761 research outputs found

    A brief description of operators associated to the quantum harmonic oscillator on Schatten-von Neumann classes

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    In this note we study pseudo-multipliers associated to the harmonic oscillator (also called Hermite multipliers) belonging to Schatten classes on L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb{R}^n). We also investigate the spectral trace of these operators.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0090

    On the index of pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups

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    In this note we study the analytical index of pseudo-differential operators by using the notion of (infinite dimensional) operator-valued symbols (in the sense of Ruzhansky and Turunen). Our main tools will be the McKean-Singer index formula together with the operator-valued functional calculus developed here

    A note on the Fourier transform in Hölder spaces

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    En este artículo, se estudia la acotación de la transformada periódica de Fourier desde espacios de Lebesgue a Espacios Hölder. Par- ticularmente, se generaliza un resultado clásico de Bernstein.

    Multilinear analysis for discrete and periodic pseudo-differential operators in Lp-spaces

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    In this note we announce our investigation on the Lp properties for periodic and discrete multilinear pseudo-differential operators. First, we review the periodic analysis of multilinear pseudo-differential operators byshowing classical multilinear Fourier multipliers theorems (proved by Coifman and Meyer, Tomita, Miyachi, Fujita, Grafakos, Tao, etc.) in the context of periodic and discrete multilinear pseudo-differential operators. For this, we use the periodic analysis of pseudo-differential operators developed by Ruzhansky and Turunen. The s-nuclearity, 0 < s ≤ 1, for the discrete and periodic multilinear pseudo-differential operators will be investigated. To do so, we classify those s-nuclear, 0 < s ≤ 1, multilinear integral operators on arbitrary Lebesgue spaces defined on σ-finite measures spaces. Finally, we present some applications of our analysis to deduce the periodic Kato-Ponce inequality and to examine the s-nuclearity of multilinear Bessel potentialsas well as the s-nuclearity of periodic Fourier integral operators admitting suitable types of singularities.En esta nota anunciamos los resultados de nuestra investigación sobre las propiedades Lp de operadores pseudodiferenciales multilineales periódicos y/o discretos. Primero, revisaremos el análisis multilineal de tales operadores mostrando versiones análogas de los teoremas clásicos disponibles en el análisis multilineal euclidiano (debidos a Coifman y Meyer, Tomita, Miyachi, Fujita, Grafakos, Tao, etc.), pero, en el contexto de operadores periódicos y/o discretos. Se caracterizará la s-nuclearidad, 0 < s ≤ 1, para operadores multilineales pseudodiferenciales periódicos y/o discretos. Para cumplir este objetivo se clasificarán aquellos operadores lineales s-nucleares, 0 < s ≤ 1, multilineales con núcleo, sobre espacios de Lebesgue arbitrarios definidos en espacios de medida σ-finitos. Finalmente, como aplicación de los resultados presentados se obtiene la versión periódica de la desigualdad de Kato-Ponce, y se examina la s-nuclearidad de potenciales de Bessel lineales y multilineales, como también la s-nuclearidad de operadores integrales de Fourier periódicos admitiendo símbolos con tipos adecuados de singularidad

    Reduced models for linearly elastic thin films allowing for fracture, debonding or delamination

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    This work is devoted so show the appearance of different cracking modes in linearly elastic thin film systems by means of an asymptotic analysis as the thickness tends to zero. By superposing two thin plates, and upon suitable scaling law assumptions on the elasticity and fracture parameters, it is proven that either debonding or transverse cracks can emerge in the limit. A model coupling debonding, transverse cracks and delamination is also discussed

    Weak type (1,1) bounds for a class of periodic pseudo-differential operators

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    In this work we establish the weak (1,1) continuity for pseudo-differential operators with symbols in toroidal (1, delta) classes