111 research outputs found

    Convergence of fully discrete schemes for diffusive dispersive conservation laws with discontinuous coefficient

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    We are concerned with fully-discrete schemes for the numerical approximation of diffusive-dispersive hyperbolic conservation laws with a discontinuous flux function in one-space dimension. More precisely, we show the convergence of approximate solutions, generated by the scheme corresponding to vanishing diffusive-dispersive scalar conservation laws with a discontinuous coefficient, to the corresponding scalar conservation law with discontinuous coefficient. Finally, the convergence is illustrated by several examples. In particular, it is delineated that the limiting solutions generated by the scheme need not coincide, depending on the relation between diffusion and the dispersion coefficients, with the classical Kruzkov-Oleinik entropy solutions, but contain nonclassical undercompressive shock waves.Comment: 38 Pages, 6 figure

    Composite Bosons Mass Formula

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    A new formula is proposed to approximate the mass of a charged pion and phi meson. We only obtained an approximate relation to compute the mass in MeV measuring scale

    Artificial Nucleus with Leptons as its Constituents

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    Artificial nucleus creating model is briefly discussed using new theoretical techniques. This nuclear structure needs to be created artificially via special experimental techniques and arrangements. This note is a speculative prediction of such nuclear models which shall consists of particles of leptons group

    On The Special Strongly Interacting Baryons

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    Physics of strongly interacting particles are well known in terms of simplified mathematical models. This note mathematically shows the evidence of particles called baryons of special type, means with special quark combinations. The certainty of this paper must be an experimental approach in high energy accelerators

    Nuclear Decay Configuration

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    Nuclear physics and high energy physics experiments led to very highly precise results effectively confirming the theoretical base of the subject. The present paper proposes a theoretical justification of nuclear decay and therefore predicts a kind of weird particles. This paper essentially deals with theoretical analysis and predicts a new particle of proton decay in excited nucleus

    Congenital spinal dysraphism with infected sacrococcygeal sinus tract: need for improved awareness amongst clinicians

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    Spinal dysraphism (SD) includes a group of developmental anomalies resulting from failure of fusion of parts along dorsal aspect of midline structures lying along spinal axis from skin to vertebrae and spinal cord. There are two types of SD, open and closed. Close SD, also known as spina bifida occulta, can present with diagnostic challenges in resource limited settings where awareness regarding the condition and specialist radiological investigations, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), may not be easily available. Undiagnosed cases can potentially lead to long term morbidities. We report the case of a 13-year old boy with closed SD presenting with recurrent infections of the sacrococcygeal sinus tract which were treated with oral antibiotics for what was considered to be localized infection. Following neurosurgical assessment and spinal MRI a diagnosis of SD was made. He underwent surgical excision of the sinus tract and closure of the defect with good outcome. The case emphasizes the need for awareness regarding SD in children who have sinus tracts in the intergluteal fold with symptoms of recurrent discharge and infection

    Amyloidoza plamkowata jako powikłanie makrogruczolaka prolaktynowego przysadki — nowy związek kliniczny

