observed in adult Vav-iCre/+, Evi1(fl3/fl3) mice in which exon 3 was specifically deleted in the hematopoietic system. Evi1(deltaex3/deltaex3) knockout pups are born in normal numbers but die during the perinatal period from congenital heart defects. Database searches identified 143 genes with similar mutant heart phenotypes as those observed in Evi1(deltaex3/deltaex3) mutant pups. Interestingly, 42 of these congenital heart defect genes contain known Evi1-binding sites, and expression of 18 of these genes are also effected by Evi1 siRNA knockdown. These results show a potential functional involvement of Evi1 target genes in heart development and indicate that Evi1 is part of a transcriptional program that regulates cardiac development in addition to the development of blood

    Targeted sequencing of lung function loci in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases and controls

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide; smoking is the main risk factor for COPD, but genetic factors are also relevant contributors. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of the lung function measures used in the diagnosis of COPD have identified a number of loci, however association signals are often broad and collectively these loci only explain a small proportion of the heritability. In order to examine the association with COPD risk of genetic variants down to low allele frequencies, to aid fine-mapping of association signals and to explain more of the missing heritability, we undertook a targeted sequencing study in 300 COPD cases and 300 smoking controls for 26 loci previously reported to be associated with lung function. We used a pooled sequencing approach, with 12 pools of 25 individuals each, enabling high depth (30x) coverage per sample to be achieved. This pooled design maximised sample size and therefore power, but led to challenges during variant-calling since sequencing error rates and minor allele frequencies for rare variants can be very similar. For this reason we employed a rigorous quality control pipeline for variant detection which included the use of 3 independent calling algorithms. In order to avoid false positive associations we also developed tests to detect variants with potential batch effects and removed them before undertaking association testing. We tested for the effects of single variants and the combined effect of rare variants within a locus. We followed up the top signals with data available (only 67% of collapsing methods signals) in 4,249 COPD cases and 11,916 smoking controls from UK Biobank. We provide suggestive evidence for the combined effect of rare variants on COPD risk in TNXB and in sliding windows within MECOM and upstream of HHIP. These findings can lead to an improved understanding of the molecular pathways involved in the development of COPD

    EVI1 oncoprotein interacts with a large and complex network of proteins and integrates signals through protein phosphorylation

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    Ant-32 is a new processor architecture designed specifically to address the pedagogical needs of teaching many subjects, including assembly language programming, machine architecture, compilers, operating systems, and VLSI design. This paper discusses our motivation for creating Ant-32 and the philosophy we used to guide our design decisions and gives a high-level description of the resulting design

    Ecotopic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) regulates multiple cellular processes important for cancer and is a synergistic partner for FOS protein in invasive tumors

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    Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) is an oncogenic dual domain zinc finger transcription factor that plays an essential role in the regulation of hematopoietic stem cell renewal, and its overexpression in myeloid leukemia and epithelial cancers is associated with poor patient survival. Despite the discovery of EVI1 in 1988 and its emerging role as a dominant oncogene in various types of cancer, few EVI1 target genes are known. This lack of knowledge has precluded a clear understanding of exactly how EVI1 contributes to cancer. Using a combination of ChIP-Seq and microarray studies in human ovarian carcinoma cells, we show that the two zinc finger domains of EVI1 bind to DNA independently and regulate different sets of target genes. Strikingly, an enriched fraction of EVI1 target genes are cancer genes or genes associated with cancer. We also show that more than 25% of EVI1-occupied genes contain linked EVI1 and activator protein (AP)1 DNA binding sites, and this finding provides evidence for a synergistic cooperative interaction between EVI1 and the AP1 family member FOS in the regulation of cell adhesion, proliferation, and colony formation. An increased number of dual EVI1/AP1 target genes are also differentially regulated in late-stage ovarian carcinomas, further confirming the importance of the functional cooperation between EVI1 and FOS. Collectively, our data indicate that EVI1 is a multipurpose transcription factor that synergizes with FOS in invasive tumors.Emilie A. Bard-Chapeau, Justin Jeyakani, Chung H. Kok, Julius Muller, Belinda Q. Chua, Jayantha Gunaratne, Arsen Batagov, Piroon Jenjaroenpun, Vladimir A. Kuznetsov, Chia-Lin Wei, Richard J. D'Andrea, Guillaume Bourque, Nancy A. Jenkins, and Neal G. Copelan