5 research outputs found

    Detailed Physical Modeling Reveals the Magnetar Nature of a Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar

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    Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) belong to a class of neutron stars believed to harbor the strongest magnetic fields in the universe, as indicated by their energetic bursts and their rapid spindowns. However, a direct measurement of their surface field strengths has not been made to date. It is also not known whether AXP outbursts result from changes in the neutron star magnetic field or crust properties. Here we report the first, spectroscopic measurement of the surface magnetic field strength of an AXP, XTE J1810-197, and solidify its magnetar nature. The field strength obtained from detailed spectral analysis and modeling is remarkably close to the value inferred from the rate of spindown of this source and remains nearly constant during numerous observations spanning over two orders of magnitude in source flux. The surface temperature, on the other hand, declines steadily and dramatically following the 2003 outburst of this source. Our findings demonstrate that heating occurs in the upper neutron star crust during an outburst and sheds light on the transient behaviour of AXPs

    Prompt optical observations of GRB 080330 and GRB 080413A

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    We report on the results of rapid responses to GRB 080330 and GRB 080413A by the ROTSE-IIIb and ROTSE-IIIc telecopes. In both cases, optical follow-up started during the prompt emission phase and recorded optical flares peaking at similar times as the last hard X-ray pulses detected by the Swift BAT. For both events, the XRT observations started at the end of the prompt BAT detection and displayed an evolution in time opposite to the optical lightcurve. These very early observations provide us an opportunity to probe the onset of afterglow for these two events

    Early-Time Observations of the GRB 050319 Optical Transient

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    We present the unfiltered ROTSE-III light curve of the optical transient associated with GRB 050319 beginning 4 s after the cessation of gamma-ray activity. We fit a power-law function to the data using the revised trigger time given by Chincarini et al. (2005), and a smoothly broken power-law to the data using the original trigger disseminated through the GCN notices. Including the RAPTOR data from Wozniak et al. (2005), the best fit power-law indices are alpha=-0.854 (+/- 0.014) for the single power-law and alpha_1=-0.364 (+/- 0.020), alpha_2= -0.881 (+/- 0.030), with a break at t_b = 418 (+/- 30) s for the smoothly broken fit. We discuss the fit results with emphasis placed on the importance of knowing the true start time of the optical transient for this multi-peaked burst. As Swift continues to provide prompt GRB locations, it becomes more important to answer the question, "when does the afterglow begin" to correctly interpret the light curves


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    We present a multi-wavelength study of GRB 081008, at redshift 1.967, by Swift, ROTSE-III, and Gamma-Ray Burst Optical/NearInfrared Detector. Compared to other Swift GRBs, GRB 081008 has a typical gamma-ray isotropic equivalent energy output (similar to 10(53) erg) during the prompt phase, and displayed two temporally separated clusters of pulses. The early X-ray emission seen by the Swift X-Ray Telescope was dominated by the softening tail of the prompt emission, producing multiple flares during and after the Swift Burst Alert Telescope detections. Optical observations that started shortly after the first active phase of gamma-ray emission showed two consecutive peaks. We interpret the first optical peak as the onset of the afterglow associated with the early burst activities. A second optical peak, coincident with the later gamma-ray pulses, imposes a small modification to the otherwise smooth light curve and thus suggests a minimal contribution from a probable internal component. We suggest the early optical variability may be from continuous energy injection into the forward shock front by later shells producing the second epoch of burst activities. These early observations thus provide a potential probe for the transition from the prompt phase to the afterglow phase. The later light curve of GRB 081008 displays a smooth steepening in all optical bands and X-ray. The temporal break is consistent with being achromatic at the observed wavelengths. Our broad energy coverage shortly after the break constrains a spectral break within optical. However, the evolution of the break frequency is not observed. We discuss the plausible interpretations of this behavior