6,745 research outputs found

    The enhanced Software Life Cyle Support Environment (ProSLCSE): Automation for enterprise and process modeling

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    In this paper, we have introduced a comprehensive method for enterprise modeling that addresses the three important aspects of how an organization goes about its business. FirstEP includes infrastructure modeling, information modeling, and process modeling notations that are intended to be easy to learn and use. The notations stress the use of straightforward visual languages that are intuitive, syntactically simple, and semantically rich. ProSLCSE will be developed with automated tools and services to facilitate enterprise modeling and process enactment. In the spirit of FirstEP, ProSLCSE tools will also be seductively easy to use. Achieving fully managed, optimized software development and support processes will be long and arduous for most software organizations, and many serious problems will have to be solved along the way. ProSLCSE will provide the ability to document, communicate, and modify existing processes, which is the necessary first step

    Studies into the ecological energetics of the wireworm melanotus rufipes hbst. (goleoptera : elateridae)

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    The study was an investigation into the ecological energetics of the Elaterid, Melanotus rufipes Hbst. Prior to this study little was known of the biology and ecology of this animal, therefore such data were presented as background material for the bioenergetic study. Analyses of the head-width frequency distribution in relation to instar number revealed that male animals pass through fourteen instars and female animals through fifteen instars. The duration of the life cycle was found to be seven years in male and eight years in female animals, the adult stage lasting only one year. The population ecology of M. rufipes was investigated using random and "whole log" sampling techniques. The data were expressed as the annual change in numbers and biomass. To determine energy flow through a population of M. rufipes it was necessary to solve the bioenergetlc equations:- C = A + F 1. A = R + Pg + Pr + U 2. C = energy consumed A = energy assimilated F = energy egested R = energy respired Pg = energy of growth Pr = energy of reproduction U = energy of excretion (not measured) Preliminary feeding studies utilising simple food preference tests and flame photometry techniques revealed that M. rufipes larvae have a carnivorous preference. Further feeding studies culminated in the calculation of ingestion, assimilation and faeces production rates. No evidence could be found for feeding in the adult stage. A continuously recording electrolytic respirometer and Varburg apparatus were used to measure respiratory rates. This enabled the annual respiratory metabolism of larval and adult animals, to be calculated. Monthly values of oxygen consumption per unit weight of animal produced characteristic L-shaped curves. Data were presented on the respiratory loss of each instar per unit time. Further respiratory investigations were made into the effect of size upon metabolism, the effect of feeding on the respiratory rate and the release of CO(_2) from the spiracies of H. rufipes. Additional data suggested that temperature acclimatization is not manifest as a change in respiratory rate. Growth rates were calculated from laboratory and field data and expressed in the form of a growth curve. The calorific values of whole animals, eggs, faeces and food were determined using a Phillipson microbomb calorimeter. This enabled calorific equivalents to be calculated for all parameters of the bioenergetic equations and individual energy budgets were thus prescribed for each instar and the adult stage of M. rufipes. From these data a mean energy budget ("best estimate") was calculated thus: Mean ingestion (C):-19»55 k. cals/l00 L. timber/year, assimilation (A):- 17.48 k. cals/l00 L. timber/year, egestion (F):- 1.86 k. cals/l00 L. timber/year respiration (R):- 2.74 k. cals/l00 L.timber/year and growth (Pg):-4.15 k. cals/100 L. timber/year. The assimilation percentage on a calorific basis was 90.3% (cf. 86.3% by weight). The ratio of secondary production/respiration was 28.6%

    Space shuttle external tank performance improvements: The challenge

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    The external tank (ET) has been actively involved in performance improvements since the inception of the space shuttle program, primarily by weight savings. Weight savings were realized on the first block of flight articles (standard weight tank). With a need for further performance improvements, the ET Program Office was requested to develop a program to reduce tank weight an additional 6000 lb and schedule delivery of the first lightweight ET (LWT) for June 1982. The weight savings program was accomplished by: (1) a unique approach to use of factors of safety; (2) design optimization; and (3) redesign of structures with large margins of safety which resulted in an actual weight savings of 7294 lb. Additional studies have identified further weight savings which are to be implemented at appropriate times in production flow. Examples are an improved thermal protection system for the LH2 tank aft dome and reduction of slosh baffles in the LO2 tank based on flight data. All performance improvements were compared and selected based on non-recurring and recurring cost and technical risk

