214 research outputs found

    Lupus eritematoso sistémico asociado a vasculitis de vasos medianos

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    El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) es una enfermedadautoinmune compleja que puede presentarsecon una amplia variedad de manifestacionesclínicas y serológicas, pudiendo afectarcualquier órgano.Las vasculitis se caracterizan por presencia deinfiltrado celular en la pared vascular de polimorfonuclearesy como consecuencia necrosis de lapared. Los síndromes vasculíticos se puedenagrupar en formas primarias, donde el procesofisiopatológico involucra directamente los vasossanguíneos y formas secundarias en las cualesla inflamación vascular ocurre como complicaciónde una enfermedad subyacente, principalmenteenfermedades autoinmunes, o desencadenadaspor factores exógenos como drogas, infeccioneso neoplasias...</p

    Universal photonic processors in a glass-based femtosecond laser writing platform

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    Femtosecond laser writing (FLW) can open new perspectives on universal photonic processors (UPPs). We propose here two building blocks for the realization of FLW-UPPs and we show the preliminary results obtained on a 6-mode device

    Universal photonic processors fabricated by femtosecond laser writing

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    Universal photonic processors (UPPs) are reconfigurable photonic integrated circuits able to implement arbitrary unitary transformations on an input photonic state. Femtosecond laser writing (FLW) allows for rapid and cost-effective fabrication of circuits with low propagation losses. A FLW process featuring thermal isolation allows for a dramatic reduction in dissipated power and crosstalk in integrated thermally-reconfigurable Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs), especially when operated in vacuum, with 0.9 mW dissipation for full reconfiguration and 0.5% crosstalk at 785 nm wavelength. To demonstrate the potential of this technology we fabricated and characterized a 6-mode FLW-UPP in a rectangular MZI mesh with 30 thermal shifters

    Assessing the determination of salivary electrolytes and anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies for the diagnosis of Sjogren s syndrome (SS)

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    The aim of this study was to assess changes in salivary electrolyte flow and composition and the presence of anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB serum and saliva antibodies and their implications for the non-invasive diagnosis of SS. Study design: 73 patients were studied, divided into the following experimental groups: primary Sjögren syndrome (SSp) (n=15), secondary SS (SSs) (n=17), dry mouth, dry eye without Sjögren?s syndrome (BO) (n=20) and healthy controls (C) (n=21). We conducted a baseline assessment of salivary flow and saliva sampling for the measurement of sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium and phosphate electrolytes, and the determination of antiRo/SSA and La/SSB antibodies; a serum sampling was made to assess antibody positivity. Results: Salivary flow in SSp, SSs and BO was significantly lower (p<0.001) relative to C. The salivary composition of SS showed an increase of inorganic components. Anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibodies occurred more frequently in serum and saliva in SS patients compared with BO and C, with higher frequency of positivity in serum compared with saliva. Conclusion: Our results suggest new tools that could aid the non-traumatic diagnosis of the origin of hyposalivatio


