26 research outputs found

    Milk Fermentation and Making of Syrup Using Microflora as the Constituen of Yogurt Starter

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    Fermented milk is one of important source of human nutrition, but not every one able to digest it properly, which can cause lactose intolerance. One alternative solution is milk should be fermented. Lactose in milk is broken down into glucose and galactose by the starter culture activity and decrease the digestion problem. There are milk based syrup which is potential to be improved in Indonesia as diversification product of fermented milk. Research has been conducted in Milk Processed Laboratory, Agriculture Department, of Syiah Kuala University. The experiment divided in to two phase which were 1) to determine milk fementation process by different pecentage of bacteria and 2) making syrup by adding sugar in fermented milk. Completely Random Disigned (CRD) was used based on sugar and yoghurt ratio in several species of microflora. namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus and Streptococcus thermophillus. Te result of the first phase showed that milk completely fermented by adding 5 percent of bacteria and significantly (p<0,05)effect the pH, lactic acid level and unsignificantly effect fat and protein level. In the second phase showed that the best syrup performance is 50 percent fermented milk added with 5 percent sugar. The addition of different percentage of starter very significantly (P<0,01) effect on pH, lactic acid level and also effect hedonic test. Furthermore, that treament given did not effect any of fat, protein, colour and aroma. In conclusion, percetage of sugar and starter addition will influence the flavor of fermented milk syru

    Analisis Komponen Aktif Cita-Rasa Pada Susu Fermentasi Dengan Kromatografi Gas

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    (Active component analysis of fermented milk flavor by gas chromatography)ABSTRACT. Fermented milk is milk processed product that to be one source of nutritious food for humans. The action of food component such as flavor is accepted, sense of taste and smell generated complex assessment of food flavors in the mouth. The flavor components of fermented milk together and interact with each other when consumed and cause the perception of taste between like or dislike. This is an important factor in developing diversification of fermented milk product so as to attract customers other than in terms of aspects of nutrition and health. Flavor is one of the most important criteria in the acceptance of a food ingredient. During processing and storage flavor change easily. This study used gas chromatography to detect the formation of the active component of the flavor of fermented milk. The purpose of this study was to determine the active components in fermented milk which is the formation of flavor. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Animal Feed Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Unsyiah and PAU Food and Nutrition IPB Bogor. This study uses a Likens - Nickerson distillation stage concentrated with Vigreux column and identified by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer. Gas chromatography has identified that the class of acids, alcohols, esters and alkanes group forming an active component in the flavor of fermented milk although relatively varied. In yoghurt, acid found in relatively high amount of alcohol is more varied in its kind. Yogurt with single culture L.bulgaricus has more ketones and aldehydes components. Volatile components were detected mostly in kefir acids, alcohols, esters and alkane derivatives. The curd is dominated by acidic components in addition to alcohol and aldehyde

    Kajian Fisiologis Penggunaan Bovine Somatotropin (bST) Pada Sapi Pra Afkir

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    Studies of physiological bovine somatotropin (bST) on post lactating dairy ABSTRACT. To increase of milk production nationally with used in dairy cattle business can assist to increase milk production, eighteen post lactating dairy cows in the highland Cipelang Bogor, were used to study the effect used of bovine somatotropin and lactating time. The experimental cows were assigned into a Randomized Block Design with a 3x2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was using of somatotropin (bST)with three levels (non bST injection, biweekly injection and three weekly injection). The second factor was lactating time with two levels (4th lactating time and 6 th lactating time) Parameters measured were heart rate, respiration frequency, rectal temperature, milk production efficiency, milk production, 4% FCM (fat corrected milk.), Milk composition, weigh gain, milk quality consist of protein, fat, pH. Bovine somatotropin significantly increased heart rate and respiration rate. Also bovine somatotropin injection at 4th lactating time significantly increased milk production. There were an interaction between bST dan lactating time on milk production and weight gain. Bovine somatotropin injection biweekly in cows on 4th lactating time ration increased milk production by 16-26 %, but injection in cows 6th lactating time increased milk production by 8-18 % combination with somatotropin doze 250/ml/14 days. Somatothropine supplementation was injection biweekly and three weekly did significantly affect to milk production, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate however in normal physiology . Bovine somatotropine can increase post lactating dairy production interval 14 days better than 21 days

    The Description of The Physiological Response and Milk Production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) Goats Injected With The Oxytocin Hormone

