15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak  :  Keberadaan  air  lindi  yang  dihasilkan  TPA  Sarimukti  mengakibatkan  pencemaran  lingkungan perairan. Pembuangan jenis sampah yang beraneka macam ini memungkinkan air lindi menagdung zat beracun dan logam berat, terutama timbal (Pb), kadmium (Cd), tembaga (Cu), dan kromium (Cr). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bertujuan memperoleh gambaran profil logam timbal (Pb), kadmium (Cd), tembaga (Cu), kromium (Cr) dan mengetahui kecenderungan konsentrasi logam tersebut di air dan sedimen setelah menerima efluen air lindi TPA Sarimukti.  Konsentrasi  logam berat  dianalisis  dengan  Atomic  Absorption  Spectrophotometry  (AAS). Preparasi sampel air dilakukan dengan metode pemekatan asam nitrat (SNI 6989.17:2009) sedangkan untuk sedimen digunakan ekstraksi asam (EPA Method 200.2, 1994). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat Pb, Cd, Cu, dan Cr dalam air setelah menerima efluen utama TPA Sarimukti (Titik 2) terjadi peningkatan yang siginifikan dimana sebelum menerima efluen tersebut: 0,0031 ppm; < 0,001 ppm; 0,0001 ppm; 0,0094 ppm sedangkan setelah menerima efluen (Titik 3) : 0,0228 ppm; 0,0043 ppm, 0,0495 ppm, 0,1767 ppm. Sementara, pada sedimen sungai, konsentrasi logam berat Pb, Cd, Cu, dan Cr sebelum menerima efluen tersebut: 1,57 ppm; 0,23 ppm; 18,36 ppm; 13,66 ppm, sedangkan setelah menerima efluen (Titik 3) : 1,92 ppm; 0,17 ppm; 16,99 ppm; 9,82 ppm. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa masukan efluen lindi cenderung meningkatkan logam berat dalam air dibandingkan dengan sedimen. Konsentrasi logam dalam sedimen cenderung lebih tinggi daripada dalam air. Hal ini dapat disebabkan adsorpsi logam berat ke dalam sedimen.Kata kunci : TPA Sarimukti, air lindi, logam berat, profil, air, sedimen Abstract : The presence of landfill leachate generated Sarimukti cause water pollution.  Variation types of disposal waste allows leachate containing toxic substances and heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr). The purpose of this study is aimed to obtain the profile picture of the metal lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr) and identify trends that metal concentrations in water and sediment after receiving effluent landfill leachate Sarimukti. Concentrations of heavy metals were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Sample preparation was conducted by the water concentration of nitric acid (SNI 6989.17:2009) while for the sediment used acid extraction (EPA Method 200.2, 1994). The results of this study indicate that the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, and Cr in the water after receiving primary effluent landfill Sarimukti (Point 2) a significant increase before receiving effluent which is: 0,0031 ppm; 0,001 ppm; 0,0001 ppm ; 0,0094 ppm, while after receiving the effluent (point 3): 0,0228 ppm; 0,0043 ppm; 0,0495 ppm; 0,1767 ppm. Meanwhile, the sediments, concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, and Cr before receiving such effluents: 1.57 ppm, 0.23 ppm, 18.36 ppm, 13.66 ppm, while after receiving the effluent (Point 3) : 1.92 ppm, 0.17 ppm, 16.99 ppm, 9.82 ppm. It can be concluded that the effluent leachate tends to increase the input of heavy metals in water compared with the sediment. Metal concentrations in sediments tend to be higher than in water. This could be due to the adsorption of heavy metals in sediments.Keywords : Sarimukti landfill, leachate, heavy metals, profiles, water, sedimen

    Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting Untuk Diagnosis Gejala Diabetes Mellitus

