66 research outputs found

    The Powers of Perception: An Intimate Connection with Elizabeth Dilling.

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    This thesis examined Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick Dilling Stokes, an American anti-war writer of the 1930s who attempted to get rid of the possible threat of Communism from spreading to the United States. Outside of her written works, she knew that it was important to introduce herself to persons of great importance to receive praise from the far-right community. Without these types of personal connections, Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick Dilling Stokes might not have been an important figure among members of the far-right. It was through these intimate connections that her fan base began to grow. Her various books, articles, and pamphlets reached well over 100,000 people throughout the world. Today, her work is no longer in print but is found in many libraries. In this thesis, one will find the details of Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick Dilling Stokes\u27 life in connection with the various personal encounters in relation to her speeches and writings

    Crab Ash Extract has Anti-Proliferative Effects on SK-MEL-28 Melanoma Cells and Induces a Cellular Stress Response and Metabolic Changes

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    The incidence of metastatic melanoma continues to rise worldwide and although there has been recent advances in treatment, outcomes remain poor for many patients. Therefore, there remains a need for novel treatments. Recently, in vitro studies have shown that some compounds derived from crab shell or hemolymph may have anticancer properties. Furthermore, whole crab ash has been recorded as a traditional folk medication used to treat solid tumours. This study examined the anticancer properties of extracts derived from the crab genus Portunus. The SK-MEL-28 melanoma cell line was treated with ethanol and aqueous extracts derived from whole crab ash (CA), shell, or muscle fibres. Concentrations tested were from 312.5 µg/mL to 5000 µg/mL. CA ethanol extract showed the highest amount of cell death, with 100% cell death observed at 2500 µg/mL and 50% cell death at 1250 µg/mL. Cells that survived CA treatment showed altered morphology and intracellular granulation. Next, lysates of melanoma cells treated with a sub-lethal concentration (750 µg/mL) of ethanolic CA were analysed by semi-quantitative mass spectrometry. This revealed upregulation of proteins associated with protein synthesis, folding and degradation, ER chaperones, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, cytoskeletal and some nuclear proteins. Taken together, the proteomic data suggest activation of cellular stress pathways and changes in metabolism

    Use of Anatomage tables in a large first year core unit

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    Anatomage tables were incorporated into a large core unit in health sciences at Curtin University to replace cadaver material. Students worked in groups of eight around the table, as one of several stations in weekly workshops facilitated by tutors. Tutors and students completed a survey asking about their use of technology and their experiences with the Anatomage tables. Tutors also contributed to focus groups (n=16), and student interaction around the table was recorded on camera. Student survey response was 18% (n= 326) and for tutors, 69% (n=22). Preliminary analysis suggests that most students found the Anatomage tables good for ideas of scale and relationships of organ structures, and liked being able to rotate the images, but were less impressed with graphics quality and the limitations to group interaction. Tutors felt well-prepared for using the tables but were frustrated by technical issues, and few thought the tables were a good investment

    The Role of Immunoglobulin Superfamily Cell Adhesion Molecules in Cancer Metastasis

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    Metastasis is a major clinical problem and results in a poor prognosis for most cancers. The metastatic pathway describes the process by which cancer cells give rise to a metastatic lesion in a new tissue or organ. It consists of interconnecting steps all of which must be successfully completed to result in a metastasis. Cell-cell adhesion is a key aspect of many of these steps. Adhesion molecules belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily (Ig-SF) commonly play a central role in cell-cell adhesion, and a number of these molecules have been associated with cancer progression and a metastatic phenotype. Surprisingly, the contribution of Ig-SF members to metastasis has not received the attention afforded other cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) such as the integrins. Here we examine the steps in the metastatic pathway focusing on how the Ig-SF members, melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM), L1CAM, neural CAM (NCAM), leukocyte CAM (ALCAM), intercellular CAM-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet endothelial CAM-1 (PECAM-1) could play a role. Although much remains to be understood, this review aims to raise the profile of Ig-SF members in metastasis formation and prompt further research that could lead to useful clinical outcomes

