719 research outputs found

    Do Cash Transfers Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Vital Statistics, Program and Social Security Data

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    There is limited empirical evidence on whether cash transfers to poor pregnant women improve children's birth outcomes and potentially help weaken the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Using a unique array of program and social security administrative micro-data matched to longitudinal vital statistics in Uruguay, we estimate that participation in a generous social assistance program led to a sizable reduction in the incidence of low birthweight. The effect is due to faster intrauterine growth rather than longer gestational length. Our findings are consistent with improved maternal nutrition during pregnancy being a key driver of improved birthweight. (JEL I14, I32, I38, J13, J16, O15) </jats:p

    Mechanisms regulating bitter pit development in Greensleeves apples with suppression of ethylene biosynthesis.

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    The objectives of this study were to understand the role of ethylene and nutrients (Ca2+,Mg2+, K+ and N) on bitter pit (BP) development in wild type (GS) and ethylene suppressed (68G and 103Y) Greensleeves apples. The transgenic line 68G is suppressed for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase (ACO) and line 103Y is suppressed for ACC synthase (ACS). Suppression of ethylene biosynthesis reduced BP incidence and severity. Lower ethylene biosynthesis, in ethylene-suppressed genotypes, had no effect on Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and N concentrations in fruit cortical tissue. In all genotypes, fruit with BP had lower Ca2+ and higher Mg2+ concentrations and higher Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio in cortical tissue. The results indicate that high levels of ethylene biosynthesis and Mg2+ in cortical tissue can enhance fruit susceptibility to BP incidence

    Escaldadura superficial em maçãs Granny Smith submetidas ao tratamento térmico com cálcio.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico combinado com Ca2+ sobre o desenvolvimento de escaldadura superficial em maçãs Granny Smith após o armazenamento refrigerado

    Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knightian Uncertainty

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    GASTRO library I: the simulated chemodynamical properties of several GSE-like stellar halos

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    The Milky Way stellar halo contains relics of ancient mergers that tell the story of our Galaxy's formation. Some of them are identified due to their similarity in energy, actions and chemistry, referred to as the "chemodynamical space", and are often attributed to distinct merger events. It is also known that our Galaxy went through a significant merger event that shaped the local stellar halo during its first Gyr. Previous studies using NN-body only and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations have shown that such single massive merger can produce several "signatures" in the chemodynamical space, which can potentially be misinterpreted as distinct merger events. Motivated by these, in this work we use a subset of the GASTRO, library which consists of several SPH+NN-body models of single accretion event in a Milky Way-like galaxy. Here, we study models with orbital properties similar to the main merger event of our Galaxy and explore the implications to known stellar halo substructures. We find that: i.i. supernova feedback efficiency influences the satellite's structure and orbital evolution, resulting in distinct chemodynamical features for models with the same initial conditions, ii.ii. very retrograde high energy stars are the most metal-poor of the accreted dwarf galaxy and could be misinterpreted as a distinct merger iii.iii. the most bound stars are more metal-rich in our models, the opposite of what is observed in the Milky Way, suggesting a secondary massive merger, and finally iv.iv. our models can reconcile other known substructures to an unique progenitor.Comment: Published in Ap

    Organização da produção agroecológica em propriedade da agricultura familiar no Oeste do Paraná-Brasil.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho é um estudo de caso da organização de produção em uma propriedade agroecológica familiar. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, aplicadas ao agricultor em visita domiciliar. O questionário aplicado era composto por perguntas abertas e fechadas, com tratamento qualitativo. Além disso, houve visitas posteriores com a produção de um material audiovisual onde o agricultor relata sua experiência e de sua família nos 20 anos de prática da agroecologia, produção de sementes crioulas e o reconhecimento como "Guardião de Sementes Crioulas", bem como sua trajetória em busca da soberania alimentar. Abstract: This work is a case study of the production organization in a family agroecological property. The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview, applied to the farmer during in home visit. The questionnaire applied was composed of open and closed questions, with qualitative treatment. In addition, there were subsequent visits with the production of an audiovisual material where the farmer reports his experience and his family in the 20 years of agroecology practice, production of creole seeds and recognition as "Guardian of Creole Seeds", as well as his trajectory in search of food sovereignty.Título em inglês: Organization of Agroecological Production in Family Agriculture Property in West Paraná-Brazil

    Post-bloom and preharvest treatment of Braeburn apple trees with prohexadione-calcium and GA4+7 affects vegetative growth and postharvest incidence of calcium-related physiological disorders and decay in the fruit.

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    Calcium (Ca) deficiency disorders in apple fruit have been associated with high gibberellins (GAs) activity in the tree. This study was carried out to assess the effects of treatments of ?Braeburn? apple trees with prohexadione-calcium (ProCa, an inhibitor of GAs biosynthesis) or gibberellins (GA4+7) on vegetative growth of the trees and postharvest incidence of Ca-related physiological disorders and decay in the fruit. ProCa (300?mg?L-1) or GA4+7 (300?mg?L-1) treatments were applied post-bloom (PB) and preharvest (PH). PB treatments started 15 days after full bloom (DAFB), with one application every week and six applications in total. PH treatments started five weeks before anticipated harvest (125 DAFB), with one application every week and four applications in total. Control trees were left untreated. When applied PB, ProCa reduced and GA4+7 promoted vegetative growth of the trees. ProCa PB delayed the impairment of xylem functionality (at the proximal region of the fruit) during fruit growth on the tree. Treatments had no effect on fruit weight, pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity or the expression of CAX3, CAX6 and V-ATPase (transporters of Ca into the vacuole) genes assessed in the external cortical tissue at the distal end of the fruit at harvest. When sprayed PB, ProCa increased the total Ca content and reduced K/Ca, Mg/Ca, N/Ca, (Mg?+?K)/Ca and (K?+?Mg?+?N)/Ca ratios in the flesh at the distal portion of the fruit, compared to the treatment with GA4+7, but without differing from the control. In general, ProCa application PB or PH reduced the expression of Ca-ATPase1, Ca-ATPase2, H+-PPase and CAX2 (Ca transporters into the vacuole) genes, increased total water?soluble Ca and reduced electrolyte leakage in the fruit at harvest. After two months of cold storage followed by five days of shelf-life, the incidence and severity of bitter pit (BP) was lower on fruit from trees treated with ProCa PH, and higher on fruit from trees treated with GA4+7 PB. GA4+7 PB also increased the incidence of skin cracking and decay in the fruit. The results showed that ProCa application represents a feasible tool to reduce the incidence of BP. However, ProCa is more effective to reduce BP if applied weekly for five week before harvest