295 research outputs found

    European Security Strategies and the War in Ukraine

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    The war in Ukraine made European societies wonder how ready they were for it, and exposed new dangers that European leaders had believed gone. First and foremost, once again, a vision of territorial aggression has returned to the list of threats to European security. Does the EU have adequate security strategies to guideline its response to such dangers? Do the strategies structure the development of instruments so that its institutions and Member States can successfully deal with the threat that the war in Ukraine poses to EU societies? The EU has two security strategies, from 2003 and 2016, and it stands to reason to verify their adequateness vis-á-vis the war in Ukraine. This article studies the provisions of these strategies, presents the progress of the war in Ukraine, and verifies the reactions of EU institutions and Member States in face of these events. While it reflects on the provisions of the security strategies in light of the ways the EU and its Member States have reacted to war, it concludes with a proposal of elements that need adjusting within the EU catalogue of possibilities

    Folia Neuropathologica 2005; 43/2 51

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    Proteinaceous intracellular inclusions in neurodegenerative disorders D Do or ro ot ta a D Dz zi ie ew wu ul ls sk ka a 1 1, , 2 2 , , J Ja an ni in na a R Ra af fa a³ ³o ow ws sk ka a A b s t r a c t Neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by accumulation of "toxic", pathologic proteins in brain cells. Mutations in genes coding these proteins result in conformational disturbances of the protein structure and their accumulation and aggregation manifesting at the level of light microscope as various intracellular inclusions. This paper is an attempt of approach cellular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders with special attention to mechanisms of protein elimination. K Ke ey y w wo or rd ds s: : aggresome, α-synuclein, autophagy, proteasome, ubiquitin, tau protein

    Large core needle biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions

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    Paraneoplastic brainstem encephalomyelitis and atypical form of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in patient with testicular germinal tumor—Is this an overlap syndrome? A case report

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    Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes are diagnosed when neurologic symptoms are associated with neoplasm and other causative factors are excluded. They may precede or be simultaneous to various types of neoplasms, mainly malignant. In men up to 45–50 years old the most common cancer causing the paraneoplastic syndrome is testicle tumor, manifesting usually as limbic/brain stem encephalitis and myelitis. Usually effective treatment of underlying neoplasm brings resolution of neurologic symptoms. But corticosteroids and intravenuous immunoglobulins are also used. In the presented case a 37-year-old man was primarily diagnosed and treated for progressive tetraparesis with signs of both upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction, associated with bulbar symptoms. Having various diagnostic procedures performed an atypical form of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuronopathy was primarily suspected, but eventually a discovery of endodermal sinus tumor in the testicle enabled to state the diagnosis of possible paraneoplastic syndrome. In spite of chemotherapy the patient died shortly after the diagnosis because of infectious complications. Histopathology displayed intense inflammatory changes in the brain stem as well as in cranial nerves and cervical spinal cord. The same immunological process evoked by various pathogenetic factors (infection vs. neoplasm) may cause similar clinical picture and hinder the diagnosis. Most importantly it may delay the proper way of treatment

    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation – A case report presenting diagnostic difficulties

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    We describe an 86-year-old woman with a history of hypertension who presented sudden disturbances of consciousness and left hemiparesis. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed diffused hyperintensive changes on T2-weighted images localized subcortically in the white matter of both cerebral hemispheres, corresponding to acute vasogenic edema, causing moderate mass effect. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome was initially diagnosed. After implementation of anti-edema intravenous steroid treatment and hypotensive therapy the symptoms began to retire, till the total regression. The successive hospitalizations took place two and eight months later due to the occurrence of seizures, motor deficits and the development of mild cognitive impairment. Brain MRI revealed progression of the white matter changes and diffused subcortical microhemorrhages. Each time pulse steroid therapy was implemented and the symptoms improved significantly after several days. Chronic oral steroid treatment resulted in the stabilization of neurological status. The long-term observation of clinical symptoms, remission after immunosuppressive therapy and white matter changes with subcortical microhemorrhages in brain MRI leaded to the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation

    Krajowa Rada Narodowa i Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego w państwie prawa. Stanowiska doktryny