    The Effect of Metronome Use on Heart Rates and RPE for Drum Corps Percussionists

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 9(4): 412-418, 2016. The purpose was to evaluate if playing a musical selection without a metronome would affect the heart rates and rate of perceived exertion for drum corps percussionists. Heart rate and RPE values were collected from 11 battery and 12 front ensemble members from one drum corps. The music consisted of two portions of the show at different tempos of 96 and 176 beats per minute. The music was performed at standstill with the battery members lined up behind the front ensemble marching, but not moving around or carrying their instruments. The participants performed each show tempo, with and without a metronome—three times with a one-minute rest period between each rep. Participants recorded RPE values for the two show tempos, with and without a metronome. There was no significant difference in heart rate when playing without a metronome at both tempos. RPE values were higher for the slower (11.83 ± 1.61 vs. 12.65 ± 1.72, p\u3c0.05), and the faster selections (13.87 ± 2.34 vs. 14.48 ± 2.33, p\u3c0.05) when playing without a metronome. The front ensemble heart rates were higher than the battery during the faster selection with (104.39 ± 6.93 vs. 129.19 ± 17.40 bpm, p\u3c0.05) and without a metronome (105.03 ± 8.03 vs. 128.58 ± 18.84 bpm, p\u3c0.05). Playing without a metronome requires more effort, psychologically, but does not affect heart rate. The physical demands of the faster selection are most likely the cause of the significant difference in heart rate between the battery and front ensemble

    Lipid-laden partially-activated plasmacytoid and CD4-CD8a+ dendritic cells accumulate in tissues in elderly mice

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    Background - Aging is associated with a decline in lymphocyte function however, little is known about dendritic cell (DC) subsets and aging. Aging is also associated with increasing circulating lipid levels and intracellular lipid accumulation modulates DC function. Whether age-associated increases in lipid levels influence DC biology is unknown. Thus, the effects of aging on DC subsets were assessed in vivo using young adult and elderly C57BL/6 J mice. Results - Major age-related changes included increased CD11c+ DC numbers in lymph nodes, spleens and livers, but not lungs, and significantly increased proportions of plasmacytoid (pDC) and CD4-CD8α+ DCs in lymph nodes and livers. Other changes included altered pDC activation status (decreased CD40, increased MHC class-I and MHC class-II), increased lipid content in pDCs and CD4-CD8α+ DCs, and increased expression of key mediators of lipid uptake including lipoprotein lipase, scavenger receptors (CD36, CD68 and LRP-1) in most tissues. Conclusions - Aging is associated with organ-specific numerical changes in DC subsets, and DC activation status, and increased lipid content in pDCs and CD4-CD8α+ DCs. Up-regulation of lipoprotein lipase and scavenger receptors by lipid-rich pDCs and CD4-CD8α+ DCs suggests these molecules contribute to DC lipid accumulation in the elderly. Lipid accumulation and modulated activation in pDCs and CD4-CD8α+ DCs may contribute to the declining responses to vaccination and infection with age

    Interactions between skeletal muscle myoblasts and their extracellular matrix revealed by a serum free culture system

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    Decellularisation of skeletal muscle provides a system to study the interactions of myoblasts with muscle extracellular matrix (ECM). This study describes the efficient decellularisation of quadriceps muscle with the retention of matrix components and the use of this matrix for myoblast proliferation and differentiation under serum free culture conditions. Three decellularisation approaches were examined; the most effective was phospholipase A2 treatment, which removed cellular material while maximizing the retention of ECM components. Decellularised muscle matrices were then solubilized and used as substrates for C2C12 mouse myoblast serum free cultures. The muscle matrix supported myoblast proliferation and differentiation equally as well as collagen and fibronectin. Immunofluorescence analyses revealed that myoblasts seeded on muscle matrix and fibronectin differentiated to form long, well-aligned myotubes, while myoblasts seeded on collagen were less organized. qPCR analyses showed a time dependent increase in genes involved in skeletal muscle differentiation and suggested that muscle-derived matrix may stimulate an increased rate of differentiation compared to collagen and fibronectin. Decellularized whole muscle three-dimensional scaffolds also supported cell adhesion and spreading, with myoblasts aligning along specific tracts of matrix proteins within the scaffolds. Thus, under serum free conditions, intact acellular muscle matrices provided cues to direct myoblast adhesion and migration. In addition, myoblasts were shown to rapidly secrete and organise their own matrix glycoproteins to create a localized ECM microenvironment. This serum free culture system has revealed that the correct muscle ECM facilitates more rapid cell organisation and differentiation than single matrix glycoprotein substrates

