44 research outputs found

    Effects of Delayed Finishing/Polishing on Surface Roughness, Hardness and Gloss of Tooth-Coloured Restorative Materials

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of delayed finishing/polishing on the surface roughness, hardness and gloss of tooth-coloured restorative materials. Methods: Four different tooth-coloured restoratives: a flowable resin composite- Tetric Flow, a hybrid resin composite- Venus, a nanohybrid resin composite- Grandio, and a polyacid modified resin composite- Dyract Extra were used. 30 specimens were made for each material and randomly assigned into three groups. The first group was finished/polished immediately and the second group was finished/polished after 24 hours. The remaining 10 specimens served as control. The surface roughness of each sample was recorded using a laser profilometer. Gloss measurements were performed using a small-area glossmeter. Vickers microhardness measurements were performed from three locations on each specimen surface under 100g load and 10s dwell time. Data for surface roughness and hardness were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis test and data for gloss were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (P .05). The lowest hardness values were found under Mylar strip. Delayed finishing/polishing significantly increased the hardness of all materials. Conclusions: The effect of delayed finishing/polishing on surface roughness, gloss and hardness appears to be material dependent.PubMe

    Beyazlatma sonrasında antioksidan uygulamasının minenin bağlanma kuvvetine etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, % 10 sodyum askorbat (SA), %6.5 üzüm çekirdeği özü (ÜÇÖ) ve % 10 alfa-tokoferol (α-TP)’ ün farklı uygulama sürelerinde, beyazlatılmış mineye, adeziv rezin simanın makaslama bağlanma kuvvetini değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: 108 adet insan üst santral dişi 9 gruba ayrılmıştır (n:12). Kontrol grubu dışındaki bütün gruplara % 40’lık hidrojen peroksit (HP) kullanarak beyazlatma işlemi uygulanmıştır. Gruplar; GK: Beyazlatma uygulanmadan restorasyon yapılan (kontrol grubu), GB: Beyazlatma yapıldıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, GT7g: Yapay tükürükte 7 gün bekledikten sonra restorasyon yapılan, GSA15: 15 dakika süreyle % 10 SA uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, GSA60: 60 dakika süreyle % 10 SA uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, Gα-TP15: 15 dakika süreyle % 10 α-TP uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, Gα-TP60: 60 dakika süreyle % 10 α-TP uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, GÜÇÖ15: 15 dakika süreyle % 6.5 ÜÇÖ uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan, GÜÇÖ60: 60 dakika süreyle %6.5 ÜÇÖ uygulandıktan sonra restorasyon yapılan. Antioksidan uygulamasından hemen sonra, indirekt restorasyonlar adeziv rezin simanla diş yüzeyine bağlanmıştır. Örnekler distile suda 24 saat 37°C’de bekletildikten sonra, makaslama bağlanma kuvveti testi yapılmıştır. Kırılma tipleri stereomikroskop altında değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler tek yönlü varyans analizi, Levene ve Tukey HSD testleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır (

    Türk ceza kanununda aile hukukundan kaynaklanan yükümlülüklerin ihlali

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    5271 Sayılı Ceza Muhakemesi Kanununda Hâkimin Yasaklılığı Reddi ve Çekinmesi

