182 research outputs found

    SMEs´ absorptive capacities and large firms´ knowledge spillovers: Micro evidence from Mexico

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between large firms´ knowledge spillovers and small and medium enterprises absorptive capacities. We build ad-hoc indicators for these two concepts following a factor analysis methodology, and we carry out a structural equations analysis to determine the relationship between them. Based on firm level original data from a survey that focuses on SMEs in a Mexican locality, this paper argues that in a low-tech and mature sector, such as the machine shop sector, that operates in a loosely articulated local system, two knowledge spillover mechanisms are relevant: the backward linkages and the employees´ mobility. Regarding SMEs’ absorptive capacities they are strongly influenced by organizational capabilities and innovation and learning activities. We also argue that large firms’ knowledge spillovers are strongly correlated to SMEs absorptive capacities within the sector and locality analyzed.Absorptive capacities; Knowledge spillovers; SME-large firms interaction; Mexico

    Déterminisme ou liberté? Paradigmes scientifiques et intervention sociale

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    L'apparent enchevêtrement des théories de la société, de la personne et de l'intervention sociale peut être démêlé dès lors qu'on les rattache aux principaux paradigmes sources qui les inspirent. On découvre alors une très forte homologie de construction de ces théories à l'intérieur de chacun des quatre principaux paradigmes qui sont nés au cours du XXe siècle: fonctionnalisme (1920), habitus culturel (1960), ethnométhodo-logie (1965) et individualisme méthodologique (1980). Parce que plusieurs de ces paradigmes, parfois contradictoires, sont souvent présents dans des séquences de travail social, leur mise à jour est essentielle pour comprendre les conséquences très concrètes des actes les plus quotidiens du travail social

    Sistemas regionales de innovación: un espacio para el desarrollo de las PYMES. El caso de la industria de maquinados industriales

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    This book integrates three analytical approaches: (i) local and regional innovation systems, (ii) technological spillovers from transnational corporations, and (iii) the processes of technological learning and accumulation of technological capabilities, and creating of absorptive capacities. The literature highlights the existence of a relationship between absorptive capacity and benefiting from knowledge spillovers of transnational corporations, but the empirical evidence on this relationship is weak, particularly in developing countries. This book presents evidence that in the case of an area of mature technology, e.g. machine tools, this relations emerges. It was found that as the levels of absorptive capacities of firms are higher, particularly SMEs, it is more likely that firms benefit from spillovers. But the characteristics of this relationship depends on a number of factors, among them: the type of linkages of SMEs with their clients, the nature of innovation activities and learning undertaken by these companies, and the organizational capabilities of SMEs (particularly the formation of the owner). The methodology is based on the use of direct indicators to assess spillovers, absorptive capacities and their relationship

    Sistemas regionales de innovación: un espacio para el desarrollo de las PYMES. El caso de la industria de maquinados industriales

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    This book integrates three analytical approaches: (i) local and regional innovation systems, (ii) technological spillovers from transnational corporations, and (iii) the processes of technological learning and accumulation of technological capabilities, and creating of absorptive capacities. The literature highlights the existence of a relationship between absorptive capacity and benefiting from knowledge spillovers of transnational corporations, but the empirical evidence on this relationship is weak, particularly in developing countries. This book presents evidence that in the case of an area of mature technology, e.g. machine tools, this relations emerges. It was found that as the levels of absorptive capacities of firms are higher, particularly SMEs, it is more likely that firms benefit from spillovers. But the characteristics of this relationship depends on a number of factors, among them: the type of linkages of SMEs with their clients, the nature of innovation activities and learning undertaken by these companies, and the organizational capabilities of SMEs (particularly the formation of the owner). The methodology is based on the use of direct indicators to assess spillovers, absorptive capacities and their relationship

    Successful organizational learning in the management of agricultural research and innovation: The Mexican produce foundations

