10 research outputs found

    Identification of Glucogenic Amino Acids Content in Gliricidia maculata as an Alternative Energy Source for High-Yielding Periparturient Dairy Cows

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    Gliricidia maculata which has long been used as a forage for animal feed may contain a variety of glucogenic amino acids variants. The objective of this study was to identify the glucogenic amino acids content in Gliricidia maculata as an alternative source of energy for high-yielding periparturient dairy cows. The samples were the edible portion of plants, harvested randomly at the optimal cutting age (80 days), from the feed plant collection garden of The Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Lyophilization was carried out by drying the samples at 55°C for 3 x 24 hours continouesly in a Sanyo Drying Oven MOV-112. Pulverization was done by the Foss Tecator CyclotecTM 1093 Sample Mill with 300 mesh (1 mm screen). The hydrolysis of amino acid was carried out using HCl solution while amino acid derivatization used O-phtalaldehyde (OPA) solution. Separation, determination, and quantification of amino acid were carried out by an analytical method in gradient elution using the Thermo ScientificTM DionexTM UltiMateTM 3000 UHPLC Systems with Rapid Separation Fluorescence Detector. Result showed there were at least fourteen kinds of amino acids identified from the samples, i.e.: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, histidine, glycine, arginine, alanine, tyrosin, methionine, valine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine. Gliricidia maculata contains 1349 ppm glucogenic amino acids, 412.7 ppm ketogenic amino acids and 444.7 ppm glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids. Moreover, there were three types of glucogenic amino acids with the highest concentration were serine (288.7 ppm), glutamic acid (245.5 ppm) and phenylalanine (197.1 ppm) respectively. Glucogenic amino acids can be used as an energy source for dairy cows through gluconeogenesis. This study suggests that Gliricidia maculata may use to supply the precursors of energy for high-yielding periparturient dairy cows to prevent ketosis

    Genomic Characterization of Methanomicrobiales Reveals Three Classes of Methanogens

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    BACKGROUND:Methanomicrobiales is the least studied order of methanogens. While these organisms appear to be more closely related to the Methanosarcinales in ribosomal-based phylogenetic analyses, they are metabolically more similar to Class I methanogens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In order to improve our understanding of this lineage, we have completely sequenced the genomes of two members of this order, Methanocorpusculum labreanum Z and Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1, and compared them with the genome of a third, Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1. Similar to Class I methanogens, Methanomicrobiales use a partial reductive citric acid cycle for 2-oxoglutarate biosynthesis, and they have the Eha energy-converting hydrogenase. In common with Methanosarcinales, Methanomicrobiales possess the Ech hydrogenase and at least some of them may couple formylmethanofuran formation and heterodisulfide reduction to transmembrane ion gradients. Uniquely, M. labreanum and M. hungatei contain hydrogenases similar to the Pyrococcus furiosus Mbh hydrogenase, and all three Methanomicrobiales have anti-sigma factor and anti-anti-sigma factor regulatory proteins not found in other methanogens. Phylogenetic analysis based on seven core proteins of methanogenesis and cofactor biosynthesis places the Methanomicrobiales equidistant from Class I methanogens and Methanosarcinales. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our results indicate that Methanomicrobiales, rather than being similar to Class I methanogens or Methanomicrobiales, share some features of both and have some unique properties. We find that there are three distinct classes of methanogens: the Class I methanogens, the Methanomicrobiales (Class II), and the Methanosarcinales (Class III)

    Identifikasi Metafora ‘3 Peristiwa’ dalam puisi esai Sidang Raya Agama – yang Tampak, dan yang Hakekat Karya Denny J.A: Kajian Metafora Paul Ricoeur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi metafora ‘3 Peristiwa’ dalam puisi esai Sidang Raya Agama – Yang Tampak, dan Yang Hakekat Karya Denny J.A dengan menggunakan kajian metafora Paul Ricoeur. Pendekatan penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik baca dan teknik catat. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis data yang dilakukan Royyan Julian. Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu menunjukkan bahwa ‘3 Peristiwa’ ini hampir sama dan bersinergi. Hal ini bahwa antara satu peristiwa satu dengan peristiwa yang lainnya menunjukkan suatu keterhubungan. Jika peristiwa pertama menunjukkan jualan agama atau konsumerisme dari dakwah dan lain sebagainya. Peristiwa kedua menunjukkan kondisi sosial atau pluralitas. Sedangkan yang ketiga merupakan interpretasi atau penafsiran. Melalui interpretasi subjektif atau personal. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengertian terhadap fenomena agama diartikan secara verba atau jasmaniah saja. Dari ketiga peristiwa tersebut merupakan suatu bentuk halusinasi atau perumpamaan atas pemahaman kondisi keagamaan

    Respon Koefisien Toleransi Panas Kambing Perah Saanen terhadap Indeks Suhu dan Kelembaban Lingkungan pada Manajemen Pemeliharaan di BBPTU-HPT Baturraden

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon koefisien toleransi panas atau heattolerance coefficient (HTC) kambing perah Saanen terhadap indeks suhu dan kelembabanlingkungan atau temperature humidity index (THI) pada manajemen pemeliharaan di BBPTUHPTBaturraden. Data fisiologis ternak yang meliputi suhu tubuh dan frekuensi respirasi dari 14ekor kambing perah Saanen laktasi dan data lingkungan yang meliputi suhu dan kelembabandigunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data fisiologis ternak dan data lingkungan masing-masingdiukur 4 kali setiap hari selama 2 bulan, masing-masing pada pukul 06.00, 09.00, 12.00, dan15.00 WIB. Nilai HTC ditentukan berdasarkan formula Benezra sedangkan nilai THI diperolehdengan menentukan indeks suhu dan kelembaban lingkungan berdasarkan tabel THI. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan rerata suhu tubuh sebesar 38,62?C dengan rerata frekuensi respirasi87,69 kali per menit serta rerata nilai HTC sebesar 2,02. Rerata suhu dan kelembabanlingkungan masing-masing adalah 22,83?C dan 84%. Analisis statistik menggunakan model KarlPearson menunjukkan koefisien korelasi momen hasil kali antara nilai THI terhadap nilai HTCsebesar 0,064 (P<0,01), artinya terdapat hubungan yang nyata antara nilai THI dengan nilaiHTC pada susu kambing perah Saanen laktasi. Tingginya nilai THI berakibat pada tingginya nilaiHTC. Semakin tinggi nilai HTC maka semakin banyak energi yang dibutuhkan oleh seekorternak untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya

    Review of menopausal palpitations measures

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