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    The impartiality of a judge is not only a quality of judges, but is also one of the fundamental rights of the accused accepted in criminal proceedings. Therefore, one of the opportunities given to the accused in exercising his right to an independent and impartial trial, which is the basic element of a fair trial, is to be able to demand the rejection of a judge. The judge cannot be forced to take a case in the presence of certain circumstances. Therefore, the judge's recusal of himself was also accepted. In this study, the assurances of the impartiality of the judge organized in law 5271 were tried to be evaluated. In line with the regulations of the German Criminal Procedure, it was accepted that according to the regulations made in the CMK, the judge would not be impartial in the case in the presence of certain circumstances. In the presence of these cases the judge is forbidden to look at the case. Despite this prohibition, the judge's handling of the case was clearly considered unlawful and it was regulated that the decision should be reversed. It also allows the legislator to refuse the judge if there is any doubt that the judge cannot act impartially during the trial. There is no need to prove with absolute evidence that the judge cannot be impartial. The authority to be examined will evaluate this with conscientious conviction. The judge is obliged to supervise himself in cases where he is prohibited from handling the case. In the presence of such a situation, he must ex officio avoid the case. It is also possible for the judge to request that he / she hesitate if there are situations in which he thinks he cannot be impartial. Judge's withdrawal request is examined and decided by the competent authority. In this study, it is tried to evaluate judges' prohibition conditions one by one. Again, the rules of procedure for the refusal and the refusal of the judge have been assessed by past regulations. An attempt was made to evaluate the judgments of the ECtHR and the comparative law on the subject, and criticisms and suggestions regarding the regulations in the CMK numbered 5271 were presented.Hâkimin tarafsızlığı sadece hâkimlerin bir niteliği değildir, aynı zamanda sanığın ceza muhakemesinde kabul gören en temel haklarından biridir. Bu nedenle adil yargılanmanın temel unsuru olan bağımsız ve tarafsız bir mahkemede yargılanma hakkını kullanmasında sanığa tanınan imkânlardan biri hâkimin reddini talep edebilmektir. Yine hâkim de belirli hallerin varlığında davaya bakmaya zorlanamaz. Bu nedenle hâkimin çekinmesi de kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada 5271 sayılı Ceza Muhakemesi Kanunu’nda (CMK) düzenlenen hâkimin tarafsızlığının güvenceleri değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Alman Ceza muhakemesinde yer alan düzenlemelere paralel olarak, CMK’da yapılan düzenlemelere göre hâkimin belirli hallerin varlığında davaya bakmasında tarafsız olmayacağı karine olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu hallerin varlığında hâkimin davaya bakması yasaktır. Bu yasağa rağmen hâkimin davaya bakması açıkça hukuka aykırı olarak kabul edilmiş ve kararın bozulması gerektiği düzenlenmiştir. Yine hâkimin yargılama sırasında tarafsız davranamayacağına ilişkin şüphenin ortaya çıkması halinde, kanun koyucu taraflara hâkimi reddetme imkânı tanımaktadır. Burada hâkimin tarafsız olamayacağının kesin delillerle ispat edilmesine gerek bulunmamaktadır. İnceleme yapacak mercii bunu vicdani kanaati ile değerlendirecektir. Hâkim, davaya bakmaktan yasaklı olduğu halleri kendisi öncelikle gözetmek zorundadır. Böyle bir halin varlığında resen davadan çekinmesi gerekmektedir. Yine hâkimin tarafsız davranamayacağını düşündüğü hallerin bulunması halinde, çekinmesini talep etmesi de mümkündür. Hâkimin çekinme talebi yetkili merci tarafından incelenerek, karara bağlanır. Bu çalışmada hâkimin yasaklılık halleri tek tek göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yine hâkimin reddine ve çekinmesine ilişkin usul kuralları geçmişte yer alan düzenlemelerle değerlendirilmiştir. Konuya ilişkin AİHM kararları ve karşılaştırmalı hukuk yönünden de değerlendirme yapılmaya çalışılarak, 5271 sayılı CMK’da yer alan düzenlemelere ilişkin eleştiriler ve öneriler sunulmuştur

    Effect of Resin Infiltration and Various Etching Techniques on the Bond Strength of Sound and Demineralized Enamel

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    Purpose: The objective was to assess the effect of various etching techniques on the shear bond strength(SBS) of resin infiltrated sound/ demineralized enamel. Materials and methods: A total of 180 extracted human upper incisors' enamel surfaces were utilized. Half of these specimens underwent artificial demineralization, which involved exposing to an acidic buffer with a pH of 4.8(14 days). The remaining half of the specimens were kept in their original sound condition. Subsequently, both the sound/ demineralized specimens were divided into 6 groups according to the presence (I)/absence (NI) of resin infiltrant and etching methods (35% phosphoric acid (PA), 9% hydrofluoric acid (HFA), and Er,Cr:YSGG laser(L) (n=15): Following different etching procedures, an etch-and-rinse adhesive system was used, before the application of a nanohybrid composite to the enamel surfaces. Then all specimens were submitted to SBS test (MPa). three-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test were used for statistical analysis(p=0.05). Results: PA showed the highest SBS in the I groups compared with L and HFA groups, both in demineralized and sound enamel (p lt;0.05). On sound enamel, L showed higher SBS than HFA (p lt;0.05). On demineralized enamel, L showed similar values with HFA(p gt;0.05). In the NI groups, L showed similar SBS to HFA on both demineralized and sound enamel(p gt;0.05). Conclusion:Resin-infiltrated enamel can be etched by 35% phosphoric acid without jeopardize bond strength

    The influence of blood and/or hemostatic agent contamination on Micro-TBS to dentin

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    WOS: 000353474900001Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of blood contamination and hemostatic agent Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS: Ankaferd Drug Inc, Istanbul, Turkey) on the microtensile bond strength of a self-etching adhesive. Material and methods: Flat dentin surfaces were created from 40-M teeth and randomly divided to four groups according to contamination and adhesive procedure. The specimens of Group 1 are contaminated with blood; ABS was applied to the specimens of Group 2 after blood contamination and applied to the specimens of Group 3 without blood contamination. Group 4 is control group and self-etching adhesive was applied to all specimens. Teeth were restored with a nanohybrid composite. The specimens were sectioned to the beams and microtensile testing was carried out and the data were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance test. Tukey's honestly significant difference post hoc test was also performed for multiple comparisons to compare subgroups. Results: Group 4 had the highest strength value, followed by Group 3, while Group 1, which contacts only with blood, had the lowest strength value. Conclusion: ABS has a negative effect on the bond strength of one-step self-etching adhesive system

