362 research outputs found

    Interventional Balloon Kyphoplasty in Multiple Myeloma Patients

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    This poster project explains an interventional radiology (IR) procedure called Balloon Kyphoplasty (BKP). BKP is a procedure that involves the insertion of cement into the vertebral column due to vertebrae fractures throughout the spine. Vertebral fractures can happen due to a number of reasons, however, multiple myeloma is the main focus of this project. Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the second most hematological malignancy and there is no cure. MM affects several parts of the body but the most common are the skull, vertebral column, long bones, and the hip and pelvis region. There are several advantages to having BKP done. The advantages of an improved quality of life, reduced pain, and slows the progression of the disease are just a few. There are drawbacks to having this procedure done. For example, possible future fractures due to the pressure of the cement in the spine or just simply not being a candidate for this procedure due to other medical conditions and not being able to tolerate anesthesia, The poster also discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected specials procedures, this being one, and how things have been handled.https://digitalcommons.misericordia.edu/medimg_seniorposters/1005/thumbnail.jp

    The Spirit of YHWH as the Charism of the Pre-Monarchic Liberators of Israel and the Theological Symbol of God’s Salvific Activity in the Book of Judges

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    One of the most characteristic and, at the same time, enigmatic formulas of the Book of Judges is syntagma rûaḥ YHWH, regarded as one of the oldest forms of the Old Testament pneumatology, which attempts to express the spiritual character of the salvific presence and activity of God YHWH in the history of the chosen people. This formula is used by both the authors of the original sources about the pre-monarchic liberators of Israel (Judg. 13:1; 14:6,19; 15:14), as well as their Deuteronomistic redactors (Judg. 3:10; 6:34; 11:29) who relying on the theology of the Sinai covenant and the principles of God’s retribution decided to reconstruct the era of judges. The article examines the origins and etymological and theological meaning of the Hebrew root rwḥ and the formula rûaḥ YHWH, as well as the biblical concept of God’s spirit in the broad context of ancient Middle Eastern literature and biblical traditions about judges.One of the most characteristic and, at the same time, enigmatic formulas of the Book of Judges is syntagma rûaḥ YHWH, regarded as one of the oldest forms of the Old Testament pneumatology, which attempts to express the spiritual character of the salvific presence and activity of God YHWH in the history of the chosen people. This formula is used by both the authors of the original sources about the pre-monarchic liberators of Israel (Judg. 13:1; 14:6,19; 15:14), as well as their Deuteronomistic redactors (Judg. 3:10; 6:34; 11:29) who relying on the theology of the Sinai covenant and the principles of God’s retribution decided to reconstruct the era of judges. The article examines the origins and etymological and theological meaning of the Hebrew root rwḥ and the formula rûaḥ YHWH, as well as the biblical concept of God’s spirit in the broad context of ancient Middle Eastern literature and biblical traditions about judges.Duch JHWH charyzmatem przedmonarchicznych wyzwolicieli Izraela i teologicznym symbolem zbawczej aktywności Boga w Księdze SędziówJedną z najbardziej charakterystycznych, a zarazem enigmatycznych formuł Księgi Sędziów jest syntagma rûaḥ JHWH, która równocześnie zalicza się do najstarszych form starotestamentowej pneumatologii usiłującej wyrazić duchowy charakter zbawczej obecności i aktywności Boga JHWH w dziejach narodu wybranego. Tą formułą posługują się zarówno autorzy oryginalnych źródeł o przedmonarchicznych wyzwolicielach Izraela (Sdz 13,1; 14,6.19; 15,14), jak też ich deuteronomistyczni redaktorzy (Sdz 3,10; 6,34; 11,29), którzy opierając się na teologii przymierza synajskiego i zasadach Bożej retrybucji postanowili zrekonstruować epokę sędziów. Publikacja bada pochodzenie oraz etymologiczny i teologiczny sens hebrajskiego rdzenia rwḥ i formuły rûaḥ JHWH, a także biblijną koncepcję Bożego ducha w szerokim kontekście literatury starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu oraz biblijnych tradycji o sędziach

    Selected Aspects of Determining of Building Facility Deterioration for Real Estate Valuation