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    This study aimed to know the physiological response and milk production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) goat injected with the hormone oxytocin. The mechanism of action of the oxytocin hormone in the body will suppress the production of the cortisol hormone, which causes livestock stress. For now, there are not many publications about the induction of oxytocin hormone in PE goats. In this research, the researchers will provide the latest information. The research material is 18 lactation PE goats divided into 2 groups, namely control and hormone treatment. This research is in the form of an experimental research design with a control group post-test only design. The design used is an independent t-test. Hormone injection is carried out intramuscular, as much as 1 ml with a dose of 10 IU. The parameters measured were milk production (ml), heart rate (times/minutes), and respiration frequency (times/minutes).  Oxytocin injection had no significant effect (P>0.05). Still, it tended to increase the milk production of PE goats in the morning and evening with total milk production of 1103.65±145.72ml compared to without injection of 884.38±90.49ml in 1 day. Similarly, the injection of the hormone oxytocin did not affect the frequency of respiration in the morning and evening. However, it was different from the PE goats heart rate, which had a significant effect (P0.05) in the afternoon. The indicators of stress in dairy cattle are respiration frequency and heart rate outside normal limits, affecting milk production. This study concluded that the induction of the oxytocin hormone did not affect milk production, and the cattle did not experience stress because the heart rate and respiration frequency were in the normal range due to the injection of the oxytocin hormone

    Milk fermentation and making of syrup using microflora as the constituen of yogurt starter

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    Fermented milk is one of important source of human nutrition, but not every one able to digest it properly, which can cause lactose intolerance. One alternative solution is milk should be fermented. Lactose in milk is broken down into glucose and galactose by the starter culture activity and decrease the digestion problem. There are milk based syrup which is potential to be improved in Indonesia as diversification product of  fermented milk.  Research has been conducted in Milk Processed Laboratory,  Agriculture Department, of Syiah Kuala University. The experiment divided in to two phase which were 1) to determine milk fementation process by different pecentage of bacteria and 2) making syrup by adding sugar  in fermented milk. Completely Random Disigned (CRD) was used based on sugar and yoghurt ratio in several species of microflora. namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus and Streptococcus thermophillus. Te result of the first phase  showed that milk completely fermented by adding 5 percent of bacteria and significantly (p0,05)effect the pH, lactic acid level and unsignificantly effect fat and protein level. In the second phase showed that the best syrup performance is 50 percent fermented milk added with  5 percent sugar. The addition of different percentage of starter very significantly (P0,01) effect on pH, lactic acid level and also effect hedonic test. Furthermore, that treament given did not effect any of fat, protein, colour and aroma. In conclusion, percetage of sugar and starter addition will influence  the flavor of fermented milk syrup

    Kajian Fisiologis Penggunaan Bovine Somatotropin (bST) Pada Sapi Pra Afkir

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    Studies of physiological bovine somatotropin (bST) on post lactating dairy  ABSTRACT. To increase of milk production nationally with used in dairy cattle business can assist to increase milk production, eighteen post lactating dairy cows in the highland Cipelang Bogor, were used to study the effect used of bovine somatotropin and lactating time. The experimental cows were assigned into a Randomized Block Design with a 3x2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was using of somatotropin (bST)with three levels (non bST injection, biweekly injection and three weekly injection). The second factor was lactating time with two levels (4th lactating time and 6 th lactating time) Parameters measured were heart rate, respiration frequency, rectal temperature, milk production efficiency, milk production, 4% FCM (fat corrected milk.), Milk composition, weigh gain, milk quality consist of protein, fat, pH. Bovine somatotropin significantly increased heart rate and respiration rate. Also bovine somatotropin injection at 4th lactating time significantly increased milk production. There were an interaction between bST dan lactating time on milk production and weight gain. Bovine somatotropin injection biweekly in cows on 4th lactating time ration increased milk production by 16-26 %, but injection in cows 6th lactating time increased milk production by 8-18 % combination with somatotropin doze 250/ml/14 days. Somatothropine supplementation was injection biweekly and three weekly did significantly affect to milk production, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate however in normal physiology . Bovine somatotropine can increase post lactating dairy production interval 14 days better than 21 days

    Analisa Kualitas Kimia dan Mikrobiologi Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawa dengan Pemberian Pakan yang Ditambahkan Tepung Kulit Manggis pada Persentase yang Berbeda

