146 research outputs found


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    Urban society with high mobility prefer to visit tourist attractions to enjoy the natural tourist attraction. One of the tourist villages developed enough in Boyolali district is Samiran Tourism Village. This Tourism Village located in Selo, between the slopes of Mount Merapi and Merbabu. This study aims to determine the pattern of community change with the village of Samiran into a tourist village, the level of visitor satisfaction, and village tour manager. This research used survey method to visitor / village tour manager and proportional stratified random sampling technique with sampling of linkage research approach at Samiran tourism village were ask for participation of visitor / village tour manager to assess service organization and to assess service quality between visitor and manager. This study were found that quality of service in Samiran tourist village is given able to increase customer / visitor satisfaction as well as to increase income from society that support the existence of tourist village in sustainable development. Key: tourism village, pattern of community change, sustainable development


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    Kairatu Barat is one of the sub-districts in Maluku that produce diversity of local staple foods. In this area, the local food has multiple functions as both staple food and potential business development. This study aims to analyze the potential of food development, food consumption patterns related to the food security, and the factors that influence food security in the Kairatu Barat. The methods that the writer uses in this analysis are Location Quotient (LQ), energy contribution on Desirable Dietary Pattern (DDP), and multiple regression analysis method. The results of this study indicate that sago and sweet potato are the most superior commodities. The LQ value shows that sago is equal to 1.13. Meanwhile the value of sweet potato is 2.04. Moreover, the basic commodities in Kairatu Barat are also become a great business opportunities. The average energy contribution of the respondent households in the grain food group is 1,145 kcal whereas the tuber group is 146 kcal. The energy contribution of staple food in Kairatu Barat is higher than the ideal contribution. In addition, the culture of eating, the division of feeding in the family, nutrition and work knowledges are the factors that have a significant effect on food security


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    Ikan nila merupakan komoditas yang banyak dikembangkan karena permintaan yang tinggi akibat rasa dagingnya yang lezat, harga yang relatif stabil, dan pemeliharaan nya yang tidak sulit. Kerupuk kulit ikan nila merupakan salah satu produk olahan yang dihasilkan dari ikan nila. Camilan ini diproduksi oleh salah satu usaha di Kabupaten Pemalang, tepatnya di Jalan Belik-Watukumpul KM 7, Dusun Gunungjaya, RT 07 RW 01, Kecamatan Belik. Usaha ini ialah UMKM Pandawa dengan produk unggulannya berupa Kerupuk Kulit Ikan Nila atau terkenal dengan KRULILA. Produk ini menerapkan konsep zero waste, dimana memanfaatkan limbah kulit ikan nila yang tidak terpakai akibat sisa proses produk makanan yang lain. Adapun permasalahan yang dialami oleh mitra yaitu pemasaran produk. Produk kurang bisa menjangkau market yang luas, meskipun memang produk sudah bisa mencapai luar kota. Namun jika dimaksimalkan, produk dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih lebar. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh branding, packaging maupun kualitas produk itu sendiri. Maka dari itu, produk harus diproduksi secara maksimal agar layak untuk mencakup semua pasar. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk pemasaran produk ialah packaging. Dimana mitra masih menggunakan sealer konvensional untuk mengemas produk nya dan menyebabkan kualitas yang ada menjadi menurun akibat sealer konvensional ini tidak bisa mengemas dengan maksimal. Alat yang dibutuhkan untuk mengganti sealer konvensional ini adalah Vacuum Sealer Nitrogen. Alat ini menunjang produksi dengan berbagai kegunaan seperti memperpanjang umur simpan makanan, menjaga kesegaran rasa dan aroma makanan, serta dengan bentuk kemasan yang ramping setelah di vakum dapat mengurangi volume kemasan pada saat penyusunan kedalam kotak. Kata kunci — Camilan, Kerupuk Kulit Ikan Nila, Krulila, Teknologi Vacuum Sealer Nitroge

    Kandungan Pestisida Organoklorin Daging Ayam Roiler Yang Diberi Gulma Salvinia Molesta Rawa Pening Sebagai Campuran Pakan (Organochlorine Content of Broiler Administered with S. Molesta Containing Feed of Rawa Pening's Weed)

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    The goal of this research is to examine whether there is an effect of giving S. molesta weed in Rawa Pening as the composition for brolier chicken ration. The ration contains of organochlorine pesticides. Material given in this research are chicken meats from 16 cut up of the chickens. These chicken are from 100 broiler chickens strain Lohman which have been raised for about 42 days. The approximate mass of chicken body for each chicken is about 1 up to 1.5 kilograms. This reserach used several stages. The stages are preparation and raising the chickens, cutting up the chickens, preparation for the samples, and the analysis by using Gas Chromatography (CG) procedure. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens is Complete Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0 % of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6 % of S. molesta; T2 = Broiler ration with 12 % of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18 % of S. molesta). The analysis for total organochlorine used 16 samples of chicken meats with 4 treatments by 4 times random repetitions. The analysis for the organochlorine profile used 4 samples of chicken Broiler meat by 4 treatments. The data about the content of total organochlorine was analyzed with F test (One Way Anova) in significant range (α) = 0.05. Then, continuing the analysis was by using double region test Duncan, processing of the data was used SPSS 16.0 program. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the ration with treatment until 18 % for the broiler chicken has affected (P<0.05) towards organochlorine for chicken meat. The total analysis in organochlorine shows that there is a siginicant increase. The increasing data are 0.05 ppm; 0.09 ppm; 0.14 ppm; dan 0.18 ppm. It has been stated that all the analysis for organochlorine profile for all the giving ration could not be detected because the result was still beyond the detection limit

    KARAKTERISTIK SUSUT MASAK DAN HEDONIK SOSIS DAGING DADA DAN PAHA KALKUN (Meleagris gallopavo) (Cooking Loss and Hedonic Characteristic of Turkey Sausage (Meleagris gallopavo) Based on Breast and Thigh Meat)

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    This study aims to determine the differences in the quality of cooking and hedonic losses based on commercial cuts of the carcass. The benefit of this research is to increase the diversification of food products based on turkey livestock and to obtain information regarding the different treatment of commercial carcass cuts on the quality of processed turkey meat. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 treatments of commercial pieces of carcass and thighs with 4 repetitions. The treatments given were (T1) breast meat and (T2) thigh meat. The parameters tested were cooking and hedonic losses which consisted of taste, aroma, color, texture, and overall. The results showed that the commercial cut of the carcass affected showing differences in the quality of cooking loss and hedonic quality of turkey sausage. Panelists liked the commercial cut sausages of breast carcass and gave the result that breast treatment could reduce cooking losses and thus increase the economic value of the product
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