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    "Since the 1980s, developing countries' agriculture has become more complex and diversified. In general, the public research and extension institutions in these countries were criticized for not participating in the emergence of the most dynamic agricultural markets. In recent years, many of these institutions have struggled to adapt to the new environment but they could not overcome the hurdles posed by organizational rigidities, strict public regulations, deteriorating human capital, shrinking budgets and a model of science that hampered their integration into dynamic innovation processes. In general, developing countries applied similar agricultural research policies: separation of financing and implementation of research, reductions in direct budgetary allocations to research and extension institutions, elimination or major reduction of public extension, and introduction of competitive grants programs to induce a transformation of research organizations. Strong anecdotal information suggests that these policies had limited impact on the quality and pertinence of research, and on the performance of the public research institutions. Using a different set of instruments, the Mexican Produce Foundations (PF) had major and diverse impacts on the agricultural innovation and research systems. These impacts resulted mostly from activities the PF introduced as they learned to manage funds for research and extension, and to a lesser extent from the activities they were created for, i.e., manage a competitive fund for agricultural research and extension. The PF were able to introduce these activities because they developed strong abilities to learn, including identifying knowledge gaps and defining strategies to fill them. The questions this report seeks to answer are how an organization that manages public funds for research and extension could sustain organizational innovations over extended periods, and how it could learn and adapt to maximize its impact on the agricultural innovation system. Previous studies found that human resources, organizational cultures and governance structures are three of the most important factors influencing institutional change and innovative capabilities. Despite their importance, these factors have been largely neglected in the literature on agricultural research and extension policies. This document analyzes what role these factors played in the Mexican experience." from textAgricultural research, Agricultural innovation, Developing countries,

    Diferencias en la efectividad de los canales de interacción sobre los beneficios obtenidos por investigadores y empresas en México.

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    It is widely recognized that universities and public research centers, hereinafter referred to public research organizations (PROs) are producers and transmitters of knowledge, and as such can make important contributions both to increase the economic performance of firms and to solve societal problems.The process of knowledge transfer between PROs and industry occurs through multiple channels of interaction, however the effectiveness of different channels on the benefits perceived by both agents differs. Based on micro data of academic researchers and firms in Mexico, this paper explores what channels of interactions are the most effective for triggering different benefits received by researchers and firms involved in such interactions. We built two Heckman´s two-step estimation procedure models, one for researchers and one for firms. The first stage determines the drivers of interaction and then eliminates the selection bias, while the second identify the most important channels to benefit from interaction. Our findings suggest that researchers are knowledge driven rather than economic driven, as they valuate more Intellectual than Economic benefits. Firms perceive Production benefits as more important than Innovation benefits, which suggest that they tend to connect to PRO for short-term problem solving rather than to get insights for long-term innovative strategies. The Bi-directional channel (knowledge flows in both directions) is the most important in providing benefits for both researchers (intellectual benefits) and firms (Innovation and Production benefits). Dual benefits coming from this channel could contribute to building virtual circles for PRO-industry interaction. But other channels are only effective either for researchers (Traditional) or for firms (Services), which raise a policy issue about the need identified the drivers that explain the likelihood of firms and researchers to establish linkages. In the case of researchers, the drivers that explain the probability to connect with firms are: (i) skills (knowledge), academic collaboration and (iii) institutiponal affiliation. In the case of firms, the main are the following: (i) openness strategy (particularly open sources and suppliers) and fiscal incentives for R&D, and (ii) perception about the role of PRO for the creation and transfer of knowledge.university-industry linkages; collaboration drivers; channels of interaction; benefits; innovation policy; developing countries; Mexico.

