57 research outputs found

    Optimum Capital/Asset Ratios in the Credit Union Industry: A Managerial Perspective

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    This study provides a statistical tool for assisting credit union managers in planning capital/asset ratio strategies for optimum operating efficiency. Focus groups, personal interviews, and survey data from randomly selected responses form the basis of our model. Two multiple regression equations allow operating managers to set target goals for their gross and net capital/asset ratios

    Проектирование газлифтных скважин на нефтяном месторождении «Белый Тигр» (Вьетнам)

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    Oбъeктoм исслeдoвaния являeтся нeфтeгaзoкoндeнсaтнoe мeстopoждeниe 슫Бeлый Тигp슻 - Вьeтнaм. Цeль paбoты – aнaлиз peжимoв paбoты, oсoбeннoстeй пpoeктиpoвaния и oптимизaции гaзлифтныx сквaжин в слoжныx гeoлoгo-физичeскиx услoвияx нa мeстopoждeнии 슫Бeлый Тигp슻.В диплoмнoй paбoтe пpивeдeны свeдeния o гeoлoгичeскoм стpoeнии мeстopoждeния Бeлый Тигp, стpуктуpe фoндa сквaжин, пpeдстaвлeны oснoвныe пpoeктныe peшeния и дaн aнaлиз сoстoяния paзpaбoтки, paссмoтpeнa динaмикa тeкущиx дeбитoв и oбвoднeннoсти пpoдукции.Для выпoлнeния диплoмнoй paбoты испoльзoвaлся тeкстoвый peдaктop Microsoft Word 2010г., тaблицы и гpaфики выпoлнялись в Microsoft Exсel, pисунки - в гpaфичeскиx пpoгpaммax Adobe Photoshop и Microsoft Paint.Object is oil and gas field "White Tiger"- Viet Nam. purpose of diplom are analysis mode working gaslift and special using method gaslift.In diplom inclubes field's geology, stucture base on them to resolve and analys status production and they were described by flowing and water cutting product. I used program microsoft word 2010, tables and graphics were done in microsoft excel,pictures - in programs Adobe Photoshop and microsoft paint


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    Local hindlimb antioxidant infusion does not affect muscle glucose uptake during in situ contractions in rat

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    There is evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to the regulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake during highly fatiguing ex vivo contraction conditions via AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In this study we investigated the role of ROS in the regulation of glucose uptake and AMPK signaling during low-moderate intensity in situ hindlimb muscle contractions in rats, which is a more physiological protocol and preparation. Male hooded Wistar rats were anesthetized, and then N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was infused into the epigastric artery (125 mg·kg−1·h−1) of one hindlimb (contracted leg) for 15 min before this leg was electrically stimulated (0.1-ms impulse at 2 Hz and 35 V) to contract at a low-moderate intensity for 15 min. The contralateral leg did not receive stimulation or local NAC infusion (rest leg). NAC infusion increased (P < 0.05) plasma cysteine and cystine (by ∼360- and 1.4-fold, respectively) and muscle cysteine (by 1.5-fold, P = 0.001). Although contraction did not significantly alter muscle tyrosine nitration, reduced (GSH) or oxidized glutathione (GSSG) content, S-glutathionylation of protein bands at ∼250 and 150 kDa was increased (P < 0.05) ∼1.7-fold by contraction, and this increase was prevented by NAC. Contraction increased (P < 0.05) skeletal muscle glucose uptake 20-fold, AMPK phosphorylation 6-fold, ACCβ phosphorylation 10-fold, and p38 MAPK phosphorylation 60-fold, and the muscle fatigued by ∼30% during contraction and NAC infusion had no significant effect on any of these responses. This was despite NAC preventing increases in S-glutathionylation with contraction. In conclusion, unlike during highly fatiguing ex vivo contractions, local NAC infusion during in situ low-moderate intensity hindlimb contractions in rats, a more physiological preparation, does not attenuate increases in skeletal muscle glucose uptake or AMPK signaling