34 research outputs found


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    The recipes of extruded products, namely corn sticks “Kukurudzianka” and “Kukurudzianka+” based on sugar corn grain with the increased content of vitamins and protein were developed. The recipe of extruded grain products was optimized using an inset Excel Solver of a table processor MS Excel (WINDOWS 2010). The developed extrudates may be recommended for consumption by teenagers, children, at dietary nutrition, and consumption by other population layers. Physical-chemical parameters of obtained extrudates were determined, the analysis of such parameters as soaking and digestion ability was conducted. The in vitro studies established that the developed products have a high level of assimilability, reaching almost 85 %. The obtained data of studying quality parameters demonstrated that at storage during 6 months at temperature (15±5) °С humidity 70–75 % in the polypropylene package, the content of sanitary-demonstrative microorganisms corresponds to sanitary-hygienic requirements to dry breakfasts. The developed products have the high content of protein substances that is important in the aspect of consuming need of the modern human’s organism. Consumption of 100 g of sticks provides the human organism with irreplaceable amino acids in general by 24,1 %. The products, presented in the study differ by the high content of main nutrients, necessary for the human organism. The content of calcium satisfies almost 13 % of the daily need, phosphorus – 75 % and potassium – 9 % at consumption of 100 g of corn sticks “Kukurudzianka” and “Kukurudzianka+”

    Investigation Of Foaming And Hydration Properties Of Collagen Hydrolyzate

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    Qualitative parameters of foams, received due to glutin were studied. Technological conditions for receiving food foams were optimized. Their microstructure was determined; it was demonstrated that foam bubbles have the spherical form with the size from 50 mcm to 200 mcm (at the shaking temperature 9°С), at increasing the temperature of foam creation to 20 °С, the mean bubble size reaches 1530 mcm.The data, obtained using IR-spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of free groups, able to bind free water molecules. The obtained microphotos of hydrated glutin demonstrated that the crystal form had not been destructed by the alkaline hydrolysis, partially dissolved at hydratation.The obtained data give a possibility to recommend collagen hydrolyzate as an effective foaming agent and stabilizer of food systems at producing beverages of raw material fruits

    Integrated Approach to the Assessment of the Quality of Immunostimulatory Beverage "Immuno Plus"

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    Based on the methods of theoretical qualimetry there was carried out the complex assessment of the quality of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus”. The hierarchic structure of the properties of ready product, including the organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also the ones of food and biological value was presented. It was demonstrated, that the improvement of consistence, homogeneity and steadiness of beverage can be explained by gluten that acts as a hydrocolloid and consumers estimate the beverage quality according to these very parameters. The profiles of vitamin and mineral composition of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” and also the content of irreplaceable acids in it were presented.The received complex parameter of the “Immuno plus” beverage quality proves the high quality of new product. The calculated competitiveness of enriched beverage is 1,5 higher comparing with the control sample. The calculations of competitiveness of the beverage of increased food and biological value according to the modeling method that includes the parameters of the product quality, information about the analogues of elaborated goods and principle of innovations were presented. It was established, that the immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” can be competitive on the Ukrainian consumer market at the expanse of improvement of organoleptic parameters, increase of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances content in it and also of the presence of prophylactic properties

    Elaboration of the Recipe of the Fermented Milk Dessert for Child Food

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    Using the tabular processor MS Excel 2007 there was elaborated the recipe of the fermented milk dessert for child food. The recipe of this dessert consists of (mass. %, g): fermented milk curd – 54, jam – 23, honey – 8, sesame – 4, cream – 6, collagen hydrolyzate (gluten) – 5. This dessert is a source of vitamin C and covers near 40 % of a child daily need in it. At the expanse of introducing gluten in the dessert composition, protein content in the ready product increased that covers from 11,28 % to 22,56 % of a daily need. This dessert is also rich in calcium, so one portion of it covers 25 % of a child need.Based on theoretical qualimetry methods there was realized the complex estimation of the dessert quality. The hierarchic structure of ready product properties was presented, including organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also ones of the food and biological value at storage.The estimation of microbiological and organoleptic parameters at storage give a possibility to state, that the new fermented milk dessert will be competitive at the consumer market. The storage life of this product is 5 days at the temperature (4±2) °С