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      Amyloid deposition in the pituitary gland is a rare localised form of amyloidosis, and most commonly reported with prolactinoma. Macular amyloidosis is a rare form of localised cutaneous amyloidosis of obscure aetiology. In contrast to most localised amyloidosis, the precursor protein(s) of both macular amyloidosis and prolactinoma are unknown. A 35-year-old man with chronic headache (six years), blurring of vision (three years), and hyperpigmented macular lesion involving arms, legs, and back (two years) was diagnosed to have hyperprolactinaemia (8927 ng/mL) and secondary adrenal insufficiency. MRI revealed pituitary macroadenoma compressing the optic chiasma, encasing the right carotid artery and extending into the sphenoid sinus. A biopsy of skin from the right upper arm revealed thickened stratum corneum, acanthosis, and deposition of pale eosinophilic material in papillary dermis that gave a rose pink colour under methyl-violet and appeared congophilic with Congo red stain, which under polarised light showed green birefringence, diagnostic of macular amyloidosis. Headache, bitemporal haemianopia, and skin lesion improved following cabergoline therapy. Temporal profile of the disease characterised by symptoms of macroprolactinoma preceding onset of macular amyloidosis with resolution of symptoms of macroprolactinoma, accompanied by reductions in prolactin, and concomitant improvement in macular amyloidosis with cabergoline therapy may suggest some link between macroprolactinoma and macular amyloidosis. This report intends to highlight this novel association of macular amyloidosis and macroprolactinoma. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 555–558)    Złogi amyloidu w przysadce to rzadka forma lokalizacji amyloidozy. Najczęściej występuje razem z gruczolakiem prolaktynowym przysadki. Amyloidoza plamkowata to rzadka forma skupionej amyloidozy skórnej o niewyjaśnionej etiologii. Przeciwnie do większości amyloidoz występujących w jednym miejscu, białko prekursora zarówno amyloidozy plamkowatej, jak i gruczolaka prolaktynowego pozostają nieznane. U 35-letniego mężczyzny cierpiącego na przewlekły ból głowy (od 6 lat), nieostre widzenie (od 3 lat) oraz plamkowe zmiany pigmentacyjne na rękach, nogach i plecach (od 2 lat) zdiagnozowano hiperprolaktynemię (8927 ng/ml) i wtórną niedoczynność kory nadnerczy. Badanie rezonansem magnetycznym ujawniło makrogruczolaka przysadki mózgowej, uciskającego skrzyżowanie wzrokowe, prawą tętnicę szyjną i ekspansją/rozrostem do zatoki klinowej. Biopsja skóry z górnej części prawego ramienia wykazała pogrubienie warstwy rogowej naskórka, akantozę, złogi bladego materiału kwasochłonnego w warstwie brodawkowatej skóry właściwej, które barwiły na różowo przy zetknięciu z fioletem metylowym i wydawały się podatne na barwienie czerwienią kongo, które w świetle spolaryzowanym ujawniało zieloną dwójłomność, wskazując na występowanie amyloidozy plamkowatej. Ból głowy, niedowidzenie połowicze dwuskroniowe, a także zmiany skórne uległy poprawie po zastosowaniu leczenia kabergoliną. Czas wystąpienia choroby, charakteryzującej się objawami makrogruczolaka prolaktynowego przysadki, poprzedzającymi rozpoczęcie amyloidozy plamkowatej wraz ze złagodzeniem objawów makroprolaktynomy oraz redukcją stężenia prolaktyny, a także jednoczesnej poprawie amyloidozy plamkowatej przy terapii kabergoliną może sugerować, że istnieje związek między makrogruczolakiem prolaktynowym i amyloidozą plamkowatą. Niniejszy raport ma na celu naświetlenie nowego związku między amyloidazą plamkowatą i makrogruczolakiem prolaktynowym przysadki. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 555–558)

    Methane and carbon dioxide adsorption on edge-functionalized graphene: A comparative DFT study

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    With a view towards optimizing gas storage and separation in crystalline and disordered nanoporous carbon-based materials, we use ab initio density functional theory calculations to explore the effect of chemical functionalization on gas binding to exposed edges within model carbon nanostructures. We test the geometry, energetics, and charge distribution of in-plane and out-of-plane binding of CO2 and CH4 to model zigzag graphene nanoribbons edge-functionalized with COOH, OH, NH2, H2PO3, NO2, and CH3. Although different choices for the exchange-correlation functional lead to a spread of values for the binding energy, trends across the functional groups are largely preserved for each choice, as are the final orientations of the adsorbed gas molecules. We find binding of CO2 to exceed that of CH4 by roughly a factor of two. However, the two gases follow very similar trends with changes in the attached functional group, despite different molecular symmetries. Our results indicate that the presence of NH2, H2PO3, NO2, and COOH functional groups can significantly enhance gas binding with respect to a hydrogen-passivated edge, making the edges potentially viable binding sites in materials with high concentrations of edge carbons. To first order, in-plane binding strength correlates with the larger permanent and induced dipole moments on these groups. Implications for tailoring carbon structures for increased gas uptake and improved CO2/CH4 selectivity are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Niska masa szkieletu ważnym czynnikiem predykcyjnym osteoporozy u mężczyzn zakażonych wirusem HIV w Indiach

