1,254 research outputs found

    Understanding Issues in Cloud Forensics: Two Hypothetical Case Studies

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    The inevitable vulnerabilities and criminal targeting of cloud environments demand an understanding of how digital forensic investigations of the cloud can be accomplished. We present two hypothetical case studies of cloud crimes; child pornography being hosted in the cloud, and a compromised cloudbased website. Our cases highlight shortcomings of current forensic practices and laws. We describe significant challenges with cloud forensics, including forensic acquisition, evidence preservation and chain of custody, and open problems for continued research. Keywords: Cloud computing, cloud forensics, digital forensics, case studie

    Vergrijzing: ramp of uitdaging

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    De veranderingen in het demografische landschap van ederland zijn snel gegaan.Wetenschappers en politici zijn nog druk bezig met het in kaart brengen van die veranderingen en het doorgronden van hun betekenis. Er is ook veel negativisme en mythevorming. Dit geldt vooral wanneer over onze vergrijzende samenleving wordt gesproken. Rampenscenario’s worden geschetst: de gezondheidszorg en de AOW worden onbetaalbaar, de kosten van de pensioenen zullen exponentieel toenemen, de arbeidsmarkt zal verstarren en de capaciteit van de mantelzorg zal ontoereikend zijn. Het gebrek aan demografische basiskennis in veel van deze toekomstschetsen is opvallend. Daarom hier een beeld dat de demografische realiteit minder geweld aandoet

    The Effects of the Division of the City of Lloydminster by the Alberta-Saskatchewan Inter-Provincial Boundary

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    L'article expose les conséquences, sur le développement de Lloydminster, de la localisation de la ligne frontière Alberta - Saskatchewan qui coupe cette cité en deux. Les problèmes de la duplication des services et des équipements publics encourageaient, dans les premières années d'existence de la communauté, les essais de fusion des deux parties de Lloydminster. Cette fusion a été accomplie en 1930, et la cité fonctionne sous une législation spéciale, le « Lloydminster Charter ». Les inefficacités inhérentes à cette division subsistent encore, en particulier pour le gouvernement municipal, de même que les désavantages pour les activités commerciales, parce que la législation provinciale de l'Alberta ou de la Saskatchewan s'applique aux individus, selon le côté de la ligne frontière où ils résident, travaillent, font leurs achats, ou possèdent des industries. La taxe de vente levée par le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan reste un problème pour les marchands et les habitants. La majeure partie du développement commercial et industriel se situe à l'ouest de la cité, c'est-à-dire en Alberta. Les sociétés industrielles et les marchands, les gens de métier et les habitants veulent que la cité soit située entièrement en Alberta ou entièrement en Saskatchewan pour supprimer les inefficacités et les irritations qui résultent de la division de la cité par la ligne frontière.The paper traces the effects of the superimposed inter-provincial boundary line on the development of Lloydminster. Duplication of public services, and other difficulties encouraged early efforts to amalgamate the community under one jurisdiction. This was accomplished in 1930 and the city is operated under special legislation which is called the « Lloydminster Charter ». Inherent inefficiencies still remain for civic government as well as disadvantages for private enterprises as the provincial legislation of Alberta or Saskatchewan prevails depending upon which side of the boundary a person resides, works, shops, or an economic enterprise is located. The sales tax levied on most purchases by the Saskatchewan Government remains a problem for retailers and citizens. Most of the commercial and industrial development is occurring on the Alberta side of the City. There is evidence that industrial and commercial companies, professional people and residents, would prefer the City to be either in Alberta or Saskatchewan in order to eradicate the inefficiencies and irritations caused by the division of the city by the boundary

    De aanpak van eenzaamheid

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    Veel mensen in Nederland zijn eenzaam. Vaak heeft dat te maken met het overlijden van een naaste, scheiding, ziekte, pensionering, verhuizing en een opeenstapeling van problemen. Meestal is eenzaamheid tijdelijk. Langdurige eenzaamheid vermindert de kwaliteit van leven en kan leiden tot ernstige lichamelijke en psychische klachten. Eenzaamheid is ook een maatschappelijk probleem. Denk aan maatschappelijk ongewenst gedrag, verwaarlozing en verslaving. Eenzaam zijn is nog steeds taboe en daardoor ook een verborgen probleem. Mensen willen noch aan zichzelf noch aan anderen toegeven dat ze eenzaam zijn. Via interventies wordt geprobeerd om de eenzaamheid te bestrijden. Er bestaan evenwel hardnekkige misverstanden rond eenzaamheid. Zo zou eenzaamheid zijn toegenomen door de voortschrijdende individualisering, zouden vooral ouderen en alleenstaanden er last van hebben en zou een contactrijke omgeving de eenzaamheid verminderen. Veel zaken kunnen de interventie echter in de weg staan en daardoor de kans op succes verminderen. Eenzaamheid is een complex verschijnsel, van buitenaf niet waarneembaar, en kent vele oorzaken en oplossingsmogelijkheden