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    AbstractDeterioration of real estate and forecast of the remaining period of its service life are important parameters for the real estate valuation process. In the literature we can find several formulas which determine the deterioration degree depending on the period length of building facility service life. However, as shown by the analysis conducted in this paper, the authors obtained the mixed results depending on the taken approach. Thus, the following questions arise: what to look for when choosing a formula and what degree of risk is associated with the determination of the deterioration degree. It is well-known that the deterioration is influenced by many factors. However for its determination it is required knowledge about its course, character and period of previous service life, carried out repairs, major repairs and modernizations, as well as used materials and durability of a building facility. From the perspective of the analyzes, it seems appropriate to take further researches towards developing of a procedure that will allow to select one of the available formulas, due to the pre-determined parameters (e.g. the quality of building facility maintenance)

    On the meaning of a cut : towards a theory of editing

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    This thesis looks at a variety of discourses about film editing in order to explore the possibility, on the one hand, of drawing connections between them, and on the other, of addressing some of their problematic aspects. Some forms of fragmentation existed from the very beginnings of the history of the moving image, and the thesis argues that forms of editorial control were executed by early exhibitors, film pioneers, writers, and directors, as well as by a fullyfledged film editor. This historical reconstruction of how the profession of editor evolved sheds light on the specific aspects of their work. Following on from that, it is proposed that models of editing fall under two broad paradigms: of montage and continuity. These are not meant to be mutually exclusive categories, but rather umbrella terms for co-existing approaches that are governed by different principles. A re-evaluation of the concept of découpage complements this perspective. It is argued that reinstituting this notion, with its many variants, can help us think separately about issues of film form normally addressed at earlier stages of production, and conceptually distinct from the tasks of an editor. Their specificity, it is suggested, can be examined more productively by honing in on a very narrow set of procedures used in editing. The spiral model of editing proposed here is an intervention that addresses a common issue with theorising editing, the fact that the scope of the activity cuts across a number of categories related to film form. Using historical, theoretical, and pragmatic lenses, the thesis offers a new elucidation of what it is we mean when we talk about editing

    Social Functioning: A Sociological Common Base for Social Work Practice

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    This article describes the experience of a social work mental health agency with Social Role Theory (SRT), that is an organizing concept for the delivery of its assessment and treatment program. SRT has been called the process variable of the program, meaning how services are delivered. Social functioning, a concept taken from SRT, is a treatment outcome. The overall purposes of the article are to describe the contribution of sociology to social work practice, and to advance the argument that social functioning is a common base for social work practice generally

    Apostolski kerygmat Kościoła rodzącego się z Bożego Ducha. Pierwsza mowa Piotra (Dz 2,14­-41)

