2,613 research outputs found

    Siamese Tracking of Cell Behaviour Patterns

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    Tracking and segmentation of biological cells in video sequences is a challenging problem, especially due to the similarity of the cells and high levels of inherent noise. Most machine learning-based approaches lack robustness and suffer from sensitivity to less prominent events such as mitosis, apoptosis and cell collisions. Due to the large variance in medical image characteristics, most approaches are dataset-specific and do not generalise well on other datasets. In this paper, we propose a simple end-to-end cascade neural architecture that can effectively model the movement behaviour of biological cells and predict collision and mitosis events. Our approach uses U-Net for an initial segmentation which is then improved through processing by a siamese tracker capable of matching each cell along the temporal axis. By facilitating the re-segmentation of collided and mitotic cells, our method demonstrates its capability to handle volatile trajectories and unpredictable cell locations while being invariant to cell morphology. We demonstrate that our tracking approach achieves state-of-the-art results on PhC-C2DL-PSC and Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ datasets and ranks second on the DIC-C2DH-HeLa dataset of the cell tracking challenge benchmarks

    Evaluation of the Diurnal Cycle in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Land as Represented by a Variety of Single-Column Models: The Second GABLS Experiment

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    We present the main results from the second model intercomparison within the GEWEX (Global Energy andWater cycle EXperiment) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS). The target is to examine the diurnal cycle over land in today’s numerical weather prediction and climate models for operational and research purposes. The set-up of the case is based on observations taken during the Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study-1999 (CASES-99), which was held in Kansas, USA in the early autumn with a strong diurnal cycle with no clouds present. The models are forced with a constant geostrophic wind, prescribed surface temperature and large-scale divergence. Results from 30 different model simulations and one large-eddy simulation (LES) are analyzed and compared with observations. Even though the surface temperature is prescribed, the models give variable near-surface air temperatures. This, in turn, gives rise to differences in low-level stability affecting the turbulence and the turbulent heat fluxes. The increase in modelled upward sensible heat flux during the morning transition is typically too weak and the growth of the convective boundary layer before noon is too slow. This is related to weak modelled nearsurface winds during the morning hours. The agreement between the models, the LES and observations is the best during the late afternoon. From this intercomparison study, we find that modelling the diurnal cycle is still a big challenge. For the convective part of the diurnal cycle, some of the first-order schemes perform somewhat better while the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) schemes tend to be slightly better during nighttime conditions. Finer vertical resolution tends to improve results to some extent, but is certainly not the solution to all the deficiencies identifie

    The politics of alcohol policy in Nigeria: a critical analysis of how and why brewers use strategic ambiguity to supplant policy initiatives

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    The global call by the World Health Assembly (WHA) to control the rising alcohol-related problems caused by harmful consumption through policy became necessary in 2005 due to the recognition of the fact that many countries did not have alcohol policies. This gave rise to the adoption of a ten-point policy strategy by the World Health Organization (WHO) Member States in 2010. Against this backdrop, many countries adopted alcohol policies to reduce harmful alcohol consumption. Nigeria was one of the WHO Member Countries that adopted the resolution. Nigeria is among the 30 countries with the highest per capita consumption and alcohol-related problems, yet has not formulated alcohol policy to date. This paper draws on Eisenberg’s Strategic Ambiguity Model to explore the role of brewers in supplanting alcohol policy initiatives in Nigeria. It argues that the leading alcohol producers in Nigeria have been the main reason alcohol policies have not been formulated. The article focuses on why their campaigns for responsible drinking, promotions, sponsorships and ‘strategic social responsibilities’ may have increased since the WHA made the call and the WHO adopted the resolution in 2010. It concludes by arguing that there is an urgent need to formulate policies drawing from the WHO resolution to curtail the activities of these brewers and reduce harmful consumption

    Human neck reflex adaptation towards the frequency content of anterior-posterior torso perturbations