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    Actualization of fast food products resulted in consumption of products with an unbalanced chemical composition that may be deficit by proteins and food fibers by a modern human. Such products negatively influence the human organism that is why it is urgent to develop compositions of products with high biological indices. The aim of the scientific work was to develop the composition of a cheese muffin and to determine its biological value that allows to get a high protein product with a balanced chemical composition. Using a table processor MS Excel 2010, there was developed the composition of a cheese muffin «Snowball». Its composition contains of (mass. %, g): sour-milk cheese – 60, sesame seeds – 5, sugar – 5, cream butter – 10, walnuts – 8, salt – 1, raisins – 7, collagen hydrolysate (collagen preparation) – 10, wheat flour – 40. A muffin is a source of necessary macro- and micronutrients. Its consumption completely satisfies the human need in vitamins А and В6 and by 94 % covers the need in phosphorus. At the expanse of introducing collagen hydrolysate in the muffin composition and change of a flour share by sour-milk cheese, there increases the protein content in the ready product (45,3 %). Consumption of 1 muffin satisfies the human organism with amino acids totally almost by 29,8 %. The estimation of microbiological and organoleptic parameters at storage gives a possibility to state that a cheese muffin «Snowball» will be competitive at the consumption market. The storage term is 72 at temperature (18±2)°С, humidity no more 75 % in cardboard boxes


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    Based on the methods of theoretical qualimetry there was carried out the complex assessment of the quality of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus”. The hierarchic structure of the properties of ready product, including the organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also the ones of food and biological value was presented. It was demonstrated, that the improvement of consistence, homogeneity and steadiness of beverage can be explained by gluten that acts as a hydrocolloid and consumers estimate the beverage quality according to these very parameters. The profiles of vitamin and mineral composition of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” and also the content of irreplaceable acids in it were presented. The received complex parameter of the “Immuno plus” beverage quality proves the high quality of new product. The calculated competitiveness of enriched beverage is 1,5 higher comparing with the control sample. The calculations of competitiveness of the beverage of increased food and biological value according to the modeling method that includes the parameters of the product quality, information about the analogues of elaborated goods and principle of innovations were presented. It was established, that the immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” can be competitive on the Ukrainian consumer market at the expanse of improvement of organoleptic parameters, increase of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances content in it and also of the presence of prophylactic properties.&nbsp


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    Qualitative parameters of foams, received due to glutin were studied. Technological conditions for receiving food foams were optimized. Their microstructure was determined; it was demonstrated that foam bubbles have the spherical form with the size from 50 mcm to 200 mcm (at the shaking temperature 9°С), at increasing the temperature of foam creation to 20 °С, the mean bubble size reaches 1530 mcm. The data, obtained using IR-spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of free groups, able to bind free water molecules. The obtained microphotos of hydrated glutin demonstrated that the crystal form had not been destructed by the alkaline hydrolysis, partially dissolved at hydratation. The obtained data give a possibility to recommend collagen hydrolyzate as an effective foaming agent and stabilizer of food systems at producing beverages of raw material fruits.&nbsp


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    Using the tabular processor MS Excel 2007 there was elaborated the recipe of the fermented milk dessert for child food. The recipe of this dessert consists of (mass. %, g): fermented milk curd – 54, jam – 23, honey – 8, sesame – 4, cream – 6, collagen hydrolyzate (gluten) – 5. This dessert is a source of vitamin C and covers near 40 % of a child daily need in it. At the expanse of introducing gluten in the dessert composition, protein content in the ready product increased that covers from 11,28 % to 22,56 % of a daily need. This dessert is also rich in calcium, so one portion of it covers 25 % of a child need. Based on theoretical qualimetry methods there was realized the complex estimation of the dessert quality. The hierarchic structure of ready product properties was presented, including organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also ones of the food and biological value at storage. The estimation of microbiological and organoleptic parameters at storage give a possibility to state, that the new fermented milk dessert will be competitive at the consumer market. The storage life of this product is 5 days at the temperature (4±2) °С

