178 research outputs found

    To the question of creation of the model of philological analysis of a text

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    The problem of creation of a universal model of philological analysis of a text is discussed. Main stages of the work with poetic texts are enumerated. Content and factual level of a poem is analyzed, as well as conceptual and content one.Рассматривается вопрос о создании универсальной модели филологического анализа текста. Перечисляются основные этапы работы над поэтическим текстом. Рассматривается как содержательно-фактурный уровень стихотворения, так и метафорический, концептуально содержательный

    Extremely high room-temperature two-dimensional hole gas mobility in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures

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    To extract the room-temperature drift mobility and sheet carrier density of two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) that form in Ge strained channels of various thicknesses in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures, the magnetic field dependences of the magnetoresistance and Hall resistance at temperature of 295 K were measured and the technique of maximum entropy mobility spectrum analysis was applied. This technique allows a unique determination of mobility and sheet carrier density of each group of carriers present in parallel conducting multilayers semiconductor heterostructures. Extremely high room-temperature drift mobility (at sheet carrier density) of 2DHG 2940 cm2 V–1 s–1 (5.11×1011 cm–2) was obtained in a sample with a 20 nm thick Ge strained channel

    Concepts of intellectual sphere in Russian, English and French

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    On the basis of the study of proverbs and sayings in Russian, English and French the concepts “intellect” and “stupidity” are compared. The authors show how life of people is reflected in the language, and prove that words reflect cultural concepts.На основе исследования народных пословиц и поговорок в русском, английском и французском языках сравниваются концепты «ум» и «глупость». Авторы статьи показывают, как жизнь народа отражается в его языке, а слова транслируют культурные концепты

    Association Between Sense of Coherence and Health Outcomes at 10 and 20 Years Follow-Up: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany

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    Background: The sense of coherence (SOC) is reported to influence health, but health may also have an impact on SOC. The objective of this study was to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC and selected self-reported and physician-assessed health outcomes over a period of 10 and 20 years and to determine the predominant direction of the associations. Methods: We conducted a population-based, longitudinal study, involving 392 participants (188 females and 204 males; mean age 43.01 years) who were followed for a median of 10 and 18 years. Analyses of variance were carried out to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC at baseline and health outcomes (i.e., self-rated health status, SHS; physical health status assessed by a physician, PHS; self-reported satisfaction with life, SWL) at follow-ups. The direction of associations was examined using a cross-lagged model on correlation coefficients. Results: There were significant group effects for SOC at baseline on SHS at 20-year follow-up (F = 4.09, p = 0.018, ηp(2) = 0.041), as well as on SWL at 10-year (F = 12.67, p < 0.01, ηp(2) = 0.072) and at 20-year follow-up (F = 8.09, p < 0.1, ηp(2) = 0.069). SHS (r = 0.238, p < 0.01), PHS (r = −0.140, p < 0.05) and SWL (r = 0.400, p < 0.01) predicted SOC at 10-year follow-up stronger than vice versa. The direction of associations between SOC and health parameters at 20-year follow-up was less consistent. Conclusions: The long-term associations between SOC and self-reported and physician-assessed health may be reciprocal in community-dwelling adults. More research is needed to examine the predictive power of health on SOC and whether interventions targeted at improving health parameters, may impact SOC

    Category of Situationality in Narrative Model of Artistic and Legal Discourse

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    The subject of research in this article is the specificity of the category of discursive situationality, which determined the problematics of the novel “Bleak House” by Ch. Dickens (1853). The purpose of the article is to build a typology of situationality (the situationality is prototypical, intertextual, intentional, coherent) and to identify the means of linguistic representation of the category of situationality in a text that functions in the conditions of interaction of two discourses — legal and artistic. Language techniques representing various types of situationality are divided into textual ones (“detention” technique, interruption of narrative angles, prolonged syntax, etc.), lexical-semantic ones, including a class of stylistic figures of speech (metaphor, precedent name, onomastic allusion, comparison, oxymoron, irony, sarcasm, emotive syntax, etc.) and style, reflecting the inclusion of elements of official business style in artistic speech (verbal nouns, verb-nominal combinations, etc.). Elements of the official business style of speech are expressed in the speeches of the characters during the interrogation, in court speeches, in the business correspondence of the heroes of the novel, and they are also fragmentarily woven into the author’s narrative (they are highlighted with quotation marks). The study emphasizes that the category of discursive situationality is manifested at all levels of the implementation of the narrative model of artistic and legal discourse