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    Introduction: Reflex modulation has been extensively reported during posture maintenance in response to task instructions, and to perturbation type, bandwidth and amplitude. For the head-neck system the modulation of the vestibulocollic (VCR) and cervicocollic (CCR) reflexes is essential to maintain upright head posture during unexpected disturbances. Previous studies have estimated that VCR and CCR contribute equally during perturbations in the sagittal plane; however, their modulation with respect to the properties of the disturbance remains unclear. This study seeks to establish how neck reflexes are modulated during perturbations with varying properties and how each reflex contributes to stabilization behavior. We hypothesized that VCR and CCR (a) modulate according to the perturbation bandwidth, (b) are unaffected by the perturbation amplitude and (c) increase when performing a visual acuity task. Methods: Twelve subjects were perturbed via the torso while restrained in a seated position on a motion platform. The anterior-posterior perturbations varied in bandwidth from 0.3 Hz to a maximum frequency of 1.2, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 Hz, at three different amplitudes, and with eyes open and closed. Results: Head kinematics and neck muscle EMG demonstrated significant (P < 0.05) changes due to bandwidth, which through modeling and closed loop identification were attributed to modulation of VCR and CCR gains. VCR and CCR demonstrated dominant contributions to stabilization during high (8.0 Hz) and low bandwidth (1.2 and 2.0 Hz) perturbations respectively, and equivalent contributions during mid bandwidth perturbations (4.0 Hz). However both were attenuated when perturbations exceeded the systems natural frequency (~2-3 Hz). Amplitude had an effect only for the lowest amplitude relative to other conditions attributed to thresholding properties of the semicircular canals. With eyes closed reflex gains decreased, attributed to the reduced ability to discriminate self-motion without vision. Conclusions: To maintain head-upright posture adaptations of neck reflexes are observed to occur due to perturbation frequency and visual task conditions but not amplitude. Estimation of reflex contributions demonstrates that previous literature has underestimated the contribution of CCR, particularly during low frequency perturbations

    The Asynergies of Structural Disaster Risk Reduction Measures: Comparing Floods and Earthquakes

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    Traditionally, building‐level disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures are aimed at a single natural hazard. However, in many countries the society faces the threat of multiple hazards. Building‐level DRR measures that aim to decrease earthquake vulnerability can have opposing or conflicting effects on flood vulnerability, and vice versa. In a case study of Afghanistan, we calculate the risk of floods and earthquakes, in terms of average annual losses (AAL), in the current situation. Next, we develop two DRR scenarios, where building‐level measures to reduce flood and earthquake risk are implemented. We use this to identify districts for which DRR measures of one hazard increase the risk of another hazard. We then also calculate the optimal situation between the two scenarios by, for each district, selecting the DRR scenario for which the AAL as a ratio of the total exposure is lowest. Finally, we assess the sensitivity of the total risk to each scenario. The optimal measure differs spatially throughout Afghanistan, but in most districts it is more beneficial to take flood DRR measures. However, in the districts where it is more beneficial to take earthquake measures, the reduction in risk is considerable (up to 40%, while flood DRR measures lead to a reduction in risk by 16% in individual districts). The introduction of asynergies between DRR measures in risk analyses allows policy‐makers to spatially differentiate building codes and other building‐level DRR measures to address the most prevalent risk while not compromising the risk resulting from other hazards

    Cytocompatibility and response of osteoblastic-like cells to starch-based polymers : effect of several additives and processing conditions

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    This work reports on the biocompatibility evaluation of new biodegradable starch-based polymers that are under consideration for use in orthopaedic temporary applications and as tissue engineering scaffolds. It has been shown in previous works that by using these polymers it is both possible to produce polymer/hydroxyapatite (HA) composites (with or without the use of coupling agents) with mechanical properties matching those of the human bone, and to obtain 3D structures generated by solid blowing agents, that are suitable for tissue engineering applications. This study was focused on establishing the influence of several additives (ceramic fillers, blowing agents and coupling agents) and processing methods/conditions on the biocompatibility of the materials described above. The cytotoxicity of the materials was evaluated using cell culture methods, according to ISO/EN 109935 guidelines. A cell suspension of human osteosarcoma cells (HOS) was also seeded on a blend of corn starch with ethylene vinyl alcohol (SEVA-C) and on SEVA-C/HA composites, in order to have a preliminary indication on cell adhesion and proliferation on the materials surface. In general, the obtained results show that all the different materials based on SEVA-C, (which are being investigated for use in several biomedical applications), as well as all the additives (including the novel coupling agents) and different processing methods required to obtain the different properties/products, can be used without inducing a cytotoxic behaviour to the developed biomaterial

    Limit-(quasi)periodic point sets as quasicrystals with p-adic internal spaces

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    Model sets (or cut and project sets) provide a familiar and commonly used method of constructing and studying nonperiodic point sets. Here we extend this method to situations where the internal spaces are no longer Euclidean, but instead spaces with p-adic topologies or even with mixed Euclidean/p-adic topologies. We show that a number of well known tilings precisely fit this form, including the chair tiling and the Robinson square tilings. Thus the scope of the cut and project formalism is considerably larger than is usually supposed. Applying the powerful consequences of model sets we derive the diffractive nature of these tilings.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; dedicated to Peter Kramer on the occasion of his 65th birthda