    Розробка композиції кисломолочного десерту «Мартишка»

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    A recipe and technology for the production of a new fermented milk dessert Martyshka of increased nutritional value have been developed. The recipe of the new dessert includes such components (g/100 g): cottage cheese – 54, jam – 23, honey – 8, sesame – 4, cream – 6, and glutin – 5. The determined contents of the main food components (g/1 serving) are the following: proteins – 13.2, fats – 11.6, and carbohydrates – 46.3. The dessert is a source of vitamin C, and it covers 37.04 % of daily human needs. By introducing glutin into the dessert composition, the protein content of the finished product is increased, and it covers an average of 16.92 % of the daily requirement. Besides, the dessert is rich in calcium, so one portion of the dessert covers 25 % of the daily human need.The obtained data make it possible to claim that the developed dessert is the source of the main macro- and micronutrients, and it meets the demand for them at a high level.The research findings obtained during the evaluation of the microbiological and organoleptic indices during storage allow asserting that the new dessert «Martyshka» will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine. Thus, when the product is stored for 5 days at a temperature of (4±2) °C, the contents of coliform bacteria, Salmonella, mold fungi, yeast, and Staphylococcus aureus correspond to the sanitary and hygienic requirements for fermented milk desserts.The resulting dessert «Martyshka» can be recommended for children and as gerodietic nutrition.Представлена технология производства и рецептурный состав нового кисломолочного десерта повышенной пищевой ценности «Мартышка». Определено содержание основных пищевых компонентов, витаминов и минеральных веществ и проведена товароведная оценка качества данного продукта. С помощью табличного процессора MS Excel проведено оптимизацию рецептуры кисломолочного десерта по содержанию белка, кальция и витамина С. Представлены графики зависимости вязкости пищевой системы от концентрации жира в творогеПредставлена технологія виробництва та рецептурний склад нового кисломолочного десерту підвищеної харчової цінності «Мартишка». Визначено вміст основних харчових компонентів, вітамінів і мінеральних речовин та проведена товарознавча оцінка якості даного продукту. За допомогою табличного процесору MS Excel проведено оптимізацію рецептури кисломолочного десерту за вмістом білку, кальцію та вітаміну С. Наведено графіки залежності в’язкості харчової системи від концентрації жиру в сирі

    Розробка рецептури екструдованих продуктiв на основі зерна цукрової кукурудзи та визначення їх показникiв якостi