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    Penyakit diabetes mellitus merupakan kondisi dimana tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi insulin secara efektif sehingga terjadilah kelebihan gula dalam darah. Diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat indonesia. Penyakit ini juga termasuk dalam penyakit berbahaya yang dapat menimbulkan kematian pada penderitanya. Tidak hanya orang dewasa yang dapat terserang penyakit diabetes mellitus, bahkan anak-anak pun bisa saja mengidap penyakit ini. Kebanyakan masyarakat kurang sadar akan bahaya penyakit diabetes mellitus dan tidak mengetahui bahwa dirinya juga berkemungkinan mengidap penyakit ini. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penyakit diabetes mellitus disertai dengan keterbatasan biaya dan waktu untuk berkonsultasi ke dokter. Maka dari itu di penelitian ini penulis ingin membuat suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat membantu masyarakat mendiagnosis gejala penyakit diabetes mellitus sejak dini. Penerapkan metode pada penelitian ini ialah metode penjumlahan terbobot yang sering juga dikenal dengan istilah metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Metode ini biasanya digunakan untuk menentukan kriteria dan pembobotan nilai, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat mengetahui bahwa dirinya mungkin terjangkit diabetes mellitus sehingga tidak terlambat dalam menanganinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah pengelompokan hasil perhitungan yang nantinya akan dijadikan sebagai diagnosis gejala diabetes melitus berdasarkan tingkat resikonya.Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that occurs when the body is unable to produce sufficient amounts of insulin and causes glucose to build up in the blood. Diabetes Mellitus is a well-known disease in Indonesia. It is classified as a dangerous disease that can cause death to the patient. It threatens not only adults but also children. Most people lack of awareness about the threat of diabetes mellitus and whether they could have and not know it. It’s because people barely have the knowledge about diabetes mellitus also barely have the time and money to consult to a doctor.  Therefore in this study the researcher wanted to create a decision support system that can help people diagnose the symptoms of diabetes mellitus at an early age. The research method that used in this study is the weighted addition method, also known as Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). This method is usually used to determine the criteria and preferred weight values, which later is expected to let the people know whether they may have diabetes mellitus so they could treat it immediately. The result of this study is the grouping of the calculation results which will be used as a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus symptoms based on the level of risk


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    Sungai Talawaan merupakan salah satu sungai di Minahasa Utara yang pernah meluap dan membanjiri beberapa daerah yang dilewati oleh sungai Talawaan yang sebagian besar merupakan pemukiman masyarakat dan lahan pertanian. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan data mengenai besar debit banjir dan tinggi muka air yang dapat terjadi.Analisis dilakukan dengan mencari hujan rencana menggunakan metode Log Pearson III. Adapun data hujan yang digunakan berasal dari pos hujan Talawaan. Data curah hujan yang digunakan adalah data curah hujan harian maksimum dari tahun 2002 s/d 2014. Debit rencana menggunakan simulasi hujan aliran dengan metode HSS SCS menggunakan bantuan program computer HEC-HMS. Debit rencana hasil simulasi HEC-HMS menjadi masukkan dalam program computer HEC-RAS untuk simulasi muka air pada penampang yang telah di ukur.Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa penampang pada STA 0 + 0 tidak dapat menampung debit banjir kala ulang 100 tahun.  Kata kunci: Debit Banjir Rencana, Tinggi Muka Air, HEC-HMS, HEC-RA

    Penciptaan Buku Novel Graphic Punakawan sebagai Upaya Pengenalan Warisan Budaya Kepada Anak-anak

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    Puppet is one of the top works of art and culture of Indonesia's most prominent among many other works of art. Clown character itself is essentially a manifestation of some form and the human characters have a lot of value - the value of philosophy that implies about the character and the treatment of human actions. Punakawan consists of Semar, Petruk, and Bagong Gareng. Children learn faster, more active and happy or laughing, motor skills that encourage children to be active play with entertainment, because it plays a dominant form. Lack of insight into children's knowledge about puppetry and inedible by age in this modern era, because the preservation of cultures is increasingly lost. Because the Graphic Novel narrative, if for kids is easy to understand. Some of the above problems underlying "Graphic Novel Design Punakawan As Efforts Introduction Cultural Heritage". By using media Graphic Novel book that is easily digested, so that children will be able to easily recognize and learn the cultural values contained in the puppet characters, so that the preservation of ancestral culture can be maintained back as well as a recognition of cultural heritage

    Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia

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    This paper aims to assess the roadway stability of the PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri (GDM) underground coal mine. A numerical analysis method using 3D finite difference code (FLAC 3D) was used to investigate the failure zone behavior of the roadway at various overburden depths (50 m, 100 m, 200 m, and 300 m). The outcome of this research was the most appropriate support system of the roadway. The results of numerical analyses indicated that the excavation depth affected the thickness of failure zone, and the capacity of the support system was significantly associated with an increase of the overburden depth. Steel set, cablebolt, and rockbolt supports were assessed in this paper. The steel set is selected as the main support system in GDM coal mine, and it is effective to stabilize the roof and sidewalls of the roadway until 200 m depth. As the failure zone becomes larger at the deeper sites, the cablebolt support is introduced to control the floor stability, and the use of rockbolt in combination with steel set is suggested to support the roof and sidewalls