718 research outputs found

    Social partnership in regional policy of modern society

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    The object of this research is an interaction between public and government within the Russian regional policy, and the subject is the essence and content of social partnership as an integrated (value-normative, institutional and communicative) phenomenon that forms a co-development model in the interaction between public and government of regional societies. The authors analyze the historical tradition, continuity and novelty in the understanding of partnership interaction, as well as substantively characterize the current state of social partnership in The Russian Federation, and also indicate the prospects for its development based on materials of sociological research and expert polls in Russian regions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was made by domestic and foreign studies of political scientists, sociologists and lawyers. The work uses ideological (phenomenological, sociocultural, systemic, etc.), general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc.), as well as specific scientific (historical and political method, political modeling method) approaches and methods. The empirical basis of the research was sociological studies and expert surveys conducted in the regions of the Russian Federation.The authors argue that social partnership should be analyzed in three interrelated aspects: value (axiological), institutional (level of organization of social institutions and their interaction) and technological (level of socio-political forms of activity and specific practices). The work shows a positive trend in the regional socio-political consciousness, what is associated with an awareness of the importance and responsibility of all the subjects of the interaction between public and government in solving various problems of the development of a regional socio-economic and political space

    Questioning Arbitrariness in Language: a Data-Driven Study of Conventional Iconicity

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    Forecasting the intra-day spread densities of electricity prices

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    Intra-day price spreads are of interest to electricity traders, storage and electric vehicle operators. This paper formulates dynamic density functions, based upon skewed-t and similar representations, to model and forecast the German electricity price spreads between different hours of the day, as revealed in the day-ahead auctions. The four specifications of the density functions are dynamic and conditional upon exogenous drivers, thereby permitting the location, scale and shape parameters of the densities to respond hourly to such factors as weather and demand forecasts. The best fitting and forecasting specifications for each spread are selected based on the Pinball Loss function, following the closed form analytical solutions of the cumulative distribution functions

    Mechanochemical reactions of clay minerals with CsCl

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    Solid state mechanochemical reactions between clay minerals and CsCl during grinding in non-destructive techniques, investigated in our laboratory, are reviewed. Clays were talc, pyrophyllite, sepiolite, palygorskite and minerals from the serpentine-kaolin and smectite groups. No reaction occurred with serpentines, talc, pyrophyllite and palygorskite. Cation-exchange occurred with montmorillonite and saponite. Kaolin-type minerals were delaminated forming disordered aggregates of TO layers with water, Cs cations and Cl anions. XRD did not show any peak but IR spectra proved the presence of H-bonds between water molecules, and inner-surface oxygens or inner-surface hydroxyls. After water thermal evolution CsCl intercalation complexes with a spacing of 1050 pm were identified. Wet-grinding of sepiolite with CsCl resulted in the disappearance of sepiolite XRD peaks indicating a disintegration of the crystal into micro-crystallites with no order in their packing in the particle. Air-grinding of sepiolite with CsCl almost did not change the X-ray pattern of sepiolite

    Magnetoelastic coupling in triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuCrS2

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    CuCrS2 is a triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a rhombohedral crystal structure. We report on neutron and synchrotron powder diffraction results which reveal a monoclinic lattice distortion at the magnetic transition and verify a magnetoelastic coupling. CuCrS2 is therefore an interesting material to study the influence of magnetism on the relief of geometrical frustration.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Norms of Morality as the Foundation for the Development of Legislation on the Digital Economy

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    The study is devoted to identifying the importance of moral norms in the formation of a regulatory framework in the digital economy. Objective: to determine the role of moral norms in the era of the digital economy in law. Results: the importance of moral norms as an effective criterion for determining the admissibility and justification of a new legal norm is proved. Moral norms should be used when establishing rules of conduct in connection with digital objects and the user agreement. The law of the digital economy does not need the formation of new principles of ethics or other in connection with the introduction of digital technologies

    Radial HI Profiles at the Periphery of Galactic Disks: The Role of Ionizing Background Radiation

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    Observations of neutral hydrogen in spiral galaxies reveal a sharp cutoff in the radial density profile at some distance from the center. Using 22 galaxies with known HI distributions as an example, we discuss the question of whether this effect can be associated exclusively with external ionizing radiation, as is commonly assumed. We show that before the surface density reaches σHI0.5M/pc2\sigma_{\textrm{HI}}\le 0.5 {\cal M}_\odot/{\textrm {pc}}^2(the same for galaxies of different types), it is hard to expect the gas to be fully ionized by background radiation. For two of 13 galaxies with a sharp drop in the HI profile, the "steepening" can actually be caused by ionization. At the same time, for the remaining galaxies, the observed cutoff in the radial HI profile is closer to the center than if it was a consequence of ionization by background radiation and, therefore, it should be caused by other factors.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Parametric Analysis of the Stochastic «Prey-Predator» Model with Two Types of Competition

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    В работе рассматривается популяционная модель типа «хищник-жертва» с учетом конкуренции жертв и конкуренции хищников за отличные от жертв ресурсы. Проводится анализ существования и устойчивости аттракторов модели, строятся бифуркационная диаграмма и типичные фазовые портреты. Для стохастической модели исследуется чувствительность аттракторов на основе теории функции стохастической чувствительности. С использованием аппарата доверительных областей (эллипсов для равновесий и полос - для цикла), изучаются стохастические феномены: переходы типа «равновесие —> равновесие», «цикл —> равновесие», генерация больше амплитудных колебаний и вымирание популяций. Анализируются вероятностные механизмы вымирания популяций.A population «prey-predator» type model with competitions of preys and predators for resources that are different from the prey is considered. Existence and stability of attractors are analyzed, the bifurcation diagram and typical phase portraits are constructed. For the stochastic model, the sensitivity of attractors is analyzed on the basis of the stochastic sensitivity function. Using the confidence domain method (ellipses for equilibria and bands for cycles) stochastic phenomena are studied: transitions of the type «equilibrium —> equilibrium», «cycle —> equilibrium», generation of large-amplitude oscillations and extinction of populations. Probabilistic mechanisms of extinction of populations are studied