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    The formulations of extruded products based on sweet corn grain, bare-grain barley, carrot root crops, and licorice root and collagen hydrolysate have been developed.We determined physical-and-chemical parameters (wettability, digestibility, and microstructure) of the extrudates obtained. The hardware-technological scheme of production and analyzed parameters of wettability and digestibility are presented. The study of the composition of micronutrients showed that consumption of 100 g of «Kukurudzyanka» sticks satisfies the human need for vitamins A and B6 by 76.62 and 75.76 %, respectively, and consumption of 100 g of «Kukurudzyanka+» ‒ by 80 and 79.25 %. The data obtained showed that an increase in temperature and pH of a medium leads to an increase in the wetting ability of the developed sticks by 14...15 % on average.In vitro studies established that the products developed have a rather high degree of digestibility, which reaches 85 %.The obtained data from the study of quality indicators showed that the content of sanitary-indicative microorganisms corresponds to the sanitary-and-hygienic requirements for breakfast cereals at storage for 6 months at a temperature of (15±5) °C and humidity of 70...75 % in polypropylene packaging.The developed products have a high content of protein substances, which is quite important for meeting the needs of a human body nowadays. Consumption of 100 g of sticks will provide a human body with essential amino acids by almost 24.1 % in general. The products presented in the study have a rather high content of basic micronutrients necessary for a human body, namely calcium, phosphorus and potassium.We can recommend the developed extrudates for use by adolescents, children, for diets and consumption of other segments of the population.Разработаны рецептуры экструдированных продуктов на основе зерна сахарной кукурузы, голозернового ячменя, корнеплодов моркови, корня солодки и гидролизата колагена.Определены физико-химические показатели (намокаемость, перевариваемость, микроструктура) полученных экструдатов, представлено аппаратурно-технологическую схему производства, проведен анализ таких показателей как намокаемость и перевариваемость. Исследование состава микронутриентов показало, что потребление 100 г палочек «Кукурудзянка» удовлетворяет потребности человека в витаминах А и В6 на 76,62 и 75,76 % соответственно, а «Кукурудзянка +» на 80 и 79,25 %. Из полученных данных можно увидеть, что при увеличении температуры и рН среды способность к намоканию разработанных палочек повышается в среднем на 14...15 %.Исследованиями in vitro установлено, что разработанные продукты имеют достаточно высокую степень усвояемости, которая достигает 85 %.Полученные данные исследования качественных показателей показали, что при хранении в течение 6 месяцев при температуре (15±5) °С влажностью 70…75 % в полипропиленовой упаковке, содержание санитарно-показательных микроорганизмов соответствует санитарно-гигиеническим требованиям к сухим завтракам.Разработанные продукты имеют высокое содержание белковых веществ, что достаточно важно с точки зрения обеспечения потребностей организма современного человека. Потребление 100 г палочек обеспечит организм человека незаменимыми аминокислотами в общем почти на 24,1 %. Представленные в исследовании продукты отличаются достаточно высоким содержанием основных, необходимых для организма человека микронутриентов, а именно кальция, фосфора и калия.Разработанные экструдаты могут быть рекомендованы для применения подростками, детьми, диетическом питании и потреблении других слоев населенияРозроблені рецептури ексртудованих продуктів на основі зерна цукрової кукурудзи, голозерного ячменю, коренеплодів моркви, кореню солодки та гідролізату колагена.Визначено фізико-хімічні показники (намокаємість, перетравлювальність, мікроструктура) отриманих екструдатів, представлено апаратурно-технологічну схему виробництва, проведено аналіз таких показників як намокання та перетравлюваність. Дослідження складу мікронутрієнтів показало, що споживання 100 г паличок «Кукурудзянка» задовольняє потреби людини в вітамінах А та В6 на 76,62 та 75,76 % відповідно, а «Кукурудзянка+» на 80 та 79,25 %. З отриманих данних можна побачити, що при збільшенні температури та рН середовища здатність до намокання розроблених паличок підвищується в середньому на 14…15 %.Дослідженнями in vitro встановлено, що розроблені продукти мають досить високий ступінь засвоюваності, який сягає майже 85 %.Отримані дані дослідження якісних показників показали, що при зберіганні протягом 6 місяців при температурі (15±5) °С вологістю 70–75 % в поліпропіленовій упаковці, вміст санітарно-показових мікроорганізмів відповідає санітарно-гігієнічним вимогам до сухих сніданків.Розроблені продукти мають високий вміст білкових речовин, що є досить важливо з точки зору забезпечення потреб організму сучасної людини. Споживання 100 г паличок забезпечить організм людини незамінними амінокислотами в загальному майже на 24,1 %. Представлені в дослідженні продукти відрізняються досить високим вмістом основних, необхідних для організму людини мікронутрієнтів, а саме кальцію, фосфору та калію.Розроблені екструдати можуть бути рекомендовані для вживання підлітками, дітьми, дієтичному харчуванні, та споживання інших верств населенн