129 research outputs found

    Reduction and Morphological Transformation of Synthetic Nanophase Iron Oxide Minerals by Hyperthermophilic Archaea

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    Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides are electron acceptors for some hyperthermophilic archaea in mildly reducing geothermal environments. However, the kinds of iron oxides that can be used, growth rates, extent of iron reduction, and the morphological changes that occur to minerals are poorly understood. The hyperthermophilic iron-reducing crenarchaea Pyrodictium delaneyi and Pyrobaculum islandicum were grown separately on six different synthetic nanophase Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides. For both organisms, growth on ferrihydrite produced the highest growth rates and the largest amounts of Fe(II), although P. delaneyi produced four times more Fe(II) (25 mM) than P. islandicum (6 mM). Both organisms grew on lepidocrocite and akaganéite and produced 2 and 3 mM Fe(II). Modest growth occurred for both organisms on goethite, hematite, and maghemite where ≤1 mM Fe(II) was produced. The diameters of the spherical mineral end-products following P. delaneyi growth increased by 30 nm for ferrihydrite and 50–150 nm for lepidocrocite relative to heated abiotic controls. For akaganéite, spherical particle sizes were the same for P. delaneyi-reacted samples and heated abiotic controls, but the spherical particles were more numerous in the P. delaneyi samples. For P. islandicum, there was no increase in grain size for the mineral end-products following growth on ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite, or akaganéite relative to the heated abiotic controls. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of lattice fringes and selected-area electron diffraction of the minerals produced by both organisms when grown on ferrihydrite showed that magnetite and/or possibly maghemite were the end-products while the heated abiotic controls only contained ferrihydrite. These results expand the current view of bioavailable Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides for reduction by hyperthermophilic archaea when presented as synthetic nanophase minerals. They show that growth and reduction rates are inversely correlated with the iron (oxyhydr)oxide crystallinity and that iron (oxyhydr)oxide mineral transformation takes different forms for these two organisms

    Importance of Orbital Spectroscopy on Venus

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    Using five band orbital emissivity measurements in the 1 micron region has tremendous potential to provide global maps of Venus surface rock types. Combining this with 480°C laboratory measurement will poise Venus science for a dramatic improvement in understanding of surface geology and the formation and internal processes of Earth’s twin planet

    Standards for Analysis of Ce, La, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Y, AND Zr in Rock Samples Using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and X-ray Fluorescence

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    Analytical geochemistry has long depended on the availability of robust suites of rock standards with well-characterized compositions. Standard rock powders for wet chemistry and x-ray fluorescence were initially characterized and supplied to the community by the U.S. Geological Survey, which continues to distribute a few dozen standards. Many other rock standards have subsequently been developed by organizations such as the Centre de Recherches Ptrographiques et Gochimiques (CRPG) and Brammer Standard Company, Inc

    Fluor-schorl, a new member of the tourmaline supergroup, and new data on schorl from the cotype localities

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    Fluor-schorl, NaFe^(2+) _3Al_6Si_6O_(18)(BO_3)_3(OH)_3F, is a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup from alluvial tin deposits near Steinberg, Zschorlau, Erzgebirge (Saxonian Ore Mountains), Saxony, Germany, and from pegmatites near Grasstein (area from Mittewald to Sachsenklemme), Trentino, South Tyrol, Italy. Fluor-schorl was formed as a pneumatolytic phase and in high-temperature hydrothermal veins in granitic pegmatites. Crystals are black (pale brownish to pale greyish-bluish, if distance (r^2 = 0.93). This correlation indicates that Fe^(2+)-rich tourmalines from the investigated localities clearly tend to have a F-rich or F-dominant composition. A further strong positive correlation (r^2 = 0.82) exists between the refined F content and the Y–W (F,OH) distance, and the latter may be used to quickly estimate the F content


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    The power of mineralogical analysis as a descriptive or predictive technique stems from the fact that only a few thousand minerals are known to occur in nature as compared to several hundred thousand inorganic compounds. Further, all of the known minerals have specific stability ranges in pressure, temperature, an composition. A specific knowledge of the mineralogy of a planets surface or interior therefore allows one to characterize the present or past conditions under which the minerals were formed or have existed. For the purposes of this paper, a slightly broader definition of mineralogy was adopted by including not only crystalline materials found on planetary surfaces, but also ices and classes that can benefit from in situ types of analyses. Both visual examination and the various spectroscopies available for robotic probes to planetary surfaces are discussed

    VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World

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    VERITAS is a selected Discovery mission launching in 2028. It will investigate Venus’ geologic evolution and processes that affect rock planetary habitability. Venus’ present condition is a geodynamic analog for early Earth, when the lithosphere was hotter and thinner, plate tectonics and continents began to form, and life emerged. Earth no longer retains a clear record of how these processes began, but Venus may have active subduction—the necessary first step to initiate plate tectonics, as well as analogs of continents. VERITAS will test whether Venus’ tessera plateaus represent the only analogs of continents in the solar system, which formed on Earth when massive quantities of basalt melted in the presence of water. VERITAS will use numerous methods to search for current volcanism and tectonism, including subduction. VERITAS produces global, foundational datasets using two instruments, the Venus Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (VISAR) and the Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM), plus a gravity science investigation. The VISAR X-band measurements include: 1) a global digital elevation model (DEM) with 250 m postings, 6 m height accuracy, 2) Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging at 30 m horizontal resolution globally, 3) SAR imaging at 15 m for >25% of the surface, and 4) surface deformation from repeat pass interferometry (RPI) at 2 cm precision for >12 targeted areas. VEM covers >70% of the surface in six NIR bands located within five atmospheric windows sensitive to Fe mineralogy, plus eight atmospheric bands for calibration and water vapor measurements, with SNR ≫ VIRTIS. It is a near IR spectral imager with optimized spectral bands for observing the surface of Venus that supports the determination of rock type and the search for active and recent volcanism. VERITAS will use a low circular orbit (< 250 km) and Ka-band uplink and downlink to create a global gravity field with 3 mGal accuracy at 155 km (d&o 123) resolution. VERTIAS also constrains core size and state, using radar tie points to help find k2, the phase lag, and MOIF

    Limitations of Fe^(2+) and Mn^(2+) site occupancy in tourmaline: Evidence from Fe^(2+)- and Mn^(2+)-rich tourmaline

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    Fe^(2+)- and Mn^(2+)-rich tourmalines were used to test whether Fe^(2+) and Mn^(2+) substitute on the Z site of tourmaline to a detectable degree. Fe-rich tourmaline from a pegmatite from Lower Austria was characterized by crystal-structure refinement, chemical analyses, and Mössbauer and optical spectroscopy. The sample has large amounts of Fe^(2+) (~2.3 apfu), and substantial amounts of Fe^(3+) (~1.0 apfu). On basis of the collected data, the structural refinement and the spectroscopic data, an initial formula was determined by assigning the entire amount of Fe^(3+) (no delocalized electrons) and Ti^(4+) to the Z site and the amount of Fe^(2+) and Fe^(3+) from delocalized electrons to the Y-Z ED doublet (delocalized electrons between Y-Z and Y-Y): X(Na_(0.9)Ca_(0.1)) ^Y(Fe^(2+)_(2.0)Al_(0.4)Mn^(2+)_(0.3)Fe^(3+)_(0.2)) ^Z(Al_(4.8)Fe^(3+)_(0.8)Fe^(2+)_(0.2)Ti^(4+)_(0.1)) ^T(Si_(5.9)Al_(0.1))O_(18) (BO_3)_3^V(OH)_3 ^W[O_(0.5)F_(0.3)(OH)_(0.2)] with α = 16.039(1) and c = 7.254(1) Å. This formula is consistent with lack of Fe^(2+) at the Z site, apart from that occupancy connected with delocalization of a hopping electron. The formula was further modified by considering two ED doublets to yield: ^X(Na_(0.9)Ca_(0.1)) ^Y(Fe^(2+)_(1.8)Al_(0.5)Mn^(2+)_(0.3)Fe^(3+)_(0.3)) ^Z(Al_(4.8)Fe^(3+)_(0.7)Fe^(2+)_(0.4)Ti^(4+)_(0.1)) ^T(Si_(5.9_Al_(0.1))O_(18) (BO_3)_3 ^V(OH)_3 ^W[O_(0.5)F_(0.3)(OH)_(0.2)]. This formula requires some Fe^(2+) (~0.3 apfu) at the Z site, apart from that connected with delocalization of a hopping electron. Optical spectra were recorded from this sample as well as from two other Fe^(2+)-rich tourmalines to determine if there is any evidence for Fe^(2+) at Y and Z sites. If Fe^(2+) were to occupy two different 6-coordinated sites in significant amounts and if these polyhedra have different geometries or metal-oxygen distances, bands from each site should be observed. However, even in high-quality spectra we see no evidence for such a doubling of the bands. We conclude that there is no ultimate proof for Fe^(2+) at the Z site, apart from that occupancy connected with delocalization of hopping electrons involving Fe cations at the Y and Z sites. A very Mn-rich tourmaline from a pegmatite on Elba Island, Italy, was characterized by crystal-structure determination, chemical analyses, and optical spectroscopy. The optimized structural formula is ^X(Na_(0.6)□_(0.4)) ^Y(Mn^(2+)_(1.3)Al_(1.2)Li_(0.5)) ^ZAl_6 ^TSi_6O_(18) (BO_3)_3 ^V(OH)_3 ^W[F_(0.5)O_(0.5)], with α = 15.951(2) and c = 7.138(1) Å. Within a 3σ error there is no evidence for Mn occupancy at the Z site by refinement of Al ↔ Mn, and, thus, no final proof for Mn^(2+) at the Z site, either. Oxidation of these tourmalines at 700–750 °C and 1 bar for 10–72 h converted Fe^(2+) to Fe^(3+) and Mn^(2+) to Mn^(3+) with concomitant exchange with Al of the Z site. The refined ^ZFe content in the Fe-rich tourmaline increased by ~40% relative to its initial occupancy. The refined YFe content was smaller and the distance was significantly reduced relative to the unoxidized sample. A similar effect was observed for the oxidized Mn^(2+)-rich tourmaline. Simultaneously, H and F were expelled from both samples as indicated by structural refinements, and H expulsion was indicated by infrared spectroscopy. The final species after oxidizing the Fe^(2+)-rich tourmaline is buergerite. Its color had changed from blackish to brown-red. After oxidizing the Mn^(2+)-rich tourmaline, the previously dark yellow sample was very dark brown-red, as expected for the oxidation of Mn^(2+) to Mn^(3+). The unit-cell parameter α decreased during oxidation whereas the c parameter showed a slight increase

    Venus Evolution Through Time: Key Science Questions, Selected Mission Concepts and Future Investigations

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    In this work we discuss various selected mission concepts addressing Venus evolution through time. More specifically, we address investigations and payload instrument concepts supporting scientific goals and open questions presented in the companion articles of this volume. Also included are their related investigations (observations & modeling) and discussion of which measurements and future data products are needed to better constrain Venus’ atmosphere, climate, surface, interior and habitability evolution through time. A new fleet of Venus missions has been selected, and new mission concepts will continue to be considered for future selections. Missions under development include radar-equipped ESA-led EnVision M5 orbiter mission (European Space Agency 2021), NASA-JPL’s VERITAS orbiter mission (Smrekar et al. 2022a), NASA-GSFC’s DAVINCI entry probe/flyby mission (Garvin et al. 2022a). The data acquired with the VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision from the end of this decade will fundamentally improve our understanding of the planet’s long term history, current activity and evolutionary path. We further describe future mission concepts and measurements beyond the current framework of selected missions, as well as the synergies between these mission concepts, ground-based and space-based observatories and facilities, laboratory measurements, and future algorithmic or modeling activities that pave the way for the development of a Venus program that extends into the 2040s (Wilson et al. 2022)
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