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    Upaya peningkatan produksi dan kualitas susu dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan mutu genetik dan pakan yang baik serta tepat. Pemeliharaan ternak kambing perah merupakan salah satu alternatif upaya diversifikasi ternak perah selain sapi. Dalam meningkatkan produksi susu dibutuhkannya bahan tambahan dalam pakan, salah satunya adalah dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepung kulit manggis terhadap sifat kimia dan kemampuan tepung kulit manggis dalam menghentikan aktifitas mikroba dalam susu. Penelitian ini dilakuan pada bulan maret - Juli 2017 di UD Atjeh Livestock, Desa Limpok, Kecamatan Darussalam, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan cara mengelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok dan 5 perlakuan sehingga diperoleh 15 satuan percobaan. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari perlakuan 1 (Ransum kontrol, tanpa penggunaan tepung kulit manggis), perlakuan 2 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 2,5%), perlakuan 3 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 5%), perlakuan 4 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 7,5%), perlakuan 5 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 10%). Data penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) setiap perlakuan terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah  aktivitas antioksidan, kadar protein, kadar bahan kering susu, perhitungan jumlah total mikroba, pengukuran pH, asam laktat dan uji antimikroba susu kambing Peranakan Etawa yang diberikan tepung kulit manggis. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu tepung kulit manggis dan kambing perah peranakan Etawa. Penambahan tepung kulit manggis (TKM) pada pakan Kambing Peranakan Etawa tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap kadar antioksidan, pH susu, bahan kering susu, total mikroba, asam laktat, dan antimikroba susu, akan tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein susu dan masih sesuai dengan standar SNI. Penambahan tepung kulit manggis dapat meningkatkan kadar antioksidan sampai pada taraf pemberian 5%, meningkatan kadar protein dan bahan kering susu sampai pada taraf pemberian 7,5%

    The Effects of The Oxytocin Hormone Induction on The Value of The Composition of Etawah Crossbred Goat Milk

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    This study aims to see the extent of influence of oxytocin hormone induction on the nutritional composition of milk in the Etawah Crossbred  goat. This research was conducted in December 2018 in Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The examined parameters were the levels of fat, nonfat dry matter (BKTL), protein content, lactose content and milk density. The research used 18 Etawah goats and oxytocin hormone. A statistical unpaired t test indicated a highly significant influence (P 0.05) in milk, i.e. 8.39%, 3.91% and 3.76%, respectively. In conclusion, hormone oxytocin injection had a highly significant effect on increasing milk fat levels and significantly affected the decrease in milk density but did not affect the level of nonfat dry matter (BKTL), lactose and protein

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Ceker Ayam pada Ransum terhadap Produktivitas Kambing Peranakan Etawa

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    ABSTRACT. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan tepung ceker ayam dengan persentase berbeda pada ransum terhadap produktivitas kambing Peranakan Etawa. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan 3 kelompok kambing yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan berat badan. Perlakuan terdiri dari R0 (kontrol tanpa penambahan tepung ceker ayam), R1(penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 2,5%), R2 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 5%), R3 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 7,5%) dan R4 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 10%). Parameter pada penelitian ini meliputi produksi susu, pertambahan bobot badan, volume ambing, dan konsumsi pakan. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari tahap persiapan, tahap pemeliharaan, dan tahap pengambilan data. Data yang telah diperoleh di analisis dengan metode analisis sidik ragam (Anova). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penambahan tepung ceker ayam pada perlakuan R2(5%) meningkatkan konsumsi pakan dan berpengaruh terhadap produksi susu dan juga kelompok dari pertambahan berat badan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap volume ambing.    (Effect of addition chicken claw flour with different percentage on rations to productivity of PE goats)  ABSTRAK. This research was conducted to examine the effect of adding chicken claw flour with different proportions on the productivity of Etawa crossbreed goats. The research used in this study was a randomized block design consisting of 5 treatments and 3 groups of design based on body weight. The treatments consisted of R0 (control without adding chicken claw flour), R1 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 2.5%), R2 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 5%), R3 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 7.5 %) and R4 (addition of chicken claw flour by 10%). Parameters in this study include milk production, body weight gain, udder volume, and feed consumption. The research stages start from the preparation stage, the maintenance stage, and the data collection stage. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using the method of analysis of variance (Anova). The results showed that the addition of chicken claw flour in treatment R2 (5%) increased consumption and affected milk production and also the group of weight gain, but had no effect on udder volume