35 research outputs found

    Influence of peat formation conditions on the transformation of peat deposit organic matter

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    The paper studies the individual composition of n-alkanes, polycycloaromatic hydrocarbons, steroids, bi-, tri-, and pentacyclic terpenoids of two peat deposits of rich fen Kirek located in Western Siberia. Considering the individual n-alkanes concentrations, some indexes were calculated to estimate the humidity during peat formation. It was shown that the pH of peat medium primarily affects steroids, tri- and pentacyclic terpenoids transformations

    Resource Efficiency in TPU: Implementation of English Language E-courses

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    This article considers e-learning as one of the efficient technologies implemented in National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) for teaching Russian and foreign students. The paper introduces the courses designed for teaching General English. The authors have analyzed the results of e-learning implementation in TPU and identified the advantages and probable disadvantages of the technology. One of the most significant benefits of e-courses is optimization of learning technology, which contributes to efficient use of human and technological resources and enhances the national education system in general. Avoidance of the recognized disadvantages suggests a blended learning strategy

    Evaluating perspectives of economy "decarbonation" - environmental aspect

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    The present paper deals with evaluation of economy "decarbonation" perspectives in post-Soviet states. The dynamics of this process over the period of 1990-2014 has been studied and the countries have been ranked respectively. Decoupling of GDP growth and CO2 emissions has been identified. The authors suggest a classification of tools to manage the process

    A self-filling microfluidic device for noninvasive and time-resolved single red blood cell experiments

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    Existing approaches to red blood cell (RBC) experiments on the single-cell level usually rely on chemical or physical manipulations that often cause difficulties with preserving the RBC's integrity in a controlled microenvironment. Here, we introduce a straightforward, self-filling microfluidic device that autonomously separates and isolates single RBCs directly from unprocessed human blood samples and confines them in diffusion-controlled microchambers by solely exploiting their unique intrinsic properties. We were able to study the photo-induced oxygenation cycle of single functional RBCs by Raman microscopy without the limitations typically observed in optical tweezers based methods. Using bright-field microscopy, our noninvasive approach further enabled the time-resolved analysis of RBC flickering during the reversible shape evolution from the discocyte to the echinocyte morphology. Due to its specialized geometry, our device is particularly suited for studying the temporal behavior of single RBCs under precise control of their environment that will provide important insights into the RBC's biomedical and biophysical properties

    Первичная цилиарная дискинезия у ребенка с синдромом Симпсона-Голаби-Бемеля II типа вследствие мутации гена OFD1

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an orphan disease associated with mutations in several genes. It is a ciliopathy, an abnormality of the cilia and flagella. Ciliopathies include the extremely rare Simpson - Golabi - Bemel syndrome (SSGB) type II.The aim of this article is to familiarize the reader with the possibility of simultaneous presence of type II SSGB and PCD in a patient with bronchiectasis (BE).Results. The first clinical observation in the Russian literature is presented withhistory, physical examination, including clinical and morphologic examination, results of additional investigations and initiation of therapy. The case describes a 15-year-old patient with BE and other lesions typical of PCD confirmed on the basis of structural changes in the cilia of the respiratory epithelium of the trachea detected by transmission electron microscopy. The patient had a pathogenic mutation of the OFD1 gene responsible for the development of both type II SSGB and PCD.Conclusion. Several variants of ciliopathies may occur in one patient, and PCD may present as a syndrome.Первичная цилиарная дискинезия (ПЦД) является орфанным заболеванием, связанным с мутациями в различных генах, одной из разновидностей патологии ресничек и жгутиков — цилиопатий. К последним также относится крайне редко встречающийся синдром Симпсона—Голаби—Бемеля (ССГБ) II типа.Целью работы явилось ознакомление специалистов с возможностью одновременного присутствия у пациента с бронхоэктазами (БЭ) ССГБ II типа и ПЦД по данным клинического наблюдения.Результаты. Представлено первое в отечественной литературе клиническое наблюдение (данные анамнеза, объективного осмотра, включая клинико-морфологический осмотр, результаты дополнительных методов обследования и инициации терапии) 15-летнего пациента с БЭ и другими поражениями, типичными для ПЦД, подтвержденной на основании структурных изменений в ресничках респираторного эпителия трахеи, выявленных с помощью трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии, и патогенной мутации гена OFD1, ответственного за развитие как ССГБ II типа, так и ПЦД.Заключение. Установлено, что у одного пациента могут встречаться разные варианты цилиопатий, а ПЦД, таким образом, может иметь синдромальный характер