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    Introduction: This study evaluated prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis and sarcopenia in men with HIV. Material and methods: 220 men with HIV were screened, of which 115 men, 30–50 years-age, having at least 1-year follow-up, underwent hormonal and DEXA analysis. 40 controls were also evaluated. Results: Males with HIV had significantly lower BMD and Z-scores at all sites. Osteoporosis was diagnosed in 64.35%; commonest site being radius total (49.56%), followed by radius 33% (45.21%), radius ultra distal (36.52%), lumbar spine (19.13%), neck of femur (17.39%), total femur and greater trochanter (7.82% each). HIV patients had significantly lower fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), total fat percent, bone mineral content, gynoid fat, percent skeletal muscle mass (PSMM). Men with osteoporosis had higher use of anti retroviral therapy (ART), immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), tuberculosis, lower FM, LM and PSMM. Logistic regression revealed PSMM, age and delta (Δ) CD4 count (change in CD4 count after 6–12 months of ART, compared to pre-ART) were best predictors of osteoporosis. Greater PSMM was associated with decreased osteoporosis, without adjusting for any variable (Model-1), adjusting for disease duration, tuberculosis and IRIS (Model-2), and model-2 plus gonadotropins and sex steroids (Model-3). Greater ΔCD4 count and age were associated with increased osteoporosis after adjusting for different models. Sarcopenia was observed in 40% men and none in controls. Conclusions: Men with decreased skeletal mass, age, severe immune dysfunction at diagnosis, having rapid increase in CD4 count following ART and IRIS have higher risk of osteoporosis in the long run.Introduction: This study evaluated prevalence and predictors of osteoporosis and sarcopaenia in men with HIV. Material and methods: A total of 220 men with HIV were screened, of which 115 men, 30–50 years-age, having at least one-year follow-up, underwent hormonal and DEXA analysis. Forty controls were also evaluated. Results: Males with HIV had significantly lower BMD and Z-scores at all sites. Osteoporosis was diagnosed in 64.35%, the common­est site being radius total (49.56%), followed by radius 33% (45.21%), radius ultra distal (36.52%), lumbar spine (19.13%), neck of femur (17.39%), and total femur and greater trochanter (7.82% each). HIV patients had significantly lower fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), total fat percentage, bone mineral content, gynoid fat, and percentage skeletal muscle mass (PSMM). Men with osteoporosis had higher use of anti-retroviral therapy (ART), immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), tuberculosis, and lower FM, LM, and PSMM. Logistic regression revealed that PSMM, age, and delta (Δ) CD4 count (change in CD4 count after 6–12 months of ART, compared to pre-ART) were the best predictors of osteoporosis. Greater PSMM was associated with decreased osteoporosis, without adjusting for any variable (Model-1), adjusting for disease duration, tuberculosis and IRIS (Model-2), and model-2 plus gonadotropins and sex steroids (Model-3). Greater ΔCD4 count and age were associated with increased osteoporosis after adjusting for different models. Sarcopaenia was observed in 40% of men and in none of the controls. Conclusions: Men with decreased skeletal mass, age, severe immune dysfunction at diagnosis, having rapid increase in CD4 count fol­lowing ART and IRIS have higher risk of osteoporosis in the long run. Wnioski: Mężczyźni z obniżoną masą szkieletu, w starszym wieku i z ciężkimi niedoborami immunologicznymi w czasie rozpoznania, u których następuje gwałtowny wzrost liczby limfocytów CD4 po ART i IRIS, cechują się wyższym ryzykiem osteoporozy w perspektywie długoterminowej

    Utajony fosfaturyczny guz mezenchymalny kory kości udowej powodujący osteomalację onkogenną — problemy diagnostyczne i skutki kliniczne