    Major and minor life events as predictors of medical utilization

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    Research suggests stressful life events can negatively influence physical and mental health in a number of ways. While previous research indicates both major and minor life events contribute unique variance to the prediction of physical and mental symptoms, little research has examined the relationships of both major and minor life events with medical utilization. The current study included a predominantly African American, low-income sample of adults (N = 207) attending two primary care outpatient clinics and assessed their experience of both major and minor life events over the course of one year. Medical utilization data were collected over a subsequent four-year period and included total utilization, outpatient visits, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Hierarchical multiple regressions were used to determine if the frequency and perceived impact of major and minor stressful events predicted subsequent medical utilization in this sample of primary care patients. After controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, and number of chronic illnesses, none of the stress measures showed a significant relationship to any type of utilization in the sample as a whole. When examining only patients from the family practice clinic who had access to a regular primary care physician (N = 141), the perceived impact of minor life events made unique contributions in predicting total medical utilization and outpatient visits, such that higher perceived impact was associated with higher rates of medical services use. The frequency of minor life events was also a significant predictor of outpatient visits, with more frequent minor life events associated with greater utilization. Neither the frequency nor impact of major life events was predictive of utilization. Results indicate minor life events may influence medical utilization for some patients, although access to medical care appears to be an important variable affecting this relationship

    Scanning laser source and scanning laser detection techniques for different surface crack geometries

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    Standard test samples typically contain simulated defects such as slots machined normal to the surface. However, real defects will not always propagate in this manner; for example, rolling contact fatigue on rails propagates at around 25º to the surface, and corrosion cracking can grow in a branched manner. Therefore, there is a need to understand how ultrasonic surface waves interact with different crack geometries. We present measurements of machined slots inclined at an angle to the surface normal, or with simple branched geometries, using laser ultrasound. Recently, Rayleigh wave enhancements observed when using the scanning laser source technique, where a generation laser is scanned along a sample, have been highlighted for their potential in detecting surface cracks. We show that the enhancement measured with laser detector scanning can give a more significant enhancement when different crack geometries are considered. We discuss the behaviour of an incident Rayleigh wave in the region of an angled defect, and consider mode-conversions which lead to a very large enhancement when the detector is close to the opening of a shallow defect. This process could be used in characterising defects, as well as being an excellent fingerprint of their presence

    Farce/Farts: Divergent Styles Of Comedy In Medieval France

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    Wyrzucenie Uczty głupców z kościoła jest zwykle uznawane za moment narodzenia się farsy w średniowiecznej Francji. Uczta zapoczątkowała rozwój dwu nurtów nowej tradycji komediowej. W jej wystawieniach odgrywano odwrócenie ustalonego porządku społecznego oraz porządku kościelnego.Pierwszy nurt - farsowy - został podchwycony przez grupę aktorów, określających się jako współbracia głupców {confraternités des sots'). Przedstawienia bazują zwykle na dialogu. Ich tematyka dotyczy obyczajów, a farsowymi bohaterami są próżniaccy mężowie, gderające żony, kler albo lokalni urzędnicy. Stopniowo farsa staje się gatunkiem coraz bardziej wyrafinowanym. Kładziono większy nacisk na rozwój akcji oraz przedstawianych postaci. Za szczytową postać średniowiecznej farsy należy uznać osiągnięcia Pierra Pathelina. Jest to zarazem początek nowego francuskiego gatunku - komedie, poprzedzającej o dwa wieki Moliera.Drugi nurt wywodzący się z Uczty głupców jest charakterystyczny raczej dla karnawału niż dla scenicznej farsy. Większą rolę odgrywają w nim czyny niż słowa. W odwracaniu ustalonego porządku wykorzystuje się przebieranki i grube żarty, co odzwierciedla potrzebę uwolnienia się od opresywnego porządku społeczno-religijnego. Ta tradycja utrzymała się przez wieki zarówno w karnawale (i w dworskiej tradycji), jak też na francuskiej scenie wodewilowej w przedstawieniach takich jak Le Petomane. Dzisiaj reprezentują ją występy Tokyo Shock Boys oraz demonstracje takie jak parady gejów (np. Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras).36