4,200 research outputs found

    Angelology in situ : recovering higher-order beings as emblems of transcendence, immanence and imagination

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    The aim of this study is twofold: to identify the theological purpose underlying the depiction of angels at certain key points in the history of their use, and to explore how far that deeper theological rationale can be re-appropriated for our own day. This study first traces the progression of the angelic motif in the Hebrew Scriptures. By examining numerous pericopes in the Pentateuch, major prophets and Daniel, I demonstrate that the metamorphosis of higher-order beings like the angel of the Lord, cherubim and seraphim, is directly related to the writers’ desire to enhance God’s transcendence. Next, I evaluate pseudo-Denys’ hierarchical angelology, which prominent theologians like Luther and Calvin condemned as little more than a Neoplatonic scheme for accessing God through angels. I propose that not only has pseudo-Denys’ Neoplatonism been overstated, but that his angelology is particularly noteworthy for the way it accentuates Christ’s eucharistic immanence to the Church. Then I maintain that because assessments of Aquinas’ angelology are often based upon the Summa Theologiae, his views are wrongly portrayed as overtly philosophical, rather than biblical and exegetical. In his lesser-known biblical commentaries, however, Aquinas pushes the semantic range of the word ‘angel’ to include aspects of the physical world, which unveils an imaginative, Christocentric, and scriptural dimension of his angelology that is rarely acknowledged. The conclusion considers how contemporary figures and movements relate to these three angelologies. Barth emphasises the transcendent God but unlike Hebrew Scripture, weakens connections between God and angels. New Ageism affirms the immanent angel but unlike pseudo-Denys, does so at the expense of Christology and ecclesiology. Contemporary ecological discourse generally lacks Aquinas’ appreciation for an imaginative, supernatural approach to the world. Finally, I ground the angels’ relationship to transcendence, immanence and imagination in an experiential, eucharistic context

    Trains, Games, and Complexity: 0/1/2-Player Motion Planning through Input/Output Gadgets

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    We analyze the computational complexity of motion planning through local "input/output" gadgets with separate entrances and exits, and a subset of allowed traversals from entrances to exits, each of which changes the state of the gadget and thereby the allowed traversals. We study such gadgets in the 0-, 1-, and 2-player settings, in particular extending past motion-planning-through-gadgets work to 0-player games for the first time, by considering "branchless" connections between gadgets that route every gadget's exit to a unique gadget's entrance. Our complexity results include containment in L, NL, P, NP, and PSPACE; as well as hardness for NL, P, NP, and PSPACE. We apply these results to show PSPACE-completeness for certain mechanics in Factorio, [the Sequence], and a restricted version of Trainyard, improving prior results. This work strengthens prior results on switching graphs and reachability switching games.Comment: 37 pages, 36 figure

    Mentoring dalam Proses Suksesi Kepemimpinan Bisnis Keluarga pada CV. 369 Tobacco

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    Faktor keberhasilan suksesi sangatlah berpengaruh bagi keberlangsungan bisnis keluarga, sedangkan salah satu penyebab kegagalan suksesi adalah kurangnya transfer pengetahuan dari pendahulu ke penerus dan yang mengarah kepada ketidaksiapan penerus. Mentoring adalah proses menyiapkan calon penerus Perusahaan, sekaligus memberikan pengetahuan yang diperlukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana karakteristik mentor, karakteristik mentee dan aktivitas-aktivitas mentoring dalam proses suksesi kepemimpinan bisnis keluarga pada CV.369 Tobacco. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode eksploratif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah transkripsi, coding dengan kategorisasi, uji keabsahan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan temuan bahwa mentor pada CV. 369 Tobacco memiliki karakteristik yang jujur, berpengalaman, pakar, bersikap positif, tegas dan simpatik dan mentee yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai pendengar, penanya, pengikut nasihat dan penerima masukan yang baik namun belum memiliki kemandirian dan kepercayaan diri yang cukup sebagai calon penerus. Sedangkan aktivitas-aktivitas mentoring belum sepenuhnya berjalan karena masih ada aktivitas, seperti memetakan dan mengembangkan suksesor yang belum dilakukan

    How the Internet Has Revolutionized Video Marketing

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    From the creation of film to the streaming of digital media, moving pictures have always been a premier medium of marketing. Today, the use of video in marketing offers an experience unlike any other for consumers by engaging them in an entertaining, yet informative, format. In the past few decades, the surge of the Internet has chan From the creation of film to the streaming of digital media, moving pictures have always been a premier medium of marketing. Today, the use of video in marketing offers an experience unlike any other for consumers by engaging them in an entertaining, yet informative, format. In the past few decades, the surge of the Internet has changed the way the business world functions and catalyzed video marketing into a new frontier. Online video marketing has taken the world by storm and offers corporations across the globe a simple, yet highly effective way to reach the masses.ged the way the business world functions and catalyzed video marketing into a new frontier. Online video marketing has taken the world by storm and offers corporations across the globe a simple, yet highly effective way to reach the masses