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    Background: Tumor induced osteomalacia (TIO) are extremely rare paraneoplastic syndrome with less than 300 reported cases. This report highlights the pitfalls and challenges in diagnosing and localizing TIO in patients with refractory and resistant osteomalacia. Patient and methods: 41- year gentleman with 4-year history of musculoskeletal weakness and pathologic fractures presented in wheelchair bound incapacitated state of 1-year duration. Investigations were significant for severe hypophosphatemia, severe phosphaturia, normal serum calcium, reduced 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin-D, elevated ALP, elevated intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), and pseudo-fractures involving pelvis and bilateral femur. Whole body MRI and 99mTc methylene diphosphonate bone-scan were also normal. Whole body FDG-PET scan involving all 4 limbs revealed a small FDG avid lesion at lateral border of lower end of left femur (SUV max 3.9), which was well characterized on 3-dimensional CT reconstruction. Plasma C-terminal fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-23 was 698 RU/ mL (normal < 150 RU/ml). Wide surgical excision of the tumor was done. Histopathology confirmed mesenchymal tumor of mixed connective tissue variant. Serum phosphorous normalized post-surgery day-1. High dose oral calcium and vitamin-D was continued. FGF-23 normalized post surgery (73RU/ml). Physical strength improved significantly and now he is able to walk independently. Conclusion: TIO is frequently confused with normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism and vitamin-D resistant rickets/osteomalacia, which increases patient morbidity. Imaging for tumor localization should involve whole body from head to tip of digits, cause these tumors are notoriously small and frequently involve digits of hands and legs. Complete surgical removal of the localized tumor is key to good clinical outcomes.Wstęp: Osteomalacja wywołana obecnością guza (tumor-induced osteomalacia, TIO) to niezwykle rzadki zespół paraneoplastyczny. Opisano dotąd tylko niecałe 300 przypadków tego zespołu. W niniejszej pracy zwrócono uwagę na błędy i problemy przy diagnozowaniu i lokalizowaniu TIO u chorych z oporną na leczenie osteomalacją. Materiał i metody: W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego w wieku 41 lat, u którego od 4 lat występowały złamania patologiczne i osłabienie układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego prowadzące do niepełnosprawności, w wyniku czego chory od roku korzystał z wózka inwalidzkiego. W badaniach stwierdzono ciężką hipofosfatemię, ciężką fosfaturię, prawidłowe stężenie wapnia w surowicy, zmniejszo­ne stężenie witaminy 1,25-dihydroksy D, podwyższoną aktywność fosfatazy zasadowej, zwiększone stężenie parathormonu w postaci całkowitej cząsteczki (intact parathyroid hormone, iPTH) oraz złamania rzekome w obrębie miednicy i obu kości udowych. W badaniu MRI całego ciała oraz scyntygrafii kości z użyciem difosforanu metylenu znakowanego technetem 99mTc nie stwierdzono nieprawidłowości. W obrazie badania FDG-PET obejmującego wszystkie 4 kończyny zauważono niewielką zmianę o zwiększonym wychwycie FDG na bocznej powierzchni dolnego końca lewej kości udowej (SUV maks. 3,9), którą dobrze scharakteryzowano w trójwymiarowej rekon­strukcji CT. Stężenie C-końcowego peptydu czynnika wzrostu fibroblastów-23 (fibroblast growth factor-23, FGF-23) wynosiło 698 RU/ml (norma &lt; 150 RU/ml). Guz usunięto chirurgicznie z szerokim marginesem. W badaniu histopatologicznym potwierdzono rozpoznanie guza mezenchymalnego — wariant mieszanej tkanki łącznej. W pierwszym dniu po operacji stwierdzono normalizację stężenia fosforu w surowicy. Kontynuowano stosowanie dużych doustnych dawek wapnia i witaminy D. Również stężenie FGF-23 unormowało się po zabiegu (73 RU/ml). U chorego zwiększyła się siła fizycznej i obecnie może on chodzić samodzielnie. Wnioski: Osteomalacja wywołana obecnością guza (TIO) jest często mylona z normokalcemiczną nadczynnością przytarczyc i krzywicą/ osteomalacją oporną na leczenie witaminą D, co powoduje zwiększoną chorobowość pacjentów. Badania obrazowe w celu zlokalizowa­nia guza powinny obejmować całe ciało od czubka głowy po palce u stóp, ponieważ guzy te są zwykle małe i często umiejscawiają się w obrębie palców dłoni i stóp. Całkowite chirurgiczne usunięcie guza warunkuje uzyskanie dobrego efektu leczenia