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    The establishment of the communist regime in Poland in 1944 is a current subject of reflection in the doctrine and practice of legislation and judiciary. There has been no uniform position on these events, which means that the then sanctioned political and normative order continues to produce controversial assessments and, above all, certain legal effects. This results from the fact that the new people’s power, empowered by force, and not by legal or social basis, has given itself the competence to establish a normative order. The lack of legitimacy for the rightful rule and legislative activity, in principle – from the point of view of the idea of the rule of law – undermines the political and legal status of the people’s authorities. This is all the more so because the system of unified power and sources of law created at that time was evidence of building a totalitarian state modelled on the Soviet Union. The events and legal behaviours of that time led to numerous, often radical changes in many areas of private and public life. They caused certain social and material effects, difficult to reverse today, which Polish society still faces. Therefore, modern standards of the rule of law require that public authorities undertake comprehensive and effective activity. They require that the principles of just and fair compensation for material damage and compensation for moral losses resulting from the rule of this system be implemented. This seems all the more important because some regulations of the people’s power, especially those concerning changes in the ownership structure, are still in force and form the basis of court and Constitutional Tribunal decisions.Ustanowienie reżimu komunistycznego w 1944 r. w Polsce stanowi w doktrynie oraz w praktyce legislacyjnej i orzeczniczej aktualny przedmiot refleksji. Nie wypracowano bowiem jednolitego stanowiska wobec tych wydarzeń, co powoduje, że usankcjonowany wówczas porządek polityczno-normatywny nadal skłania do kontrowersyjnych ocen i przede wszystkim wywołuje określone skutki prawne. Wynika to z faktu, że nowa ludowa władza, umocowana siłową, a nie prawną czy społeczną podstawą działania, sama nadała sobie kompetencje do stanowienia porządku normatywnego. Brak legitymacji do prawowitego panowania i działalności legislacyjnej w zasadzie – z punktu widzenia idei państwa prawa – podważa status ustrojowo-prawny organów władzy ludowej, tym bardziej że stworzony wówczas system jednolitej władzy i źródeł prawa świadczyły o budowaniu wzorowanego na Związku Radzieckim państwa totalitarnego. Ówczesne zdarzenia i zachowania prawne doprowadziły do licznych, często radykalnych zmian w wielu płaszczyznach życia prywatnego i publicznego. Ponadto wywołały określone, trudne dziś do odwrócenia skutki społeczne i materialne, z którymi wciąż mierzy się polskie społeczeństwo. Współczesne standardy państwa prawa stawiają zatem wymóg podjęcia kompleksowej i skutecznej aktywności przez władzę publiczną w zakresie słusznego i sprawiedliwego naprawienia szkód materialnych oraz zadośćuczynienia strat moralnych powstałych w wyniku panowania tego ustroju. Wydaje się to tym bardziej istotne, że niektóre regulacje władzy ludowej, zwłaszcza dotyczące zmian struktury własnościowej, nadal obowiązują oraz stanowią podstawę orzeczeń sądowych i Trybunału Konstytucyjnego

    CADASIL i inne dziedziczne choroby powodujące udar mózgu

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    Recent achievements in transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects : a systematic review of literature and a meta-analysis

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    Background: Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is one of the most common congenital heart defects. Currently, surgery remains the treatment of choice. However, transcatheter techniques for closing of various types of VSDs have become an alternative. Aims: The objective of our study was to present the outcomes of transcatheter closure of various types of VSD based on a systematic review of recent publications. Methods: A systematic review of studies published in English between January 2014 and March 2020 was performed using the PubMed database (MEDLINE) independently by 2 reviewers. Data on success and complication rates were extracted. Studies including fewer than 5 patients and those with acquired VSD were excluded from the analysis. Results: Finally, 44 studies were included for analysis, with a total number of 4050 patients. The pooled estimate of the overall success rate based on the random effects model was 97.96% (95% CI, 97.37–98.56; Q test P 0.99; I 2 = 0%) for permanent VSD. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of selected VSDs appears to be an effective and safe method of treatment. Recent studies have shown high rates of successful interventions with a low incidence of complications