    Thoracopancreatic fistula: imaging findings (case report)

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    Thoracopancreatic fistula is a rare complication of acute and chronic pancreatitis caused by an inflammatory or traumatic injury to the main pancreatic duct or side branches. Rupture of the duct into the pleura, pericardium, and mediastinum may present as a pancreaticopleural fistula, mediastinal pseudocyst, pancreaticobronchial or pancreticopericardial fistula. We present the imaging findings in a rare case of thoracopancreatic fistula caused by recurrent pancreatitis

    Effect Of Chewing Gums With Xylitol, Sorbitol And Xylitol-Sorbitol On The Remineralization And Hardness Of Initial Enamel Lesions In Situ

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of three chewing gums and paraffin on the remineralization and the hardness of demineralized enamel. Materials and Methods: A total of 12 subjects wore intraoral palatal appliances with two demineralized bovine enamel slabs. The study consisted of four experimental periods each lasting 21-days, during which subjects were assigned to one of three gum-chewing regimens: gum containing sorbitol, xylitol and a mixture of sorbitol and xylitol and with paraffin as control. The appliances were worn during gum-chewing for 20 min and then retained for 20 min 4 times/day. The slabs were subjected to energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis and surface microhardness measurements before in setting into the appliance and after the experimental period. The data were subjected to analysis of variance for repeated measures. A P 0.05). No significant difference was found among the groups either for the baseline measurements or after chewing periods (P > 0.05). All groups showed higher microhardness values after the chewing periods than the baseline except for the Vivident Xylit group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The chewing of gum had no effect on the Ca/P ratio of demineralized enamel surfaces. The hardening of the demineralized enamel surfaces may vary according to the type of chewing gum.PubMe

    The effect of dentin desensitizers, and Nd:YAG laser pre-treatment on microtensile bond strength of self-adhesive resin cement to dentin

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    PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if pre-treatment with desensitizers have a negative effect on microtensile bond strength before cementing a restoration using recently introduced self-adhesive resin cement to dentin. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Thirty-five human molars' occlusal surfaces were ground to expose dentin; and were randomly grouped as (n=5); 1) Gluma-(Glutaraldehyde/HEMA) 2) Aqua-Prep F-(Fluoride), 3) Bisblock-(Oxalate), 4) Cervitec Plus-(Clorhexidine), 5) Smart protect-(Triclosan), 6) Nd:YAG laser, 7) No treatment (control). After applying the selected agent, RelyX U200 self-adhesive resin cement was used to bond composite resin blocks to dentin. All groups were subjected to thermocycling for 1000 cycles between 5-55 degrees C. Each bonded specimen was sectioned to microbars (6 mm X 1 mm X 1 mm) (n=20). Specimens were submitted to microtensile bond strength test at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Levene's test, Kruskal Wallis One-way Analysis of Variance, and Conover's nonparametric statistical analysis were used (P.05). The microtensile bond strengths of Aqua-Prep F, and Cervitec Plus were similar to each other but significantly lower than the control group (P<.05). Bisblock showed the lowest microtensile bond strength among all groups (P<.001). Most groups showed adhesive failure. CONCLUSION. Within the limitation of this study, it is not recommended to use Aqua-prep F, Cervitec Plus and Bisblock on dentin when used with a self-adhesive resin cement due to the decrease they cause in bond strength. Beside, pre-treatment of dentin with Gluma, Smart protect, and Nd:YAG laser do not have a negative effect

    Preoperative Positron-Emision Tomography/Computed Tomography Findings in Endometrial Cancer: A Study of 30 Cases

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to find out if preoperative PET/CT could be a substitute for staging surgery and whether SUVmax values correlate with prognostic factors of endometrium cancer. Study Design: 30 patients to whom18-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT scan was performed preoperatively were analyzed retrospectively. Standardized uptake value (SUV) was calculated on PET images. PET findings were compared with surgical and pathological findings. Results: SUVmax of the endometrioid type tumors were significantly higher than non-endometrioid types (p: 0.042). SUVmax significantly differ between histologic grades (p: 0.042). SUVmax did not differ between patients who had myometrial invasion less or more than 50% and who had lymphovascular invasion or not. There was not a significant difference between SUVmax and FIGO stages also. Possibility of extra-uterine lesion in PET/CT were significantly higher in late stages (p: 0.004). Sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT for detection of beyond stage 1 disease were 50% and 67% respectively and sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT for detection of lymph node metastasis were 40% and 86% respectively. Conclusion: PET/CT has moderate sensitivity for pre-operative detection of beyond stage 1 cancers but it has a high specificity and low-moderate sensitivity for detection of lymph node metastasis but has high specificity. Because the positive likelihood ratios are relatively low, PET/CT cannot be a substitute for staging surgery