    Las cárceles clandestinas mexicanas en la memoria de sus sobrevivientes

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    Ocultas al saber público, las cárceles clandestinas en México funcionaron como el principal dispositivo para concentrar, torturar y desaparecer a personas que se oponían al régimen autoritario. Funcionales entre las décadas del sesenta y ochenta, estos espacios fueron administrados por elementos de las fuerzas de seguridad federales y locales. Decenas ingresaron por sus puertas, aunque no todos salieron con vida de estas. Pese a la secrecía en la que se les mantuvo, los sobrevivientes de esta experiencia han contribuido a su identificación. En ese sentido, este artículo propone un modelo de entrevista con sobrevivientes de experiencias de detención clandestina que evite la revictimización, al mismo tiempo que indague sobre la aportación que los testimonios de exdetenidas y exdetenidos puede hacer para conocer la localización geográfica, las dimensiones materiales e inmateriales, las relaciones con los represores al interior de estos espacios.&nbsp

    Historia y derechos humanos

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    Encrucijadas del exilio uruguayo : una observación basada en los agostos mexicanos de 1977 y 1978

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    Los exilios como colectivos organizados asumieron la tarea sustantiva de denunciar las dictaduras y lograr la mayor solidaridad. Para concretala enfrentaron dilemas en el orden ético político. Éstos emergen cuando en situaciones en que pueden coincidir en el mismo espacio demandas comunes de grupos sociales y políticos del país receptor con las que sostienen los exiliados. Un principio de no intervención en la política mexicana, como Estado receptor, obligó formalmente a no participar en internamente mientras que una necesaria estrategia de ampliar la solidaridad desembocó en alianzas, no siempre empáticas, con quienes desde los países de expulsión podrían considerarse adversarios. En el espacio mexicano de esos años, esta lógica de conveniencia y convicción parece haber permitido una relación armónica con aliados supuestamente pasajeros como con amigos cercanos. Aquí se presenta un ejemplo de esta encrucijada. A la vez, se formulan argumentos sobre cómo puede reverse y hasta quizá interpelar aquel momento decisivo para este exili

    México en el Cono Sur: asilo diplomático y lecciones de su práctica en los años setenta

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    For the traditional Mexican asylum policy, the 1970s proved significant by confrontation with other realities. They were also significant because of the challenges that diplomacy had to overcome with the existing instrument (Convention on Diplomatic Asylum of 1954). They were also significant because of the various perceptions of risk of the protection applicants, as well as for the particular interests of the Mexican State regarding its peers in Southern Latin America. An approach to the experiences of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay makes it possible to observe considerations and variables presented to the same asylum State, Mexico, from political realities that appeared similar and simultaneous but that were not so according to the facts.From writing the history of its distinctive aspects, the article observes some core issues of the norm regulated in 1954. From this observation, it will be possible to determine ways of interpretation and its application. This journey will lead to a possible explanation of the tensions between the norm and the facts of the asylum, highlighting that the former did not fit the circumstances in which it was applied. The final reflection is potentially useful in the light of a new and diverse present, where protagonists in the decision making are located, both in the (re)elaboration of the inter-American legal instruments as in the national ones. But these experiences should not be ignored in the formation of the diplomatic corps of the various chancelleries.Para la tradicional política de asilo mexicana, los años setenta resultaron significativos por confrontación con otras realidades. Resultaron, a la vez, significativos por los retos que la diplomacia debió sortear con el instrumento vigente (Convención de Asilo Diplomático de 1954). También lo fueron por las distintas apreciaciones sobre el riesgo de los solicitantes de protección, así como por los intereses particulares del Estado mexicano respecto a sus pares del sur latinoamericano.Un acercamiento a las experiencias de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay hace posible observar consideraciones y variables que se le presentan a un mismo Estado asilante, el mexicano, ante realidades políticas en apariencia similares y simultáneas, pero que no lo eran en los hechos.A partir de historiar sus aspectos distintivos, en el artículo se observan algunos asuntos medulares de la norma regulada en 1954. Asimismo, con esa observación será posible delimitar formas de interpretación y de su aplicación. Este recorrido desembocará en una posible explicación de las tensiones que se produjeron entre la norma y los hechos del asilo, advirtiendo que la primera no se ajustaba a las circunstancias en que se aplicó. La reflexión final es factible que sea útil a la luz de un nuevo y diverso presente, en donde se ubican protagonistas en la toma de decisiones, tanto en la (re) elaboración de los instrumentos jurídicos interamericanos como en los nacionales. Pero estas experiencias no deberían obviarse en la formación del cuerpo diplomático de las distintas cancillerías