17 research outputs found

    Different distribution of c-kit positive interstitial cells of Cajal-like in children’s urinary bladders

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    We describe the presence of c-kit positive interstitial cells of Cajal-like (ICCs-like) in the walls of the urinary bladders of children. An immunohistochemical study of specimens, obtained at autopsy from either the trigonum (Group A) or the corpus (Group B), was performed using antibodies against c-kit (CD 117). Histological morphometry of the immunoexpression of c-kit positive ICCs-like was performed by means of image analysis system. The c-kit positive ICCs-like were identified by their morphology and counted in the vesical muscle layer in ten adjacent high power fields, each of 0.0479 mm2. The areas of the epithelial and subepithelial layers containing c-kit positive mast cells (rounded body with no dendritic processes) were neglected. The results were expressed as the number of ICCs-like cells per mm2. Differences between groups were tested using unpaired Student&#8217;s t-test preceded by evaluation of normality and Levene&#8217;s test. Results were considered statistically significant if p < 0.05. In Group A, the mean number of ICCs-like cells was statistically significantly higher (41.5 cells/mm2) than in Group B (30.4 cells/mm2), p < 0.05. ICCs-like cells were found within the smooth muscle layer of the urinary bladder. There was a different distribution of these cells in particular parts of the bladder, which was probably due to the different roles of the trigonum and the corpus in the bladders of children. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 431&#8211;435

    Nieprawidłowa implantacja łożyska — diagnostyka, postępowanie, doświadczenia własne

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    Konsekwencją wzrastającej w ostatnich latach liczby cięć cesarskich jest pojawienie się problemu powikłań implantacji łożyska w kolejnych ciążach — łożyska wrastającego, przodującego. Główną metodą diagnostyki w ciąży jest badanie ultrasonograficzne przy użyciu głowicy przezpochwowej. Dodatkową rolę diagnostyczną odgrywa rezonans magnetyczny. Postępowaniem z wyboru w obu przypadkach jest zakończenie ciąży drogą planowego cięcia cesarskiego. W przypadku rozpoznania łożyska wrastającego może być konieczne wykonanie histerektomii okołoporodowej. U 2 pacjentek z podejrzeniem patologii łożyska, hospitalizowanych w ośrodku o III stopniu referencyjności, po wykonaniu diagnostyki i wdrożeniu postępowania terapeutycznego uzyskano potwierdzenie w ostatecznym badaniu histopatologicznym nieprawidłowości łożyska pod postacią łożyska przyrośniętego i wrośniętego

    Rola miRNA w raku endometrium – ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miRNA 205.

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    MiRNAs are small non-coding molecules of ribonucleic acids of approximately 22 bp length that serve as regulators of gene expression and protein translation due to interference with messenger RNA (mRNA). MiRNAs, that take part in the regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis, may be associated with carcinogenesis. Aberrant expression of miRNAs in endometrial cancer might contribute to the endometrial cancer initiation or progression, metastasis formation and influence cancer invasiveness. Specific miRNAs expressed in endometrial cancer tissues may serve as diagnostic markers of the disease, prognostic biomarkers or play an important part in oncological therapy. We aimed to describe the role of miRNAs in endometrial cancer, with special consideration of miRNA 205.MiRNA są niekodującymi cząsteczkami kwasu rybonukleinowego o długości zaledwie około 22 nukleotydów. Pełnią one ważną rolę w kontroli ekspresji genów i translacji białek poprzez regulatorowy wpływ na matrycowe RNA (mRNA). Biorąc udział w procesach kontroli cyklu komórkowego i apoptozy, miRNA mogą przyczyniać się do karcynogenezy. MiRNA charakteryzują się zmienioną ekspresją w tkankach raka endometrium, co może mieć związek z progresją nowotworu, inicjacją przerzutów oraz zwiększeniem inwazyjności raka endometrium. Specyficzne dla raka endometrium miRNA mogą w przyszłości zostać wykorzystane jako markery choroby nowotworowej, czynniki prognostyczne lub zostać użyte w terapii onkologicznej. Niniejsza praca ma na celu omówienie roli miRNA w raku endometrium, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miRNA 205

    RQ miR205 dryad

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    Files include RAW data on qRT-PCR (Ct values and RQ values) and, additionally, basic clinical data are provided (the summary of clinical data is presented in the article)

    Data from: Prognostic and clinical significance of miRNA-205 in endometrioid endometrial cancer

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    Endometrial cancer is one of the most common malignancies of the reproductive female tract, with endometrioid endometrial cancer being the most frequent type. Despite the relatively favourable prognosis in cases of endometrial cancer, there is a necessity to evaluate clinical and prognostic utility of new molecular markers. MiRNAs are small, non-coding RNA molecules that take part in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Altered expression of miRNAs may be associated with cancer initiation, progression and metastatic capabilities. MiRNA-205 seems to be one of the key regulators of gene expression in endometrial cancer. In this study, we investigated clinical and prognostic role of miRNA-205 in endometrioid endometrial cancer. After total RNA extraction from 100 archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to define miRNA-205 expression levels. The aim of the study was to evaluate miRNA-205 expression levels in regard to patients’ clinical and histopathological features, such as: survival rate, recurrence rate, staging, myometrial invasion, grading and lymph nodes involvement. Higher levels of miRNA-205 expression were observed in tumours with less than half of myometrial invasion and non-advanced cancers. Kaplan-Maier analysis revealed that higher levels of miRNA-205 were associated with better overall survival (p = 0,034). These results indicate potential clinical utility of miRNA-205 as a prognostic marker

    Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin (αSMA) Immunohistochemistry Use in the Differentiation of Pancreatic Cancer from Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Aim: Fibrosis is observed both in pancreatic cancer (PDAC) and chronic pancreatitis (CP). The main cells involved in fibrosis are pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs), which activate alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA), which is considered to be the best-known fibrosis marker. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of the αSMA in patients with PDAC and CP as the possible differentiation marker. Methods: We enrolled 114 patients undergoing pancreatic resection: 83 with PDAC and 31 with CP. Normal fragments of resected specimen from 21 patients represented the control tissue. The immunoexpressions of αSMA were detected in tissue specimens with immunohistochemistry (Abcam antibodies, GB). Results: Mean cytoplasmatic expression of αSMA protein in PDAC stromal cells was significantly higher compared to CP: 2.42 ± 0.37 vs 1.95 ± 0.45 (p p p = 0.017). Conclusions: Presented findings confirm the significant role of fibrosis in both PDAC and CP; however, they do not confirm the role of αSMA as a marker of differentiation