    Prevention of fascial dehiscence with prophylactic use of onlay mesh in emergency laparotomies: a randomized clinical trial

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Laparotomias de emergência apresentam alto risco de complicações e evoluem com deiscência da aponeurose (DA) em até 14,9% dos casos. O uso profilático de tela no fechamento da parede abdominal reduz a incidência de hérnia incisional após cirurgias eletivas, sem aumento significativo de morbidade. Porém, não há estudos que comprovem seu benefício na prevenção de DA e seu uso ainda é controverso em laparotomias de emergência e em cirurgias contaminadas ou infectadas. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar se o uso profilático de tela no fechamento da parede abdominal reduz a incidência de DA em pacientes submetidos a laparotomia de emergência, assim como a morbidade de sua aplicação. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Indivíduos com alto risco para DA e indicação de laparotomia mediana de emergência foram randomizados em grupos de sutura (síntese contínua da aponeurose com fio de polidioxanona e agulha de 36 mm, com objetivo de alcançar a relação entre os comprimentos do fio e da incisão igual ou superior a quatro) ou de tela profilática (síntese da aponeurose como no grupo de sutura, reforçada com tela pré-aponeurótica de polipropileno). Alto risco foi definido segundo escore de risco pré-operatório de Rotterdam adaptado. A equipe cirúrgica permaneceu cega no intraoperatório (randomização somente após síntese completa da aponeurose). RESULTADOS: De junho de 2015 a fevereiro de 2018, foram randomizados 145 pacientes, dos quais 30 foram excluídos (20,7%) por óbito ou reoperação nos primeiros 30 dias, não relacionados a intervenção do estudo; 52 foram alocados no grupo de sutura e 63 no de tela profilática. Ambos foram equivalentes quanto a dados demográficos e características clínicas, exceto idade, cuja média foi maior no grupo de sutura (66,1 anos vs 61,0 anos, p = 0,03). Os pacientes foram classificados como ASA III ou IV em 44 (38,3%) casos. Dentre as operações, 49 (42,6%) foram contaminadas ou infectadas, 63 (54,8%) envolveram a realização de ostomia e 89 (77,4%) foram cirurgias colorretais. Os tempos de internação hospitalar e em UTI foram semelhantes. O tempo operatório médio foi 50,8 minutos mais longo no grupo de tela profilática (p = 0,01). A DA ocorreu em sete casos do grupo de sutura (13,5%) e em nenhum do grupo de tela profilática (p = 0,003). Não houve diferença estatística em relação ao número de participantes que apresentou ocorrências de sítio cirúrgico (SSO) [15 (28,8%) vs 27 (42,9%), p = 0,12] ou ocorrências de sítio cirúrgico que necessitaram de intervenção (SSOPI) [9 (17,3%) vs 14 (22,2%), p = 0,51]. Porém, algumas SSO foram mais frequentes no grupo de tela profilática: seroma [3 (5,8%) vs 12 (19,0%), p = 0,03], infecção de sítio cirúrgico (SSI) [4 (7,7%) vs 13 (20,6%), p = 0,05] e deiscência superficial de ferida operatória [3 (5,8%) vs 15 (23,8%), p = 0,008]. Sete casos do grupo de tela profilática tiveram deiscência superficial com exposição de tela e foram tratados com curativos locais e cicatrização por segunda intenção, havendo resolução completa em menos de 90 dias. Nenhum caso necessitou de remoção completa da tela. Das SSO do grupo de tela profilática, 92,3% tiveram resolução espontânea ou com intervenções à beira-leito, o que aconteceu em 73,3% do grupo de sutura. CONCLUSÕES: A tela profilática pré-aponeurótica em laparotomias de emergência é segura e evita DA, com morbidade aceitável, em 30 diasINTRODUCTION: Emergency laparotomies have a high risk of complication with reports of fascial dehiscence (FD) in up to 14.9% of cases. The use of onlay mesh in the closure of abdominal wall reduces incidence of incisional hernia after elective surgeries without increased morbidity. However, there are no studies demonstrating its benefit in FD prevention and its use is controversial in emergency laparotomies and in contaminated or infected surgeries. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the use of onlay mesh in the closure of the abdominal wall reduces the incidence of FD in patients submitted to emergency laparotomy, as well as the morbidity of its application. METHODS: A randomized clinical trial was conducted at the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. Patients at high risk for FD and indication of emergency midline laparotomy were randomized either to the suture group (running suture with polidioxanone thread and 36 mm needle size, aiming to achieve suture-to-wound length ratio of 4:1) or to the prophylactic mesh group (fascial closure as in the suture group, reinforced with polypropylene onlay mesh). High risk was defined according to the adapted Rotterdam preoperative risk model. The surgical team was blinded to the groups during the intraoperative period (randomization occurred only after complete fascial suture). RESULTS: From June 2015 to February 2018, 145 patients were randomized, 30 of whom were excluded (20.7%) because of death or reoperation, not related to the mesh procedure, in the first 30 days; 52 were allocated in the suture group and 63 in the prophylactic mesh group. Both groups were equivalent for demographic data and clinical characteristics, except for age, whose mean was higher in the suture group (66.1 years vs 61.0 years, p = 0.03). Patients were classified as ASA III or IV in 44 (38.3%) cases. Among the operations, 49 (42.6%) were contaminated or infected, 63 (54,8%) involved ostomy formation and 89 (77.4%) were colorectal surgeries. Hospital length of stay (LOS) and intensive care unit LOS were similar. Mean operative time was 50.8 minutes longer in the prophylactic mesh group (p = 0.01). FD occurred in seven cases of the suture group (13.5%) and none in the prophylactic mesh group (p = 0.003). There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding the number of patients with surgical site occurrence (SSO) [15 (28.8%) vs 27 (42.9%), p = 0.12], or surgical site occurrences that required procedural interventions (SSOPI) [9 (17.3%) vs 14 (22.2%), p = 0.51]. However, some SSO were more frequent in the prophylactic mesh group: seroma [3 (5.8%) vs 12 (19.0%), p = 0.03], surgical site infection (SSI) [4 (7, 7%) vs 13 (20.6%), p = 0.05] and superficial wound dehiscence [3 (5.8%) vs 15 (23.8%), p = 0.008)]. Seven cases of the prophylactic mesh group had superficial wound dehiscence with mesh exposure, treated with local dressings and healing by second intention, with complete resolution in less than 90 days. No case required complete removal of mesh. Of the SSO in the prophylactic mesh group, 92.3% had spontaneous resolution or with bedside interventions; the same occurred in 73.3% of the suture group. CONCLUSIONS: The onlay prophylactic mesh in emergency laparotomy is safe and avoids FD, with acceptable morbidity in 30 day