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    Introducción: La  dispersión del  intervalo QT  ha sido descripta en  pacientes con artritis reumatoidea (AR) y  puede ser un marcador útil de morbi-mortalidad cardiovascular.Objetivos: Conocer el comportamiento del intervalo QT corregido (iQTc) en pacientes con AT y evaluar la asociación con  actividad de la enfermedad (AE).Material y Métodos:  Se realizó un estudio comparativo de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes mayores de 16 años, con diagnóstico de artritis temprana (AT) , atendidos en la  Unidad de Reumatología del Hospital Córdoba, desde enero de 2010 a diciembre de 2013. El grupo control se apareó por edad, sexo y antecedentes patológicos.  Los criterios de exclusión fueron evidencias  de IAM,  arritmia, potasemia&gt;5mEq/L,  ingesta de fármacos que afecten el QT. Se recolectaron datos demográficos, la actividad de la enfermedad se midió por DiseaseActivity Score (DAS 28), clasificando la actividad de la enfermedad en Baja AE, DAS 28 menor a 3,2,  Moderada/ Alta mayor de 3.2;   y se realizó ECG con técnica  estándar. El  intervalo QT fue medido desde el comienzo del complejo QRS hasta el final de la onda T. Para obtener el valor del iQTc, se utilizó la fórmula de Bazett.Resultados: El número de pacientes fue de 31, 83.9 % de sexo femenino y con edad media de 41.9 años, el DAS 28 promedio de 5.09. El grupo control incluyo 31 individuos con  una edad media de 42.2. El intervalo QT fue de 0.376 mm/s y el iQTc de 0.408 en AT y el QT fue de 0.381 mm/s y el iQTc de 0.415mm/s en el grupo control (p NS, p NS). El QT y el iQTc fueron de 0.39 y 0.38mm/s en los pacientes con baja  AE; 0.37mm/s y 0.411en Moderada / Alta AE (p=NS).Conclusión: El iQTc no demostró alteraciones ni se relacionó con actividad de la enfermedad en  AT   Background: The QT interval modification has been described in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and it could be a useful marker of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.Aims: To evaluate the QT interval modifications in patients with early arthritis (EA) and its association with disease activity (DA).METHODS: We studied patients with diagnosis of EA attended to Rheumatology Unit at Córdoba Hospital from January 2010 to December 2013. Control group was population age, gender and cardiovascular risk factors matched. Exclusion criteria were: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, K level &gt;5, or anti-arrhythmia treatment. ECG was performed by standard technique and QT interval was measured from the beginning of QRS to the end of T wave. QTC value was calculated by Bazzet formula.  The activity disease was measured by Disease Activity Score (DAS 28), and was considered low disease activity below 3.2, and moderate / high disease activity more than 3,2.RESULTS: 31 patients were included with 83.9 % of females and the mean age was  41.9 years old and DAS 28 was 5.09.  31 persons were included as a control group with a mean age of 42.2 years old.  QT interval was  0.376 mm/s  and l QTC  0.408  in EA and  QT was  0.381 mm/s and  QTC  0.415 mm/s  in the control group ( p= NS, p= NS).  QT interval and  QTC were  0.39 and 0.38 in low DA patients; 0.37 and  0.411 in Moderate / High DA ( p=NS)CONCLUSIONS: The QT interval  was not modified and it was not related with DA in EA. </p

    The Redox Enzyme p66Shc Contributes to Diabetes and Ischemia-Induced Delay in Cutaneous Wound Healing

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    OBJECTIVE: The redox enzyme p66Shc produces hydrogen peroxide and triggers proapoptotic signals. Genetic deletion of p66Shc prolongs life span and protects against oxidative stress. In the present study, we evaluated the role of p66Shc in an animal model of diabetic wound healing. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Skin wounds were created in wild-type (WT) and p66Shc(-/-) control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice with or without hind limb ischemia. Wounds were assessed for collagen content, thickness and vascularity of granulation tissue, apoptosis, reepithelialization, and expression of c-myc and beta-catenin. Response to hind limb ischemia was also evaluated. RESULTS: Diabetes delayed wound healing in WT mice with reduced granulation tissue thickness and vascularity, increased apoptosis, epithelial expression of c-myc, and nuclear localization of beta-catenin. These nonhealing features were worsened by hind limb ischemia. Diabetes induced p66Shc expression and activation; wound healing was significantly faster in p66Shc(-/-) than in WT diabetic mice, with or without hind limb ischemia, at 1 and 3 months of diabetes duration and in both SV129 and C57BL/6 genetic backgrounds. Deletion of p66Shc reversed nonhealing features, with increased collagen content and granulation tissue thickness, and reduced apoptosis and expression of c-myc and beta-catenin. p66Shc deletion improved response to hind limb ischemia in diabetic mice in terms of tissue damage, capillary density, and perfusion. Migration of p66Shc(-/-) dermal fibroblasts in vitro was significantly faster than WT fibroblasts under both high glucose and hypoxia. CONCLUSIONS: p66Shc is involved in the delayed wound-healing process in the setting of diabetes and ischemia. Thus, p66Shc may represent a potential therapeutic target against this disabling diabetes complication

    Quantifying n -Photon Indistinguishability with a Cyclic Integrated Interferometer

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    We report on a universal method to measure the genuine indistinguishability of n photons - a crucial parameter that determines the accuracy of optical quantum computing. Our approach relies on a low-depth cyclic multiport interferometer with N=2n modes, leading to a quantum interference fringe whose visibility is a direct measurement of the genuine n-photon indistinguishability. We experimentally demonstrate this technique for an eight-mode integrated interferometer fabricated using femtosecond laser micromachining and four photons from a quantum dot single-photon source. We measure a four-photon indistinguishability up to 0.81±0.03. This value decreases as we intentionally alter the photon pairwise indistinguishability. The low-depth and low-loss multiport interferometer design provides an original path to evaluate the genuine indistinguishability of resource states of increasing photon number