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    L’Evangelista Luca mette ne l misterioso contesto della Pen tec oste la prima te stimonianza di san Piet ro che riguarda la nascità dell a communità cristianaa Ge rusale mme. Piet ro spiega a tutt i gli abitanti di Ge rusale mme e a quell i che furono venuti nell a citt à per le feste che con il fatt o dell a discesa dell o Spirito Santo sopra gli Apostoli comincia una nuova tappa nell a storia dell a salvezza che Dio stava conducendo da secoli. Negli ult imi te mpi Dio ha dimostrato una grande misericordia verso gli uomini tramite Ge sù di Nazaret che fu messo a morte per causa degli Ebrei e croci fisso con le mani dei soldati romani . Questo però non era un segno dell a debole zza del Me ssia, ma la volontà di Dio per salvare tutt o il mondo. Prima Dio ha accreditato Ge sù presso gli Ebrei per mezzo di miracoli, poi per mezz o di risurezi one, e in fine inn alzandoLo alla sua destra. D’ora in poi sarà la Chiesa ad annunciare al mondo inte ro questo messaggio di salvezza.L’Evangelista Luca mette ne l misterioso contesto della Pen tec oste la prima te stimonianza di san Piet ro che riguarda la nascità dell a communità cristianaa Ge rusale mme. Piet ro spiega a tutt i gli abitanti di Ge rusale mme e a quell i che furono venuti nell a citt à per le feste che con il fatt o dell a discesa dell o Spirito Santo sopra gli Apostoli comincia una nuova tappa nell a storia dell a salvezza che Dio stava conducendo da secoli. Negli ult imi te mpi Dio ha dimostrato una grande misericordia verso gli uomini tramite Ge sù di Nazaret che fu messo a morte per causa degli Ebrei e croci fisso con le mani dei soldati romani . Questo però non era un segno dell a debole zza del Me ssia, ma la volontà di Dio per salvare tutt o il mondo. Prima Dio ha accreditato Ge sù presso gli Ebrei per mezzo di miracoli, poi per mezz o di risurezi one, e in fine inn alzandoLo alla sua destra. D’ora in poi sarà la Chiesa ad annunciare al mondo inte ro questo messaggio di salvezza.L’Evangelista Luca mette ne l misterioso contesto della Pen tec oste la prima te stimonianza di san Piet ro che riguarda la nascità dell a communità cristianaa Ge rusale mme. Piet ro spiega a tutt i gli abitanti di Ge rusale mme e a quell i che furono venuti nell a citt à per le feste che con il fatt o dell a discesa dell o Spirito Santo sopra gli Apostoli comincia una nuova tappa nell a storia dell a salvezza che Dio stava conducendo da secoli. Negli ult imi te mpi Dio ha dimostrato una grande misericordia verso gli uomini tramite Ge sù di Nazaret che fu messo a morte per causa degli Ebrei e croci fisso con le mani dei soldati romani . Questo però non era un segno dell a debole zza del Me ssia, ma la volontà di Dio per salvare tutt o il mondo. Prima Dio ha accreditato Ge sù presso gli Ebrei per mezzo di miracoli, poi per mezz o di risurezi one, e in fine inn alzandoLo alla sua destra. D’ora in poi sarà la Chiesa ad annunciare al mondo inte ro questo messaggio di salvezza

    Drzewo poznania dobra i zła a koncepcja Stwórcy w Rdz 2,4b–3,24

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    The Yahwist tradition of the creation of man and his rebellion against the Creator (Gen 2,4b–3,4) is one of the most analysed biblical texts, but it is still the current challenge for exegets and theologians due to the unique literary, theological and cultural context. The relationship between two biblical traditions of the creation of humanity and the universe (Gen 1,1–2,4a; Gen 2,4b–3,24) and their possible links with similar texts of the ancient Near East is still an open exegetic problem which demands literary and theological studies. Despite the large number of publications on biblical prehistory persisted in (Gen 1–11), the relevant theological explanation demands first of all the image of the Creator presented in the Yahwist tradition – and his relationship with the creatures that at a certain stage of their prehistory fall into the influence of evil. The main issue of this publication will be the conception of God as creator and his relationship against evil seen in the perspective of the theological image of the Yahwist tree of knowledge of good and evil.Jahwistyczna tradycja o stworzeniu człowieka i jego buncie względem Stwórcy (Rdz 2,4b–3,4) należy do najczęściej komentowanych tekstów biblijnych, ale i tak pozostaje wciąż aktualnym wyzwaniem dla egzegetów i teologów z uwagi na niepowtarzalny kontekst literacki, kulturowy i teologiczny. Wciąż otwartym problemem egzegetycznym domagającym się pogłębionych studiów literackich i teologicznych jest też wzajemna relacja sąsiadujących ze sobą biblijnych tradycji o stworzeniu ludzkości i wszechświata (Rdz 1,1–2,4a; 2,4b–3,4) i ich ewentualnej więzi z analogicznymi tekstami starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu. Mimo wielości publikacji na temat prehistorii biblijnej utrwalonej w Rdz 1–11, odpowiedniej systematyzacji i precyzacji teologicznej domaga się przede wszystkim figura Stwórcy naszkicowana w tekście kapłańskim i jahwistycznym i Jego relacja do stworzeń, które na pewnym etapie swej prehistorii wchodzą w sferę oddziaływania zła. Centralnym argumentem niniejszej publikacji będzie więc koncepcja Boga Stwórcy i Jego relacja do zła widziana w perspektywie jahwistycznego obrazu drzewa poznania dobra i zła
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