    Starting an Adoption Agency and the Major Benefits of Adoption

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    Adoption impacts families’ lives. There are many benefits of adoption. Some key concepts of adoption are what the process of adoption entails and the different decisions potential adoptive parents need to make when starting the process, a philosophy and mission in terms of a business entity and their importance to an adoption firm, how to start a law firm as a business within the United States, and how to adapt that business to expand to areas like South Asia. South Asian etiquette issues need to be considered and understood from a business perspective. Another area to consider when doing international adoption is the legal facts as to how to start a business in India. Lastly, there are Biblical reasons for why adoption is important to God and adoption can potentially lead to the salvation of many people

    Batas Neoliberal: Perluasan Kapitalis dan Perekonomian Informal di Indonesia

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    Pagi hari, buruh-buruh pabrik di Cimahi menyesaki jalanan. Mereka berkerumun di bang- ku-bangku reyot, berbincang satu sama lain, sambil menikmati sarapan. Seorang wanita menawar sepasang sepatu plastik, dari pedagang yang menggelar barang dagangannya di atas selembar kain. Wanita lainnya mengirim pesan singkat alias sms ke- pada pengasuh anak, untuk menanya- kan kabar anaknya. Kepulan asap rokok yang dihembuskan mulut ratusan orang, menyatu dengan asap knalpot kendaraan. Angkot dan ojek berhenti di pinggir jalan, menurun- kan banyak penumpang, yang juga buruh pabrik

    Language discrimination by human newborns and by cotton-top tamarin monkeys

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    Humans, but no other animal, make meaningful use of spoken language. What is unclear, however, is whether this capacity depends on a unique constellation of perceptual and neurobiological mechanisms, or whether a subset of such mechanisms are shared with other organisms. To explore this problem, we conducted parallel experiments on human newborns and cotton-top tamarin monkeys to assess their ability to discriminate unfamiliar languages. Using a habituation-dishabituation procedure, we show that human newborns and tamarins can discriminate sentences from Dutch and Japanese, but not if the sentences are played backwards. Moreover, the cues for discrimination are not present in backward speech. This suggests that the human newborns' tuning to certain properties of speech relies on general processes of the primate auditory system

    Engineering of Earth-Abundant Electrochemical Catalysts

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    Alternative energy research into hydrogen production via water electrolysis addresses environmental and sustainability concerns associated with fossil fuel use. Renewable-powered electrolyzers are foreseen to produce hydrogen if energy and cost requirements are achieved. Electrocatalysts reduce the energy requirements of operating electrolyzers by lowering the reaction kinetics at the electrodes. Platinum group metals (PGMs) tend to be utilized as electrocatalysts but are not readily available and are expensive. Ni1-xMox alloys, as low-cost and earth-abundant transition metal nanoparticles (NPs), are emerging as promising electrocatalyst candidates to replace expensive PGM catalysts in alkaline media. Pure-phase cubic and hexagonal Ni1-xMox alloy NPs with increasing Mo content (0–11.4%) were synthesized as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In general, an increase in HER activity was observed with increasing Mo content. The cubic alloys were found to exhibit significantly higher HER activity in comparison to the hexagonal alloys, attributed to the higher Mo content in the cubic alloys. However, the compositions with similar Mo content still favored the cubic phase for higher activity. To produce a current density of -10 mA/cm2, the cubic and hexagonal alloy NPs require over-potentials ranging from -62 to -177 mV and -162 to -242 mV, respectively. The cubic alloys exhibited over-potentials that rival commercial Pt-based electrocatalysts (-68 to -129 mV at -10 mA/cm2). The cubic Ni0.934Mo0.066 alloy NPs showed the highest alkaline HER activity of the electrocatalysts studied and therefore a patent application was submitted. Bulk Ni–Mo phases have been known as electrocatalysts for the HER for decades, while recently transition metal phosphides (TMPs) have emerged as stable and efficient PGM alternatives. Specifically, Ni2P has demonstrated good HER activity and improved stability for both alkaline and acidic media. However, Ni2P electrocatalysts are a compromise between earth-abundance, performance (lower than Ni–Mo and PGMs) and stability. For the first time Ni–Mo–P electrocatalysts were synthesized with varying atomic ratios of Mo as electrocatalysts for alkaline HER. Specific phases, compositions and morphologies were studied to understand the intrinsic properties of TMPs leading to high HER activity. The Ni1.87Mo0.13P and Ni10.83Mo1.17P5 NPs were shown to be stable for 10 h at –10 mA cm-2 with over-potentials of –96 and –82 mV in alkaline media, respectively. The Ni1.87Mo0.13P and Ni10.83Mo1.17P5 NPs exhibited an improved performance over the synthesized Ni2P sample (–126 mV at –10 mA cm-2), likely a result of the overall phosphorous content and hetero-structured morphologies. A strong correlation between phase dependence and the influence of Mo on HER activity needs to be further investigated. Furthermore, understanding the intrinsic properties of electrocatalysts leading to high water splitting performance and stability can apply electrocatalysts in other research applications, such as photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting, water remediation and sustainable chemical processing applications. Contributions to photocatalytic water remediation and electrochemical chlorinated generation to halogenate pyridone-based molecules are reported. Electrochemical techniques were developed and reported herein to aid in understanding electrochemical performance, chemical mechanisms and the stability of electrocatalysts at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces