18 research outputs found

    The Influence of Student’s Language Learning Strategies Used towards Their Achievement in Structure IV

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    This study was aimed to know the influence of student’s language learningstrategies used towards their achievement in structure IV and the most strategy used. It is done in responding the fact, most of the students do not aware of their learning strategies. It makes them difficult understanding the knowledge transferred. By using descriptive method, this study used document test and SILL questionnaire as the instrument of the data. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data collected, the writer used SPSS simple linear regression (Muijs.200:143). The result of the study showed the influence of L2 student’s strategies is significantly weak towards their achievement in structure IV. While the most strategies used was metacognitive strategy. It is because so many factors influence student’s achievement, such as student’s ability, learning style, and teacher’s methodology used. Therefore, it is teacher’s task to motivate students aware of learning strategy used, so they could get well understanding

    The Influence of Student's Language Learning Strategies Used Towards Their Achievement in Structure IV

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    This study was aimed to know the influence of student's language learning strategies used towards their achievement in structure IV and the most strategy used. It is done in responding the fact, most of the students do not aware of their learning strategies. It makes them difficult understanding the knowledge transferred. By using descriptive method, this study used document test and SILL questionnaire as the instrument of the data. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data collected, the writer used SPSS simple linear regression (Muijs.200:143). The result of the study showed the influence of L2 student's strategies is significantly weak towards their achievement in structure IV. While the most strategies used was metacognitive strategy. It is because so many factors influence student's achievement, such as student's ability, learning style, and teacher's methodology used. Therefore, it is teacher's task to motivate students aware of learning strategy used, so they could get well understanding. Keywords: language learning strategies, achievement, Structure IV, Gramma


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     For the decades, managing classroom becomes one of the most important topics as the concern to be developed by educational department in improving students' quality. One of them is preparing pre-service teachers by strengthening their teaching skills such as managing classroom. Therefore, this study aims to investigate pre-service teacher's classroom management and its problem faced, where observation checklist is used by other participants in reviewing forty respondents’ teaching performance. Meanwhile in supporting the second purpose; Interview is used to delve more the problem faced by pre-service teacher while managing classroom. The results reveal that the skill which is still not optimal related to the creation and maintenance of optimal learning conditions is the skill that shows response attitude because of nervous and tend to focus to the certain group or students considered comfortable. Meanwhile, skills related to the control of optimal learning conditions that is still not done optimally by the participants, namely finding and overcoming behavior that poses problems with the way of exile caused by frightened by pre-service teachers against increasingly poor or rebellious student responses. However, referring to overall indicator of classroom management skills, pre-service teacher could be categorized as having done a grade managing skills well

    EFL secondary teachers’ assessment literacy: Assessment conceptions and practices

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    Assessment literacy is defined as knowledge, conceptions, and skills to conduct an assessment. Having sufficient assessment literacy levels, teachers can assist students in improving learning and in achieving learning outcomes. This study employs a descriptive quantitative design that explores EFL secondary teachers' assessment literacy and assessment practice. The data were gathered using an online survey and semi-structured interviews. Forty-eight respondents willingly fulfilled an online questionnaire containing 32 questions adapted from the Teachers Assessment Literacy Questionnaire (TALQ). The data obtained from the survey were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Furthermore, three participants representing each assessment literacy level were selected for interviews to explore their classroom assessment practice. The interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis in terms of the conceptions of assessment, the procedure of assessment construction, and some challenges in assessment practice. The findings reveal that EFL secondary teachers generally have a moderate assessment literacy level. However, the participants reflect different conceptions of assessment, procedures, and challenges in assessment practice depending on an individual level of assessment literacy, institutional and national policies, and socio-culture factors. It shows that assessment literacy is not a single element that can influence teachers' assessment practices


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    One approach to taking advantage of corpora in language teaching would be adding to a textbook through enriching it through employing corpus-based research. When it comes to using English for Academic Purposes (EAP) materials, the inclusion of corpora in teaching language becomes even more urgent. In the current study, the authors did their best to investigate and describe the presence of formulaic language in an EAP textbooks titled: English for international tourism: Pre-intermediate students’ book written by Dubicka and O’keeffe (2003) through a case study, and corpus-driven method as a research methodology. Therefore, this study aims to investigate to what extent the EAP course book designed for tourism titled English for international tourism (EIT) is compatible with a corpus-driven formulaic approach. Findings show that this EAP textbook falls fairly short of presenting the necessary formulas as frequently employed in tourism English. Supplementing such materials with corpora and the formulaic they provide may boost the quality of EAP education and practice


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    The language structures of standard English may change for some local area. Such as, Malaysia, Singapore and it involves Indonesia. We have to dig deeper understanding of the language used, especially for the ungrammatical utterance both spoken or written. It has also been tried by teachers while they are guided the students in class by varying and modifying the learning technique or method used. In fact, the grammatical processes and illocutionary acts are still found during speaking activity. This study aims to analyse the clause used in EFL class in which mood and speaker’s intent do not match while speaking and identify the exact meaning of it. The findings show the declarative, interrogative, or imperative clause of mood has other Illocutionary acts used during speaking that was for directive, providing a threat, exclaiming, giving command, advice and conveying a negative statement. This result is supported by the generalization of mood of clause to the speaker’s act that relate to the local language structure and its meaning which has differences with standard English.Keywords:Functional grammar, Interpersonal exchanges, Communicative act


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon kelas XI TPM 1 sebanyak 26 orang sebagai sampel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode ex-post facto, pengambilan data dilakukan melalui pengisian angket atau kuesioner motivasi belajar dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik kuantitatif statistika deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini secara keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon kelas XI TPM 1 sebesar 58% termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar sangat berpengaruh dalam pembelajaran matematika.Kata Kunci: Motivasi Belajar, Pembelajaran Matematika, Metode Ex-Post Fact


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    AbstrakThe research attempted to investigate the use of role-play and the effect of student’spersonality in improving speaking skills. This study used a factorial design consisting of thepre-test-post-test for the control and experimental group design. Thirty-two extrovert studentsand thirty-two introvert students participated in this study. In collecting the data, I usedquestionnaires, and pre-test – post-test. Questionnaires are given to the students to identifytheir personality types whether they are extrovert or introvert one. Because it analyzed morethan one independent variable, so the appropriate analysis calculation used Two-wayANOVA formula that calculated by using an SPSS program.The findings showed that role-plays and interviews was effective to improve student’sspeaking skills that influenced by their personalities, which were extrovert and introvert type.Besides that, I would like to give some suggestions for further research from the wholeactivities of the research done. The teacher should acknowledge by identifying and mayclassifying individuals by giving them questionnaire before teaching learning process.Therefore, teacher could apply appropriate strategies to help them counteract these feelings infun and friendly situation in class which could reduce student’s feelings of anxiety, intalkative, shyness or nervous.Key words: Role-plays, Student’s Personalities, Students


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    [email protected] study was to explore the effectiveness of jigsaw in the teaching Structure IV. It wasassumed that by using jigsaw, there would be more attention, effort, and cooperation both teacher andstudents in learning process. By conducting this study, the writers expected that Jigsaw could improvestudent’s understanding and finding the student’s perception of Jigsaw used. This study was quasiexperiment. The subject was the students of the second year of English Department in Unswagati. Thedata was collected through questionnaire and test then it was analyzed by using SPSS program. Theresult showed that jigsaw could improve student’s understanding in passive voice. However, theymissed main point, that was missed the use of participle form and being difficult to recognize activeand passive meaning. Meanwhile, the result of student’s questionnaire showed significantimprovement, they could be a “teacher†by speaking up their idea; ask and clarify the questions withtheir group.Keywords: Jigsaw, Structure IV, GrammarPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi efektivitas jigsaw dalam mengajarStructure IV. Hal ini diasumsikan bahwa dengan menggunakan jigsaw, akan ada lebihbanyak perhatian, usaha, dan kerja sama baik guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran.Dengan melakukan penelitian ini, penulis berharap Jigsaw dapat meningkatkan pemahamansiswa dan menemukan persepsi siswa dari penggunaan Jigsaw. Penelitian ini berbentuk quasieksperimen. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat dua jurusan BahasaInggris di Unswagati. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner dan tes yang kemudiandianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jigsawdapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam passive voice. Namun, ada beberapa poinutama yang mereka salah dalam mengerjakan, seperti penggunaan bentuk participle dan sulituntuk mengenali arti aktif dan pasif. Sementara itu, hasil angket siswa menunjukkanpeningkatan yang signifikan, mereka mampu menjadi "guru" dengan mengungkapkan ide-idemereka; bertanya dan memperjelas pertanyaan dengan kelompok mereka