    The research of structure and properties of high-viscosity crude oils under the effect of oil-displacing compositions in laboratory environment

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    The authors have studied the influence of surface-active substances and components of oil-displacing compositions on properties and composition of high-viscosity crude oils as a result of thermostating of oil-composition (oil-water) systems in laboratory environment. It was shown that presence of composition in the system results in decreasing the content of solid paraffin hydrocarbons, in increasing abundance ratio of aromatic structures and resinous-asphaltic components in oils

    Composition of the organic compounds of different peat types from the Southern taiga subzone of Western Siberia

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    Acyclic (n-alkanes, n-alkan-2-ones, fatty acids, methyl esters of fatty acids, n-aldehydes, squalene, phyton, and phytol isomers) and cyclic (series of di- and triterpenoids, steroids, and tocopherols, phytonadione, and dihydroactinidiolide) organic compounds, many of which are biologically active, in peat samples raised bogs and fens of the southern taiga subzone of Western Siberia were studied using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Acyclic structures, among which n-alkan-2-ones were predominant, dominated in sedge and sedge-hypnum peat in contrast to Sphagnum peat, in which n-alkanes predominated. The distribution of pentacyclic triterpenoids, n-alkanes, n-alkan-2-ones, and methyl esters of fatty acids was largely determined by the botanical composition of peat

    <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> O1 Avirulent Strains - Producers of Protective O1 Antigen: Obtaining and Peculiarities

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    Among 15 Vibrio cholerae El Tor O1 virulent strains of Inaba and Ogawa serovars grown in sterile river water, 6 strains were found to lose spontaneously the core region of CTXφ prophage including structural genes (ctxAB) of cholera toxin. It was determined that the obtained ctxA- mutants did not produce cholera toxin and did not cause specific choleragenic reaction in the intra-intestinally inoculated suckling rabbits suggesting that they belonged to the IIId pathogenicity group. Analysis of the population structure of two selected non-toxigenic strains M569A and 5/65A revealed clones with high level of O1 antigen of Inaba and Ogawa serovars production. The obtained avirulent strains can be used as producers of above-noted protective antigens both in production of chemical cholera vaccine and in constructing of diagnostic immunoenzyme test-systems