    The Western Australian Family Connections Genealogical Project: Detection of familial occurrences of single gene and chromosomal disorders

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    Aim: To investigate using a Western Australian (WA) genealogical database for the identification of single gene and chromosome disorders among families. Method: Hospital admissions for single gene and chromosome disorders recorded during 2000–2006 were identified from the WA Hospital Morbidity Data System. The proportion of these conditions occurring in family groups was then identified using genealogical links created through the WA Family Connections Genealogical Project. Results: There were 216 family clusters among 11,303 people who were recorded as having a genetic or chromosomal disorder on their hospital admission record. The most common single gene conditions found to occur in multiple family members included blood clotting disorders such as Factor VIII deficiency and Von Willebrand’s disease, followed by cystic fibrosis, myotonic dystrophies, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, and osteogenesis imperfecta. Discussion: Single gene disorders most commonly occurring in multiple family members have been identified using the WA Family Connections Genealogical Project. These disorders reflect the most common single gene disorders requiring hospital admission, but which are not fatal before reproductive age and do not result in a loss of fertility. They are also restricted to disorders with earlier onset, as the WA Family Connections Genealogical Project currently covers 2–3 of the most recent generations. This study demonstrates the utility of record linkage genealogies to identify kindred with genetic disorders, offering a rich resource of information for focused genetic epidemiological research

    Traditional and Virtual Hypertension Self-Management Health Education Program Delivered Through Cooperative Extension

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    Fewer than 25% of individuals in the United States with hypertension have controlled blood pressure (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). Hypertension Management Program (HMP) adopted the Health Coaches for Hypertension Control© (HCHC©) curriculum and adapted it for delivery by Extension agents. Eight lessons with intermittent health coaching calls were delivered. Pre/post-participation surveys determined changes in knowledge and self-reported weight, systolic (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The pandemic forced a shift in methodology from in-person to virtual delivery, and results were compared. In both traditional and virtual programs, significant differences were found in weight, knowledge scores, and SBP from pre- to post-participation. Mean reduction in weight for in-person and virtual programs was 1.9 lb (p = 0.0047) and 3.5 lb (p = 0.043) respectively. Knowledge scores increased significantly for in-person (p = 0.000) and virtual program (p = 0.0006) participants. Mean reduction in SBP of 5.5 mmHg (p = 0.0009) and 1.9 (p = 0.0338) was observed in in-person and virtual participants, respectively. DBP significantly decreased by a mean of 8.5 mmHg (p = 0.0421) for virtual HMP participants and approached significance in traditional programs (decrease of 5.5 mmHg, p = 0.0649). Results suggest that participation in HMP, whether in-person or virtual, could help participants reduce their risk of cardiovascular events through blood pressure self-management

    Connecting Online Graduate Students to the University Community

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    The purpose of this study was to understand how to facilitate a sense of belonging among online graduate students. Sense of community theory was the basis for examining students’ desires to be a part of a community and feel connected to the institution. Findings from a survey using the Sense of Community Index 2 (SCI-2) of online graduate students provided insight into the sense of community, the importance of belonging to a community, and activities that could strengthen their connection with the institution. Overall students showed a slightly stronger sense of belonging to their program than to the institution. Students were also asked how they prefer to connect to others in the community with mentoring and inperson social events being the most requested