    Precedent Anthroponyms of Soviet Origin in English Polycode Advertising Text

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    The article analyzes precedent anthroponyms of the Soviet origin in multimodal texts of American and British advertising. The study aims at analyzing precedent anthroponyms of the Soviet origin in English multimodal texts from the linguoaxiological and linguopragmatic points of view and from the standpoint of textual organization. The following research methods have been used: description and synthesis, linguistic methods of structural-semantic, contextual and cognitive-discourse analysis. The paper examines the precedent names of the Soviet origin (for instance, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Kalashnikov). It also establishes their uses in commercial texts and highlights the linguistic means of satirical effect creation as the main pragmatic goal of English commercial and social advertising. The name of a political leader acquires different connotations and in most cases it is “demoted” due to the transfer of the name from the political context to the everyday one: gastronomic, material, kitsch-cultural, glamorous-erotic, etc. Names of the Soviet politicians are found in advertisements of cigarettes, pizza, alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, bags and other household items, including absorbent wipes. The article concludes that the image of the Soviet past in multimodal advertising texts in English acquires negative connotations. Besides, the analyzed texts emphasize that the communist ideology belongs to the system of anti-values

    Linguo-didactic potential of concept analysisfor teaching Russian as a foreign language

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    The article attempts at describing conceptual content of a linguo-mental unit “place” in Russian linguistic worldview. The methodology of this research is based on the ideas of S.G. Vorkachev, V.I. Karasik and other researchers (particularly those interested in linguoconceptology). They single out three components in the structure of a concept: “meaningful”, imagery and value-based. The key method in this research is the method of conceptual analysis; subsidiary methods include the method of lexicographic analysis, the method of verbal associative experiment, contextual method in combination with sampling from the Russian National Corpus. The choice of methods is determined by the material of this research: explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language (historical and contemporary ones), associative dictionary, the data of the verbal associative experiment and the Russian National Corpus.В статье предпринята попытка описать концептуальное содержание лингвоментального феномена место в русской языковой картине мира

    Pedagogical dialogue: cognitive strategies of philological education in Russia and abroad

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    The article presents an overview of an International scientific and pedagogical forum "The Image of Russia in global educational space: language, history, culture", which was held on May 23-26 2019 at Ural State Pedagogical University (Russia, Yekaterinburg) and Jilin University of international studies (China, Changchun).В статье представлен обзор Международного научно-педагогического форума "Образ России в глобальном образовательном пространстве: язык, история, культура", который был проведен с 23 по 26 мая 2019 года в Уральском государственном педагогическом университете (Россия, Екатеринбург) и Цзилиньском университете международных исследований (Китай, Чанчунь)


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    Purpose of the study. Monitoring ensure and the implementation of scientific achievements in the practice of public health in UkraineMaterials and methods. Analyzed the yearly register of scientific forums and report materials; Registers of industry innovations and List of (scientific and technical) products for the implementation of the achievements of medical science in the health sector for 2014, methodical recommendations and informative letters, reporting materials to monitor the implementation of the scientific (scientific and technical) products for three years since its inception.Results. Carried out quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness and ensure the implementation of the scientific production in the health sector in three years.Conclusion. Presented proposals to improve and improve the provision and implementation in practice of scientific developments.Мета: моніторинг стану інформаційного забезпечення та впровадження досягнень науки у практику охорони здоров’я УкраїниМатеріали і методи. Проаналізовано щорічні реєстри наукових форумів та звітні матеріали; реєстри галузевих нововведень та Перелік наукової (науково-технічної) продукції, призначеної для впровадження досягнень медичної науки у сферу охорони здоров’я за 2014 р.; методичні рекомендації, інформаційні листи, звіти установ щодо моніторингу впровадження наукової (науково-технічної) продукції протягом трьох років з моменту її створення.Результати. Здійснена кількісна та якісна оцінка ефективності забезпечення та впровадження наукової продукції у сфері охорони здоров’я за три роки.Висновки. Надані пропозиції щодо удосконалення та покращення забезпечення та впровадження в практику наукових розробок

    Value dominants in linguistic world view of the military engineering university students: based on the verbal-associative experiment

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    The problem of the research is to determine the value dominants that are relevant for the formation of the world view of the “secondary linguistic persona” (in this study - foreign students of the military engineering specialty).В статье ставится проблема определения ценностных доминант, актуальных для формирования картины мира "вторичной языковой личности" (в данном случае - иностранных студентов военно-инженерного профиля)