    Norms of filial obligation in the Netherlands

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    In this article we examine to what extent norms of filial obligation in the Netherlands are shaped by group value patterns, family constellation, possibilities for helping others, and actual experiences of support exchange. The data are drawn from the first wave of the combined main and migrant sample of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, the Dutch participant in the Generations and Gender Programme. The Dutch appear reluctant to prescribe how other people should behave towards their ageing parents. Value patterns are the strongest determinants of filial norms, with migrants, the low-educated, and persons with religious beliefs espousing strong filial norms. Contrary to what traditional gender roles would suggest, women less strongly endorse norms of filial obligation than men, and contrary to the notion that divorce weakens family ties, divorcees and children of divorce do not exhibit less commitment to filial norms. Altruistic tendencies are evident in the weaker filial norms among the older age groups, and among those with non co-resident children. Finally, the results show a high level of consonance between actual support exchanges and filial norms

    Intergenerational co-residence during later life in Europe and China

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    Individuals in China are much more likely than Europeans to live with their adult children during later life. In this paper, we examine the extent to which this holds true across the diverse contexts and circumstances faced by Europeans and Chinese. We use comparative data from the Survey for Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe and the China Family Panel Studies to examine cross-national differences in whom adults in later life choose to live with. We find that in rural China and among urban migrants there is a tendency to live with higher-educated children, whils

    Non-kin ties as a source of support in Europe: Understanding the role of cultural and institutional contexts

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    This study scrutinises the role of cultural and institutional contexts in shaping Europeans’ choices for a source of support. We draw attention to an often overlooked source of support: non-kin. Taking an interdisciplinary theoretical approach, we formulate a number of hypotheses on the impact of individualistic values, familialistic norms, generalised trust, and social protection expenditure. We test these contextual hypotheses by means of multilevel multinomia

    Non-kin ties as a source of support in Europe: understanding the role of cultural context

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    The ‘crowding-out’ and the ‘decline of the family’ hypotheses are the fundamental theoretical notions underlying the literature on cross-country differences in informal support. In this study, we expand upon these notions to develop and test the premise that cultural context shapes European’s views about an often overlooked source of support: non-kin. We carefully conceptualise cultural context as individualistic values and familialistic norms. Employing multilevel multinomial models and European Quality of Life Survey data from 27 countries, we confirm the importance of decomposing the broader notion of culture by demonstrating that contexts with both less pronounced individualistic values and less pronounced familialistic norms are conducive to non-kin rather than kin or professional help. Moreover, unlike prior work, which suggested the existence of a north/west-south/east divide in support patterns, our findings show nuanced cross-national differences in the importance of non-kin ties as a source of advice and help when looking for a job. We find some of the highest levels of non-kin reliance in countries in southern and eastern Europe, and in northern and western Europe more generally. We conclude by proposing ways in which future research can advance our understanding of the role of context in shaping support patterns

    A treatment planning intercomparison of proton and intensity modulated photon radiotherapy.

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    peer reviewedAbstract Purpose: A comparative treatment planning study has been undertaken between standard photon delivery techniques,b intensity modulated photon methods and spot scanned protons in order to investigate the merits and limitations of each of these treatment approaches. Methods: Plans for each modality were performed using CT scans and planning information for nine patients with varying indications and lesion sites and the results have been analysed using a variety of dose and volume based parameters. Results: Over all cases, it is predicted that the use of protons could lead to a reduction of the total integral dose by a factor three compared to standard photon techniques and a factor two compared to IM photon plans. In addition, in all but one Organ at Risk (OAR) for one case, protons are predicted to reduce both mean OAR dose and the irradiated volume at the 50% mean target dose level compared to both photon methods. However, when considering the volume of an OAR irradiated to 70% or more of the target dose, little difference could be shown between proton and intensity modulated photon plans. On comparing the magnitude of dose hot spots in OARs resulting from the proton and IM photon plans, more variation was observed, and the ranking of the plans was then found to be case and OAR dependent. Conclusions: The use of protons has been found to reduce the medium to low dose load (below about 70% of the target dose) to OARs and all non-target tissues compared to both standard and inversely planned photons, but that the use of intensity modulated photons can result in similar levels of high dose conformation to that afforded by protons. However, the introduction of inverse planning methods for protons is necessary before general conclusions on the relative efficacy of photons and protons can be drawn
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